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10847406 No.10847406 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about this PC philosopher edition?
Complete yours.

>> No.10847420

Where do I start in terms of philosophy?

>> No.10847425

What do you mean?

>> No.10847441


Here's a hint: the people you should start with are most famous for buttfucking, feta, and inventing western civilization.

>> No.10847458

By modern standards, everything older than 300 years belongs in the top right quadrant.

>> No.10847463

You have to actualized their philosophy, and i believe in "Ermeneutica" so i think thats possibile

>> No.10847488

Marxism is not Marxism-Leninism(-Maoism). Marx was not authoritarian, but he was also not libertarian. Marxism on its own is a primarily negative in nature - it is a study of the contradictions of capitalism, not a description of possible alternatives.

>> No.10847503


I was thinking marxism leninism

>> No.10847520

Missing Hegel at the top
Kierkegaard in the bottom right quadrant somewhere

>> No.10847570

Was this made for a brainlet board? why bother labeling people that everyone knows?

>> No.10847572

>this many people being this retarded
If you're at the bottom, left and right are almost identical. A funnel would be a more accurate representation, but the whole compass model is retarded anyways.

>> No.10847647

Stirner should probably move left, the only property he respects is his own

>> No.10847693

This is absolutely retarded, why the fuck is marx autho? sartre should be hard top left (even thought he called himself an anarchist), deluze&chomsk&camus should be hard bottom left
heidegger a neo con? jesus christ how can someone fuck this one up

and remove niet&stirn completely

How about you actually read these people and understand their political position instead of larping and discussing "le politics & philosophy with my fellow patriciansXDD"

>> No.10847709


Nietzsche, Camus, Striner, Kant, Aristotele, Sartre, Socrate and Heidegger all transcend rigid political definitons

>> No.10847748

camus was a staunch anarcho-syndicalist european federalist

>> No.10847815
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Embark with the East Asians

>> No.10847871

>why the fuck is marx auto
Because he advocated for using the state apparatus of opression to socialize the means of production, in what would be called the dictatorship of the proletariat, the intermediate step between capitalism and communism. Read Capital.

>> No.10847879

>Marcus Aurelius and Machiavelli are libertarians

OP is a retard

>> No.10847882

No matter how many times you use that portrait to represent Kant, it still won't become a portrait of Kant

>> No.10847891

Machiavelli was a republican. His work doesnt represent his position you idiot. He was hardly against tiranny or dictators

>> No.10847900

Imagine unironically thinking that Chomsky is far more radical than Deleuze

>> No.10847943

Marx on the Paris Commune:
>The split between the Marxists and anarchists at the 1872 Hague Congress of the First International (IWA) may in part be traced to Marx's stance that the Commune might have saved itself had it dealt more harshly with reactionaries, instituted conscription, and centralized decision-making in the hands of a revolutionary direction, etc.
Lenin's vanguardism is actually very orthodox.

>> No.10847949

Marx is right wing

>> No.10848031
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Here, you forgot someone.

>> No.10848064

It's stupid. Don't try.

>> No.10848432

They are all baby tier reddit shit for emotional man children who don't want to work hard for thexample privilege of quality living and instead drag a whole society down into the dumps with them because it's not "fair" and they don't understand the basic concepts of value bartering, or protection and oposing opinions and forces, like the world is this big hug box that just could always find the same reasoning and logic instead of always being competitive and differing in opinions on how things should be.

>> No.10848482

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.10848683

looks about right

>> No.10848688


>> No.10848738 [DELETED] 

I disagree with this. Plenty of premodern states were less free market than today. Democritus, Lao Tze, Cato the Younger, Al Ma'arri, the Charvarka Indian philosophers, Diogenes and possibly even Jesus and Gotama Buddha often come off as fairly anti-authority or at the very least hesitant critical of their contemporary social hierarchies. Although their philosophy is not as well known as that of the Aztecs, from their totalitarian and communal social organization, the Inca would fit very far in the top left corner.

>> No.10848745

I disagree with this. Plenty of premodern states were less free market than today. Democritus, Lao Tze, Cato the Younger, Al Ma'arri, the Charvarka Indian philosophers, Diogenes and possibly even Jesus and Gotama Buddha often come off as fairly anti-authority or at the very least hesitant critical of their contemporary social hierarchies. Although their philosophy is not as well known as that of the Aztecs, from their totalitarian and communal social organization, the Inca would fit very far in the top left corner.

