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File: 7 KB, 225x225, memerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10845517 No.10845517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think he's right in that responsability is the meaning of life at least for males?

>> No.10845523

i aggree with that. it gives insta meaning to any male life.

>> No.10845529

maybe "duty" is the proper word.

>> No.10845534

Duty is reciprocal.
The reciprocity is completely gone and/or diluted into financial agreements.

>> No.10845540
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When will they meet?

>> No.10845541

If you're a bugman, sure.

>> No.10845548

No. Responsibility is a social construct.

>> No.10845552
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the meaning of life has always and will always be man's search for the Absolute, the unchanging, the transcendent One (aka God).

any authentic "responsibilities" we have revolve around our duties to God. Jordan is sort of on the right track but he doesn't go all the way. And his reluctance to address a certain question is pretty pathetic, but the crowd he keeps makes that difficult.

>> No.10845554


>> No.10845593
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>> No.10845599


Nietzschean here. Enjoy cuck slavedom.


>> No.10845602
File: 592 KB, 1031x737, Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 9.57.12 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Men need ideals and transcendent goals.

>> No.10845606


How much is the Self-Authoring Program™? I would like to purchase the Self-Authoring Program™ so that I may become an individual. So that my life may be meaningful. I am just wondering whether I can afford it. Perhaps I should get a second job at McDonalds.

>> No.10845610


And Prozac, in his case.

>> No.10845618

>Taking your meaning in life from a pop self-help author

>> No.10845621

He's right in that there's a relationship between responsibility and meaning.

>> No.10845636

>Nietzschean here.
Am I supposed to laugh at this?

>> No.10845642


You're a christfag, laughter isn't for you.

>> No.10845647
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Could you, like, not?
Religious people are always the worst. They pretend to know all of the answers and give you smiles as if they know it just takes time, but the more you ask about their beliefs the angrier they get at you doing “blasphemy” meanwhile you’re just looking for answers

>> No.10845676

I don't agree with anything he says because his arguments follow from new agey premises

>> No.10845680


To what? To what end? Whats the alternative?
Absolutely meaningless proposition

>> No.10845684
File: 81 KB, 420x420, 1502356375058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still seething Bishop Barron blew the fuck out of Memerson

>> No.10845686

just so you don't kill yourself like the r9k faggot who off himself yesterday with a shotgun.

>> No.10845689

What if it was his responsability to kill himself?

>> No.10845697

that sounds more like a coward thing to do, he should have shot from commies and SJW before off himself.

>> No.10845699

Well thats just like your opinion dude

>> No.10845700
File: 32 KB, 502x443, 57CE34CB-8373-4207-B782-4D71E309FC3C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t give a fuck about Peterson
I’m mad at the fact that the priest near my house banned me from the church for asking shit like how did he know if Jesus exsisted and wasn’t just a folk tale to teach morals, or why god would cut communication with humanity now when it is as godless as every, or the most important one is is god malicious rather than benevolent.
This site is like the worst place and the best place for advice on life, you just need to know where to look

>> No.10845701

fuck off commie scum.

>> No.10845726
File: 436 KB, 750x1077, 1459003021307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>’m mad at the fact that the priest near my house banned me from the church for asking shit like how did he know if Jesus exsisted and wasn’t just a folk tale to teach morals, or why god would cut communication with humanity now when it is as godless as every, or the most important one is is god malicious rather than benevolent.

Yeah I wonder why he didn't want a odorous smug faggot tipping his fedora in the Church

>> No.10845749
File: 1.54 MB, 500x283, 2F3AF2DE-5C4E-4E77-B294-3826E4363263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m asking questions and he’s just giving me vague answers. Fedora posting doesn’t change anyone’s opinions, it just makes you seem smug while I’m trying to understand your view point. I’m not even impolite about it, but he just gets mad when I ask him hard questions like why did he torture his followers and devote believers, was it to really test their faith, didn’t he go too far with job?

