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File: 11 KB, 225x224, hipkitty..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1083774 No.1083774 [Reply] [Original]

Sup e/lit/es,

I've heard that the current anti-hipster sentiments in popular culture are strongly related to anti-intellectualism. What do you think about this?

I know not all hipsters are intellectuals but from what I get from the usual stereotypes they seem to be a crowd interested in books, arts and music (even if it is just for posing).

>> No.1083787

Yeah, but they usually have very little knowledge about the things they act like they're interested in. People hate them because they treat the arts as novelties and don't take anything seriously. A lot of the hipster hate is rooted in class consciousness. But a lot of it has to do with people perceiving hipsters as being somehow disrespectful towards things that are presumably important.

>> No.1083791

hipsters don't matter

>> No.1083834

The very opposite: hipsterphobia is related not to anti-intellectualism but instead to true sophistication. Hipsters are the commercialized, diluted and kitsch bastard pop-art children of the 'intelligentsia.' They are to art (etc.) as Green Day is to punk.

>> No.1083870

The way I see it, liking certain music, books, fashion, etc, does not make you a hipster. What makes you a hipster is if you claim to enjoy something without actually enjoying or understanding it, simply because it's the "hip" thing to like it.

>> No.1083878

I see two kinds of anti-hipster attitudes:
1) Average bros who just dislike any kind of intellectual, arty type, usually just conservative reactionaries who just see anything that isn't conventional and mainstream as "wrong"
2) People who have honestly invested time into their interests regardless of trends/social perceptions and are pissed off at hipsters who cherry-pick the superficial aspects of those interests for the sake of building a reputation

>> No.1083918

well put. I've never thought about it that logically and concisely, but #2 is exactly why I have a vague dread about these horrible young people.

perhaps access is also a factor? It used to be, in order to access many of these phenomena, there was more of an initiation in terms of finding certain media/clothes/places and interacting with the people creating these very niche and marginalized cultures. There were always posers, but they still had to run that gauntlet IRL. Now everything's on the internet and it's just a free-for-all for dabblers. Sort of like summer-faggotry in that sense. Hipsters are definitely cancer like that.

>> No.1083933

2) definitely strikes a chord

>> No.1083963

But really, why should you (we/I) worry whether or not there are many people liking the music - fashion - art whatever that you do? Unless the reason you 'like' it is because nobody else does...? In that case, aren't you just... not anti-hipster, but the opposite of a hipster? Just following 'trends' because very few people are - you are an 'individual'

>> No.1083974

And that, my friend, is the first rule of being a hipster. Admit nothing!

(not actually implying the poster is a hipster)

>> No.1083978

So is being hipster doing what everyone else is doing (being 'hip'), or doing what doing what noone is doing (alternative i guess).

Or maybe, being hip is being at either end of a trend... doing something before it's cool. Or doing something so long after its not cool, that it's obvious you're making a statement with your use of overalls as casual wear...

>> No.1083986

It's all about the irony.

>> No.1083998
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>> No.1084006

These all seem like very legitimate reasons why most people don't seem to take a liking to hipsters. I only want to add that it seems like right now, it's no time to play. We are officially living in the era of Serious Business, and these hipsters think they have the luxury to be ironic and trendy.

>> No.1084009

It's disdainfully lying about how you did cool things before they were cool.

>> No.1084023

Yeah true.. but serious business in what way?
Like hipsters probably don't contribute much to global warming coz it's cool to ride bicycles rather than drive a hummer.
And they eat nuts and weird shit like that so they're not compounding the world food crisis.
And they don't perpetuate the sweatshops in Asia because they like shopping at Op-Shops.
And you can't blame the economic crisis on them, because they fit outside the normal economic modals because they don't value goods in the same way as the majority, and products and services like have different utility for hipsters.

...shit. Becoming a hipster is the best way to save the planet...

>> No.1084028
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Hipsters don't 'like' things because they feel it's good, they act like they like it because it makes them feel special.

>> No.1084034

Hipsters operate under those assumptions because they are made up of equal parts pretentionsness and misinformation.

>> No.1084039

Hipster seems to be semantic slanting on par with geyser or slut. Now it's something you accuse some of being, a perjorative epitethet, and confusion stems from the vagueness and inconsistency of the accusation

>> No.1084044

I don't know. Kind of this: >>1084028
It might be more of a problem of optics than metrics, really, but the perception is that hipsters don't really give a shit about anything except being on the cutting edge of hip. If the trend swung from riding one's bike to driving an SUV, I doubt that hipsters would have the consistency to remain faithful to their Huffys.

>> No.1084051

Another quick thought: I actually have more respect for the earnest people whom I disagree with, like the Tea Party or Neo-Atheists, than I do with hipsters. At least those groups stand for something, unlike hipsters who would indulge their ludic fancy instead of taking a stand on something.

>> No.1084063

Yeah I think I agree entirely.
I guess the difficulty is telling those who happen to follow a certain trend apart from the hipsters who only follow because it's a trend.
The only way would be if trends change, does a certain person change as well...

