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10849746 No.10849746 [Reply] [Original]

No memes please.

>> No.10849767

>pop science

>> No.10849774

>word used to describe someone who goes above and beyond the definition of an absolute and total slut. infact the word copping is just a category of whore all in its own.
>for example, there is the kind of whore who will suck your dick in a packed movie theatre while everyone watches. and then there is a copping

>> No.10849776


>> No.10849778

>le sam harris man v2

>> No.10849782
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>> No.10849786

No. Pinker is a moron. Dennet is... Less of a moron. Dennet is not really good at rounding the whole picture of the human mind, but he can make some really good points when talking about certain isolated problems. But if you really want to get your dick hard, read psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis>>>Cognitivism>Behaviourism

>> No.10849788
File: 95 KB, 318x457, The-Righteous-Mind-Cover1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this instead

>> No.10849790

top kek, name 1 psychoanalyst that ever improved the life of 1 person

>> No.10849794

One of the biggest insights of psychoanalysis is that we don't actually want our lives to be improved. Happiness is an incredibly overrated goal

>> No.10849798

now that's convenient given their record

>> No.10849814
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I agree, these books are not peer-reviewed and usually contain a lot of mistakes and inaccuracies....
Concerning Pinker, his arguments against blate slate and standard social science model have been rather influential, especially in the field of evolutionary psychology. They are definitely worth checking out but I think the book is already outdated, so you might consider reading something else about the mind. Also if you are going to read Pinker, check this one out to get the other side of the story

>> No.10849815

>shit cover
>meme font
were they even trying?

>> No.10849817

Nice bait.

I'll tell you how a usual behaviourist session looks like.

You get a few tests which you solve over an hour or so. You get a diagnosis. They tell you what you're doing wrong. They tell you to stop doing it and to become more aware of what you're doing in order to stop doing it. Become MINDFUL. Meditate and eat more hazelnuts. Fixed! Now you're a good robot.

I'm telling you this from first hand experience. My psychoanalyst helped me to help myself, so I guess that counts.

Inb4 hurr durr he indoctrinated u hurr durr nice Plebbit spacing

This guy gets it.

>> No.10849823

yeah, psychology is a meme discipline with only about 10% of the studies being replicable, doesn't make psychoanalysis any better

>My psychoanalyst helped me to help myself
and yet, here you are

>> No.10849848

>muh science
>science can give me an objective point of view
Did you finish high school? A lot of great science shit can't be empirically tested. For example, Hawking radiation is only praised because it fits into theory very well. I'd develop this further, but I didn't eat for the last 16h and don't have the patience to do it. Check our empiricism vs rationalism and then check out why science even has credibility. There's a lot of theory that was created just to give science some credibility. Hell, the entirety of maths and logic are held up by only our made up axioms which we then use in physics and other "muh objective science truths".

>> No.10849853


no lol

>> No.10849856

i guess the ramblings of a dead german who never cured anybody are to be taken more seriously than science by those standards

>> No.10849858

I read Words and Rules and enjoyed it but it is kind of pop-sci. It's a good general audience linguistics book

Also read OP's pic related and it's OK, but Pinker is entirely wrong about linguistic relativity.

>> No.10849865

Go out and come back only after you read an introductory book on epistemology.

>> No.10849866

he thinks all words are equal?

>> No.10849888

>m-m-muh justified belief

>> No.10849891

except for hebrew words of course

No but in all seriousness, he is strongly opposed to what he calls neo-Whorfian hypothesis. Continuation of the theories of Benjamin Whorf

>> No.10849901

for anyone whos interested...Pinker isnt a significant name in Linguistics. I think hes famous, like most poplectuals, for being able to go on TV and be quite presentable (most academics are drooling aspies)

>> No.10849908

evo psych has to be below gender studies in the scholarly pecking order. You can just make any shit up off the top of your head and opine about how it must have be evolutionarily advantageous, and now youre doing just as well as any body else in the world.

>> No.10850346

I agree that it is not a hard science and "just so stories" are extremely common. Nevertheless, it is still better than gender studies, because
1) It is based on the evolutionary theory which is a fact.
2) You can actually come up with falsifiable hypotheses and test them.
Evo psych does a good job in terms of explaining why people crave for sugary/fatty/salty food or why almost everyone has a hard time giving a public speech etc.
But when Jordan Memerson starts talking about lobsters and hierarchies, that's definitely far-fetched, and it is not entirely clear when evo psych stops being science and becomes pseudo-science.

