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/lit/ - Literature

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10842943 No.10842943 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you think it is okay to read at once? Currently reading 'The Trial' for coursework and 'Paradise Lost' for pleasure, but as I'm finding the latter quite tough I was thinking of reading 'The Canterbury Tales' as well on the side.
Is three books at a time too much? Or is this normal for you guys?

> INB4 Paradise Lost isn't difficult brainlet.
I'm halfway through and am just finding all the references a bit overwhelming as I have a very basic understanding of the Bible and Medieval Christianity. Still rate it though.

>> No.10842998

I’m currently reading 7 books simultaneously.

Like literally all 7 are open in front of me right now as I write this post out of the corner of mh eye.

Nah but I am in the middle of 7 right now. I just read whichever one I feel like at a given time. Makes me more likely to actually read because ADD as fuck

>> No.10843045
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i'm usually at about 5 current reads, but of those 5, i'm probably only actively reading 2, meaning daily reading
also, i take BIG breaks from long books (600+ page tomes) for as long as a month depending on how much digesting they require
the only BIG book i have ever read without a break is Infinite Jest, admittedly because i just wanted to get the god damned thing over with (mentioning because IJ memeing never gets old)

>> No.10843050

stop posting this bear, avatarfag

>> No.10843124
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>> No.10843138

wow he go fas!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDD

>> No.10843403

I would only be okay with two fiction at a time. I can do like a comic and a novel, or a novel and non-fiction. I can read a book of poems all the while, it does not matter.

>> No.10843612

I have been doing 1 audiobook, 1 (serious) book, and maybe one book I read on my phone when the time comes. The phone book is generally pretty minor, like for example I'm reading an investment book on my phone. I can stop for weeks at a time and come back like nothing happened. Not so with serious novels.

Audiobook is for genre fiction. Reading real books is for philosophy/literature/serious works.

That's what I do but do whatever the fuck you want tbqh.

>> No.10843723

personally, i have a really easy time picking a book back up where i left off, even if i havent touched it for a year or so, so i end up reading quite a lot at once. generally, my attention is directed towards two or three books at a time, with one favored above the others.

Paradise Lost was a "let's read one segment per weekend" experience for me.

>> No.10843742

I read one fiction book at a time, but I’ll read any number of non fiction books at once.

>> No.10843744

Canterbury Tales is a bit tough with the old English

>> No.10843799

>old English

>> No.10843871

I read 1 or 2 things that are real literature and another that's brainlet tier for fun.