Reminds me of hearing about Kings of Leon, who apparently said they 'hated' their fans who liked them after 'Sex on Fire.' Claimed they weren't real fans or something...

>> No.1084064

"Hipster" is just a generic insult for someone you're envious of.

>> No.1084067


Looks like some people are finally starting to get it. Took you guys long enough.

>> No.1084071

This type of self righteousness is why so many people hate hipsters.You will drop all that shit once the new fad comes along don't even lie.
see above

>> No.1084072

I'm not American so correct me if I'm wrong

but from what I've seen, and we have similar in my country, is that hipsters are just those young people who follow a certain trend that is seen as a little different and a little cool. I just think art students

>> No.1084085

as opposed to the person who declared it was the era of serious business and hipsters are social loafers

>> No.1084087

Yes, that seems to be the equivalent of an American hipster. Hipsters also tend to have wealthy parents and espouse pro-capitalist libertarianism.

>> No.1084101

Excuse me, but I was the one who declared this the era of Serious Business, and I think most people would agree with me.

And I personally don't hate hipsters in the way that Neo-Atheists hate theists; I just think they are lame and disingenuous and not the kind of people with whom I would like to spend a lot of time. You hipsters must really have some serious sense of unwarranted self-importance to think that people really care about you all that much, even to hate you.

>> No.1084109

Well my view of hipsters, are people that are quirky of the sake of quirky. So for example people that refuse to like, any bands that has more fans than members.

Oh and they tend to have an obsession, with apple products, because Microsoft is EVIL man.

I lived with one in my, uni halls last year he was a parody of himself at points, i think the worst thing was he was an atheist because he thought it was edgy, now I am an atheist my self and i cannot stand such presumptuous ignorance.

Fucking Fads

>> No.1084111

Eh... for me, being a hipster isn't about the clothes or the books, although these things are invariably associated with hipster-ness. It's about an attempt to look cool, masked in an ironic self-awareness that serves as a nod to some vaguely postmodern 'knowingness.'

It's always easy to accuse others of 'following the crowd'... but hipsters are fucking cunts.

>> No.1084112

> I was the one who declared this the era of Serious Business
As opposed to what era? The one without mass urban sanitation, aeroplanes, the internet? How far back into the easy breazy past are we going?

>You hipsters
who hipsters?

>> No.1084120

Well, I was thinking more of what people did to be cool in the 1980-the present. In the 80s, it was hip to be an Alex P. Keaton type yuppie. In the 1990s, hipster culture as we know it today began to form. In the 1990s, the era of Daria, it was still possible to be cool and cynical. For God's sake, for most people the seminal event of the 1990s was the Lewinsky affair and not the fall of the Soviet Union. These days, in the wake of the events of the 2000s, I think that if you have time to think about bluegrass or bowling or whatever hipsters like, then good for you. But most people are worried about a double dip recession, global warming, the Tea Party or Al Qaeda. Really, I think that hipster culture has become a parody of itself. I'm no cultural arbiter, but to me hipster culture has run its course; it's unhip to be a hipster.

>> No.1084122

Or maybe hipsters just excel at trolling the rest of us normalfags. Maybe the joke is on us. Who knows? I generally don't give much thought to problems like these.

>> No.1084128
File: 94 KB, 407x405, 1281073495322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hate hipsters because it's cool to hate hipsters. They used to hate emo kids, but then everyone started doing it and it's not as trendy anymore. Once this hipster rubbish saturates the media and some other subculture appears, all the hipster haters will be jumping on that bandwagon.

Seriously. Get over yourselves.

>> No.1084129

I think you have a strange view of contemperory social pressures.
The times you are referring to are just after the wall street crashing, threat of nuclear war, the sexual revolution, government scandals...
I simply disagree, I suppose, this era is anymore serious than others.

>> No.1084137

Ok, we'll agree to disagree then. I still think the Bush and Obama years have been much more stressful than the Clinton years, but I guess that's just like, my opinion, man.

And actually, I had a professor who was a hipster type, but he treated his subject as Serious Business. I loved debating and discussing things with him because we sometimes had differing opinions about what constitutes Serious Business.

And really, hipsters aren't mugging people or stealing cars, so as long as they aren't hurting anyone, they're cool with me.

>> No.1084144

yeah, I guess it depends. But I'm not throwing buckets of faeces out the window, so as long as I have my modern sanitation I guess I'm good

>> No.1084189
File: 25 KB, 427x640, even daniel farraday is confused by the obtuseness of your post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sticking up for hipsters

>> No.1084204

Requesting the "I'm a huge orson welles" pic.

>> No.1084217

request denied

>> No.1084243

From what I've seen they swing more to the liberal side.

Hipsters would probably like to perceive themselves as modern day Bohemians.

Tell you what thought, there may be many Pseudo's in hipster culture, but those who actually appreciate culture are out there

>> No.1084244

I prefer hipster culture over whatever other stupid cultural label there is. At least they show some sort of interest in culture, some may even enjoy and not just pretend (blasphemy, I know)

>> No.1084252
File: 259 KB, 1000x698, huge orson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of many.