>> No.10850366

memerson being a retard aside, the lobster thing has nothing to do with evo psych, it doesn't try to explain why there are hierarchies evolutionary, just that hierarchies exist, are old, and we use the same systems to calibrate human hierarchies as those crabs do

>> No.10850374

so with whom would you recommend to start if I want to get into linguistics? (except for Chomsky, obviously). thanks!

>> No.10850393

read a book and invent your own linguistics

>> No.10850412

>lol how we can even begin to understand natural selection and how it relates to psychology?? that's so weeeird omg
>looool is that actually trying to breed dogs with different behaviors?? behaviors are like magic dude, you can't even touch them xD
exact science=/=valuable intellectual pursuit

>> No.10850417


>> No.10850419

>lol how we can even begin to understand natural selection and how it relates to psychology?? that's so weeeird omg
According to evolutionary psychologist, by making things up.

>> No.10850427

I've heard people say that human sexual preferences haven't been shaped by evolution whatsoever lmao

>> No.10850444

oh another good one I heard was that the physical differences between men and women were 'accidental byproducts' of their reproductive differences and no indication of men and women having evolved to do different things day to day

>> No.10850460

so did the dog breeders. they had a hypothesis and then they bred the kind of dogs they wanted.
we can't "test" this stuff with humans but I'm sure it's floating around in the minds of some policy makers.
we live in a competitive environment and if our understanding of evopsych (in the sense that we know how to affect selection pressures) is better than someone else's we'll also be able to outcompete them. that's just reality.

>> No.10850502

> uses an evolutionary perspective to explain a current phenomenon which is prevalent in many groups and societies.

If it is not EP, what is it then?

>> No.10850515

>and we use the same systems to calibrate human hierarchies as those crabs do

We very obviously do not though

>> No.10850524

Humans aren't fucking dogs and you can't make the comparison for a billion reasons. Can't wait for this meme field to die.

>> No.10850531

he explains nothing, he just points that the phenomenon is old

explaining something through EP would look like, we have hierarchies today because we encountered situations X, Y, Z during our evolution which made them useful or more useful than not having them. Just pointing to them existing is not EP

>> No.10850539

>you can't make the comparison for a billion reasons
Reason no. 1: It upsets you
Reason no. 2: It has counterrevolutionary political implications
Reason no.3: It is sexist and racist

Shall we continue

>> No.10850562

>we can't "test" this stuff with humans
don't worry, the chinese have no such problem with it, we'll find out when our new chad chink overlords start being created

>> No.10850564

Ah yes yes, how could I forget the evil cabal of demonic leftists who are against FACTS and LOGIC and prefer FEELINGS! The noble pursuits of the brave evolutionary psychologists are hampered in every place because it utsepts the politically correct status quo and they can't handle the TRUTH (and not because it relies on dubious epistemological claims 95% of the time).
>This is what the followers of the second psychobabblical cult of modernity actually believe

>> No.10850565

there is approximately zero chance that the Chinese haven't been running eugenic programs for decades already

>> No.10850567


There is a whole field of comparative biology where the whole job is to draw comparisons between the species. If it is possible on the genetical and morphological level, what makes you think that it is not the case on the behavioral level? A simple example is conditioning, discovered by Pavlov. Applies to virtually anything which has brains.

>> No.10850569

daily reminder that Leftists openly say that combatting racism is more important than studying race differences, and the latter should just be entirely abandoned so that it doesn't threaten the former

>> No.10850581
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>> No.10850591

t. cultists of a dying cult
Because evopsych makes unfalsifiable and unverifiable assumptions 95% of the time. Also dogs don't have cultural transmission and selection.
Evo bio is much better.

>> No.10850601

>t. cultists of a dying cult
Can anybody project any more lmao.

Tell me do you think there is a possible connection between modern Western 'equality' and the Christian dogma that all men are created equal. If not where do you think this peculiar and quite unprecedented denial of reality comes from

>> No.10850607

Where the fuck did I say anything about equality you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.10850618

'equality' is the reason behind the widespread animosity towards sociobiology, pretensions of epistemological rigor notwithstanding

>> No.10850619

>One of the biggest insights of psychoanalysis is that we don't actually want our lives to be improved.

"want" is not a scientific term in neuroscience


psychoanalysis is culturally charged pseudoscience, you don't get thousands of years of development in science, agriculture, and sociology because people didn't want their lives to improved, Jungian bipolar hysterics is Victorian garbage

>> No.10850625

Whites should not be following the advice of or doing anything other than ignoring these jewish gatekeepers.

