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10843067 No.10843067 [Reply] [Original]

anyone got any good philosophical book recommendations on becoming less self-centered? not interested in self-help / clean-your-room tier stuff. thanks in advance

>> No.10843070
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>> No.10843084

Is there any logical justification for altruistic action? IRL I do good for others because I instinctively feel that I should and because others tell me I should but I can't logically justify it and I fear it's nothing more than herd cuckoldry

>> No.10843117

I honestly feel the same way. though I wouldn't say it entirely has to be a herd mentality kind of thing. it just depends on your justification. a lot of times, in spite of whatever herd you are currently surrounded by, you try to act as selflessly as possible.

>> No.10843829

whats wrong with his head? why do brits look slightly weird.

>> No.10843835

>whats wrong with his head?
nothing. you are in the presence of God. be glad in it

>> No.10843847

unironically this

I've gone been much kinder to people since reading The Ego and His Own, I've even started to reconnect with my extended family

>> No.10843852

I unironically consider Stirner a self help guru. That shit started my upward trajectory.

>> No.10843870

Parfit's Reasons and Persons, Part 3
Nagel's Possibility of Altruism
Unger's Living High and Letting Die

>> No.10843877

Oh, and also Plato's Republic, but it's probably necessary to have a guide for that.

>> No.10843891

this desu

>> No.10844559

The selfish gene by richard Dawkins pretty much goes into the evolutionary advantage of altruism.
Groundwork for the metaphysics of morals springs to mind but idk how relevant that is to you

>> No.10844574

the Gospel

>> No.10844648

It is the idea that what goes around comes around
If you treat those around you like garbage, eventually you will be treated poorly in return.
If you treat them kindly eventually they will come to treat you the same.
It is an unspoken understanding that if you help those in their times of need then they will be more disposed towards helping you in your time of need. The ratio is not always satisfying, but when hard times fall heavy it becomes worthwhile to have made potential friends to help bear your load

>> No.10844657

Imagine actually being this autistic

>> No.10844660

Try looking into Buddhist literature. Altruism is an important tenant in cultivating your inner Buddha.
Note that this altruism is probably on the other end of the spectrum from self-help books: it advocates unfaltering altruism to the point if denying yourself earthly pleasures such as personal possessions

>> No.10844675
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>> No.10844779

>Richard jewkins
yeah no

>> No.10846166

if you learn to comprehend your intimate sensations, you will see that giving is inherently more pleasurable than taking.

>> No.10846200
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>> No.10846213
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Why do you wish to punish yourself in suck a way?

>> No.10846216

The Bible

>> No.10846617

The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.10846677


There is no better reason. You would be pointlessly contrarian if you went against your own instincts because you feared influence by others.

>> No.10847274

>You would be pointlessly contrarian if you went against your own instincts because you feared influence by others.

This is a factor in most of my decision making in an attempt to overcome the brainwashing, but also in an attempt to overcome my own weaker impulses. self mistrust is the greatest virtue

>> No.10847296


>> No.10847323

i'm not sure if you're being serious but this made me crack up

>> No.10847597

how is trying to be less self-centered punishing myself?

>> No.10848582

unironically Eckhart Tolle. Counts as self-help but it worked for me. I don't practice his techniques enough though.

I'll give you an example, from before I read his books - if you've ever lied down and had moments of clarity, like to think over a recent mistake.. that's you accessing another part of your mind. His whole shtick is to get people to stop thinking with their egos. Egos are sometimes wrongly set in their ways or protect you from really improving yourself. They're stuck with bad habits.
You can pull back and think with another part of the brain.
Yes it ties into mindfulness and you might think it's crap, but it can save you in stressful moments.

>> No.10848586

Leopardi - La ginestra

>> No.10848714

I'm actually less resistant to the idea of mindfulness than I imagine most of /lit/ is, though I admit I haven't deeply delved into it's subject matter. thanks for the rec anon

>> No.10848718

the Zen canon


Christian mysticism