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File: 133 KB, 1242x622, F1DCBCE0-1A41-44B9-937C-37FC7C02417A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10871600 No.10871600 [Reply] [Original]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10871612

I dont know, it is never the whole story. it is as if he's making fun of poor people. It probably means $1900 of book sales, in the same way that musicians dont make much from albums but do from appearances.

>> No.10871621

Hes made it as an artist

>> No.10871622

dat nigga be getting advances

>> No.10871625

why do I want to be a writer again?

>> No.10871626

So musicians don't much from albums but make money from shows. Writers don't make much money from books but make money from: ?

>> No.10871628

You want people to think you’re smart and you’re afraid of death

>> No.10871632

Paid appearances/conversations/weird private skype things

>> No.10871640

first one yes, second one no.

>> No.10871647

>Would you like a drink with that order?

>> No.10871649


what a nobody, he could make that much a month if he only had a real online presence and a patreon

>> No.10871658

Sounds like a shitty lifestyle. I would't want to be a writer to talk to people expecting me to say some brilliant things about lit.

Pynchon must be poor af then, but a least he has a film adaptation.

>> No.10871667

He's a blue blood New Yorker

>> No.10871670

I think he's smart enough to figure a way to make money outside lit. He has an apartment in NYC, ffs.

>> No.10872104

He was born rich, then?

>> No.10872114

>weird skype things
show feet bb

>> No.10872119

>. it is as if he's making fun of poor people

What, like Africa poor?

>> No.10872128

I really doubt ANY fiction writer makes more money from those things than books
Some meme non-fiction writers do but only the kind who nobody actually reads their books

>> No.10873006

If you look into the lives of working artists and writers, you will find so many of them have alternate means of support. Especially if they live in NYC.

>> No.10873018

There's a difference between supplemental supports and an actual day job
Tao is going to flipping burgers in five years

>> No.10873041

since we're taoposting, does anyone know wtf happened to the muumuu house and the alt-lit scene? seemed like that was about to blow up some years ago, ppl were literally comparing muumuu to the paris expat scene in the 20s, but i haven't heard anything about Boyle, Lin, Cicero in ages. wtf happened?

>> No.10873050

> ppl were literally comparing muumuu to the paris expat scene in the 20s, but i haven't heard anything about Boyle, Lin, Cicero in ages. wtf happened?

Are you retarded? They missed the key ingredient RECOGNISABLE TALENT

>> No.10873061

Tao's dad is some sort of science guy who has patents for laser eye surgery but also did jailtime for some white collar shit and then moved back to Taiwan.

His parents bought him an apartment in Manhattan.

He's not going to flip shit.

>> No.10873079

When I see stuff like this I always remember reading how Steven Erickson was given 100K upfront to write 10 massive ungainly fantasy books, after he presented his publisher with a rough outline for the entire saga.

I assume it is similar within more tasteful literary scenes? That the real money is getting paid up front for a book by a publisher rather than the sales of the book?

>> No.10873090

He'll be flipping something. Asian parents don't subsidize failures

>> No.10873209

Literally how. I made $1900 in the last two weeks

>> No.10873216

>how does a 34 year old NEET with zero marketable skills not make money

>> No.10873217

TL is 34? What the actual fuck

>> No.10873223

I saw this and assumed he meant reportable on his tax returns. So he's probably making off the books money through shit, or just living on a big advance from previous tax years or saved money.

Or he's just bullshitting us because he's tao Lin and he's a funny dude like that

>> No.10873226
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>Asian parents don't subsidize failures

>> No.10873228
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>> No.10873236

He spends thousands in airfare and lodging each year alone.

>> No.10873384

Hikki's aren't subsidized so much as they found a way to short circuit Asian parents.
Like how a blackhole starts breaking certain constraints of physics once it reaches a singularity point hikki's break the constraints of Asian parents by reaching a singularity point of failure

>> No.10873437

>Pynchon must be poor af then

Pynchon is a very, very popular author. Tao Lin is not.

