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/lit/ - Literature

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10856614 No.10856614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I have never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever
>tfw I see pictures like picrelated and realise every single girl goes on the hunt for chad dick every friday and saturday and every day if they are at university
>tfw feels bad to be too ugly to get a gf or anything at all
>tfw eternally bitter
>tfw demoralised after seeing Staceys everywhere and knowing they all have 100 tinder matches with Chad
>tfw I will never have the extroversion and alpha personality to even be seen as human by Staceys
>tfw ugly face dooms me no matter what

>> No.10856623

The one in the middle is a boy.

>> No.10856632


Not every girl does that. Just the stupid ones. I do get attention from girls like that. They suck and can't hold a conversation.

Why don't you become "chad"

>> No.10856645

>Why don't you become "chad"

>> No.10856656

Just be tall with good bone structure and stay in shape. it isn't difficult

>> No.10856662


>> No.10856666
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>Having the desire to go to nightclubs at all

>> No.10856667

>never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever

Never been to those things but had female attention, kinda /lit/ related so it'll keep this thread afloat. Let me start by saying she was 7/10 face wise, 9/10 body wise. We had AP English class together my senior year of hs and she was really into literature it seemed, adding onto the discussion. I had a liking to her and turns out later she had a liking back. But stupid me decided to have higher standards, so I feigned off interests which made her want me more, approaching me awkwardly and trying to converse at different times outside of class. Found out later on she had a somewhat low tier taste in books as well, which kinda turned me off.

My point is OP, there are girls who like you, but they aren't like your pic so you ignored them. They're introverted types who would browse this board and won't go to parties. Try Barnes and Noble senpai.

>> No.10856681


>> No.10856683

>just be genetically blessed.
Wtf I’m Chad now
Of course these girls are blessed too and I bet OP completely ignores ugly girls

>> No.10856706
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Stop posting these pictures on blue boards, it triggers me.

I'm from the rural South, lots of ugly and overweight men who seem like brainlets to me still have wives and families. Tinder and other parts of social culture in the West have made the dating atmosphere more Darwinian, but age WILL catch up with these women. You might have to settle for someone who's already been dicked down, but unless you're a Chad you'll have to compromise, or just accept the "die alone" meme. Also, try and detox from 4chan, it will only continue to castrate your social skills and make you bitter.

>> No.10856708

It's probably worse when you've met a girl you love and she keeps playing hide and seek, emotionally speaking; and without going into the details, our time together is limited.
This is happening after other events in my life, and the wave of emotions is too intense.
Maybe it is hard to believe but I have such strong feelings that now I exactly know what happened in the heart of some men to make them write the stories that stay with you forever, with characters that are truly able to express pain or love; I feel like I am experiencing ultimate despair anons, I am literally inconsolable, I need someone to tell me it is going to be ok, I know it won't be.

>> No.10856720

The sad thing is it probably will be, you will look back in a few years and know that you were suffering needlessly over something relatively inconsequential

>> No.10856733

How is this related to literature?

>> No.10856740

>still desiring females
They are silly, fragile creatures hastily scrambled together and burdened with filthy, ugly and evil sexuality.

>> No.10856748

Arranged marriages solved such problems back in the day. But you were still screwed if you were too poor.

We can all agree that libruls destroyed everything right?

>> No.10856749


>> No.10856753

>using expressions like "on the hunt for chad dick" or "Staceys" or "alpha personality"


>> No.10856758

I don't know anon, I hope you are right.
Obviously given my current state god himself could descend and show me the future and I would not believe him. Jesus fuck I feel so depressed anons. Sometimes I feel like dying would be ok.

>> No.10856764
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>> No.10856765


>> No.10856766

I'm unironically afraid of women, how do I solve this?

>> No.10856776

Interact with them. I don't want to hear your intricate chain of excuses, I've made them all myself. You have to do the thing over and over again in order to quiet your animal brain's irrationally fearful reaction to a situation that normies find pleasant and dread-free.

>> No.10856778

Just think of them as long haired people with a hole instead of meat hanging between their legs and two pair of udders. Works every time.

>> No.10856789


Ignore them if you want to do something useful with your time.