>> No.10845750

Sovereignty is the ideal, to be fully in control in what you can be in control of. Responsibility is necessary for sovereignty.

>> No.10845767
File: 46 KB, 728x681, 28279237_2065897800346950_5964287415849292316_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meaning is socially constructed. Peterson's form of meaning is only a set of instructions that tell men to make themselves useful to capital.

>> No.10845777

You don't sound like someone who came for honest discourse you sound like you came with a shopping list off reddit/atheism/ and wanted to posture about your own sense of enlightenment
I don't know how he reacted and in the end of the day he's just some dude trying to live life the best he can but for you to still be this butthurt about it doesn't bode well

>> No.10845778

He doesn’t tell you the meaning of life, but he does tell you how to hide and mask your aimlessness in the universe by being a responsible adult until you have a mid-life crisis and then actually study philosophy

>> No.10845783

>Meaning is socially constructed

Contradiction in terms

>> No.10845791
File: 433 KB, 360x408, 06236018-F21A-4901-BF6A-910303B9B151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? I just want to understand how people can invest so much faith in something that they have only an old book as a frame of reference. Maybe it’s the fact that Jesus is supposed to be the perfect man, like a goal all of humanity should strive for that makes it appealing

>> No.10845793

>jesus is the same as jehova
lmao retarded faggot.

>> No.10845801


>> No.10845811

>all these spooks itt

>> No.10845815

>Maybe it’s the fact that Jesus is supposed to be the perfect man, like a goal all of humanity should strive for that makes it appealing

Well done, you've gotten to the spiritual education of a six year old. Let me guess, single mother?

>> No.10845827

Neetcheanism is a pseudoreligion pal

>> No.10845831

>le everything is a social construct maymay
maybe killing yourself is also a spook.

why not leave the world and kys.

>> No.10845836
File: 91 KB, 599x601, FEABB952-0EBC-4E6F-872E-3531B89F2898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Jesus is unrealistic
He was half fucking god, and his mercy rule is only viable to him as he has direct contact with god, while we have to just speculate. When you think about how Jesus can’t be recreated you start wondering if he ever was? The perfect man will never exist, yet someone who was a massive Deus Ex machina was it. Jesus is most likely made up

>> No.10845840

have you ever read the New testament, underage faggot?

hell, try to read the gnostic shit as well.

also, read the gnostic writings, not just the writings of what the illuminati in the four century wanted you to read.

>> No.10845862

The meaning of life, as it has been for every creature in the history of life, is to procreate, and to produce reproductively successful progeny.

>> No.10845867
File: 35 KB, 638x559, 28577227_1585879564826872_4814013230433173504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Wittgenstein.
>P1) Meaning is use.
>P2) Use is determined by individuals and groups.
>C1) Meaning is determined by individuals and groups.
>P3) Individuals and groups form society.
>C2) Meaning is determined by society.
>P4) If a thing is determined by society, then it is socially constructed.
>C3) Meaning is socially constructed.
Of course, this is the meaning of words, not "meaning" in the sense Peterson uses it, but similar arguments apply. Significance isn't inherent to any action or state of affairs; it gets ascribed to it by people. Significance (what Peterson calls "meaning") is also socially constructed. It's demonstrably true.

>> No.10845870 [DELETED] 

>asking valid questions about a religion makes you a fedora tipper

imagine being actually being this much of a herd cuck. To think that fools like this waste their entire lives clinging to such insular and cretinous beliefs and refusing to question them in any way really is a bone chilling concept.

>> No.10845873

>Read Wittgenstein

I think you mean to say "Read Wittgenstein Badly", meaning in language is not true meaning is one of his central points

>> No.10845874

what's the point of this.

at some point you'll have to start somewhere using some artificial social construct.

Even language is some artificial construct, so what now?

Are u going to stop using language?

>> No.10845876

Where exactly do you look, though?

>> No.10845879

>asking valid questions about a religion makes you a fedora tipper

imagine being actually being this much of a herd cuck. To think that fools like this waste their entire lives clinging to such insular and cretinous beliefs and refusing to question them in any way really is a bone chilling concept.