Also, in some cases, the mocking may be anti-intellectual, sure, but I think the main think about hipsters that is irritating is that the focus seems to be more on tailoring their image based on what they take in (which, in general, is pseudo-2deep4u-shit that's actually not terribly "intellectual") rather than having an active interest in learning and improving themselves mentally.

>> No.1084268

anti-intellectualism can mean different things. Do you mean anti- education? Anti- artistic movements? Anti- using proper english in every situation/ trying to structure life in terms of what you learn in school?

Either way, I don't think so. I thought people hate hipsters because they're precocious. I would bet that 99% of people that think hipsters are lame have no bad opinions about doctors, professors, scientists, or any legitimate intellectual people.

>> No.1084305


>> No.1084341

Hey there, little boy. How's high school? I see you're wearing that righteous indignation hat rather well these days. It looks good on you.

I just thought I'd step in and say hello, and remind you that the world has been spinning for a long time. History is more than a library of ideas to help shape your experience, its the collected experience of real people living real lives. Culture existed before you had heard about it, and people did more than wait around for you to be born.

In short - shut the fuck up. People have been hating hipsters for a long time.

>> No.1084362
File: 60 KB, 460x288, pink_dolphin_1358282c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hipsters do things only to feel superior to others.

>> No.1084375

Alright, so getting into a subculture means adopting a lot of particular tastes, behaviors and attitudes. Being part of a subculture does requires a lot of posing and it is a lot about following fads. However what I think is interesting about them is that they support the relaxation of certain strict social codes like sex/sexuality/gender, the "proper" way adulthood, interracial interaction (not the case with all subculture obviously), among others and function as creative outlets. Also, many great cultural products have come out of subcultures like the beatnik literature in the 40s-50s and the DIY art movement in the 90s.

>> No.1084377


>People do things only to feel superior to others.

>> No.1084396

that dolphin is clearly hipster

>> No.1084430

This is what hipster scum actually believes.

>> No.1084449

I guess hipsters are somehow an American phenomenon. At least were I come from I haven't heard that word before.
From what I've read on 4chan a hipster is the archetypical obnoxious person who always brags about how smart and "alternative" he is. True?

>> No.1084478

Yes this is the tunnel vision way of looking at it

>> No.1084498

Not anti-intellectualism but anti-psuedo-intellectualism.

>> No.1084512

If you describe yourself as an intellectual, you're automatically a pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.1084522
File: 39 KB, 300x413, zersetzungsarbeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From what I've read on 4chan a hipster is the archetypical obnoxious person who always brags about how smart and "alternative" he is. True?
not true at all. It is the very opposite. Hipsters are fans of Bourdieu. They mock the intellectual habitus since the internets endowed many with the wikipedian factoids and precise quotations, anon.

>> No.1084550

distinction, the intellectuals and rules of art are the actual hipster handbooks.

>> No.1084556

There is no such thing as a hipster. There is just mad children on /lit/ namecalling people for having a different taste in literature.

>> No.1084580
File: 38 KB, 268x265, have_a_kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is the dolphin pink because he wants to be hip?
Are fascist goldfish only fascist because it's hip to be fascist?

>> No.1084605

in fairness to the dolphin, its parents are probably forcing it to wear pink.

>> No.1084650

hipster parents?

>> No.1084677

>says the faggot posting a meme generator

I think it is kind of a problem with people accusing other people of being a "hipster". Its gotten to the point where its just like "Mary-sue", its a word thats lost its meaning and now just means "person I dont like."

And while were on the topic of hipsters.


Has performance art ever been good? EVER?

>> No.1084731

Before condemning it you should do a little bit of reading and research. Performance art is not sole property of hipsters. I suggest to start with Marina Abramovic.


>> No.1084876

You know there are a good amount of hipsters on /lit/ when the thread on them is as long as this one

>> No.1084921
File: 20 KB, 375x500, TyBrax2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no such thing as a hipster. There is just mad children on /lit/ namecalling people for having a different taste in literature

>> No.1084932

>There is no such thing as a hipster.

You guys need to go out and meet some retarded people. If only you knew how many large, well-stocked libraries I've seen, whose owner hasn't touched a single fucking book in them...

>> No.1084952
File: 46 KB, 500x333, TyBrax8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys need to go out and meet some retarded people
>retarded people
You just proved yourself wrong.

>> No.1084961
File: 643 KB, 1800x1180, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-hipster sentiments related to anti-intellectualism

are you trying to say that hipsters are intelligent?

>they seem to be a crowd interested in books, arts and music

"seem" being the key word here. Being a hipster is all an act, like being a 15 year old wiccan kid, or an emokid. Like all subcultures, they're in it for the image.

Also, I find it difficult to think a person that calls everything "ironic" is intelligent.

>> No.1084975

I see hipsters as cultural gnats. They're annoying when they swarm around some movement that has become suddenly trendy, but they don't actually do anything harmful to it. The movement itself is unaffected if the people who are carrying it forward are legitimately interested in their work.

tl;dr - hipsters are obnoxious but make no real impact

>> No.1084976

How so?

>> No.1084981

You called them retarded people. Which aren't a modern invention.

