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10854150 No.10854150 [Reply] [Original]

Can you anons name me some classic books that are universaly respected by the history professors?
I need to use one or two books as sources for an assignment and i dont know what to pick
NO REDPICK BOOKS, i want the normiest normie book you can think of, i dont need a book to educate myself, just some that will bring more prestige in my assignment, thanks in andance

>> No.10854165

What the hell kind of question is this, you autistic weirdo? Jesus, go back to /b/. You need to narrow your question down considerably more. If you're looking for general histories of the wars, John Keegan's "The Second World War" is popular, I guess. Any biography of FDR or Churchill with a bestseller stamp will do, too.

>> No.10854175
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sorry i wasnt specific enough, i need a book thats about the general storyline with analysis about the causes and consequences, you know generic shit
I dont know if i can explain it any better sorry English is my third language....
I usually only lurk

>> No.10854179
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Eastern Front: Memoirs of a Waffen SS Volunteer, 1941-1945 by Leon De Grelle

>> No.10854192

Terrible choice. Degrelle is a french nazisboo and will claim that the nazis did nothing wrong.

>> No.10854198

Hitler was defending from the Judeobolshevik menace. Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.10854207
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>this meme

>> No.10854217
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Why do you hate the national socialist? They were defending Europe. Sure they did wrongs but still they were the good guys.

>> No.10854220

>To Hell and Back: Europe 1914-1949

Only book you'll need.

>> No.10854221
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>drive their country economy into the ground
>invade other countries to steal from them and to accomplish their schyzoid fantasy
>terrible mistreatement of the jews and slavic people
>b-but it was all justified by the commie revolution that happened decade before Hitler's election and was put down in a matter of days

>> No.10854227

All it says is they hated religious and class elements. They still considered the aristocratic antisemitism barbarous. They had no problems with Jews who changed name and Russified, but once a Jew is always a Jew and Hitler was not about to get punked by the wiley scheister. Hitler knew that the Jew cried out in pain as he struck you.

>> No.10854231

Damn thats a lot of food I wonder how they didn't get so fat. God bless Hitler

>> No.10854234
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>the jew is inherently evil

Guess the european should genocide the germans before they inevitably chimp out like niggers again.

>> No.10854241

If a vagrant swindler gets jumped for hustling on someone else's block, it's his fault for getting too outta pocket that far away from home

>> No.10854244

Yes it's an accurate history.

>> No.10854253


>> No.10854256
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The reason they consumed so much food was because after you've been through starvation your body makes you eat a lot.
Why don't you write instead of all the wrongs the communist did instead of pouring all that energy on what the nat-soc did.
Let the sunshine in.

>> No.10854268
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Reread the picture you retard, it show a drop in food consumption not an increase.

>> No.10854274

Why the hell are you asking here, OP? Surely your teacher can recommend some books. Or just google university reading lists for introductory WW2 courses.

>> No.10854282

the battle of britain shouldn't even have happened since they could've close the war at dunkirk, if the meth head psycho listened to his generals instead of giving command to the fat degenerate retard
such a sad regime

>> No.10854295

https://www.amazon.com/World-War-II-Introduction-Introductions/dp/019968877X Author was used in my WWII class in college.

>> No.10854299

He has a lame book recommended. T. C. W. Blanning, The Oxford history of modern Europe, its retarded

>> No.10854300
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So they eat and they don't eat. Life is like that. You know some days I don't wanna eat. But other days i wanna eat.
I get the feel that your hate towards national socialism has something to do with your father. Make peace with him and yourself anon

>> No.10854306
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>> No.10854310

Go /his/

>> No.10854350
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The rising sun & Hitler by John Toland

>> No.10854403

This is true, jews are responsible for WWII and national socialism was a reaction to the jewish bolshevism that killed millions of Russians. I'm glad people are finally waking up to this so they can finally pay for what they've done.

>> No.10854531
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>> No.10854664
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>In August 1919 Jewish properties, including synagogues, were seized and many Jewish communities were dissolved. The anti-religious laws against all expressions of religion and religious education were being taken out on all religious groups, including the Jewish communities. Many Rabbis and other religious officials were forced to resign from their posts under the threat of violent persecution. This type of persecution continued on into the 1920s.[11]

>The official statements by Lenin about antisemitism were contradictory. In March 1919, he delivered a speech "On Anti-Jewish Pogroms"[12]where he denounced antisemitism as an "attempt to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants from the exploiters toward the Jews." The speech was in line with the previous condemnation of the antisemiticpogromsperpetrated by theWhite Armyduring theRussian Civil War.[13][14][15]At the same time, Lenin wrote in his project of a directive for the Communist Party "The policies on the Ukraine" in autumn of 1919:[16]

>"Jews and city dwellers on the Ukraine must be taken by hedgehog-skin gauntlets,[17]sent to fight on front lines and should never be allowed on any administrative positions (except a negligible percentage, in exceptional cases, and under [our] class control)"

One of your document only state the same paranoid belief of /pol/tard about jewish mysticism, the other simply state that the jews were behind the commie (not surprising given antisemitism was more accepted)

For the other one I dunno I'll need to make more research but my experience with his kind of argument is telling me there's some bullshit.

>> No.10855139

Hitler's War

>> No.10855227

You're quoting the daily mail. Just consider this, for one second.

>> No.10855889

This cry of victimhood is less effective when you are shown to be the slaughters of millions. Do you understand that that CAUSES "antisemitism"? Meaning jews are responsible for creating antisemitism against because of their actions?

>> No.10856229
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Is World War 2 by Sulzberger any good?

>> No.10856265

>praises a regime that killed millions of russians systematically with intent to breed out, deport, enslave and exterminate most slavs
>the jews were so ebil they killed 2 million Ukrainians all by themselves!
you people are dogs
daily mail supported Hitler, fucking kek
Jews didn’t slaughter millions, Russians did

>> No.10856288

>Jews didn’t slaughter millions, Russians did
Jews slaughtered tens of millions. Do you know anything about bolshevism? It was a jewish-led minority coup against the Russians.

>> No.10856295

Age of Extremes by Hobsbawm. He's Jewish and Marxist (note: it's a style of historiography which thinks ideologies arise out of material circumstances, not that Stalin was right, but that Stalin and Hitler were products of their time, as was Churchill et al.) He admits the problem of telling the history of the 20th C as a Jew and apologizes if people find him biased, and then goes on to be unbiased. Unlike others, he doesn't make the only features of the time period ANOTHER BOOK ABOUT HITLER AND SHIT THAT REPEATS ON HISTORY CHANNEL.
It's well respected, widely read, and his other books on the centuries before are also very handy for covering the main events of long spans of history and how they set things into motion for the next event to take place. It deals with after WWII too.

>> No.10857427
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Churchill’s War by David Irving and also Hitler’s War

>> No.10857476

>Churchill’s War by David Irving
>and also Hitler’s War
OP clearly stated that he wanted bullshit tier books.

>> No.10858979

The Coming of the Third Reich

>> No.10858994

The second world war by Anthony Beevor. It's comparatively recent so it considers a wider context. His writing is clear and isn't the slightest bit boring.

>> No.10859051

Anything by Victor Davis Hanson

>> No.10859057

You're lucky, OP. Winston Churchill was actually a historian as well. You could read his books on WWII, I'm sure you'd find something interesting in there.

>> No.10859097

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