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10871863 No.10871863 [Reply] [Original]

I've just read a short history of Christian philosophy covering mostly the Medieval period with Aquinas and the rest of the Scholastic philosophers, but also a bit of Augustine, Descartes and Spinoza.

In typical 4chan fashion I will summarise what I've learned in condescending greentext:

>I'm too scared to let go of my faith so I'll spend my entire life trying to reconcile everything I learn with my childish ideas of God

The only thing left for me to read is Kierkegaard. Is it more of the bullshit as above? I really don't care how you try to spin things to make them in line with your beliefs, I don't wanna hear it.

>> No.10871896
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>I read a short history, ergo, I am an expert. Checkmate, Christians.

>> No.10871901
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>> No.10871950

I'm actually a fideist. If people--including myself--want to be religious or have faith of any kind, that's fine, but don't try to drag logic and reason into it because it's comically futile.

Yes he was part of the scholastics, it's ironic how his claim to fame is now used against him. LMAO.

>> No.10871968

Barely any of Christian philosophy has to do with the existence of God, it was taken as practically given fact until the 18th century
If the history book you read ephasized this question then you've read a bad history book

>> No.10871986

>reads a short history book
>thinks he understands the medieval philosophers

>> No.10871997

Seriously. Foucault spent decades studying them and he still got them wrong.

>> No.10872010

lololol le fedora.jpg destroys atheism yet again hahahaha

You have the patience of a saint yourself by the sounds of it. I'm up to my teeth with work at the moment, but I mean to read through scholastic texts once I'm off at summer or something.
The crown-of-thorn-tipping christian shitlords on this website haven't really encouraged me though

>> No.10872030
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>> No.10872034

He didn't read the scholastics, he read ABOUT the scholastics.

>> No.10872135

When does Foucault talk about them?

>> No.10872204

>implying you need to devote half of your waking hours in order to grasp the subtleties of W0KE christian theology otherwise you're just a smoothbrian pleb

That's not how it works. That's not how philosophy works at all. Christian theology is false not because of some complex dissemination about how Aquina's Five Arguments are based on faulty reasoning, but because it's just fucking false.

There is much wisdom to be found in it, sure, but as a metaphysical system it can only ever be a mid-point, not the end goal.

>> No.10872277

>it's just fucking false

>> No.10872287
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>The crown-of-thorn-tipping christian shitlords on this website haven't really encouraged me though

>> No.10872338

Well the metaphysics were certainly about God. Ethics was basically Biblical interpretations realigned with Greek philosophy, Epistemology was similar - "how can we make Christianity and empiricism compatible?" Everything was about compatibility.

>> No.10872354

Not being mean but you don't seem to be a very keen thinker. Did you even start with the Greeks?

>> No.10872397

I've actually spent considerable time reading everything from Greeks to 19th century philosophy EXCEPT medieval philosophy and anything related to religion.

I was about to delve into 20th century philosophy but I thought I'd go back and fill in the gaps first. So far I don't regret having skipped Jewish, Islamic and Christian philosophy, and I couldn't care less for the medieval period, people argue about where the Dark Age begins and ends, I say the entire age was bullshit.

>> No.10872410

>I say the entire age was bullshit.
not the anon you are speaking to but WOW. when you finally get over your reactionary bias against religion, you'll be kicking yourself for ignoring christian philosophy for as long as you did. it actually makes a lot of later philosophers look like charlatans and fakes.

>you don't seem to be a very keen thinker
you are spot fucking on my man

>> No.10872423

Did you drop Plato because he was just trying to fit metaphysics to match his personal pagan world view?

>> No.10872427

>people argue about where the Dark Age begins and ends

Smart people don't even use this term anymore actually

>> No.10872447

I said in this very thread that I have nothing against Christianity or religion, or belief in God. I actually read theology and have no problem with it. The issue with "Christian philosophy" or any other religion-based philosophy is that building logical and metaphysical systems to somehow "prove" or work alongside religious doctrines is retarded.

Plato's entire philosophy didn't revolve around religion.

I hadn't heard that term since school but as I was reading this it popped into my head. The thought that humanity wasted ten centuries of progress... and somehow you people can't understand why some get angry at Christianity.

>> No.10872467

>Plato's entire philosophy didn't revolve around religion.

It certainly could be argued to, especially if one takes as naive a reading of him as you seem to treat the Christian thinkers.

>> No.10872494

Okay then please tell me which primary text I should focus on. Take your best shot because after this I will give up. You can change an anon's life here.

>> No.10872512
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Your life is your own Anon, if its the truth you'll find your way back eventually.
In either case I would actually start with Paul of Tarsus and look into David Bentley Hart who is supremely good at translating Christian thought to language familiar to posters here
Your interest in Kierkegaard is also well placed, he's an absolute favorite of mine

>> No.10872517
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>but because it's just fucking false

>> No.10872527

Thanks will do. Goodnight.

>> No.10872531

>I'm actually a fideist. If people--including myself--want to be religious or have faith of any kind, that's fine, but don't try to drag logic and reason into it because it's comically futile.
calm down Luther

you know Scholasticism is based
don't forget we are made in the image and likeness of God
>human reason is in the likeness of God

>> No.10872556

After reading the scholastics all I can think about is how brainlet tier philosophers right after them were. I dont understand how schools everywhere teach this era as a "Dark Age", unironically made me start considering that the education system is hijacked by jew, pedo, gay overlords who hate Christianity.