>> No.1084984

First of all I never said they are a modern invention, so I don't see your point. Also, they're a subset of retarded people.

>> No.1084991

I hate hipsters because I used to live around Echo Park, almost Silver Lake, but moved once those faggots began to show up in droves, making rent jump up like crazy and pushing out all the charming old Mexican people.

>> No.1084996

Reading these threads makes me feel like I've never seen a hipster in my life. Where do you find these people?

>> No.1085006
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>> No.1085010
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>> No.1085012

I visited an art college once. Every god damn student was a hipster. Every last one.

this image accurately depicts what every student looked like, and there were hundreds of them.

You know that Spaghettios video? I'm 99% certain that happened at the art college I visited.

>> No.1085015

I've talked to them personally at parties and classes, see their clones constantly on campus, at coffee shops and at bookstores.

It's mainly a college-aged thing.

>> No.1085017
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>> No.1085020
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>> No.1085033

Hipsters aren't actually interested in any of the shit they say they are. They'll treat you like garbage for not listening to their music or reading their books, even though they never really do those things themselves unless someone else they can show it off to is around. They're basically huge attention whores who act like they aren't huge attention whores.

>> No.1085039
File: 10 KB, 225x169, 225px-Sal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't like hipsters because of their unmerited smugness. Now, we all know why they do it. They're all pale little beta males grasping to something that may get them laid. But what they don't realize is they're choosing a long hard path to sure poverty. If you're unwilling to play the game you automatically forfeit. Godspeed little hipsters.

>> No.1085047

hipsters>hipster haters
seriously ''hipster'' is a strawman par excellence. it is a vulgarization of the word ''pretentious''. the word is thrown at any person place or thing that is not in line with the tastes of the person using the word as a pejorative. i get mad when it is used indescriminately against intellectuals or people who happen to like obscure cultural items (obscure writers, films, etc.) these things are not liked only for their obscurity, but in spite of it. i think the notion is an anti-intellectual one. honestly the ''hipsters'' that were originally the object of this hatred were just the wealthy kids who were appropriating indie culture and in so doing undermining it. now, people who are in favor of indie culture or often people who are in favor of high culture are called hipsters. rich kids do suck, but that is a given.

>> No.1085055
File: 106 KB, 1200x499, this is you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hipsters are mostly old enough to be in college

and I refuse to respect someone who still clings to "non-conformist" subcultures like a high schooler who thinks their choice of clothes makes a deep, personal statement. Grow up, already.

pic related

>> No.1085060


>I visited an art college once. Every god damn student was a hipster. Every last one.

why are art students tagged as hipster? wouldn't the fact of hating art/literature/humanities students an act of anti-intellectualism?

>> No.1085069

People who are in favor of high culture treat said culture with some respect. Hipsters are hated because they are the reason high culture isn't treated with the same respect the people who can look past the idiots who like it because it'll get them laid (these are hipsters) do. Said people are usually enjoyable to be around, and are full of interesting things to say about the things they are genuinely interested in.

>> No.1085077

There's a faggy little hipster kid who sits in front of me in my psych class. He answers every question the teacher asks and has zero self doubt. I fucking hate him. He's too young to have had life kick him in the balls yet, but when it does it will pay with interest

>> No.1085079

I mean, I've met plenty, plenty of enraging douchebags who I could only describe as hipsters, but none of them are anything like the stereotypes in this thread.

>> No.1085080

no john, you are the hipsters. seriously though, i don't know who you're talking about. hipsters as you describe them would never become aware of real high culture. they would be like the kid i saw yesterday. I was reading some Genet. He asked me what i was reading. I said ''the theif's journal by jean genet'' he said ''you should read camus instead. or cormac mccarthy.'' (i shit you not this actually happened) this guy could qualify as your hipster. a dilettante in culture. at any rate, hipsters if they didn't actually give honor to high culture, would never become aware of it and so would never have the chance to undermine it in the way you say that they do.

>> No.1085086

i hate him cuz he has confidence and knows answers in class herp derp.

>> No.1085093

>Hipster thread
>Second biggest thread on front page behind a fucking hook-up thread

Change, /lit/

>> No.1085094

There is a thing called the internet. It is where that type of hipster finds out about your definition of high culture. The point of finding out about it is because it's obscure. The kid who said that you should read Camus is not my definition. Someone who would ask you if you've heard of someone else just to hear you say "no" is my definition of a hipster.

>> No.1085096

I knew a kid like this once.

He's a neurosurgeon now; I program from home for ~$15 an hour.

>> No.1085099

>why are art students tagged as hipster?

because they are hipsters. Remember that poster I was pointing at? That's what all the art students looked like. Being a hipster isn't about art/literature/humanities, it's about dressing a certain way, having a certain haircut, and having a certain air of unwarranted self-importance.

Let me reiterate: being a hipster has nothing to do with enjoying art/literature/humanities.

Hating hipsters isn't anti-intellectualism, because that implies that hipsters hold some kind of monopoly on intelligence, which is absurd.

