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File: 50 KB, 329x500, Pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10852323 No.10852323 [Reply] [Original]

>But it is he who extemporaneously alters the definition of cosmopolitanism to mean that all White nations must become “multicultural and multiethnic.” There is nothing in the Enlightenment requiring European nationalists (who believe in peaceful cultural exchanges among nations) to welcome immigration and diversity. Pinker’s claim that European national pride and ethnic identity leads to parochialism and intellectual narrowness can be categorized as a form of irrational indoctrination obscuring the actual origins of Enlightenment ideals within ethnically homogeneous European nations.


What is it about the (((Pinker’s))) that cause them to constantly attempt to distort and undermine our history and values and when will we stop putting up with it?

>> No.10852926

this seriously sounds like the most spooked, brainlet book ever written

>> No.10854144
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>> No.10854216


>> No.10854218


jesus christ

>> No.10854222


>> No.10854265

Unless that article is arguing that the Enlightenment thinkers were in favour of parochial nationalism (and I'm pretty sure they weren't- ethnic nationalism was a romantic reaction -against- Enlightenment values), that makes no sense.

>ethnically homogeneous European nations

>> No.10854333

epic triple

>> No.10854351
File: 28 KB, 600x449, ARE YOU A WIZARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10854358
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>> No.10854365

>ethnic nationalism was a romantic reaction -against- Enlightenment value
Wrong. America was de facto or even de jure an ethnonationalist country for most of its history.

>> No.10854427

Nationalism of any kind was made possible by the enlightenment, hence revolutionaries referring to themselves as patriots rather than subjects of the crown.

>> No.10854441

You're right, I'm sure they would have been happy about their nations being repopulated with Africans.

>> No.10854462

I just can't handle it. Either be religious or anti-civilisation, but these fucking atheists who want to be progressive moral fags, it just doesn't add up.

>> No.10854467

But correct morality is just obvious, you know? And it just so happens to line up exactly with my political views. If you need religion to be a good person, you're probably not a good person, eh?

>> No.10854468
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>Pinker’s claim that European national pride and ethnic identity leads to parochialism and intellectual narrowness can be categorized as a form of irrational indoctrination obscuring the actual origins of Enlightenment ideals within ethnically homogeneous European nations.
lol imagine being this butthurt

>> No.10854472
File: 58 KB, 898x628, 1520802941831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10854493

If no God you can do whatever you want??????? What now atheisds???????

>> No.10854499

imagine being so much of brainlet that you think it has something to do with national pride

>> No.10854512

t. butthurt snowflake

>> No.10854532

Christ he is such a typical lame US academic with his totally naive outlook and shitty little "jokes" (I'm not an optimist, I'm a POSSIBLIST! ho ho [guffaws in liberal bourgeoisie])

>> No.10854879

>the Enlightenment thinkers were ethno-nationalists because the USA has featured ethno-nationalism
What? I feel this argument is missing several logical steps.

>> No.10854953

Ethnonationalism is the default position before nations are polluted by the dogmas of multiculturalism and multiracialism. Anyone who lived in an ethnically homogeneous society and didn't actively fight against it is an implicit ethnonationalist.

>> No.10855223


/pol/ pls

>> No.10855267

Refute this

>> No.10855403

>anyone who is capable of using basic logic is /pol/

>> No.10855475

And anyone who lived in a Communist state and didn’t actively fight against it is an implicit Communist.

>> No.10855517
File: 152 KB, 579x1358, Sam Harris solves ethics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothin personnel, theist

>> No.10855520
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I'm not a fan of Pinker, but I really hope communism ends up winning globally. Even stalinism. I just want this /pol/ crossboard shitposting to end already, even if it means getting the gulags up and running again.

>> No.10855540

Pinker will not be spared the chamber.

>> No.10855542

Oh, right, I should not take advantage of you when it is in my power to do so because my stove told me.
Geez, whichever idiot came up with the Ring of Gyges problem should have just gotten a stove and a calculator.

Edgy idiot

>> No.10855553

How vulgar.

>> No.10856498

Leave this board, kike.

>> No.10856607

Wtf I’m a utilitarian now

>> No.10858348

/our guy/ based Taleb already destroyed this slimy jew

>> No.10858403

Hate this. Only faggots choose the easy life. True men know the value of asceticism.

>> No.10858729

>Either be religious or anti-civilisation
That's a bit rich, eh?