Alternatively, this >>10856778

>> No.10856797

Good advice

>> No.10856800


None of these girls have left their teens. Stop posting them

>> No.10856805

Once you have sex, you will realize how overrated and boring it is and you will stop caring about it.

Also, why do you care if some dumb roasties don't give you attention? These are just girls that are going to cheat on their future beta husbands anyway, so consider yourself lucky you dodged a bullet.

>> No.10856812

>Tinder and other parts of social culture in the West have made the dating atmosphere more Darwinian.
Elaborate, please.

>> No.10856813

Good one m8

>> No.10856819

Thanks for the friendly advice Satan

>> No.10856820

suffering the same and would appreciate a solution to this

>> No.10856825
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>> No.10856834
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It places an inordinate amount of selective power in the fickle hands of women, which invariably results in entitled, fat, 4'11 women holding out for 6'2 male models.

>> No.10856841

It's not that recent

>> No.10856842

Anon, you don't have to be depressed about it.
Don't search for validation from external sources. Chads and Staceys, no matter how mighty they are, need a support group for validation. Without them, they wither away into forms worse than incels in /r9k/

>> No.10856848

What does this have to do with literature?

>> No.10856855

I was just like you years ago. You will forget about the issue, and will find another person, but now it doesn't seem so because you have oneitis.

>> No.10856856

>rural South

my God, the odds of finding an even remotely intellectually stimulating woman here is close to 0. I honestly can't wait to go back to uni simply because odds are better there.

>> No.10856858
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>need a support group for validation
Gee, that cheered me right up.

>> No.10856862

More the choices in men, more difficult is the selection.
They'll always think that they deserve better, and will end up wracked with buyer's regret.

In the end, they are left with nothing, or they'll willfully sabotage a smooth sailing relationship for a cheap risk of adventure.

OP just needs jack off once, stop viewing porn, and start lifting weights. Getting a cunt is not that hard.

>> No.10856865

sexuality isn't ugly and evil you naive imbecile, you just perceive it to be.

>> No.10856867

What's the point of living if life is going to revolve around chasing poontang? There are far more fulfilling and noble pursuits.

i think the pain you're feeling is not that of missing out, but rather that of not fitting in. Good news! You'll get over it as you get older.

>> No.10856869

>Tinder means a single girl can connect with 100+ Chads without even leaving their house
>more women are going to college and pursuing careers in new areas that widen their potential mates outside of their small hometown
>due to the time needed for career pursuits and economic strains, marriage at a young age is less attractive and viable
>since women have more options, they have less reasons to pursue relationships with strings attached

Those are a few, there are many others but I see these as the largest causes of hypergamy.

>> No.10856876

Well, if you have been in a circle of Chads and Staceys, their need for validation and risk taking is absolutely cancerous. Every wrong decision will be hoorah'd and praised because of intra-group competition and general normie cancer subversion.

If you wallow in this thread, an anon will advice you without looking for their payoff. We don't know each other.
Normies haven't got that luxury.

>> No.10856883

People actually had more sex than now during the 90s and 80s

>> No.10856886


>> No.10856888

>intellectually stimulating woman

dude that's gay

>> No.10856901

Yeah, it took me a few failures to realize women are just holes made for fucking and reproduction.

>> No.10856920
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t. archon

>> No.10856927

I know, I was actually going to mention that lower teen pregnancy was one of the better aspects of the developments I listed.

HOWEVER, this is a moot point. Correlation is NOT causation. Many studies suggest high schoolers had more sex in the 90s because there was less technology, social media, and other outlets like video games to consume people's time. Porn and (like I already said) people dedicating more time to their academic and professional careers are other causes, the former applies to men and the latter applies to both genders. Here's a good article that explains some other factors:


>> No.10856936

Lol, good luck, university is the HOME of hypergamy. I wager less than 10% of girls there are in relationships, many of them would never consider one.

>> No.10856938

All hot girls are the same. You just have to approach with an active personality and not be a fucking freak.

"Thats a great dress, you're really pretty, my name's [name]. Do you like this music?"

How fucking hard is it?

>> No.10856942

what they mean by this is people like us (80-95% of males in a given area), approximately 100% of females are having sex.