White leftists are only doing what their jewish thought-masters tell them to do.

>> No.10850628

Ah yes, the cabal of demonic vampires, I forgot.

>> No.10850634


I've agreed already that not all papers which get published are worth it. But what about the 5% left-overs with reasonable hypotheses, proper science, correct statistics etc? I think that they tell us a lot about human nature to justify the existence of the field...
>Also dogs don't have cultural transmission and selection.
What kind of selection are you talking about?

>> No.10850635

your mind is incredibly lacking in nuance. Imagine that Fundamentalist Protestants controled all the universities, do you think there might be a serious controversy over the subjects of evolution and geology? Research would still take place, but it would be dangerous and stifled.

No conspiracy is necessary, simply a belief system that has verifiably taken hold of the middle and upper classes in the last couple centuries.

>> No.10850638

sociobiology is not a science, spending resources on researching sociobiology is an inherently constructivist act, you could either spend money on publishing racial IQ differences or you could spend that money trying to figure out how to improve nutritional outcomes among impoverished peoples, the first act is wankery, the second act is social activism

>> No.10850648

So you think it is a priori completely impossible that groups of humans differ in average cognitive ability? You don't think this information is at all relevant to the government of the people in question?

>> No.10850658

No, he says that there is no point in that at all. The variation within the groups is larger than between them. Therefore, you can't make any predictions about a given individual based on her race.

>> No.10850661

>you think it is a priori completely impossible that groups of humans differ in average cognitive ability
you're putting words into my mouth

researching that is wankery when you could improve cognitive ability through research in actual neuroscience and nutritional programming

cognitive measures normally measured by mathematical IQ tests are going to be made obsolete by AI/AI-augmented-human work, which I would rather have research money go into than racial science wankery

>You don't think this information is at all relevant to the government of the people in question?

it's unproductive wankery

>> No.10850666

well that's true, but it was the retarded left that opened "le 50/50 outcome" can of worms that brought this shit

>> No.10850673

if you probe them long enough very few leftists are actually for equality of outcome, they're equality of opportunity, barely, you're creating a boogeyman red-haired banshee sjw strawman

>> No.10850674

No but you can make a prediction about what that group is going to do as a group, which is very relevant to policy.

For a completely hypothetical example with no relation to reality, if a certain group were conspicuously lacking in individuals with very high cognitive ability, and you told this group that the reason they were performing so poorly was that a different group was beating them down such that they didn't even have a chance, you would potentially engender quite a bit of ethnic hostility, that might possibly manifest in a slew of racially motivated robberies, beating, rapes, and murders, that you would then have to also attribute to the evil oppressive behaviors of the second group.

Such an example is clearly fiction, but what exactly would be your proposed solution to a situation where it is literally impossible to have the two groups perform the same way per capita?

>> No.10850678

yes but the very fact you're spending money wanking on predictive policy rather than active policy will itself affect outcomes to a very large degree

>> No.10850682

even Obama brought up "le wage gap", and minority quotas are a thing.

it's not a twitter conspiracy, it's current policy

>> No.10850687

>active policy
In our hypothetical here Group A is simply incapable of behaving like Group B, no amount of active policy can change this because it is genetic.

>> No.10850688

if you think you're except from being in a genetic group that is not below another genetic group in terms of pro-social and intelligence you're delusional and you should worry about people better than you by your own standards making the same arguments for your own policing in the same way you look at minorities

>> No.10850703

>no amount of active policy can change this because it is genetic.
CRISPR became public literally a few years ago, I wouldn't discount it so soon

also most cognitive defects are due to nutritional and environmental factors not genetic ones, a malnourished uneducated asian kid performs worse than a truly healthy educated black male statistically

btw like
said, you are in Group A for some elite group better than you by your own standards

>> No.10850709

Based on your hypothetical example, I would propose some sort of a segregation policy (e.g. ghettos, reservations etc. arranged for the first group followed by sterilization/annihilation ). We shan't forget that selection on a group level is a very real thing.

>> No.10850713

>ghettos, reservations, sterilization

you mean like 4chan lol

>> No.10850716

This is not an argument this is some kind of veiled threat lol. But in any case yes, of course the smartest people should be in charge in my opinion, and I'm aware that that is not my race.

