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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 615x410, Philip Roth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10852342 No.10852342 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here read the Big Jew himself?
I'm about to start reading Sabbath's Theater, Harold Bloom said it was his masterwork

>> No.10852378

Shit writer and subversive jewish pervert, not worth the time.

>> No.10852397

Thats quite a strong and confident opinion you have there, which of his books did you read?

>> No.10852454

Phillip Roth is a relic because in 2018 everyone is either a shrieking #MeTooer or an antisemite. Good riddance, we all know he only made it that far thanks to ethnic nepotism and is likely a pedophile like his tribesman Mr. Allen

>> No.10852466

AP and some miscellaneous stuff. Sure, you might find it edgy and whatnot if you're naive about the JQ. But once you do you'll actually be able to put the deranged smut jews like Roth have written, and his tribesmen have tried to pass off as literature, into actual context. Go for it though, it's important to understand the jewish mind and Roth is a good window into their moral corruption if this topic is one you're unfamiliar with.

>> No.10852475

If you knew anything about Roth you would know he's been writing about the degeneracy of the Jewish people his entire career and not in the least favorable light. Early on he was accused of being a self hating anti-semite and tons of Jews actually wanted to shut him down.

Every race has its problems and every race has its good genuine artists

>> No.10852477

I enjoyed Sabbaths Theater. Very funny, very sad and I enjoyed the gross granny and grampa porn.

>> No.10852483

I'm fascinated by the Jewish mind. There's a reason James Joyce chose to make the protagonist of Ulysses a Jew. Their old testament style utter disdain for all humanity and cynical disgust of all nature is something I find in myself despite being as far as I'm aware a gentile. I think there's a Jew in all of us of an intelligent mind

>> No.10852500

Jews have been projecting this attitude into your culture for a long time, so I'm not surprised you would think that. Unfortunately their neuroses are far more wicked and destructive in nature than you seem to currently be aware of. It's a very bad thing and they are very bad people.

>> No.10852517

I've read Portnoy's Complaint. It read like a 90's sitcom fanfic written by a redditor. It made me cringe from start to end. Ended up selling it

>> No.10852524

i didn't know robert mueller also wrote fiction.

>> No.10852547

Roth is one of the greatest writers of his generation. At a minimum, Portnoy's Complaint, American Pastoral, I Married a Comunist, The Human Stain, Sabbath's Theater, and Zuckerman Bound are all worth reading.

>> No.10852590
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Reddit and other jewish smut apologetica forums can be found elsewhere, chap.

>> No.10852604

4chan is way more Jewish than reddit, reddit is goy central

>> No.10852615

And /pol/ is right down the hall. Like it or not, Jews have created more great literature than any group other than the Irish.

>> No.10852634

LOL what? Jews are horrible writers. They're semitic and writing is a creative enterprise, and the last thing semites are known for is creativity. So no, obviously. I feel foolish for even having to explain that to you.

>> No.10852637

Before the 20th century, the Jews haven’t made a signle worthwhile contribution to literature besides the Bible and Montaigne (who was a Catholic).

>> No.10852642

Montaigne was Jewish? What the fuck??

>> No.10852643

How do you explain the fact that the most important book in history, the Bible, was written by Semites?

>> No.10852646

He and his parents were Catholics, but ethnically he was a Sephardi Jew.

>> No.10852656

Everything in the Bible was ripped off from other cultures. You think a wandering desert tribe came up with all those stories? That also makes the point concerning their lack of creativity, and penchant for worse, such as intellectual theft and indoctrination.