>> No.10856945

it'll be okay you fucking faggot

>> No.10856946

you are looking for masculine traits in women

women can be smart without being "intelectually stimulating", especially when you are talking about rural women who aren't even exposed to things you perceive to be such

>> No.10856950

Is there anything worse than being born lower-middle/working class?

>The women are completely stuck up and have a big celebrity worship complex
>Nobody cares about art, literature, history or politics unless it is MUH TRUMP
>Social media addiction is through the roof
>80% literacy issues and people who leave school can barely differentiate between the basics; their, their, they're, etc

>> No.10856951
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>"Thats a great dress, you're really pretty, my name's [name]. Do you like this music?"

>> No.10856955


>just be yourself brah

If you're a Chad, they respond positively. If you're not attractive, they call security. Learn the difference.

>> No.10856957

I can't deny that if you look like that and you arent fucking filthy rich you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.10856963

Nope. Humans respond to other humans not being sketch as fuck. I imagine those of you with "female problems" aren't very self aware, funny, remotely interesting or remarkble in even the smallest ways. Dwight schrute is your role model here. Study. Learn. Live.

>> No.10856965

I'm a member of the "If I was two inches taller and not losing my hair at 25, I'd be Chad" club.

>> No.10856966

How do you get better at a game? You keep playing even after you lose.

>> No.10856971

Red pill: Anyone that's not as good looking as the left (a literal super model) might as well look like the right. You might be able to cuckmaxx but unless you are on MM tier looks you will never invoke genuine desire in a female.

>> No.10856972

Everytime I see this pic I wish I had the pics of these two low t beta nerds I knew who had girlfriends way out of their league. This was in highschool btw, means money wasn't the answer. But somehow they did it.

>> No.10856974

Let's not get to the extremes. Most anons here look average, I'm gonna guess.

>> No.10856982

Dude, females don't register "sketchyness" the same way you and I do. You can be the nicest guy in the world, but they literally will not give you the time of the day if they deem you to be unattractive. I have experienced this first hand.
And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then congrats, you were born attractive and are living life in easy mode.

>> No.10856984

What do you think the average weight here is? 220?

>> No.10856989

I knew a girl who "liked" Hemingway only because she read "The Oldman and the Fish", and she matches everything you just posted. Only answer for me is traveling abroad to Israel or Netherlands and meeting someone there.

>> No.10856990

I believe that you believe in your whiteboi fantasy that you are SUCH a gentlemen but you're probably just an entitled creep. Live and learn or shut the fuck up.

>> No.10856999

that's not a redpill that's a incelpill.

I'm in that same club but too skinny. Oh well back to reading Hesse.

/Lit/ is probably one of the more average boards in terms of weight.

>> No.10857002

Being born upper class

>> No.10857006
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What book would you reccomend him?

>> No.10857007

What this means? Do female store employees ignore you? Stuff like that.

>> No.10857008

so go to college and leave those plebs behind u dumbass mf

>> No.10857011

No I get how to talk to people. I don't say "show bobs and vagene." You just don't get that in the eyes of females, if you aren't attractive, you are literally worthless to them. It doesn't matter if you are nice and have a good personality. These are non factors to them.
You might as well be fucking dead if you aren't attractive, because that's what you are in their eyes. A ghost and nonexistent.

>> No.10857012

That thread destroyed my life

>> No.10857018

No, it just means that if you aren't attractive, you are of no value to the opposite sex. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.

>yeah bro just be more confident. make sure to smile and tell her she looks nice
This worked because you're attractive and she already decided in the first 5 seconds of seeing you whether or not she wants to fuck you. Not because you're a supreme gentleman who is polite and mannerly.

>> No.10857023

Dostoevsky. Funny thing is, most guys I know who read are above average in looks. They don't need to worry about girls, girls are attracted to them like fleas to light so they can have intellectual hobbies when not eating pussy.

Intelligent people tend to be better looking and vice versa.

>> No.10857028

But how do you know? How do they treat you?

>> No.10857032

>Intelligent people tend to be better looking
I've found the opposite to be true for obvious reasons.

>> No.10857037

You act like attraction adheres to rigid, limiting factors (it doesn't) which is just you lacking self esteem or being enrtirely unrealistic in your endeavors.