>> No.1085100
File: 60 KB, 852x480, WaltBerkman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I visualize a hipster is that kid Walt Berkman in The Squid and the Whale.

>> No.1085103

I mean, just look at this shit:

>> No.1085110

I am not the person you were replying to, just to be clear.
You know what? Sometimes it is better to just shut your mouth. Not everybody has to know how smart you are all of the time. The fact that there is a vast audience to impress just complicates the issue. If you've ever sat through high school, or gone to lectures at universities, then I'm sure you know exactly what type of person we are discussing here. If you do go to a college or university and you haven't come across somebody like that, then chances are you are that guy.

>> No.1085115

I've known about a hundred of them. 99 of them are loser potheads living hand to mouth

>> No.1085121

I've been that guy in some /lit/ courses. I do my best to give other people room to talk, but when they don't I'd rather put myself forward than leave the teacher fuming about her class full of poetry-not-understanding imbeciles.

Sometimes people like this can be assholes about it, but sometimes they're just doing their best.

>> No.1085126

Well put

>> No.1085132

just listen to the song "igeneration" by mc lars.

i may be wrong, but it seems at least parts of it are about hipsters. and my father usually calls the people we call hipsters "yuppies", so they may be related.

ALSO, listen to "admit it!" by say anything. it's completely anti-hipster and makes lots of points. it also labels a hipster

>> No.1085145


There are obviously students who try to show off their knowledge in class but there are also students who are overly enthusiastic and don't know they're being annoying and students who are the only ones who know what's going on in class and feel obliged to answer to the teacher's questions.

>> No.1085147

not true. it is fine to show what you know. i sit in classes and the teacher asks a question and the room is in total silence. mostly because people don't know the answer. i guess a few have your attitude. the problem is that this stagnates the class. and university is not the place to be modest. it is an intellectual atmosphere, and if anything we should do everything we can to put to shame those people who really are only there because they could afford to be. the standards of intelligence should be higher for university. i go to college and i'm surrounded by people who are dull and ignorant and it disgusts me. this is to be expected when universities are essentially businesses and nothing more. i don't agree that we should keep our mouths shut and look pretty. it isn't as if by answering the questions, we are loved and admired. in fact people like you resent people who show off their knowledge. we must do this anyway, to show that knowledge is the most important aspect of the college experience. at any rate, not to sit in silence for fifteen minutes after the teacher asks a question.

>> No.1085154


>> No.1085156

Protip: I do this to show off.
Professors, on the other hand, want to lick my cock by the time the first few weeks of the semester have passed.
My GPA laughs all the way to the bank.

>> No.1085157

That's where you're wrong. Most of the people DO know the answer. They just don't want to be like you. In other words, they don't like being a douchebag. It doesn't fit their self image

>> No.1085158

Yuppies are "young urban professionals", IIRC. Pretty distinct from hipsters.

>> No.1085159

Yuppies and hipsters are related only in their desire and method (buying lots of shit) to be in a social class above the general public. Yuppie means "young urban professional", though. They're the people who invested in stocks early on. Hipsters, on the other hand, are typically loser potheads with no future other than living with his/her parents with a degree in liberal arts hanging on his wall that he/she takes down sometimes to use as a coaster.

>> No.1085162

one of the reasons i hate hipsters is because of their sense of self-superiority and the fact they look down upon others for not having their exact taste in certain aspects of art/lit/mu. add the fact that they are extremely critical to us normal people and they just warrant a punch in the fucking face.

>> No.1085164

>Speaking up in a multi-sided discourse.
>= being a douchebag.

Report to /adv/ for remedial training plz.

>> No.1085170

not really. they are both rich and urban. i suppose yuppies have jobs and the bush-era high-hipster ''williamsburger'' uses his parents money and goes to classes or has a band or whatever. the truth is that this hipster is nearly extinct. the economic recession has dried up the funds that kept these gentrified ''communities'' afloat. i think the period of economic decline will ultimately result in a culture without the hipster (for a while at least) the hipster (in all his manifestations from the beatniks forward) has been the result of periods of economic prosperity. At any rate, the hipster is a strawman. people who hate on hipsters are even lower than what they hate. if you cant be happy with yourself, without using outgrouping techniques then you are a sad person with a tenuous hold on your personality.

>> No.1085175

Yeah yeah, a university is exactly like a ghetto school where nobody speaks to the teacher because it's SO UNCOOL MANG.

>> No.1085176

>They are to art (etc.) as Green Day is to punk.
But... isn't Green Day the embodiment of punk?

>> No.1085178

dohohoh so i guess the point is to keep completely silent until the prof has a mental breakdown? i don't fucking get it. anyway, i'm not a completely social failure who is too afraid to answer a goddamn question i was asked by a teacher in a classroom setting.

>> No.1085179

If that is your honest position on the matter, and you can open your mouth and humbly offer an answer or a well placed question, then you have my blessing and my respect.
Sadly, as I suspect you may know, that is not always the case. on a personal level, I've just about finished my undergrad and I can't be arsed any more. Fighting for academia is a lost cause to me. I just want to get the piece of paper that qualifies me to work in a field (I think) I care about, and that's it.