>V. and The Crying of Lot 49 had each sold more than three million copies in their Bantam mass-market editions. (Let us pause here to contemplate what these numbers say about the extent of literacy in the America of the ’60s. Then I suggest we all commit suicide.) [...] Gravity's Rainbow went on to spend four weeks on the Times fiction list, selling some 45,000 copies in paper and cloth combined. Its Bantam mass-market edition, published one year later, sold about 250,000 copies over the course of ten years.

Even though the author makes a tiny % of the sales price, when you sell millions of copies it adds up.

>> No.10873454

and you're not smart enough to just be a university professor so that publishing would be a required part of your job

>> No.10873455

this, and pynchon work was translated to many languages (i know there are many works in portuguese and spanish)

>> No.10873500

who's paying for all the drugs and kale then?

>> No.10873534

ya well advances have to be paid back if ur shit doesnt sell, that's how the record industry gets rappers hooked, give them a shitty bentley or some other overpriced luxury crap as part of the advance and since it depreciated the minute the poor bastard drove it home, he has no way to pay back the advance, so now he has to keep churning out albums for u, idk how it works in publishing, but i doubt tao lin's shit is selling too good, maybe he should take a job as a writing adjunct

>> No.10873548

Going to see this walking meme speak in May. Haven't read any of his books. Where should I start (I promise to buy used so I don't contribute to him making more than 1900 in 2018)?

>> No.10873870

you going to the Trip reading too? /It/ meetup now

>> No.10873884

I'm more afraid of life than I'm afraid of death
You can be the biggest piece of shit in the world and if you die Young it's still a tragedy

>> No.10873888

how does he afford drugs

>> No.10873957

You guys realize he is bankrolled by his dad? His dad is probably worth tens of millions of dollars.

>> No.10873958

their two day jobs

>> No.10873963

yes we all know he's a trustfund hipster

>> No.10873967

Why would he lie about that?

>> No.10873975

That's more than he deserves.

>> No.10873976

His day pays for his living and travelling expenses.

>> No.10873984
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He has like 8 published works, he's not a failure by any means.

>> No.10874004
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Popular ones make boatloads from book sales. If Tao isn't making money it's simply because his books aren't selling.

Other writers who get critical acclaim but aren't huge sellers can get professorships and write for magazines that pay better than literary journals.

If you fall into neither of those camps then you need another source of income.

Pynchon has not only sold millions of books but he's from an old-money New England family and married a Roosevelt. People who've stalked him enough to know where he lives have reported that he lives in a beautiful Prewar-six on the Upper-West Side.

Last I heard anything about Tao he was a personal assistant to some rich guy in Pennsylvania, not exactly living it up with a Manhattan bachelor pad.

>> No.10874157

twice as much as I made last year

>> No.10874161

So he's a gofor and a butt monkey. Voice of a generation my ass.

>> No.10874163

$18 a week? You a hobo?

Or do you mean you made 1900, after expenses?

>> No.10874166

>His dad is probably worth tens of millions of dollars.
>His dad is a retired physics professor.
Are they really worth that much?

>> No.10874192

that's more than i made tbqph

>> No.10874210

Which one are you going to (if there are more than one planned)?

>> No.10874284

If I'm not wrong they just let them be out of shame

>> No.10874374

His dad has patents on pretty valuable laser surgery devices/techniques.

>> No.10874380

We should seen em back to """"Taiwan"""" and collectivise his patents.

>> No.10874538

It means he’s doing his taxes

>> No.10874988

don't worry he has millions of dollars saved from selling batteries

>> No.10875981

>Last I heard anything about Tao he was a personal assistant to some rich guy in Pennsylvania, not exactly living it up with a Manhattan bachelor pad.
Last I heard of him he was walking the beaches of Hawaii with his cute gf enjoying that sweet advance money

>> No.10875994

I believe it

>> No.10876095

5 years ago, I made close to 300k in less than a year. Been living off that money for a while, productivity went off a cliff, starting to slowly make money again

>> No.10876267

So, basically, they they're failures who're subsidized by their Asian parents

>> No.10876275

Go take your meds, Tao.

>> No.10876277

His millionaire father still supports him so its pretty irrelevant how much he makes. He is also an only child so he will inherit all of his parents millions.