>> No.10857038

this is one of the least true statements I have ever read

>> No.10857043

not true, ugly people tend to be nerdy as shit, but that's not the same as being intelligent at all

>> No.10857052

I love all the woman hating betas because I tend to attract to the girls those qts they obsess over. All three exes have had similar problems with weird like you guys, and I get to be the light. Thanks, for real.

>> No.10857054

The last statement I made was factual, the previous were anecdotal. I also bought into the ugly intelligent nerd meme, for obvious reasons.

More info here, though i doubt anyone would watch it because /lit/ is full of Chomsky fanboys.

They also tend to be more conservative than non attractive people.

>> No.10857063
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>attractive people are smarter
>attractive people are more conservative

Pick one

>> No.10857064
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Girls have called me creepy and robotic but also handsome. Not sure if im chad now.

>> No.10857065

You can just see it in their eyes. And it's soul crushing. You can just see the way they look at you and know that they don't desire you and you will never be anything to them. It can't be explained if you've never experienced it yourself.

>> No.10857070

please can we just ban this guy

>> No.10857071

Don't shoot the messenger brah, I'm just reporting what the studies show. Truth is stranger than fiction.

>> No.10857082

angry betas are better than threads by that schizophrenic nazi, leave it up and ban that guy instead

>> No.10857092

I actually do have self esteem. I have about 4 or 5 fuck buddies now. I used to not have luck with the ladies, but now they chase after me.
But guess what? It's not because there was some major shift in my personality or how I acted towards them. It happened because I started to work out and got in better shape. Thus again proving that they only care about base attractiveness and nothing else matters to them.

>> No.10857095

Lmao kid, one look at perceptional psychology and your pathological opinions are discarded.

>> No.10857099

>Oy vey let's silence right wing people, but let's leave up threads that derail the entire board

t. Shlomo Shekelgrabber

>> No.10857106


>> No.10857116


Just find a mediocre looking girl with a pleasant character who you can like for who she is and you will forget all about toths until your mid life crisis.

Life is a lot simpler if you simply ask yourself what you need right now, and then do some basic effort obtaining it. Instead of dreaming about what you want, but will never obtain.

>> No.10857122

>It happened because I started to work out and got in better shape.

No shit, you think you would talk to a landwhale with a good personality? There's probably a dozen of them that were eyeing you but you never gave them a chance.

>> No.10857131


The unironic answer to this is dating a Jewish girl from Jersey.

Kinda backed into a corner here...

>> No.10857135

t. patrician

hello brother

>> No.10857138

which thread?

>> No.10857143

your standards are too high. the real answer though is just to wait for some 5/10 cutie when you're 30 and until that time, focus on improving yourself

>> No.10857153

Alright ,I'm going to my local college bar for the saint patricks day event. What should I do when I walk in the door?

>> No.10857165

>and I bet OP completely ignores ugly girls

To be fair why wouldn't you. Its not like ugly girls enjoy being around ugly guys, all you do is remind each other of your worthless ugliness

>> No.10857166

dubs and you have to give your loudest REEE

>> No.10857172
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>> No.10857182
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>> No.10857192
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>> No.10857199

Good, I'm happy for you. Do you like Milton?

>> No.10857221

Stop jacking off desu. It actually works if you don't have weak will, it will increase testosterone and libido and make you seem more attractive (for males)

>> No.10857232

>(for males)

what does that mean. surely a woman can't stop jacking off.

>> No.10857234

can we fucking stop the tall meme? it doesnt help shit, even if you are muscular, unless you have chad face and confidence
t. 6'4

>> No.10857241

Its because they work as a checklist, you have to check off each criteria before you're acceptable to women. You're always valued according to your worst feature

>> No.10857242

>lanky awkward motherfuckers trying to justify their lankiness
I am literally rofling

>> No.10857249
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>tfw manlet
>still have kissed two (2) girls in my life
>both were underage at the time
feels good

>> No.10857253

Did I step on a rat? Oh wait its just a manlet saying something

>> No.10857255

you can outweigh these attributes

one of my friend's dad is a total manlet but he got ripped and became a dentist. his wife is hot as fuck at like 40

>> No.10857264

Cope harder

>> No.10857266

Is he Jewish?
Jews are the masters at this

>> No.10857267

Attractive person here who used to be ugly adolescent/teenager (pretty weird situation if I can put it honestly, showed me two completely different worlds). Can confirm. No I'm not LARPing, although I'll admit if I was someone else I'd think this was larping, so I'll give you that.