>> No.10848755

Meant to quote >>10847458

>> No.10848778

The political spectrum is a meme, the reduction of an entire corpus of work to a single point on a map is absurd, and even within your own framework these placements are enormously retarded.

>> No.10848791

I hate the political compass because I almost always end up near the certain as a result of being religious even though I'm not really socially conservative outside of refusing to recognize trannies and other genderqueer dummies as their chosen identity.

>> No.10849340

The idea of the revolt of the proletariat (as the most important/biggest part of the non-owner of means of production population) and its dictatorship as a means to tackle the current dialectical order. Like, have you even checked your Ist International/Basic dialectics?

>> No.10849342

Feels good to be in the same camp as Socrates, Camus, and Chomsky

>> No.10849633

i read ony 1 book by Evola

>> No.10849640

Wow, you labelled all the obvious ones everyone knows already. Good job.

>> No.10849641

The real question is where does Adorno belong?

>> No.10849710

Authoritarian left.

>> No.10849716

He'd be on the line between lib and authoritarian left.

>> No.10849765


>> No.10849872

how is Evola on the economic right?

>> No.10849881

Radical centrism

>> No.10849947

Kant, although he is too verbose. Pick small books or prose philosophy for the start, I recommend you Critique of Pure (not practical at first!!) Reason and Zarathustra.

>> No.10851060
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As far as i know he disliked economics
He was all about fascism's third position but I really dont know what that entails

>> No.10851890

that's what I mean

>> No.10851900

What does anything mean?

>> No.10851917

Marx wrote primarily in aims of maximizing human freedom, he was not an authoritarian.

>> No.10851919

The Ego and His Own and The Philosophy of History is a good intro to philosophy

>> No.10851961

Why are you taking dictatorship of the proletariat so literally? He considered current democracy to be the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

>> No.10851968

>feeling good about being a cuck

>> No.10852336
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>disliked capitalism AND communsim because le ride the tiger anti-rationalism meme

>> No.10852401

>anarcho socialism is the same as anarcho-capitalism

>> No.10852411

That's just regular anarchism.

>> No.10854370


Are you for real?

He devoted several chapters in his book about libertarianism. You can't put Stirner into a political category because politics is a spook.

>> No.10854477

>Neetchee, Machiavelli and Stirner
leave this board

>> No.10854503
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>Evola quote
>Likesuccess.com watermark
Sums up pretty well the state of internet ""traditionalists"" to be quite honest desu familia.

>> No.10854513

I read l unico e la sua proprieta. His critics liberalism, but the only way to realize his anarchism nowadays is with the freer market possible

>> No.10854645

Why is Hegel at the top?

>> No.10854648

Evola isn't that authoritarian.

>> No.10854652
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Where ma boy Carl at?

>> No.10854673


you misspelled bagel

>> No.10854682

Where would you place Deleuze then? He never wrote that many explicitly political works.

>> No.10854683

Machiavekli was against tiranny idiot

>> No.10854696

>realize his anarchism

The whole points of his book is that there is no need for any -ism. His critcs about "free speech" also apply to the "free market". Stirner would laugh into your face if you wanted to "realize his anarchism". There is no need for any collective movement that follows any kind of idea, thus no need for politics.

>> No.10854701

But none of those philosophers were on he chart, were they?

>> No.10854707
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>> No.10854708

My God, the rhizozome is taking over the spectrum

>> No.10854711


>> No.10854794

It's simply natural that people should think this. No anarcho-socialist has ever been able to give a good answer why it is not so either.
We are dealing with a godless peoples, who -- naturally, logically -- see coercion as the center of all political ideology. Politics revolves for them entirely around who needs to be coerced, what body needs to coerce them, to what extent and so on. It is natural that they should see it this way, because there is no such thing as a moral obligation in their world view, and certainly not as something that can be relied on.

Yet they will call me naive while ignoring all of the historical and anthropological evidence that backs up my case, that there can be 'societies' which do not rely on formalized laws and mechanisms of coercion and checking.