>> No.10876282

He got $1900 in tax returns

>> No.10876315

Sound like fucked up asian versions of the Icandenzas

>> No.10876319

>Last I heard anything about Tao he was a personal assistant to some rich guy in Pennsylvania, not exactly living it up with a Manhattan bachelor pad.
Who would hire Tao Lin as an assistant? What exactly can he do?

>> No.10876355

He made they much from book royalties.

>> No.10876360

He's got the twink build, so probably something related to that.

>> No.10876369
File: 43 KB, 178x182, Jui_Teng_Lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son I am disapoint. I wanted you to go to university and become a doctor instead you take drugs and write degeneracy.

>> No.10876390

Pynchon died last week. The news has yet to break.

>> No.10876537
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>> No.10876782

overpaid desu

>> No.10876841

Who else should I read if I love the contemporary subject matter, categorical way of thinking, and dry humor of Tao Lin's works?

>> No.10876866

Isn't he that mathematician?

>> No.10877286
File: 80 KB, 564x709, arnold inclined press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a unabashed narcissist,and theres nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10878631

>zero marketable skills
name recognition / branding is a marketable skill. Tao Lin is relatively well known

>> No.10878727

this, come on /lit/

>> No.10878733
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Write a terrible book and sell to Hollywood for a terrible movie full of CGI

>> No.10878814

Have you ever considered not being massive piece of shit? I think that would solve your problem.

>> No.10879246

How the fuck

>> No.10879251

Must admit I am the shit like colonics

>> No.10879782

Tao worked as an assistant in Pennsylvania when he was like 23 and living there with his gf (male) at the time. He wrote IMDB entries or something for some Bollywood star.

>> No.10880225

is this guy even real

>> No.10880411

>He has like 8 published works, he's not a failure by any means.

He is if no one fucking reads them

>> No.10880417

>name recognition / branding is a marketable skill
No it absolutely is not
>Tao Lin is relatively well known
Not really

>> No.10881488

plenty of people read them.

and plenty of great authors only became celebrated afterwards

>> No.10881531

The thing about 4chinners thinking no one reads him is that they would have to leave the house to know that people DO go to readings/release parties and anyone who reads him anyway is either corresponding with Tao or supports him in another way. For example, I am published by a diy company that has its own bookshop. Its a tiny but stable scene which draws in visual/tattoo artists, restaurateurs, filmmakers, musicians, yoginis, actors, etc. Building relationships with those people often like minded (if pleb) means free food, tattoos and concerts and sponsorships. Therefore most starving artists of any kind never pay for these things!

>> No.10881623

A lot of people here are just scared of the cognitive dissonance that comes with Tao being successful I think.

>> No.10881661
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>Tao Lin has more than likely been in this thread

Tao stop slacking off and write your 1,500 page magnum opus already

>> No.10881664

he's writing Leaving Society as we speak m'lady

>> No.10881690

What do we know about it so far?

>> No.10882060

I made $0 IN 2017

>> No.10882127

I made a game for xbox 360's (xblig) that sold a lot in 2012/2013

>> No.10882175

Nigger if he was successful he would have made more than 2k last year, how stupid are you

>> No.10882203

>I assume it is similar within more tasteful literary scenes? That the real money is getting paid up front for a book by a publisher rather than the sales of the book?
Possibly even more so, since very very few people buy 'literary fiction'. But that would also mean the advances are proportionately less.

>> No.10882221

there isn't a translation of taipei to my language , and my English is just okay, should i get it or is it difficult?

>> No.10882235

You should just roll up your money and slide it up your ass since it'd be as much use to the world

>> No.10882723

He means that he is totally comp'd while the rest of you work at blah blah blah. Also, I need to borrow $1900.

>> No.10883319

Tao Lin is writing it.

>> No.10883428
File: 287 KB, 1099x1600, t3_6ifakb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name recognition / branding is a marketable skill
>No it absolutely is not
pic related.

>> No.10883429

also a author like Pynchon is someone a publisher would be willing to lose money on because of the prestige he brings to their house

>> No.10883449


>> No.10883477