>> No.10857270

Hm weak.

>> No.10857271

>be attractive
>be rich
>have a high social status
>have a personality women are attracted too

Work on getting any two of these and you can have any woman you want if you put in the effort.

>> No.10857278

then it is totally retarded to pick out height, especially since its not as much a death sentence as a JUST-tier face

>> No.10857279

nope, southern white gun lover

>> No.10857288

It's true IQ wise.
Males do the same.

>> No.10857297

Epic broski

>> No.10857362

Why dont you have some agency and become "Chad"?.

Why is lit the smartest and dumbest board simultaneously? Stop reading Kafka and start reading Murakami, Aurelius and how to win friends and influence people.

Heres some advice, I was you 6 years ago, was deep in depression and bitterness. Then I prayed to God to for good fortune. Then the women flooded in. I cant go into a room without a woman speaking to me.

>> No.10857365

>Why dont you have some agency and become "Chad"?.
Please read the thread.

>> No.10857366

Christfags and christchads are the most toxic people on earth

>> No.10857384

Males do the same obviously, but I at least make the effort to pretend that I care about the opinions of fatties and treat them like a fellow human being. Even though I would never put my dick anywhere near them.

Females on the other hand don't even begrudge you that much. They make their disdain for you 100% transparent and give no fucks if you notice it.

>> No.10857390
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how did you get underage girls to kiss you anon?
how old were you?
asking for a friend :^)

>> No.10857393

What does your whining have to do with literature? Get lost.

The reason you can't get women is your frail, immasculine attitude. I'm a 5'2" introvert and I've no problem with Stacey's. It's all in your attitude and presentation - know your strengths, make light of your (irredeemable) weaknesses (but don't focus on them), and grow a pair.

Now get to a relevant board.

>> No.10857395


Stop putting pussy on a pedestal and recognize that they're all idiots.

>> No.10857397
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>I was you 6 years ago, was deep in depression and bitterness. Then I prayed to God to for good fortune. Then the women flooded in.
Kek, you woke up and realized that you were actually attractive beneath all that flab and bad hygiene. If everyone were so fortunate.

>> No.10857411

wtf is this and how do I achieve this mode?

>> No.10857425

I'm an autistic dwarf and bed models every day, stop whining

It's all in your head, learn some game

>> No.10857430

You attribute your perfect jawline and chiseled features to divine providence.

>> No.10857434

my first gf in high school was a cute Mormon girl with a deformed thumb, she was a Freshman and I was a Senior (Captain of the Marksmanship team we were both on). Second girl was a girl I met on an airplane and she got in touch after months of not talking and we met up when I was visiting her country of origin, she was 17 and still in German high school while I'm in college.
>tfw she didn't respond after I said I want to see her again and she asked: "why?" :(

>> No.10857437
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thought it was something along the lines of pic related for some reason

>> No.10857438

>>tfw she didn't respond after I said I want to see her again and she asked: "why?" :(


>> No.10857440

No you pleb I was ready for women, all I was missing was help from Allah.
Im not a christchad. Im a Muslim Chad, its why my prayers are answered.
Ive read it, it seems like people crying its out of their control. This is not mindset of someone who gets women. Its like saying I am balding so theres no point in working out, defeatest attitude.

>> No.10857443

>Stop reading Kafka
but why tho

>> No.10857449

>Tfw somehow stumbled into a manic pixie dream girl
>Tfw she thinks I'm hot
>Tfw she likes my literary ramblings
We all gonna make it bros

>> No.10857452

Just tier faces can be fixed, even with stuff like surgery. I doubt anyone here is actually hideous, theyre probably have shit facial hair, fat, and acne, which can all be fixed.

>> No.10857456

>To be fair why wouldn't you.

Because it's better to fuck someone ugly and have companionship than to not fuck anybody and post about your misery on /lit/

>> No.10857460

OPs reads like someone who just read the trial. Depressing books should only be read sparingly, it affects you.

