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/lit/ - Literature

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10872998 No.10872998 [Reply] [Original]

I need literature entailing the details of characters who embody the dark triad. They need to be cunning, charming, manipulative, narcissistic, and ambitious. I'd prefer works where the character has a radical change of heart, and either falls into despair and madness, or has a change of heart and is broken under the weight of his transgressions.

Thank you.

>> No.10873016

Bump for manipulative people, just love dem

>> No.10873022

Woland in Master and Margarita
Ivan in Brothers K
Christine or whatever her name is in East of Eden
Iago in Othello

>> No.10873029

>Iago in Othello

I loved this character so much.

>> No.10873039
File: 28 KB, 775x407, 2018-03-11_1802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to nominate the author of this awesome spam i received recently

>> No.10873137

Fucking indians man. Im not racist but these guys make me close.

>> No.10873287

True Black Mirror level stuff there.

>> No.10873380
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b u m p

>> No.10873398

just watch any contemporary softcore porn tv series. Narcos, Game of Thrones, House of Cards. Don't need a book to see a good old fashioned sociopath. Doesn't everyone love em. Goddamn don't you wish you could fuck over everyone you love and commit acts of insane cruelty for the sake of having more sex money and power than other humans? Modern society is sick to the head for real

>> No.10873413

pablo's dead, tywin's been murdered, kevin spacey's career erupted into flames

moralfag plz go

>> No.10873424

sociopaths are the niggers of the civilized races. gtfo coon lover

>> No.10873435
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I understand why you're upset, but I'm looking for the romanticized depiction of sociopaths, and not just your average criminal too retarded to function in society.