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1085752 No.1085752 [Reply] [Original]

I posted yesterday, and after reading the first chapter at work (book store), I bought this.

How do you pronounce Alexandre Dumas' last name? The French-Canadian woman we have in the store shrugged and said she didn't know, and I figure if she doesn't know, nobody does. I am surrounded by people who have read this book and are generally well educated, but we could not decide.




>> No.1085758

doo-mah here.

>> No.1085769

they call them musketeers but in the movies you'll never see them with a musket

its all rapiers. posers

>> No.1085787

They pronounce it in The Shawshank Redemption haven't you seen that movie?

You probably haven't if you don't know how to pronounce his last name. Uncultured swine. =/

>> No.1085798

>How do you pronounce Alexandre Dumas' last name? The French-Canadian woman we have in the store shrugged and said she didn't know, and I figure if she doesn't know, nobody does.

I'm sorry but, what the hell am I reading?

The S is silent. Also, working in a bookstore and being French-Canadian makes you an expert on nothing. Bookstore does not imply well-educated, French-Canadian does not imply French.
Oh yeah, and having seen the Shawshank Redemption doesn't make you cultured.

>> No.1085799

you always drop the last consonant of a word in french...

>> No.1085806

>Oh yeah, and having seen the Shawshank Redemption doesn't make you cultured.

It ranks #1 on IMDB. If you haven't seen it then you're definitely uncultured.

>> No.1085816

What I meant is that she is a native French speaker, she's got a thick accent and everything. Christ, you people are touchy.

>> No.1085819

Then how come she doesn't know how to pronounce the most popular French author's name? Sounds pretty phony to me.

>> No.1085821


>> No.1085824


>> No.1085825

Nah, she is very much French-native-speaking. There is a guy who works there who has read/seen/met everything and everyone, and he said he hears it both ways equally when he hears the name spoken. He mentioned another author Dumas that pronounces it without the 's', but that he hears it only pronounced that way, while he's heard Alexandre Dumas pronounced both ways.

Apart from the rule that the 's' is silent in French, if there were a definitive way to be sure. Any body on here who speaks French fluently? Somebody in France who went to a French school and heard the name spoken there in their studies?