>> No.10857464

I said I wanted to see her and she asked why I would like to see her, she didn't respond to me saying I want to be with her, but no hard feelings cause I've been masturbating and talking to other girls.

>> No.10857473
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>> No.10857485

That's not what he said.

>> No.10857486

German girls are top tier man.

>> No.10857491

yeah, they are a lot smarter than American girls desu, a lot are sluts though, it's sad.

>> No.10857497

You're still young, still time to go to berlin. Even a German born Turk is better than nothing, college educated may know about Russian lit.

>> No.10857503

Look this isnt a shitpost, but I only get attention from white girls. Im black.

>> No.10857506

lol never been to Berlin and I wouldn't mix with a Turk.

>> No.10857514

People always say this yet the ugly girls who end up sharing an environment with desperate virgins get fawned over incessantly.

>> No.10857519

>fawning over ugly girls

>> No.10857521


>> No.10857523

>in terms of weight
im willing to bet most guys here are really skinny desu

>> No.10857530

yes, iirc stats indicate that positive traits are correlated with each other

>> No.10857532

What's the problem, you want black girls? I'm more into latinas myself.
Also, your favorite book? Curious about your taste.

>> No.10857537

Think of it this way op.
If you do get a wife, you're only going to get divorced a few years later.

>> No.10857540

Who the fuck honestly cares about fucking this much? I use to care mostly because of what the majority of people think and how important it's made to be everywhere but then you realize these same people who give it so much meaning in society are people I would never want to involve myself with anyway, and never have an actual meaningful thought for themselves or with others for years of their life. The concept of sex has become so overrated and so distorted it honestly drives me fucking crazy, must everything be about this one action? College students are just meeting up to fuck everyday and will never understand the meaning of structure or stability or cultivating an actual meaningful relationship, they'll just strive to seek someone who can mindlessly take them away from their problems and make them feel wanted and provide a false sense of merit/pride/meaning. It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.10857543

I guess, but I don't browse as much, concentrating on /lit/ and reading more. It's gotten pretty tedious and repetitive. I hope you don't get the idea that "racist" views are associated with anti-intellectualism.

>> No.10857548

Dont have a favourite, I liked Count of Monte Cristo. Im not gonna pretend to be a pseud who enjoyed Doestoevky or Joyce.

>> No.10857553

>but I don't browse as much, concentrating on /lit/ and reading more.

Sounds like me.

> I hope you don't get the idea that "racist" views are associated with anti-intellectualism.

No man, I was just asking because I've been on /pol/ long enough to recognize the type. I guess I'm "racist" myself because I don't buy into the equality of races bullshit.

>> No.10857560

> I guess I'm "racist" myself because I don't buy into the equality of races bullshit.
You don't think people of all races deserve the same rights ?

>> No.10857567

>unironic pol posters
>in this thread

like poetry

>> No.10857569

They deserve equal rights, I just don't blame the high black crime rate or low education on racism, it's just that's how generally black people and it's fine.

>> No.10857572

* how generally black people are and it's fine

>> No.10857574

Yeah, are you American? It's funny, I have mulatto friends and acquaintances and don't really harbor any hatred, but I think the right of association is a fundamental right that needs to be brought back.

>> No.10857580

To add to that irony is that I'm listening to Yeezus while posting ITT.

>> No.10857581

You won't achieve eudaimonia by following the hedonist normie life, anon. All the great philosophers said that intellectual activity is the greatest virtue.

>> No.10857582

>black ppl higher crime rate
disproportionately policed and convicted
> low education
post secondary education costs money

the myth is that black people woke up the day after slavery with equal opportunity when in fact they still don't have it

>> No.10857583

actually illiterate. Kafka is the quintessential beta

>father thought he was a pussy
>no women
>crushed by society

Great works though tbqh

>> No.10857591

Honestly, a literature board is the worst place you can come to complain about this. Actual western literature is just 4000 years of non-stop ugly cunts slaying some pussy because they're smart or mysterious or whatever. Actually attractive authors like Chekhov were always spergs or retards or something else and always ended up single

>> No.10857594

becuase black chicks don't trust black guys unless they go to uni together. White girls just don't want to be racist while 10% of them just wanna try out or fuck only black guys

Honestly, sounds kinda nice.

