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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.31 MB, 1500x3500, 2017littop100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10846820 No.10846820 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight /lit/ - was reading everything here worth it?

>> No.10846846

Women and Men is flagrantly not worth reading. The amount of time you spend reading and parsing all of it could be much better spent on more relevant, insightful books. The only reason to read it is to challenge yourself, but ultimately you won't get much out of it emotionally or intellectually. It's postmodern doorstopper masturbation taken to the extreme.

Also it's never referenced anywhere nowadays so culturally you're not getting much either.

>> No.10846855

I couldn't finish Dr Zhivago. I loved the film.

>> No.10846857

try again pleb


>> No.10846907

And how does this refute my point? Of course he's going to defend it if he's already sunk a huge portion of his life into that book.

I'm not disputing that it's a formally interesting book. But you can find intellectual stimulation literally anywhere else. All that book amounts to is a convoluted intellectual exercise that is completely irrelevant to any other part of your life.

>> No.10846931 [DELETED] 

>posting the fake chart, AGAIN

>> No.10846942 [DELETED] 
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, 2017_top_100_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I see the fake chart posted the more I'm convinced it's just one autistic guy doing it.
Nobody finds it funny anon. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.10846958

Can someone tell me what the deal is with Moby Dick ? Is it just because most people here encountered it in high school or is it actually any good ?

On the same note, why is Faust rated so low ? I would easily consider it the best book i've read so far.

>> No.10846972

*nglos stopped reading faust (and most other german lit) after the big bad nazis did their thing

>> No.10847003 [DELETED] 
File: 1.78 MB, 1820x4348, 2017_top_100_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno why >>10846942 was deleted but reposting for him.

>The more I see the fake chart posted the more I'm convinced it's just one autistic guy doing it.
>Nobody finds it funny anon. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.10847013

Moby-Dick is a masterpiece that's why it's so high up.

>> No.10847026

Does the same count for Kant or is he just less respected in other countries ?

>> No.10847061 [DELETED] 
File: 1.78 MB, 1820x4348, 2017_top_100_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the actual list being deleted?

>> No.10847065

Moby-Dick is the greatest book I've ever read, by far.

>> No.10847076

>that top 3

>> No.10847080

how is a translated version of faust any good

>> No.10847089

I've read it in german, i don't know if there are any good translations out there. However i doubt if it should have been on the list at all if most people didn't read it in the intended language or any translation that did it any justice.

>> No.10847094

>The Pale King


>> No.10847099

>Of course he's going to defend it if he's already sunk a huge portion of his life into that book.
>reading a book and liking it? lies.

>> No.10847104

>Finnegans Wake
kek, that's a meme, nobody here has ever read that book.

>> No.10847113
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>> No.10848455

Digits for my next read.

>> No.10848473

Anon, he's fucking with you.

>> No.10848530


>> No.10848531

Rolling as the other anon

>> No.10848545 [DELETED] 

>as voted on my 20 random kids on discord

Why does the chart always leave that out?

>> No.10848579

Just rollin

>> No.10848587
File: 196 KB, 1200x1200, IJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moby dick is incredibly boring

infinite jest is unironically #1 forever. fuck these revisionistfag lists

>> No.10848604

anythnig but the bible pls

>> No.10848836
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>> No.10848849

Give me something I already own

>> No.10849341 [DELETED] 
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, 2017_top_100_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again! What's happening?
Jannie, I'd like some kind of explanation unless you're just being autistic in which case go take your meds you sperg.

>> No.10849346


>> No.10849349

I feel bad for your inferior intellect.

>> No.10849362

To be honest, the glass bead game really got me.
Dunno, whether it is as enjoyable in english, but the German version is absolutely breathtaking.

>> No.10849432


>> No.10849487


>> No.10849506
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Should be called 'I'm pretentious: the list' No one here's read Finnegans Wake, or the Bible or Shakespeare's complete. And yet they're up the top, so you're guessing they're good?

>> No.10849647


>> No.10849702

Trying my luck.

