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10863671 No.10863671 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger pop culture clusterfuck than this?

>> No.10863682

oh look, this thread AGAIN.

>> No.10863722
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>> No.10864357

Actually had this idea for over a decade now. Could have made millions if I wrote it first. Too bad I suck at writing though :(

>> No.10864372

>Too bad I suck at writing though
That didn't stop Ernest Cline

>> No.10864492 [DELETED] 
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I got bored so I summarised it from memory

>world is shit but this dude made really cheap VR
>died and sent a dancing hologram of himself to everyone saying if you find something (I forget) you get all his money
>enter mc, some faggot kid in a slum
>so poor he can't get out of the hub world
>his school is in VRchat tho so he has the school planet and the hub world
>for some reason he discovers on the school world the first clue or something about where the treasure thing is
>gets loadsamone and recognition and shit since its announced to everyone that he got it first after like 10 years
>some shit happens and he gets the second clue thing
>he also meets some Asians or something
>all the while this mega Corp is trying to get the treasure too because they want all the money and shit
>they kill the Asian guy and imprison the mc irl
>he blows up the slum he was living in
>he breaks out and gets into VRchat again and finds the last piece
>finds out his best friend is a black lesbian and his other best friend is actually a girl but with one of those skin condition where its all purple on her face
>anyway he and the lesbo drive out to meet the vice president of VRchat and they get back in
>the last bit is inside the HQ of the mega corp
>mc keikakus hard, having set a drone to nuke the mega corp. Hacked it while in prison
>thanks to some item he got earlier he survives the nuke and goes to last section
>for some reason mega corp does as well
>last section includes just saying all the lines from Holy grail and war games
>despite false tension, mc wins and hologram of dude from beginning goes good job faggot
>tells him he can shut it off forever if he wants
>mc gets the skin condition girl and all the money in the world
I'm glad I got this on my kindle and not physically

>> No.10864526

I started reading this yesterday because of the upcoming movie but I just discovered it was written by a physically repulsive non-ironic soyboy who celebrates porn, and now I'm hating this book before even finishing it.

>> No.10864866

Can you explain to me why Ready Player One is shit or link to a detailed review of its writing?

>> No.10864873

The novel in the OP explains those points pretty thoroughly

>> No.10864875

Bleeding Edge

>> No.10864891

How does it compare to Eragon?

>> No.10864907

>read RPO for 1 day and only started hating it once you learned who and what the author is
How does it feel not being able to identify shit even when you're eating it?

>> No.10865261

I'm only about 20 pages in. Shit hasn't manifested in full yet.

>> No.10865278
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>> No.10865286

I thought American literature had hit rock bottom with Martin until I read this POS.

>> No.10865287

>not being able to identify shit by the first syllable

>> No.10865384

No way do people see Mad Max as a good trilogy

The first is OK exploitation cinema, the second is cool but dated and the third is camp trasho with some cool bits.

Really Fury Road fucking blew the original trilogy out of the water

>> No.10865399

What is the point of all this pop-culture research though? Can anyone who has read the book give some context? Right now it just reads like a long shopping list of name-dropping. It's difficult to read.

Also Akalabeth can get fucked. Ultima is where it's at.

>> No.10865401
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That's not even the worst thing Cline has penned.

>> No.10865414

He has to use them to find the mad professor's fun egg and win the gajillion dollars or something I think.

>> No.10865417

Unenlightened, Neanderthal frat boys
can continue to feign intolerance
at the taste or the smell, while boasting about the size of their phallus,
all of them leaving a sea of unsatisfied women in their wake

>> No.10865429

So there's clues in this bibliography/filmography/discography/etc of popular culture that is needed to win a big prize?

Alright I suppose that makes more sense if the protagonist is trying to convince the reader that he has the best chance of winning. Sounds fucking dumb out of context but with the context it just sounds mildly silly. I doubt I'll ever read it unless if someone gave me a copy but it doesn't sound like my kind of thing.

>> No.10865433

so he likes fat pimple pizza faces who watch Game of Thrones


>> No.10865437

It's retarded in-context as well, don't worry.

>> No.10865927

Why are the passages so short?

>> No.10865935

Why are there line breaks in middles of sentences when it's not a poem?

>> No.10866743

Serious question. The headlines for the motion picture are asking "Will this be the Black Panther for Gamers?"

I am not a "gamer." But I read this bubble gum book because somebody gave it to me as a gift. It's about the 80s. All the quest stuff is 80s trivia. War Games and PacMan. How is any of that supposed to appeal to the 15-25 crowd who play Call of Duty or Legend of Grimrock? Does anyone in that age bracket have the slightest interest in a two-hour odyssey through some X-er nostalgia carnival?