>> No.10857602

Dont blame the institution man. I am black from a poor family. There are actually a lot of black people that succeed. Yes I am discriminated against, but I dont use it as an excuse to cry or do crime.

Im not a descendent of slaves though, I came here as a migrant from Africa. The reality is to realise your position and think. Look at jewish immigrants to the US from WWII.

>> No.10857604

>Yeah, are you American?

Yep. Don't harbor hatred either, which is what separates me from /pol/. But definitely on point with freedom of association.

>> No.10857605

Wait, Doestoevsky is actually pretty enjoyable. Count of Monte Cristo is some good shit though

>> No.10857607

>no women

>> No.10857610

I enjoyed crime and punishment, its a good book, but people name drop him too often to fit in with lits taste.

>> No.10857619

that's good to hear anon :)

>> No.10857630


I even got into med school because of affirmative action. I love my life.

>> No.10857644

I think I've been looking for this advice my whole life... damn.

>> No.10857652

fuck off, we're full

>> No.10857657

>a writer's personal traits decide the tone of their work

>> No.10857666

fucking kek, looks like it works

>> No.10857669

Kafka had a lot of sex issues but he was still a womanizer

>> No.10857687

? Have you read The Metamorphosis or The Trial? They're both about the nightmare of society if I recall correctly.


>Kafka never married. According to Brod, Kafka was "tortured" by sexual desire and Kafka's biographer Reiner Stach states that his life was full of "incessant womanising" and that he was filled with a fear of "sexual failure".He visited brothels for most of his adult life and was interested in pornography.

>> No.10857694
File: 83 KB, 527x700, 84b3f06b37d2db09b9d1fea1677a8e55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure. It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is.

>> No.10857697

They're disproportionally convicted because they disproportionally commit violent crimes and have longer criminal records.

>> No.10857700

>was interested in pornography
How reprehensible.

>> No.10857718

How is this related to literature?

>> No.10857723

It's the beginning of a postmodern bildungsroman

>> No.10857765

90% of the people I know are like this

>> No.10857770

Tbph women don't care about this that much. They care how popular you are, how extrovert, how rich. Meaning you can work on outlook but still have unwanted personality.
I personally can't find gf because I'm asperger. My dad is asperger too and my mother was his first gf on 22. It's just that a personality like his requires certain personality of the opposite sex. My mother is neurotypical. I'm lucky enough to get the genes from my father...

>> No.10857916


actually i feared this to be true, then i fucked 3 girls last year and now i just hate them

>> No.10858181

What did your mom see in him?

>> No.10858193

You didn't read the post and/or are lying to yourself.

>> No.10858218

the girl on the right looks like my ex gf. she was a cunt op don’t feel bad

>> No.10858220
File: 19 KB, 325x400, rus-lenin-325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything worse than being born lower-middle/working class?

being bourgeoisie you fucking kulak.

>> No.10858540


they only exist for your own pleasure

>> No.10858549
File: 100 KB, 1021x1027, GAAYYYYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're a massive faggot piece of shit take your pathetic ass back to >>>/r9k/ you are ruining this website, die.

>> No.10858569

This "fact" is actually based on a combination of your own insecurities and the availability heuristisc, i.e., women who stay in their dorm instead of going out are not readily perceptible... because they are at home.

>> No.10858588

Those three facts are not incompatible. Consider some simple probability.

>> No.10858593
File: 111 KB, 554x439, 1498266912266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books for this feel?

>> No.10858635

Marry 1
Fuck 2
Kill 3

>> No.10858676

>he's never oggled a tall, handsome god fearing rower

>> No.10858685


>> No.10858722

God I hope you’re right.

>> No.10858768

6'2" handsome guy here
I am in the same boat as you manlets don't feel bad guys let's all read some books and be comfy together

>> No.10858781


Being 5'10 with an attractive face and in shape is better than being 6'4 with an ugly face. Just saying.

>> No.10858795

I'm 5'11 with an average face, girls have called me "not ugly". My problem is that I'm skinny af, so I'm kinda fucked.

>> No.10858824
File: 9 KB, 184x274, 12343456645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me if religion helps to fill the gap and ease the pain?

>> No.10858829

Yes, it's anesthesia for the masses.