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10848742 No.10848742 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that made you feel like a brainlet

>> No.10848768

Unironically haven't encountered one yet. I'm not that well-read though. I made my way through GR alright, it just felt dense, not impenetrable.

>> No.10848771

i thought it would just turn into some kind of horror story but it just kept going with it's strange ways until nothing happened

>> No.10848779

how it be tommy the mann wrote buddenbrooks when he was 25 but i'm 29 next month and still trying to figure out if i want to live or not

>> No.10848823
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This piece of shit book.

>> No.10849318

Ending was great tho, the preww1 tension, the duel and the bit after it. Really tied it up for me.

>> No.10849443
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>> No.10849446

iw wanna go down on thomas mann and then his sons next...

>> No.10849804

white privilege

>> No.10849841

Please explain GR to us then

>> No.10850265

why, my peanus weeeeeenus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeeeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: Books that made you feel like a brainlet - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


>> No.10850273
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>> No.10850275


Cosmology, by Steven Weinberg

>> No.10850287


>> No.10850451


>> No.10850508

Unironically Brothers Karamazov. I got 100 pages in... when they were all chatting in the priest’s study or holding room or whatever about the separation of church and state, I just felt so ill-equipped to grasp what they were saying. The passage in the middle of it all, where the priest is dealing with peasants and then the boy or whatever, was really wonderful. I reckon I’ll try again when I have more patience. Did any of you encounter this problem at first?

>> No.10850517

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.10851030
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>mfw trying to follow naphta's arguments

>> No.10851038

Naming and necessity, Saul Kripke

>> No.10851100

Calculus is weird because you get it after you were supposed to and then you realize how simple it actually was.

>> No.10851109
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