Singapore crudely manages something like this with their Han elite

>> No.10850720

policies like affirmative action makes no sense unless you believe in proportional outcome and assume that all the deviation from that proportional outcome is due to discrimination

>> No.10850728

>This is not an argument this is some kind of veiled threat lol.

the argument here is that you're proposing anti-social behavior, which is going to manifest itself in other ways, which may include your own doom

>> No.10850735

It's not anti-social at all, there is literally no sane metric by which racial segregation was not more pro-social than what Detroit or Baltimore have become

>> No.10850747

>there is literally no sane metric by which racial segregation was not more pro-social than what Detroit or Baltimore have become

this is some armchair-tier sociology and at this point you're not making well educated analyses of the current situation you're just projecting an obsession with race when there are much more complex variables involved than you are capable of considering intellectually

>> No.10850752


>> No.10850754

Yes, the ebil cabal.
>your mind is incredibly lacking in nuance.

>> No.10850760

Baltimore's problems were caused by segregation, the guy killed by the police that caused the riots was mentally disabled by lead paint in segregated districts created by government housing loans for whites only during the early and mid 20th century

>> No.10850762

Consider for a moment that I am perfectly capable of understanding those more complex variables and I find the anti-racist explanations shall we say wanting in consistency.

Obsession with race is not peculiar to people who believe that the races differ, it is everyday blasted in the mainstream, and it is of utmost importance that you be racially aware if you want to preserve your physical safety, by avoiding doing things like visiting black neighborhoods as a white person.

However much this might bother you there are people who are not motivated by irrational hatred, and are not just too stupid to understand the sociological explanations, but that just disagree with them.

>> No.10850768

Baltimore's problems are due to black dysfunction.

>> No.10850769

go get an actual education is sociobiology or whatever and come back when you have some real research published rather than grabbing pdfs off stormfront

>> No.10850782

>Obsession with race is not peculiar to people who believe that the races differ
yes, it is

>> No.10850785

> are people who are not motivated by irrational hatred,

I don't believe you're irrational because you hate black people, I think you're retarded because you're getting your education from youtube debates

>> No.10850790

I mean, this should be obvious if you look at different african diasporas around the globe. the lead paint is such a trite lefticism, it makes me wonder wether they tailor-make these explanations for every nation or if they just feign ignorance. what about finland, netherlands, korea, norway, japan, china, australia, germany, sweden, the uk? are there equally "sophisticated" explanations for each place?

>> No.10850799

> tailor-make these explanations for every nation or if they just feign ignorance. what about finland, netherlands, korea, norway, japan, china, australia, germany, sweden, the uk? are there equally "sophisticated" explanations for each place?

yeah somali/west african migrants come from hundreds if not thousands of years of malnourishment, IQs rise with every generation of their stay in a healthy environment

>> No.10850800

The day there is a functional black city or country, without high amounts of violence and poverty, I will accept that i was wrong, or at least partially wrong.

Until then personal safety is more important than the uncomfortable position of disagreeing with the mainstream. I know none of you will ever agree with this, but I hope that you at least understand that practically speaking you have to behave as if you were racist.

>> No.10850802

not an argument!

>> No.10850811

Stop being retarded. Black dysfunction and low intelligence is a result of thousands of years of evolution. It's not something they are going to overcome with a better diet, and it's not the job of white people to raise up these savages anyway. Get real.

>> No.10850816

...and yet their IQs rise with every generation of nutritional and social stability improvement

seems like you're just pushing an agenda

>it's not the job of white people to raise up these savages anyway.

it's no one's "job", it's just prosocial behavior

>> No.10850825
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>> No.10850837
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I only read The Blank Slate ages ago and liked it. Now it seems like he's trying to assuage liberals feeling the heat from recent developments.

>> No.10850849

It doesn't matter, especially since their IQ is like ~70 to begin with and it's not their food they're eating, it's food we are giving to them, which is causing their numbers to grow to unsustainable levels. The best policy is to cut off that food and allow a natural malthusian re-centering to occur. The world needs fewer Africans, not more.

>> No.10850854
File: 170 KB, 960x720, The+White+Man%u2019s+Burden+By+Rudyard+Kipling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not get this logic, do you think black people are going to thank you? That's the most dumb and cuckolded virtue signaling which I've ever seen

>> No.10850862

so stop talking about the lead when it's a global phenomenon :)
dude I'm stoked about your new hobby, don't get me wrong. I love that you want to nourish and breed super somalis that are clever enough to outcompete you on the job market (or simply make them smarter but not smart enough to threaten your social status?) but let's be honest about what we know

what are you going to do if you manage to raise their intelligence but not enough for them to overtake jews in finance and media? what are you going to do when they become a majority and still feel done wrong because of their "underrepresentation" in higher positions?