>> No.1085180

>call someone a douchebag for actually giving two shits about the university course he (or his parents) are paying for
Haha, oh wow. You people baffle me. Is this what neurotypicals actually believe?

>> No.1085184

Should mention that I'm the guy you replied to. There, >>1085110 That's me.

>> No.1085186

yeah man, i'm still pretty fresh so the insouciance or apathy hasn't hit me yet. but i would say it is a matter of time.

>> No.1085213

You sounds pretty passionate, I can only envy you. Good luck, either way.

>> No.1085280
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>> No.1085283

im a huge orsone welles for huge orsone welles

>> No.1085300
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>> No.1085307

The point is that if I'm, for instance, listening to Eisley because I enjoy their music, I don't want people assuming that I'm a vapid retard who will consume anything pushed at me by Pitchfork.

>> No.1085317

I've really always liked the album Discovery by Daft Punk and I had this hipster friend who would cackle condescendingly at me for listening to it. As soon as P2K came out and it was in the top 10, he began raving about it AND acted as if he had enjoyed the album long before I had. Nigger.

That said, hipster is a fashion - in a deeper sense than just clothes. Reading certain books can be considered an intellectual fashion. Hipsters are just oversocialized, painfully boring people (generally) who yearn with all their being to identify with a group.

>> No.1085325

i haven't used the word anti-intellectual since university. this is a stupid thread.

>> No.1085333

i too like discovery. then again, the people who give me shit for liking it aren't hipsters in the sense that /lit/ uses the word..they are people who are into electronic music and assure me that there is much better electronic music. then, they play it for me and i hate it because it isn't funky french disco. c'est la vie.

>> No.1085344

exactly (i'm also a big fan of daft punk, especially discovery). the fact that, one minute they act all condesending and the next minute they act as though they've known and loved the album since birth because some hipster or underground website rated it high is so annoying

>> No.1085350


That in a nutshell is why I don't like the social group identified with the term hipster.

Also, Discovery is fucking awesome and has been since it first came out.

>> No.1085353


I had no idea what P2K was until I googled it just now. I feel like shit now that I find that a lot of my favorite albums are on that list. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I can't help shaking the feeling that I'm nothing but a dirty hipster.

>> No.1085364

Hipsters only pretend to be intellectual. If you are a hipster, you are anti-intellectual.

>> No.1085681

Then you define hipsters wrongly. Watch the criticisms this piece of "entry level performance art" received on hipinion and hipster runoff.
All what was there to say about authenticity was said in Hoffman's Sandman and yet the myth persists.

>> No.1085706

That was seriously one of the most autistic posts I've ever read.

>> No.1085712

in that case the pomo kids will have to find another emploi

>> No.1085714

this kitty is cute

>> No.1085760

You know some shitty people who try too hard.
I must say, I know some hipsters and ive never seen or hear them pull some sad shit like that

>> No.1085790



>> No.1085812

Most Hipsters I've met are idiots who have only read your basic high school English class stuff.

>> No.1085827

The way I see it is that a hipster is someone who is intentionally and actively doing something 'different' to be and be viewed as someone who is 'different', as opposed to someone who's tastes and beliefs actually align with those things.

e.g. A hippy believes that they should be vegetarian because life is precious. A hipster chooses to be a vegetarian because being seen as a hippy is equated as being seen as different.

>> No.1085855

>e.g. A hippy believes that they should be vegetarian because life is precious.
i hippie can quote Albert Schweizer, Tolstoy and the Vedas to rationalise his vegetarianism but in the end all hippies are the same for random supposed reasons.
>A hipster chooses to be a vegetarian because being seen as a hippy is equated as being seen as different.
yes. a hipster realises that all the former western subcultures tried was being slightly different but in the end they solidified as the same exclusive reactionary groups with arbitrary taste and positions.

>> No.1085874

speaking of hipsters and vegetarians, reminds me of this story:

>group hands out cookies to class for presentation, half the class gets one kind of cookies, the other half gets another kind
>realize my cookie tastes weird, like it's missing ingredients
>big reveal: half the students got vegan cookies
>they go on to say that vegan cookies are healthier than non-vegan cookies
>consider speaking up, asking if depriving yourself of protein and dairy is "healthy" or if cookies are even supposed to be "considered healthy in the first palce
>keep my mouth shut because I'm nice
>they go on to say that you can't taste the difference
>consider saying I can very clearly taste the difference in these shitty vegan cookies
>keep my mouth shut because I'm not an asshole who corrects every stupid student

God damn, fucking vegans.

>> No.1085886

Say "hipster" anywhere online


>> No.1085912

Case study: showa era godzilla movies

>hipster: lol the special effects are so bad it's good,irony to the max!

>fan: goddamn the Japanese can do a helluva job with limited resources,and these stories though falling into familiar tropes are endearing to me.

>> No.1085930
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i'm french, what is a hipster please ?

>> No.1085937

Being French is hipster.

>> No.1085943


>> No.1085951
File: 27 KB, 334x500, funny-pictures-cat-hates-what-he-sees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you have to understand your definition before discuss.
Perceptions about hipster are not the same in all brains
hey tell me please

>> No.1085962

non-nerds who are pushing us nerds out of our home turf.

