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/lit/ - Literature

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10873929 No.10873929 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize this is THE truth?

>> No.10874090

which translation?

>> No.10874093
File: 592 KB, 1060x1598, Battlefield Earf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly man-animal. This is the truth.

>> No.10874104

dat azz n tiddies is da truf

>> No.10874109

When I decided that fiction is the new reality.

>> No.10874116

Says who? Lel.

>> No.10874118

this but unironically

>> No.10874123

jesus this shit is over 1k pages long which honestly makes me want to read it even worse

>> No.10874178
File: 39 KB, 292x450, 0008213_douay-rheims-bible-black-leather-personal_450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one that matters.

>> No.10874212
File: 164 KB, 300x300, jGTt0RsALZUAcvIqG5X_SNg1Mh-RA0U5zOiE5t1uBVgVGWRkp5AJIlx_n6blLYp3AHg=w300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just before I realized THIS is the truth

>> No.10874215
File: 130 KB, 800x560, 800px-Talmud_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading fanfic

>> No.10874220
File: 26 KB, 333x499, 41FZrKxSWaL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic OP, think you meant to post this.

>> No.10874293

When you decided? Who are you?

>> No.10874305

Nice butt

>> No.10874318
File: 273 KB, 1200x1800, 81_pE1d1DnL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't handle the truth.

>> No.10874519

>implying you can read Hebrew at all and didn't memorize a passage by rote for your bar mitzvah

>> No.10874528

>yes have sex with your daughters
>kill your first born son to prove your faith
>circumcise all of your followers to prove your faith
How could anyone follow this psychological poison?

>> No.10874557

Imagine being so weak willed you need an external omniscient daddy figure to rub your head and tell you you're a good boy

>> No.10874561
File: 37 KB, 645x773, wojakchamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confusing the moral laws in religious costume for the philosophy of love that will be the salvation of mankind

you are the brainlet of the day my man GJGE

>> No.10874579

The Old Testament really destroys the potential of the New Testament and Jesus being true.

>> No.10874582

you should look up Spartan, Germanic, Nordic, Indian, Iranian aristocratic behavior and then cut off a finger for me

>> No.10874627

You haven't read well enough.

>> No.10874632

>philosophy of love
>god literally turns people to salt

>> No.10874644

absolutely love retards in every christ thread that dont understand faith

>> No.10874648

once again you prove your ignorance famalam. you are confusing Yahweh the vengeful god of the Israelites with the Christian god of the new testament. maybe try cracking a bible open once before posting in a bible thread thanks.

>> No.10874652

im at least ya'll on this board read the greeks first before confining your miserable lives to pseudo amazing atheism

>> No.10874656

*glad also im retarded too but ill go to confession lol

>> No.10874666
File: 69 KB, 600x705, iOzfCdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read enough.

>> No.10874689

How can the Bible juxtapose deep truths about the human condition with utterly retarded bullshit?

>> No.10874706

Define "the truth"

>> No.10874734

If the bible is true then how it doesn't confirm to our 21st century sensibilities?

Checkmate christcucks.

>> No.10874763

>prehistoric society
>helps shape western values and customs

>> No.10874766

>David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

How based was David, /lit/?

>> No.10874794
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But it was anthropologically and historically confirmed when I read pic related

>> No.10874796

gtf off my board, christfaggot

>> No.10874941
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, laughing duck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It conforms to my sensibility, my sense of humor to be precise.

>> No.10875005

What is it with this board and its hard-on for laws written for sheepfuckers 2,000+ years ago

>> No.10875028

Is this some kind of wacky protestant bullshit because you fuckers are too lazy to think?
We follow the same God.
The God of the OT is our God in the NT.
What the other lad should've responded with is that the OT is filled with hyperbole, metaphor and other literary devices, because for a very very long time it was oral tradition before becoming written tradition. So Lot's wife literally becoming a pile of salt is unlikely.

>> No.10875286

>the bible
>deep truths

>> No.10875369

Who is the worst Apostle and why is it luke?

>> No.10875544

the talmud is in aramaic you fucking turbopleb

>> No.10875550
File: 135 KB, 628x960, Zarathustra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible is old hat.

>> No.10875660

Why would they put that in a children's book?

The best bible for kids that I saw cut out all of that stuff and made it more about a general message of loving another and trying to be good.

>> No.10875759
File: 7 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You question the words of the mighty Jimmy?!

>> No.10875797

What kid wouldn't want to hear that story?

>> No.10877056

You haven't. It would be cute that you think you have, if it weren't attitudes like yours undermining Western Civilization.