>> No.10866762
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It's a podcast by two guys from rifftrax/MST3K where they discuss RP1. Every now and then the hosts miss the point and betray that they aren't exactly literary scholars themselves, but most of the time they do a good job picking apart exactly what's wrong with Cline's work.

>> No.10866805

Nael Stephenson did it over 2 decades ago in "Snow Crash". Cline is a hack.

>> No.10866815

Mad Max, Road Warrior, and Fury Road. Great trilogy, what are you talking about?

>> No.10866846

If this was just shit writing, I could ignore this book. But what makes me truly angry is that all my love for anything listed in this book completely drains away. If I just wanted something comfy to relax with before bed, or read on the beach, these were the books and films I turned too. But then Ernest Cline came along and masturbated all over them. I can barely even look at the tattered spine of my Hitchhiker's Guide. I'm ashamed to even say Niel Gaiman's name. This one man has ruined pop culture for me.

>> No.10866852

It is a poem. Now do you realize the terror we're dealing with?

>> No.10866859

>Thunderdome conveniently forgotten

>> No.10866887

What's Thudnerdrome?

>> No.10866906


It completes the trilogy that >>10865384 was talking about.

>> No.10866931

They're all fantastic you plen

>> No.10866976

Right--Mad Max, Road Warrior, Fury Road. I'm confused, why are you showing me a Tina Turner musical?

>> No.10867029

lmao faggotr

>> No.10867090
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>found the 420 blazer who made these covers

>> No.10867093


>> No.10867150


>> No.10867325

I kind of want to read it just to shit on it

>> No.10867396

The guys who did MST3K did a podcast series where they read it and did just that

>> No.10867478

kek, that ending

>> No.10867516
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>Haha I understand all of these references! I am culturally well-versed!

>> No.10867540

I can imagine this is what the entirety of Reddit think.

>> No.10867550


>Japan? Did I cover Japan?
>Yes. Yes indeed.

I cringed the hardest at this line. Cline is objectively a worse writer than Rowling, King, Martin, and Meyer combined.

>> No.10867569


>> No.10867680

>The holy trilogies
The really spooky thing, is that these schlocky films and tv shows have replaced religion for a huge portion of young people in the west.

>> No.10867712


>"Will this be the Black Panther for Gamers?"

Oh my fucking god.

>> No.10867759

Liking DEVO and David Fincher doesn't make me like this guy, right?

>> No.10867780

nigga, are you a woman? last book i read at the beach was benjy's chapter from the sound and the fury.

>> No.10867825

>I'm ashamed to even say Niel Gaiman's name

or spell his name correctly, it seems

>> No.10867830
File: 137 KB, 500x566, thousands-of-african-americans-demand-refunds-becuase-they-found-out-30966312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are on to something.

>> No.10868337

Currently listening to it, and I'm really glad I found it before I went out and got the book, because good Lord is it ever awful. It's as if he was trying to discredit the nerdy pop culture movement that's been gaining momentum in the last 20 years by writing the single worst book he could as a love letter to it.

Podcast is funny though.

>> No.10868871

Its a fanfiction written by a manchild who couldn't decide which of his juvenile daydreams to write a book about. Movie looks cool though.

>> No.10868901

my diary desu

>> No.10868936

When's the last time you went to the beach? I'm guessing you don't have a job.

>> No.10868951

>being disappointed in the faithless
Damnation for thee, cretin.

>> No.10868960

I'll be honest, the reason I hate this is because it reminds me of myself when I was fifteen years old. It's a fundamentally juvenile attitude towards art that I'm ashamed I ever shared and have sincerely worked to grow out of. When I see somebody else that's proud to wallow in mediocrity and laziness, it reminds me of my own mediocrity and laziness, and it terrifies and repulses me.

>> No.10868991

most people who develop in capitalist society are like this, just be glad you grew out of it, most people don't.

>> No.10869014

Obsession with the spectacle. An inability to see the substance for the signs. Form without function. It spreads. How do we save ourselves?

>> No.10869178

>From the Police to Journey to REM to the Clash
>like Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, and Pink Floyd
there are literally two and a half (2.5) good bands there

>> No.10869818

Perfect, I'll check that out first to see if it's worth it lol

>> No.10869861

Cringed audibly.

>> No.10869947

I am going to fucking kill him.

>> No.10869958

lmao look at this tina turner simply the best movie trilogy faggot

>> No.10870098

>How is any of that supposed to appeal to the 15-25 crowd who play Call of Duty or Legend of Grimrock?
Because they will update the references to modern day trash, in the trailer you can see they included the iron giant and that bitch from overwatch

>> No.10871714

>the iron giant
not trash but your point is duly noted