>> No.10850434

dont get me wrong, i read moby dick and i think its an important classic that people who are serious about literature should slog their way through.
but you cant tell me it is absolutely boring as fuck.
IJ is actually interesting, i like how all the different aspects of the weird plot came together. i liked the cyclical nature of the story which invites you to read it again when you finish. i actually gave a shit about all of the characters unlike moby dick where i really didnt care if the white whale came along and killed them all just to get it over with.
im gonna go put some cream cheese on my bagel that just popped up in the toaster, but feel free to give me a (you) about how moby dick is better. its not though.

>> No.10850463 [DELETED] 

>still spamming your fake ass discord chart
Fuck off retard.

>> No.10850488

Plenty of people here have read the Bible and Shakespeare many times over. There are people here that focus solely on those two things.

>> No.10850572

Come on

>> No.10850582

Haven’t you heard? The accessibility involved in enjoyment of a newer work renders it objectively inferior to anachronistic work with established centuries of legacy.

/lit/ is afraid to crawl out from behind the dusty shelves to stand defenseless and without bias, to be one’s own individual critic and simply to enjoy. People here are afraid to enjoy.

>> No.10850586

Of course it's a fake list.

>Zettel's Traum
>Women and Men
>Finnegans Wake

Even looking at the Top 50,
>Infinite Jest
>War and Peace

is like a year's worth of reading in itself. This is before you get into shit like the Bible and Complete Shakespeare (wtf?).

This is list is the Top 100 /lit/ aspires to, not what it's actually read.

>> No.10850602


>not caring about what happens to a maniacal seaman
>or his family back home, left behind to defeat an avatar of the deep sea itself
>or the various savages providing comic relief

How are these characters less interesting than a bunch of degenerate addicts?

>> No.10850613

>is like a year's worth of reading in itself.

Thank you. People claiming to have “read” those works in a fraction of that time either spout a brazen lie or else have shot themselves in the foot.

The constant obsession with speed and quantity infesting this board disappoints me.

>> No.10850616

Honestly if you don't have a lifelong engagement with those texts you should kill yourself. At the very least you don't belong here.

>> No.10850649

too pretentious to quit. You know you *should read them and everyone says they're great, but do you? have you read the bible and complete works of shakespeare and finnegans wake? I didn't think so

>> No.10850656

Never read Finnegans Wake but I've been reading the Bible and Shakespeare since I was a kid. Many people have. Just not the punks on this board that arbitrarily got into reading in their twenties.

>> No.10850670

not everyone is an 18 yo who randomly decided 3 months ago "reading interests me"

>> No.10850701


Allow me to direct you to the scope of OP's original question:

> was reading everything here worth it?

Combined with the date of the list's creation


Yeah. No one will have read "everything here" in under a year.

Buckle up, 'cause if you want to get through that list you're going to need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.10850734

How could your favourite books be ones you haven't read? Only on /lit

>> No.10850756

The second one you're responding to is about the Bible and Shakespeare, which I'm intimately familiar with. Develop reading comprehension.

>> No.10850778

Just because you can't imagine yourself having been that read doesn't mean others aren't. I've been reading Shakespeare since I was 12. I'm 27. I've been reading Finnegan's Wake on and off for over 3 years, I usually end up rereading a lot of it, I have the first 30 pages or so almost memorized. I've only ever made about half way through.

Just stop, you're embarassing yourself. I don't give a shit if you have or haven't read anything on that list, just pick up a book, retard.

>> No.10850795

thank you, this is the most reasoned (you) ive gotten in a while.

because none of the characters in moby dick have anything interesting about them. "ooh, i need to catch the white whale!" i dont care.
i really didnt care whether their families lived or died because i felt nothing about any of the sailors. (plus ya boi queequag and ishmael were butt buddies, so whos the degenerate now?)
maybe knowing the whale was gonna get them in the end made it so i stopped caring one page one but just went through with it basically to say that i had read moby dick.

the degenerates in IJ were at least fleshed out and unique. the dude that kills dogs, madame psychosis, gately made me want to care about him and pull for him to get his life together.
plus the other half of the characters werent addicts (although some like the peemster did drugs recreationally).