>> No.10850890

>breed super somalis that are clever enough to outcompete you on the job market

that's clearly not your concern because you idiots keep ignoring the issue of AI, but whatever dude, 1488 and praise Kek brother!

>> No.10850914

>this feeble attempt at neo-nazi counter-signalling
You are already evil white male if you subordinate the plight of poc to the potential problems of AI

>> No.10850921

shitposting won't make you taller or less lonely

>> No.10850924
File: 10 KB, 263x400, 10955059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read something like this instead.

STOP ENGAGING THAT RETARD ABOUT RACE, Watching you people argue with that aut right soy monster no longer amuses me.

>> No.10850944
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>talking about the concept of the mind without ANY reference to the underlying neurobiology (he even mentions this critical omission in his book claiming that the structure of the brain is not important in order to understand the mind)
It is a splendid read to realize how "cognitive psychologists" see this world. "A state of the art " book which exposes the absolute incompetence and impotence of any psychologists who tries to say something about the topic. Leave the book for Cosmopolitan readers and read the Greeks. You'll derive more enjoyment and actually learn something.

>> No.10850966

You're an idiot if you think race is anything other than the backbone of any conversation of this nature.

>> No.10850999

my concern would be to put us on a path of sustainable improvement. that path doesn't include turning the west into brazil and allowing all political movements to be hijacked by ethnic conflicts. you wouldn't get trump if you weren't actively trying to make whitey a minority.

>> No.10851010

why aren't you making white babies rn then? you have a lot of work ahead of you if you really wanted to reverse the current trend

>you wouldn't get trump if you weren't actively trying to make whitey a minority.

>> No.10851052

>implying I'm not saving the white race by each (You) I get on 4channel
I'm serious about ethnic conflict though
the left's answer to it is insanely stupid. we're inviting every ethnic conflict under the sun into our countries under the guise of multiculturalism and your cure-all is to tell white people to be less racist. it's not a sustainable solution and soon all hell will break lose. the only thing keeping the ship together is a relatively benign white majority.

>> No.10851063

k dude we'll see how well that pans out for you

>> No.10851072

the Left seem constitutionally incapable of understanding this. As if the perpetual race war between blacks and latinos all along the border were just a natural attribute of civil society

>> No.10851075

>It is based on the evolutionary theory which is a fact

Do you know what "theory" and "fact" mean? The hard-science envy you cultists have isn't even commensurate with your understanding of it. Mind boggling

>> No.10851087

I'm not sure what exactly this post meant to accomplish in me.
Anyways, just stop.

>> No.10851096

>we're inviting every ethnic conflict under the sun into our countries
There's no shortage of traitors and useful idiots among us, but the program is fundamentally jewish. The first step is purging those jews from institutional power. The non-whites they've flooded us with can be returned or otherwise dealt with easily. It's jewish control of our media, banking, NGOs, and governmental apparatuses who are the central problem.

>> No.10851117

the reason I'm thinking about this at all is because I'm witnessing it happening it my own country. I'm seeing different somali clans attacking eacher. arabs attacking jews. I'm seeing pashtuns vs hazaras. I'm seeing ethnic minorities attacking poor whites who aren't able to white flight out of there.
I want you to understand: the white majority is the only reason this hasn't spiralled out of control. oh and the economy isn't doing too badly. an ethnically stratified society like brazil is the best possible outcome. the worst outcome is outright war

>> No.10851139

Better argument is that you can’t derive an ought from an is.
People may have evolved for different purposes but suggesting they should be constrained to those purposes, when they can potentially contribute novelly elsewhere through exadaptations, is the logic I can’t stand

>> No.10851144

>How the mind works
>(I don't know, but I will not admit this, t. just an average atheist)

>> No.10851148

>an ethnically stratified society like brazil is the best possible outcome.
No, repatriation of those people, who have only arrived in the last few decades, is the only possible outcome.

>> No.10851152
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Read this instead.

>> No.10851155 [DELETED] 

I do wonder whether any human population has ever been anywhere close to as inbred as any purebred dog, and without that the variation in proclivities might be so great as to make the comparison meaningless
Or at least meaningless relative to the amount of importance people would like to ascribe

>> No.10851183
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>this is some armchair-tier sociology and at this point you're not making well educated analyses of the current situation you're just projecting an obsession with race when there are much more complex variables involved than you are capable of considering intellectually
/pol/ btfo'ed to the stone-age.