>> No.10845880

also, "church" isn't spelt with a capital c you halfwit

>> No.10845882

Care is how Dasein 'works', no matter gender.

>> No.10845897

On the contrary, its a characteristic of a herded bugman to believe questioning ideas entails confronting a potential shepherd.
Anon's aim wasn't to learn anything, it was simply to affirm that the individual in front of him does not have all the answers and is actually just a human trying his best to live his life well, his response was only too appropriate
"You don't agree? Ok, fuck off"

>> No.10845901

This thread is just more proof that 90% of people on these forums has a shit relationship with their father.

>> No.10845913


only for the herd and cuckolds like you.

>> No.10845918


Your post is just more proof that 100% of Petersonfags have a shit understanding of psychology.

>> No.10845921
File: 47 KB, 563x563, 3A22F94F-A273-4702-8756-74AA509B6121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo who tf cares if god is real? He hasn’t done shit for years so he could have died for all we know. Just live your life freely

>> No.10845925


Petersonfags, Christfags, leftfags, rightfags, centerfags, if they're on these forums it's probably because they don't know or don't like their dad.

>> No.10845934
File: 5 KB, 211x239, getaloadofthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This book is true, it tells you so in the book.

>> No.10845937

working on it, my man

>> No.10845939

>wants to learn about jesus
>why not read the source material
ok retard.

>> No.10845944

Thats the point of what I just said you fucking imbecile

>> No.10845962

The other anon was asking for arguments and reasoning behind faith, not a book that mostly amuses you believe in god. And yes there are parts of the bible that try to prove god or give reasoning you didn't exactly point them out or make a coherent argument other then 'Muh Book is right'

>> No.10845964

You have me dead to rights there.

>> No.10845972

>make assumptions about jesus based on memes
>don't care about reading the souce material
ok retard.

>evidence of god
maybe you should have asked this.

but here's some memes about evidence of God:
>kids born with past lives memories
>internet browser code found in physics
>simulation argument
>fine tuned argument
>ontological argument

>> No.10845977

working with others, taking care of shit, improving yourself, are all very satisfying and help your mental health. if you want to call that the meaning to life, go ahead. it's just good advice to consider.

>> No.10845978

Yeah, Kant was right. It's true for women too though.

>> No.10845979

>at some point you'll have to start somewhere using some artificial social construct.
Sounds like you answered your own question my guy

>> No.10845987

Enjoy your STDs

>> No.10845988

that's why philosopher cucks become baristas while STEM master rice makes six figures.

>> No.10845989

>kids born with past lives memories
>internet browser code found in physics
>simulation argument
>fine tuned argument
>ontological argument
You're right these are some memes right here, I do sincerely hope you posted these ironically.

>> No.10845992


apropos typo

>> No.10845999

if you start to lurk moar on those, you realize they're some serious shit.

at least the kids born with past lives memories is real shit and there's even some research on that.

some of them even found their old lives families when they become adults.

>> No.10846008


>what are condoms

>> No.10846010

lol >>>/x/ is that way

post this 'research'

>> No.10846013

Because objective meaning can't exist?

>> No.10846015

Certainly not what you think they are

>> No.10846028


ok retard.

At some point philosocucks need to start working with a logical set of axioms.

That's why everyone takes seriously math while philosocucks keep making the same 2000 brainlet questions without answers.

metaphysics is just mental masturbation for cucks.

>> No.10846034
File: 144 KB, 1180x1060, dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least the kids born with past lives memories is real shit and there's even some research on that.

>> No.10846037

and this contradicts anything how?

>> No.10846038

Wtf I love scientology now!

>> No.10846043


lurk moar.

some of them has birth marks that correspond to injuries from their previous live.

>> No.10846058

>At some point philosocucks need to start working with a logical set of axioms
That is one of the big problems. It's not for lack of trying though, this problem was first described in the early 1700s.