>> No.1085998

It's always funny to hear descriptions of hipsters from the past. The dude described in "Hipster Boyfriend" by Sicko would be laughed out of Williamsburg today.

>> No.1086013

was ist ein williamsburg?

>> No.1086078

I can't wait until this hipster trend is over

>> No.1086142

Anon, are you hipster, lol?

>> No.1086164



>> No.1086174

" where is the motivation to produce art in people who can get any satisfaction they want, at any time? "

>> No.1086233

If you actually believe this you are a tool.99% of people don't enjoy public speaking, and therefore would rather not answer at all.You're probably the dumbest little shit in your class you hipster shit.

>> No.1086262


why would you take a russian word like inteligenzia and turn it into an English word just so you can avoid using intellectualism too often.

>> No.1086266

You obviously have no idea what "intelligentsia" means.

>> No.1086267

>I don't know what intelligentsia means

>> No.1086269


well im sure whatever you think it means is some late 20th century bitch ass pretentious amerifag's attempt at eing orriginal, since i'm fucking russian and know what the word means

>> No.1086276


and fuck you for using a double 'l' people who know shit and are worth shit would know how to pronounce the 'i' (as in 'big' and not in 'dive') anyway - at least that way you would have a way to distiguish the faggots from the intellectual

>> No.1086282

That means you'd know that it simply means an intelligent elite social class, and that you are being a nationalist idiot for believing the guy you're replying to turned it into an English word and that it hasn't been around since people were speaking Latin.

>> No.1086287




'some late 20th century bitch ass pretentious amerifag'

>> No.1086293


oh and btw there is none of your 'intelligentsia' left in Russia

we mostly use the term to humour poser-fags who try to present themselves as artists these days

shits sucks, then again shit happens bring on the vodka and a woman to live and die for. all the rest there is is fuckall :D

>> No.1086295

The definition has been around since ancient Rome.

>> No.1086299

There are no school teachers in Russia? No wonder you're all such idiots.

>> No.1086300


At this point my good Anon I would refrain from being trolled, although I must say I am tempted.

Have a nice life.

>> No.1086301

Pathetic thread is pathetic.

Christ Jesus.



>> No.1086304

>lose out of sheer stupidity
>pretend to run away
Whateva nigga.

>> No.1086319

why? the word is used quite correctly. hipsters used to be the children of the intelligentsia, but now that fashion trend is sweeping over to the other middle classes.
the intelligentsia are first and foremost clerks - the teachers, clerics and professors, as well as a part of the upper middle class, while intellectuals are the pop stars of theirs.
being russian i see that hipsters here seem to be some kind of a cargo cult - people who read a Western magazine, and slavishly follow what they perceive as western trends.
the hipsters here bizarrely mock the elemets of western culture unknown to any living Russian. We don't have any vegetarians, we never had political correctness and we most certainly don't know any Kermit and haven't seen any negroes around but still these upper class kids "mock" western intelligentsia altittudes on these here nonexistant topics.
on the Echo Moskvy radio channel they interviewed "padla bear outfit", our most fashionable moscow hipster band. they had a fine and snappy retort on every issue on the american public but when it came to things like the vicious repressions in chechnya, putin's centralist reforms or russian race relations (which include regular pogroms of caucasians and asians which you can watch on youtube) they suddently fell back to the level of sophistication you'd expect from a redneck village boy.

>> No.1086341

не пизди, негр!

>> No.1086402

Definitely #2. It makes me mad that our culture has pretty much zero meaning. Hipsterism, and consumer culture in general, just regurgitates the past for the sake of coolness and ultimately profit. The result, I think, is a detaching of cultural signs and ideas from their original placement and a general feeling of anomie.

>> No.1086410

anomie, btard, is what you are! it's not what you feel.

>> No.1086414

I just did not like hipsters because they raised my rent by $100 dollars, because it was a hip place to be. Only the earnest ones stayed and most have moved out of state or gone back to suburbia. My neighborhood was a secret good neighborhood because it was surrounded by a few bad ones. I love it here because it is quite the way I like quite ( sounds from the trains and the buzz of helicopters and ambulances at all hours of the day.)

>> No.1086417

I think you need to google that. I'm a sociology minor so I think I would know.

>> No.1086427

return when you're a full-grown sociologist, anon. sociology is not about feelings you foolio and googling will only lead you to btards like yourself regurgiating terms they didn't understood. go! and read durkheim's "on suicide"

>> No.1086434

I have read Durkheim faggot. And I'm a grad student so while I may not be a fully grown sociologist, I understand the material a lot better than you do.

>> No.1086436

moreover, you understand Durkheim much better than Durkheim himself! He thought he was a sociologist and you know he was actually a psychologist.

>> No.1086437

ITT - late night troll talk

>> No.1086444

I've always thought this.

Basically, anti-hipster mentality is comprised of: Insecurity based on not having incredibly nice clothes to wear, insecurity based on not having the balls to display the controversial works of art they appreciate, and just bottom-line insecurity based on being too lazy to keep up anything contemporary in an active manner.