>thread starts out about psyychology
>/pol/, somehow, in someway, manages to turn into steer the conversation into an autistic discussion about race realism with their simpleton one-track minds
/pol/cucks are truly the nigger equivalent of white people

>> No.10851211

Who said anything about being thanked?

>> No.10851212

>a mere statement that's not particularly enlightening and has nothing backing it up is capable of sending several hundred autists at least thousands of years back in the past

>> No.10851221
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But but
The existence of the theory is a fact

>> No.10851227

And this is a better explanation for why people have little patience for entertaining arguments from this front, which they then frame as muh censorship

>> No.10851229
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Whenever an American makes any sort of political commentary or analysis I immediately disregard it. Why?

Because the average American "thinker" is the ultimate armchair philosopher. They will proudly give their uneducated opinion on anything. They have no context, no real skin in the game because they haven't had war or conflict even close to their own soil since the 1800s. Their 'culture' is a fabrication made by Hollywood Jews to entice their youth with cowboy and soldier genres to serve their military industrial complex to work and die for Israel. 'Tradition' for them is stuffing themselves to the gullet with high-fat high-sugar foods and securing some shitty office 9-5 office or manual labor job enough to afford healthcare for their heart surgeries and medication.

American 'Alt-Righters' and 'traditionalists' are the worst among these. These half-breed mouth-breathing apes are the loudest advocates for an ethnostate, for the "day of the rope". Their genetic self-confusion is so dire that the word 'cuck' immediately resonates with them in any given discourse. Their understanding of the history of ideas has come from Wikipedia articles and state propaganda. They have no sense of nuance: anything even remotely resembling optimal collective activity is deemed "GOMMUNISM" as their own society institutions continues to become more bureaucratic, overrun by nonwhites, stagnant, and impoverished.

This would be all fine in dandy if these mutants were self contained, but since they outsource all their industry to street shitting cultures like China and India which expel the fetid masses of plastic and waste into our environment, the Amerimonkey's uncontrollable lust for consumption is destroy God's green Earth. We cannot tolerate it any longer.

>> No.10851243

>optimal collective activity
Do I smell an utopian?

>> No.10851258
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For a moment, consider the idea that in the volatile cocktail of personal-insecurity and having self-affirmed superiority complex over out-grouped individuals gave rise to a spiteful outward race theory that, in all probability, accidentally managed to be a quarter right in some contrived manner.

Now also consider that the people flailing this accusation around the most are typically invested in this theory specifically due to this insecurity. These people are also simultaneously the ones who know the least scientifically about the topic and are generally less intelligent themselves.

So this is a question I've had for a while: if blacks are indeed dumber on average than white people. What do you propose we do to them? Segregation? Eugenics? Sterilization? If IQ is the basis at which were going to value someone's genetic, did you at any point realize that the community that talks the most about race realism is tied to low IQ themselves and by this metric, would likely fill the gas chambers with the people they proclaim to be genetically smarter than?

>> No.10851297

I can vouch that everything this guy said is 100% true.

>> No.10851316

>also most cognitive defects are due to nutritional and environmental factors not genetic ones
Source? I have no doubt that those factors contribute very heavily when it comes to cognitive ability, but I don't think we know how much. I've read that even after normalizing for various factors so as to eliminate nutritional deficiencies from the equation, IQ between racial groups is still quite different.

>> No.10851327

So ... are you jewish or just too stupid to realize you are regurgitating jewish anti-white talking points?

>> No.10851334

they don't think like that at all. They just know that repeating anti-white rhetoric is high status because they see it in the NYT and hollywood and harvard. They don't understand the ethnic dimension to it at all

>> No.10851354

I realize that, but am still obligated to direct attention to the source of the ideas they mistakenly believe are their own.

>> No.10851372

They'd rather die than be antisemitic anon. Being antisemitic or racist is so incredibly low-status in our societies that they are literally not capable of assimilating any information that points towards those views. The thought of being known as racist is the modern version of the terror of excommunication, being totally rejected by the tribe, it is unthinkable, it goes way beyond simple true or false statements, it is imbued with nearly cosmic weight and forms the foundation of their morality.

I understand your impulse though

>> No.10851376

t. butthurt americans alt-righters

>> No.10851394

>"want" is not a scientific term in neuroscience

Thats because neuroscience lacks any ability to investigate actual mental life you stupid fuck

>> No.10851400

I once thought that way too, but nothing is forever, jewish liberal brainwashing included, and it's necessary to help make others at least superficially aware of it until a critical mass is reached. Throwing in the towel does no good.