>> No.10852826
File: 9 KB, 257x388, Human_stain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Silk is accused of racism by two African American students over the use of the word "spooks," using the term to describe their absence from the classroom (like "ghosts") rather than in the racially derogatory sense
>The uproar leads to Silk's resignation
>It is slowly revealed through Zuckerman's musings that Silk is an African American who has been "passing" as a Jew since a stint in the Navy

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10852871

It amuses me that the first reaction of /pol/-tards to Roth is "a Jew!!!" when he's redpilled as fuck. The Human Stain is a heavy critique of modern politically correct culture where people's careers and even lives can be ruined by liberals just for a chance passing remark, even a misinterpreted one. In American Pastoral, he has an extended and crucial scene where the main character's father, a glove factory owner, so much as says "all these poor blacks people moving into this town and all these liberal policies and my workers striking and violently revolting pretty much ruined it" and the story the father tells is so well-told you have sympathy for him. The main character's daughter Merry and her consorts, super anarchist/leftist terrorists, are also so well psychologically portrayed as having a worldview based on resentment and childishness, with a clear meaning of a critique of a broadly modern leftist psychology, it's amazing that Roth isn't more seen as a brutally conservative writer.

Also, interesting that in the Human Stain as well, Coleman's (entirely consensual) affair with an illiterate younger woman is criticized by others and seen as an abuse of power and as reflecting poorly on him (but it's clear Roth himself sees Coleman as something of a tragic hero and is criticizing all those who criticize him). The trends were already there in the culture when he wrote it, but it's very interesting to read in light of modern culture's hypervigilance about sexual harrassment and the MeToo movement.

>> No.10852917

You clearly don't know what the term "redpilled" means, as its most fundamental aspect involves an understanding of jewish behavior, and has little to do with general observations about black dysfunction and misguided blaming of "liberal" policies that are themselves merely extensions of jewish ethnic interests universalized to exploit white people's morality, inclination to help others, and desire live in a fair society.

>> No.10852934

every single thing in the British canon is ripped off from the Greeks, every single thing in the Nordic canon is ripped off from earlier races like the Celts and Scythians. Fuck off, the Jews were using caananite (their mother race) and Semitic (their racial family) ideas. All babylonian ideas were Akkadian which were all Sumerian which were all a mix of Native Iranian and Indo-Aryan ideas. Nothing in the Arthurian Legends is original, nothing in Germanic epics is original.

>> No.10852946

that’s not what redpilled means and liberalism comes from classical liberalism and social liberalism both of which are Anglo which jews bought into when they secularized go masturbate with a cheese grater you fucking insipid faggot

>> No.10852955

moldbug was using redpilled to describe his shtick like 10 years ago. Moldbug who is a jew

>> No.10852962

He's very worth reading if you're into modern fiction, though I can understand why people dislike him.

>> No.10852975
File: 34 KB, 326x499, nemesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Roth I've read is probably not representative of his work as a whole. I found parts of it quite beautiful and touching though, but for a relatively short novel it managed to drag. Anyone else read it?

>> No.10852977

Wrong. Nice attempt to blame Anglos though, noseberg.

So what? Is anyone supposed to be surprised by a jew subverting others' language?

>> No.10852983

>the last thing semites are known for is creativity
the hell lol. I doubt even a majority of anti-semites would agree with you.

>> No.10853054
File: 108 KB, 1237x1017, 1464557506644-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who is familiar with jewish spatial IQ results and the jews' absence wrt innovative achievements understands how and why jews lack creativity. Europeans are the only creative people, hence the domination of innovation. Jews are however very good at manipulating things in their favor, including manipulating others into thinking they're more creative and high achieving than they really are.

>> No.10853317 [DELETED] 

You deserve most, if not all, of your mental and emotional suffering.

>> No.10853390

>completely disregarding latinamerican literature
I really do hope this dude is just shitposting.

>> No.10854155

He was mixed

>> No.10854168

kek the desperation

>> No.10854209

I read it. It wasn't his best, but a very solid example of his later style.

Read "I Married a Communist" or "The Plot Against America" now.

>> No.10855794

Nemesis is 4th book of Nemeses quadrilogy (Everyman, Indignation, The Humbling and Nemesis).

>> No.10855842

I think it should be noted that Ruth's series are really just thematically linked and are not really in a series like we would typically see that term used. I haven't read any of the books you just named but the American trilogy could be read in any order without issue (though I think the chronological order does work best).

>> No.10855846

True. But there are some races, and there are some races.