>> No.10877059 [DELETED] 

Your post is almost vomit inducing. You don't understand childr

>> No.10877076

The Bible was compiled and even standardized well before the Talmud came into existence.

>> No.10877106

Paul is the worst
Fight me

>> No.10877108

It’s bits of at least partially spurious and mostly very violent history, mixed with irrelevant and strict social regulations and rules which don’t really apply today (don’t eat shellfish) but which may have had some purpose or meaning in their time, and may have been added by other scribes/edited after, mixed with occasional parables with deep meaning, significance, and beauty which have influenced all of Western civilization. I think The Bible is the one book where you actually should not be criticized for cherry picking from it, but are, in fact, OBLIGED to cherry pick from it if you just want the parts with wisdom. Consider that the Bible we read today was arbitrarily pasted together by the early church. Some great and deep texts were left out which are thus now called apocrypha, and some texts which are not so good may have been included just through human error. I think people are immature to discount some of its deep meaning and beauty in some teachings just because of Christians who can’t admit not everything in the Bible is necessarily the word of God and it can’t necessarily all be made to fit and not contradict itself, since it’s a bunch of books written by different people over centuries and likely corrupted by editors, translators, and scribes along the way.

>> No.10877234

>It’s bits of at least partially spurious and mostly very violent history, mixed with irrelevant and strict social regulations and rules which don’t really apply today (don’t eat shellfish)
Yeah, that's called the Old Testament. There are three types of laws in the OT. Civil, Ceremonial and Moral.
Out of those 3, Christians are only bound to Moral laws (think of stuff like the 10 commandments), but the other two categories which include dietary and clothing requirements expired because of the new covenant in Christ.
>OBLIGED to cherry pick from it if you just want the parts with wisdom
I can't speak for other denominations, but the Catholic Church has writings on this stretching all the way back to the apostles that deals with matters such as what I spoke of earlier. It's not quite cherry picking to our 21st century sensibilities, but there is proper reasoning and theology behind it.
>because of Christians who can’t admit not everything in the Bible is necessarily the word of God
I'm yet to meet or hear of a single Christian who has ever claimed that the bible is the word of God.
Perhaps you're thinking of Muslims. Christians have never believed that the whole bible is the direct word of God, otherwise we would've never translated the bible, just as Muslims don't translate the Quran.

>> No.10877245

which book of his?

>> No.10877251

Ok while we're all here, should I actually bother reading the Bible? never read any of it

>> No.10877266

Relatively early from three standpoints:
- miraculous
- coincidental
- philosophical/historical/anthropological

in that chronological order. Ironically despite miraculous being the first appearance of truth, I did not really think of God much for years and years until later on.

>> No.10877273

Not even proddies are this heretical. This is pure gnosticism. Even some gnostic sects find this particular literal interpretation unsavory.

>> No.10877279

Only when I started seeing how the Gospel fit into my personal experience of life and then later on the historical narrative of man did I really start scratching the surface of conscious faith.

>> No.10877290

When I stopped going to churches designed for neurotypical people to initiate religious feels.

>> No.10877302

KJV for the beautiful language. NRSV-CE for study.

>> No.10877326


I had fun studying the Synoptic problem for the first time. Also the Wisdom books of the Old Testament are worthwhile. If you want to read it, read it. Do research on translation according to your needs first, though. Don't just ask what the "best" one is.

I think the fact that I'm not neurotypical is what draws me to religion

>> No.10877472

>KJV was translated for the common uneducated man to understand some 500 years ago
>it's now beautiful because we no longer talk like that, but associate it with our year 9 English class where we read Romeo and Juliet.
I feel sorry for you.

>> No.10878306

>complains about fanfic
>Posts the fucking talmud
Anon, what are you doing

>> No.10878687

Jerusalem. Chapters and verses have no meaning or basis, they have no right to butcher the text.

>> No.10878692

I loled

>> No.10878869

because Luke was not a real apostolic text. it was invented to help set the foundations for an evangelical movement for a unified church.

>> No.10878896

I feel sorry for you for bein so salty, bub

>> No.10878901

OP, if you really want to be a Christian, then you must understand that Jesus is the Truth. The Bible is just a vessel which delivers Him to you.

>> No.10878932

>>10 commandments
Didn't know you guys obverved the shabat

>> No.10879190

idk how u havent met a self proclaimed christian who takes shit this literally because they are all over in Amrika and are monumentally retarded in how they implement Gods word

>gods word
>i dont have to do anything to be saved, i can fuck and have abortions to my hearts content

>> No.10879582
File: 33 KB, 399x637, The Eternal Abrahamic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