>> No.10851424

It was litterally only about a few decades ago that racism and antisemitism were extraordinarily mainstream, and there are plenty of high-profile individuals who still hold either antisemetic or racist beliefs. It's simply that the inherently contradictory principles of liberal societies demads that in order for our society to function at its most optimal, any tensions must be dealt with. It certainly doesn't make it the low-status thing you seem to see it as in your isolated part of societty.

>> No.10851426

True, I wasn't trying to criticize you, more just offering an opinion. These kinds of people though, especially people with an interest in a field like literature, are extremely unlikely to be able to break out of that conditioning.

For one thing they are usually very sensitive people, highly attuned to social cues and etiquette, and their area of interest is dominated by Leftists of various persuasions. The way they react to pre-20th century writers they admire having racist views is telling, they completely divorce these beliefs from the rest of the person, as though it were a strange aberration these men all share with no relation to their other thoughts. A kind of mental disease they all share.

You have to remember that beliefs are primarily socially regulated, and it is abnormal to believe things that your society condemns as evil, because being right is much less important than having social success.

>> No.10851438

Can you stop samefagging?

>> No.10851446

you think I wrote that last post in the 6 seconds between it and the previous one? you can't even post without a minute in between each, there's a timer

>> No.10851451

I at least was a completely different person, actually, and I was trying to argue against him in a way that would potentially start some considerations.

>> No.10851454

To be fair, there are ways of getting past that timer. I just responded before your last post.

>> No.10851462

For sure, but people didn't change their minds because they were presented with evidence is what I'm saying. Anti-racism became low-status because high society was dominated by a particular brand of secular Protestants in conjunction with irreligious Jews, and these two groups for very different reasons were opposed to racism.

>> No.10851471

>Anti-racism became low-status
Racism* became low-status is of course what I meant here

>> No.10851475

>secular Protestants
that's kind of redundant

>> No.10851486

i don't know what to call them, I mean the ones who kind of stopped being actually religious but went insane on the social activism front, as opposed to the ones who became what we now call Fundamentalists in the US

>> No.10851504

Are you saying that people back then accepted racism on the basis of evidence? A lot of what is done on the political spectrum is based on self-interest and competing groups far more than it has on notions of evidence and facts for much of the history of the human race, and they still led to workable societies because of some degree of work. Besides, even accounting for whatever evidence there is of the inferiority or superiority of certain races on a genetic or environmental level, one way or another the structure of society has changed far too much beyond simply notions of anti-racism for any sort of direct culling by nationality or race to really be acceptable. Perhaps if you encouraged more birth control?

>> No.10851511

>some degree of work
Sorry, I mean some degree of intuition based on the needs and wants of whatever population.

>> No.10851543

>A lot of what is done on the political spectrum is based on self-interest and competing groups far more than it has on notions of evidence and facts
I would say 'all of it'

I was just talking about the futility of trying to convince people of race differences in such a social climate. If people become more racist again it won't be because they're reading books on evolution or IQ, it will be because racism starts to serve some social purpose again.

Obviously I think racism is true, and so being true a certain amount of it is ineradicable, for example no matter how Leftist a person is they will become deeply subconsciously racist if they spend a lot of time around black people because despite their conscious refusal of the implications, their amygdala will retrain itself to associate blacks with danger.

As for political action centred around racism it is bad idea imo. Things are too far gone already, the future will be multiethnic whether we like it or not.

>> No.10851573

Well, I'm a bit of left-leaning individual myself, (as well as half-black myself) and while I do acknowledge that there are genetic differences between races, I still think that there is a lot more research that has to done on the matter before any definitive statement can be made, which is currently not being done for obvious reasons. Still, you're right that I do feel some sort of subconscious sense of danger around black strangers whenever I'm visiting my black side of my family in South Africa.

>> No.10851584

>their amygdala will retrain itself to associate blacks with danger
fake knowledge, nothing was said here. you could have said their ghost spirit makes them see the heavy light in the dark people and they fear it thus
>Things are too far gone already, the future will be multiethnic whether we like it or not
they're going to genetically engineer niggers out of existence

>> No.10851607

>Things are too far gone already, the future will be multiethnic whether we like it or not.
No they aren't, and no they won't. None of this got going until the 60s and didn't get ramped up until the last decade. People naturally divide and organize along racial lines and regimes don't last forever. The jewish global order will fail and new lines will be drawn. Instead of publicly dwelling in your own depressed fatalism and spreading negativity to whites you'd do more good by just killing yourself. You sound like the weak who shouldn't have been born in the first place.