I wouldn't necessarily say that it's anti-intellectualism, as I'm sure a lot of you neckbeards really do enjoy literature, film, and music in the privacy of your own homes. Also, I think a lot of indie music that is endorsed by the hip scene is fucking garbage and is solely followed as a way of posing.

tl;dr Hipster-haters are for the most part bitter faggots.

>> No.1086448

>An artificial appropriation of different styles from different eras, the hipster represents the end of Western civilization – a culture lost in the superficiality of its past and unable to create any new meaning. Not only is it unsustainable, it is suicidal. While previous youth movements have challenged the dysfunction and decadence of their elders, today we have the "hipster" – a youth subculture that mirrors the doomed shallowness of mainstream society.

You are the freaks at the last stop on the train.

>> No.1086450

When it comes to hipsters, even Zizek wrote a piece about how fucking vapid they are.

You've been forsaken by your own foster philosopher.

>> No.1086468

"Я был на Горбушке, на вечере, посвященном политзэкам, мы сидели там с теми, кто нас позвал на будущий проект первомайский, я думал: черт, такая публика отличная, либералы отечественные и умные люди, все там всё читают и вот слушают сейчас какого-то барда, который не очень качественный. Думаю вот публика, блин, услышит нас, наверное, взгреется. Все-таки я пытаюсь со стороны посмотреть - и молодежный нерв, и что-то такое. Но после выступления я понял, что пусть лучше слушают бардов, потому что ничего не поняли. У нас, как в ансамбле, есть всегда несколько каких-то вариантов выступлений, мы могли бы играть и шум, и инструментал, это могло бы быть в акустике. Но там людям музыка не интересна, а мне интересна музыка, для меня это моя реальность, так или иначе."

Who the fuck claimed they were "intelligentsia"?

>> No.1086556
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I was once mistaken for a hipster at my art school campus. I had no idea that being a nerd was ironic.

Don't Fear The Hipsters, they're just going to be there for a while sucking from the last teat of nerd culture left on the cow, it's essentially the runt of the subculture litter. How do you think it can fit in such tight jeans, no?

>> No.1086564
File: 201 KB, 800x638, hipster2sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hipsters" will always be around. It's sad, but true.

>> No.1086565

Nerd culture?
Have you not been paying attention?
These faux fashionistas have been showing up like a lost abandoned cancer baby on everybody's doorstep.
A bunch of spoiled white middle class wretches without the dedication of their older Gen-X cousins, or the passion of their older punk rock siblings.

Hipsters are the scruff of consumer mediocrity. Insecure fucks who can't hack it in a mosh pit or at an authors' round table. Not a single fucking one gives art any more thought than lip service. It's all for show, because hipster culture demands shadow puppets.

Hipster IS the society of the spectacle personified.

>> No.1086572


That said hating them is pretty futile, they are the Weegee of subcultures. You mock them enough and you become them.

>> No.1086578

No. I realize it's futile.

But still, it is hilarious to exploit their insecurity in ANY scene. Because hipster culture is aware of its transparency, and hipsters are insecure about their transparency.

They grew up on a cul-de-sac and became cul-de-sacs.

Try it. Call it a social experiment.

>> No.1086595

I don't get it. Five years ago, I remember everyone hated 'posers'. Now everyone hates authenticity?

>> No.1086599

hipsterdom is yet another excuse for sex amongst middle class kids.

>> No.1086608

>I don't get it. Five years ago, I remember everyone hated 'posers'. Now everyone hates authenticity?
no. only the few of us who care about the latest insights from philosophy and sociology. the majority remains in deepest oblivion.

>> No.1086613

The fuck does that even mean? That's a terrible non sequitur and you should feel bad.


>> No.1086621

Hipsters ARE posers. They pretend to like only uber-obscure bands and books, only to listen to lady gaga and read dan brown when nobody is looking. Hipsters aren't authentic at all.

>> No.1086647
File: 49 KB, 400x350, 1v9Pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we hipsters listen to lady gaga and read dan brown on a meta-irony level so your statement is false

>> No.1086651

My question is still unanswered. C'mon.

Do we really hate authenticity?

>> No.1086658
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hipsters trolling hipsters trolling hipsters trolling hipsters

also, that word, et c.

also, sage

>> No.1086661
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>> No.1086663


The question is irrelevant, as hipsters are the antithesis of authentic. If you want a straight answer, here you go: no, we do not hate authenticity.

>> No.1086664

i hate soup and weathering brooks

>> No.1086666

But, the culture prides itself on having stripped the marrow out of every youth culture movement in the past fifty years.

Wouldn't someone who self-identifies be considered a bit of a threat to your creed? Or at best, cramp your style?

>> No.1086671

it's 2deep4u

>> No.1086673

people on 4chan arent hipsters anyway because hipsters hate the internet

>> No.1086679

No. Hipsters go on 4chan because it's the penultimate irony to being on Ebaumsworld.

>> No.1086682

ebaumsowlrd owns

>> No.1086696


>> No.1086698
