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10869027 No.10869027 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a horror book that will scare the shit out of me. Any suggestions?

>> No.10869057

hungry moon

>> No.10869091

I'm currently 50 books into a horror binge. Anything in particular you'd like to read about?

>> No.10869140

Nothing in particular really. I like mind-fuck kind of stuff though.

>> No.10869142

the hungry moon.

>> No.10869149

>getting scared by words

Nobody does this. Horror novels are the most pointless thing ever created.

>> No.10869152

clearly you aren't reading the right horror novels. they're supposed to unsettle you, not give you a fookin jump scare

>> No.10869164

Alright, I'll just throw some random stuff out there for you then.

The Exorcist - better than the movie.
House of Leaves - the only book to legitimately keep me up at night, even though it's not "scary."
The Troop - Body horror at its finest.
The Body Snatchers - sci-fi/horror, a classic.
Blindsight/Echopraxia - sci-fi/horror, mindfuck.
Hell House - classic ghost story
Throne of Bones - fantasy/horror. my personal favorite from this list. make sure you get the McNaughton version, not the similarly titled book by Vox Day.

Those should do you for a while. After I finish my binge I'm going to make an infographic, so keep your eyes open for it.

>> No.10869241

House by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. Yes it's "Christian literature" technically but I've never been so scared by a book.

>> No.10869260
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>> No.10869275

50 Shades

>> No.10869311

What does lit think of The Fisherman?

>> No.10869316

By John Langan, I should mention.

>> No.10869423

I love this book. My parents are evangelicals so I grew up reading Peretti and Decker. I'm glad I grew out of it but I'm still nostalgic.

>> No.10869424

What do ya'll think of It?

>> No.10869477

Going to second House of Leaves. One of if not my all time favorite books. It’s ridiculous and intriguing and intensely unsettling all at once. Highly recommend, even though the format takes some getting used to.

>> No.10869560


Here are some lesser known hidden gems I've discovered in the last couple years:

Michael McDowell - The Elementals
John Farris - All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By
Robert McCammon - Boy's Life
Joe R Lansdale - The Drive-In
Edward Lee - The Bighead
- City Infernal
Bryan Smith - The Depraved
Brian Keene - The Conqueror Worms
Jeremy Robert Johnson - Skullcrack City
Carlton Mellick III - Zombies and Shit
Agota Kristoff - The Notebook, The Proof, The Third Lie
Tom Piccirilli - A Choir of Ill Children
Dathan Auerbach - Penpal
Scott Snyder - Severed (graphic novel)

>> No.10870422

Read the "Budget of The United States", a Government Publishing Office joint.

If that don't scare you, nothing will.

>> No.10870454
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Came here to post this

Probably the only book thus far from 2017 I have wanted to read, and it was pretty great. A pretty sincere work with great imagery and characters.

>> No.10870468

Yeah, all those gimmicks are truly horrible. I couldn't sleep for a week thinking on how this hack scammed me to buy his "book"

>> No.10871132


Shouldn't you be reading Ulysses on the subway or some shit?

>> No.10871134

>Tom Piccirilli - A Choir of Ill Children
my nigga. great fusion of southern gothic and body horror.

>> No.10871139

MR James

>> No.10871185


Hey asshole,
you forgot to recommend a book that is going to make OP shit his pants.
Otherwise nobody cares what you think.
Sincerely, Everybody on This Thread

>> No.10871215

Why is this book always touted as being unsettling? I've never read it but am interested in it.

>> No.10871277

Any Karl Marx

>> No.10871282
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Thomas Ligotti - My Work Is Not Yet Done

>> No.10871514

Dude who posted the list here. It's just something about the atmosphere and the "gimmicky" way the book is written. It's not something you'd consider traditionally scary in the least. Something about it just stuck with me and kept me up thinking about it at night as I read it and a few nights after.

>> No.10871605

OP here just saying thanks for that list

>> No.10871607
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Laird Barron usually does the trick

>> No.10871608

And thank you for this list as well

>> No.10871664

Shut the fuck up nerd.