>> No.10851661

Where do you see movement towards racial collectivism outside Eastern Europe? Because I don't see it. I appreciate your insights into my psychological state though.
The amygdala thing is not controversial at all
Well you probably have a much more pronounced understanding of the social dynamics at play here than I do then. Where I live race is not a very big deal day to day, but still a thing.

As for the environment vs genes thing, you're right of course none of it is settled definitively, but the trends are rather robust.

>> No.10851683

>The jewish global order will fail and new lines will be drawn.
you seem to be confusing "things I want to happen" with "things that will actually happen"

>> No.10851685

>Anons tell you you're weak, you shouldn't have been born and you should kill yourself
>Well thanks for the psychological insight!

>> No.10851696

>The amygdala thing is not controversial at all
explain the mechanism of action and explain how the mental state fear and anxiety correlate directly with the amgydala. do other parts of the brain "cause" emotional states, what about other parts causing the one you said, are there variations in this emotional state of "sensing danger" what about people who are white, athletic and successful who hang around blacks all day (any white basketball or football player) who don't feel this? Are these healthy handsome white men who are attending college deformed anon? Also what makes you think that brain states cause mental states and not the other way around or a mixture of the two? I'm not so certain you have any clue as to what you meant by what you said. I think its more likely you're a pseud

>> No.10851701


>> No.10851710

Nationalism is on a major rise across the west.
Not only is that already happening, but it has been happening for decades. This is a house of cards that has been covering up its failures for a long time.

>> No.10851715

this stuff

Honestly forget about the amygdala thing, 'subconscious association' is the point.

>> No.10851717

I need to go to sleep.

>> No.10851723

Screnshotted. See you in 5 years.

>> No.10851822

I liked in the blank slate the experiment with the cat who got his eyes chopped off and his ear drums removed and was shown to still have the neural structures necessary to process space and time that other cats showed in MRIs.

Basically destroying the empiricist claim that the brain is formed through outside data.

>> No.10852319

I don't know, one of my house mates is reading one of his other books now and says it's fascinating.

>> No.10852455

>inherently contradictory principles of liberal societies
What do you mean by this? What are the most glaring contradictions, for example?

>> No.10852490

I'm not the best person to be answering this, but just as a start, there's the contradiction involving the levels of tolerance that have to be given to certain races or political groups depending on how much they go against the liberal order despite one of its core tenants being acceptance of differing opinions.

>> No.10853028


>> No.10854343

Pinker has done well-regarded work in psychology and linguistics. He is definitely intelligent and well-informed enough to write a textbook on mainstream Anglophone psychology since the 50's.

Moreover, he is a tremendously good and entertaining writer. He can explain concepts and theories very clearly, and reasonably thoroughly/correctly as well.

Words and Rules, The Language Instinct, The Stuff of Thought, and How the Mind Works are all excellent intros to their respective topics. Pinker is very polemical and opinionated and you definitely need to be on guard for that, but these are excellent books to become acquainted with the experiments, methods and theories of contemporary psychological science.

I have not read any of his books after these, and have heard from credible people that they are irredeemable dogshit. I don't doubt it.


There's a similar and equally famous experiment by Colin Blakemore in which a cat is raised in a room with only vertical black bars, and loses the ability to detect horizontal edges---and its brain lacked the neurons normally responsible for horizontal edge detection. Basically proving the empiricist claim that interaction with incoming outside data is a causal prerequisite for certain mental structures.

>> No.10854369

psychoanalysis is literal quackery. The only people who take it seriously anymore are marxists and some other type of deranged academics with little to no training in psychology.

>> No.10854372

Next time just say "I've never read anything published in Evopsych journals".

>> No.10854386

>falling for meme publications

>> No.10854498

>researching that is wankery when you could improve cognitive ability through research in actual neuroscience and nutritional programming
>cognitive measures normally measured by mathematical IQ tests are going to be made obsolete by AI/AI-augmented-human work, which I would rather have research money go into than racial science wankery

You do realise that one of the top researchers in IQ science Richard haier just wrote a book on exactly that and would probably class as a sociobiologist (which is an old term in itself) considering he uses biology to explain the phenomenon. I don't understand where this is coming from most people working in IQ research don't care about racial differences in IQ and would probably agree with you and I don't really understand how it's an attack on sociobiology.

>> No.10854511

There are much more interesting things to study and talk about concerning human nature than race also race is a weird taxonomy for a number of reasons (that's not to say it is a social construct) and is used carefully as a descriptor by actual sciences who understand how such things are defined.