>> No.10850829

Infinite Jest is fucking ass when you compare it to anything by Gaddis, Joyce, and Alexander Theroux. Infinite Jest is just so meh.

>> No.10850831

You guys are embarrassing yourselves. One person could say I've read those three. One person could say they've read one of them cover to cover, but no, no one can, because you are pretentious.

>> No.10850839

>people aren't allowed to read books on this list before 2017
anon are you dumb?

>> No.10850841


It's not like I didn't enjoy IJ, although I only read a translation years ago. But it clearly lacks the Faustian spirit that is so palpable in Moby Dick.

I'm fine with savages being degenerates. They are savages. The IJ characters were mostly of European heritage, so I expect them to adhere to something higher.

>> No.10850905

Well, Finnegan's Wake is a complete waste of time. Took a year out of my life for that fucking shit. Same with In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.10850916

>Finnegan's Wake

how i know you never read the book.

>> No.10850929
File: 76 KB, 800x450, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, o grand arbiter of taste on /lit/
i wasnt comparing it to any of them, but thanks for your superior advice. of course its not better than joyce (i dont give a single fuck about either of the others you mentioned but im sure you're right because you are always right).
but even though its not better than ulysses, its still #1 on /lit/ just for the memes and to make people mad

faust was great, moby dick was boring. but i appreciate the extra effort you put in at the end of your reply there.

>> No.10850983


Wouldn't you say that there are significant parallels between Ahab and Faust? Reaching for something grand, getting struck down, striking a pact with more or less satanic powers (the harpoon) and finally, in death, vindication after a long and one could say pointless journey?

>> No.10851090

sure there are parallels. they were just boring in moby dick. and unfortunately i didnt care about any of the characters. i was waiting for the book to end with every page i read.
i was actually kinda rooting for the whale the whole time.

>> No.10851123

It's like if you took a real top 100 list and just injected weeb shit, /pol/ and memes into it. So yeah it's probably worth reading most of it...

>> No.10851302

Go read JR then come back and honestly tell me Infinite Jest isn't a fucking joke. Infinite Jest shouldn't even be anywhere near that list. Wallace is like Pynchon in the sense that they both wish they were Gaddis, but at least Pynchon has Mason and Dixon and his own fucking voice, even if it's skat and bananas.

>> No.10851459

no thanks im happy with IJ. but i appreciate the offer

>> No.10851527

Gaddis is even duller than Wallace.

>> No.10851531


>> No.10851580
File: 34 KB, 600x600, image-128480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two last digits of the post number I receive upon posting this post indicate the next book which I am going to read. If I get a number I dislike, as is the case with most "rolls" I will simply disregard it and reroll as many times as I can before it becomes obnoxious. I don't want to be banned again after all!

Here goes:

>> No.10851589


>> No.10851593

>Moby-Dick is the greatest book I've ever read, by far.
I agree

>> No.10851623

You agree that it's the best book he's ever read? Bitch.

>> No.10851631

This is really debatable actually. hard to decide

>> No.10851643

I'm pretty sure the original list had Lolita in the top 5, this list is fake
same, but probably not actually. Just wanna see what I get

>> No.10851651

I second the "kys"

>> No.10851797

do you guys ever read non fiction

>> No.10851800

no, we're not brainlets

>> No.10851801

the bible is #3 anon.

>> No.10851807
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>> No.10851843

Last time I rolled in a thread I got Everyman by Philip Roth.

>> No.10851854

if you have been reading the bible since you were a kid you much be real fucking shit at reading.

>> No.10851908

your opinion is invalid
suck on that fag

>> No.10852727

Of course not. About 80% of the books on there are garbage.

>> No.10852953

Yaaaaaa, that's ganna be a no for me, dawg. kys

>> No.10853726


>> No.10853900 [DELETED] 
File: 3.75 MB, 7252x4348, 2014-2017 top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ discordfags are persistent.

>> No.10853981

>Infinite Jest anywhere near top 100
Fucking kys

>> No.10854177 [DELETED] 

Fake list

>> No.10855792

gonna agree with all the kys