>> No.10854808


>> No.10855674


Sartre is definitely more authoritarian than Marx

>> No.10855795

>Posting wikipedia quotes and not quotes from Marx.

He was against state ownership and said the entire working class as a whole would run the state. That's basically anarchism.

>> No.10855800

> The claim that through revolution the proletariat will be “raised to a governing class” thus has nothing to do with creating a dictatorship of a political sect, but is rather a claim that the proletariat will use “general means of coercion” to undercut the bourgeoisie’s power (by abolishing the private ownership of the means of production, disbanding the standing army, and so forth). It is the entire proletariat that is to exercise this power. Bakunin asks, “Will all 40 million [German workers] be members of the government?”28 Marx responds, “Certainly! For the system starts with the self-government of the communities.

>> No.10855805



>> No.10855823

>stirner and nietzsche on a political grid
fucking retarded

>> No.10856289

lmfao bro Marx wasn't authoritarian, he argued for a stateless society where everyone respects eachother - the exact opposite of authoritarianism. It's only later commies like Stalin that were authoritarian.

>> No.10856321


>> No.10856369

It's wrong, but I laughed nonetheless.

>> No.10856390

You mean real life Schmitt or shitpost Schmitt?
Where would you even place 'restrain democracy so it can't shoot itself' and 'pretend to support nazis'?

>> No.10856407

He was pretty much an authoritarian reactionary with sympathies towards Italian fascism, so i'd place him pretty deep in top right.

>> No.10856949
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>> No.10857104

>Marx wrote primarily in aims of maximizing human freedom
Where? And if it's true, why did his followers fucked up so bad?

>> No.10857111

Traditionalism? More like retarditionalism :^)

>> No.10857144

>t. never read Marx
Read some of the early stuff like the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. It's literally his main goal though, there isn't just a quote or two to point to. It's also why he had such a hard-on for democracy.

>> No.10857158

Seems appropriate here:

I am actually about to go full eco-fascist.
What's some good political philosophy on anything ecologically related to politics ?

>> No.10857162

Singer and Arnie Næss

>> No.10857251


>> No.10857272


>> No.10857304
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>Political Right

>Implying Stirner can be classified on this kind of compass

>> No.10857310


>> No.10857317
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Whoops posted the crap version

>> No.10857408

ANALYTIC ANIME PROTAG: Derrida, you bastard! Why did you deconstruct reason, why did you deconstruct metaphysics!
DERRIDA: Because there was no truth in it. I have done what I did solely out of love for it. I'll never act in the name of anything else.
ANALYTIC ANIME PROTAGONIST: So you'd sacrifice every grounding of reality for a pipedream? A mystical 'truth' inhabiting, inalterable, the void? I'll show it to you! I'll show you the truth of this world, of my friendship to everyone who stood by me, the truth of my sword!
DERRIDA: Heh, nothing personnel kid.
*Ebin anime fight*.

>> No.10857409

Yes, I've never read Marx. I know about the polemics envolving the early, humanist Marx, and the older Marx, tho.

>I am actually about to go full eco-fascist.
Kek, don't go full retard bro. At least find a political position that isn't a meme.

>> No.10859113

this unironically

>> No.10859123

Shouldn't Heidegger be authoritarian left because he claimed he joined the Nazi party on May 1st because he mistook them for actual socialists?

>> No.10860129

>a nice curve through Hume Arelius and Marx
this can work right?

>> No.10860132

stalin or Mao never read Marx

>> No.10860191

Ecology blended with fascism is too much of an idiosyncrasy. You can't be an ecologist trying to bring an authoritarian rule to bear only on your country, because it is to no avail. Ecology regards the planet at large, if another country pollutes then your environment suffers too. But as a primitivist I recommend Thoreau and Linkola.

>> No.10860192

>that libertarian

Popper would like a word

>> No.10860198

wait nvm that's aristotle

>> No.10860399
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>hate the government
>at the same time hate democracy
Am I retarded?

>> No.10860428
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I remember when I had my first beer.
I hate that actual fascists already use this phrase, that's what I would prefer to call liberals.

>> No.10860430

You are simply ancap, so yeah, you are retarded.

>> No.10860430,1 [INTERNAL] 
