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/lit/ - Literature

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10840462 No.10840462 [Reply] [Original]

If you post stacks you are everything wrong with this board. You are valuing a work soley as a commodity. You are the attention whore on instagram, you are your friend that posts the most basic of literary quotes in an attempt to show their 'intellectual' side.

Why dont we discuss ideas from works? Why sully this board boasting about our collection (a figurative dick measuring contest) when we could use what we learn from these works and apply them to our lifes and try to argue our ideals?

>> No.10840463


>> No.10840467

Because people like nice looking things. Of course it doesn't really *matter*, but why get so butthurt about it?

If this place is your sole place to learn about & discuss literature that's your fault. Don't place so much importance on this place. I mean, come on.

>> No.10840473
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this. you would think one of the more relatively smarter boards would see the vanity of this dick-measuring contest, but I guess not. I think it has some use in showing people books they might want to buy, but by in large it's just narcissism

>> No.10840474

I agree with OP. Start a thread discussing a book, or a list of potential books you're reading/want to discuss.

Stacks are stupid.

it's dumb because it's taking up space and makes me scroll through retarded shit to get to the good shit. I don't want retarded shit mixed in with my good shit.

>> No.10840481

I wouldn't mind stackposting if it didn't clutter and obscure actual content I can engage with.

>> No.10840483

>attention whoring as anonymous

tell us more

>> No.10840487

being anonymous doesn't stop people from feeding off of virtual gratification.

>> No.10840490

I save stacks like I save charts. Charts aren’t voted on, they are basically the same thing as thematic stacks, but the stacks let you see more books per frame and give you more information about each book (e.g. length). I understand why you are butt-hurt and I hope you begin to feel better soon.

>> No.10840493

It certaintly is as that book collection is inherently yours; if I took a selfie and asked for your opinion I would be achieving the same function as asking your thoughts on my book collection. It's done to make yourself feel better and give an ego boost. I thought people on this board would be above petty shit like this ...

>> No.10840496


i wouldnt know anything about that

>> No.10840505

I thought it was so you can see and hear things you might like to read
Or maybe I'm naive

>> No.10840518

I think some people do post stacks to be of aid to others, but at the same time, no one is completely altruistic in the action. I think it's fair to assume more often than not people are mainly doing it for their own ego

>> No.10840524

we need a sticky thread for it and one for charts/chart requests.

>> No.10840528

>no ego stroking
fucking prude

>> No.10840533

Like people that do community service? Almost every self-willed thing is egoistic. I get where you’re coming from, but don’t you think that even your statement accusing stack-posters of egoism is rooted in your appetite to pump your own ego with self-righteous look-down-your-nose-edness? I don’t think the poster’s incentives to post a stack have an effect on the value (negative or positive) of the stack to its viewers, so I really don’t understand what you are hoping to prove.

>> No.10840540
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>post stack
>wait for those replies
>no replies

>> No.10840548

I by no means think I'm exempt from this. I don't think any "pure" altruistic action exists. with that being said, I think there's different degrees to how self-centered actions can be. while it's more gray than this, generally, I'm simply trying to point out that others post their stacks mainly to aid others, while some post mainly to stroke their own ego.

>> No.10840567

I’ve given up on getting replies, since I’m not from an anglo country.

>> No.10840578

stacks are aesthetic and provide inspo for books that look interesting. kys. ur mum gay

>> No.10841604

Why dont you just shut up you little boy of a man.

You claim stack posters are the worst thing about this board but it's actually gatekeeping fun-hating small-souled wet blankets like you. This is a board for people who like books - who like reading books, who like cool cover designs, who like collecting them, discussing them, and yes, even showing off their new purchases to others. It's a constructive, joy giving hobby and there's absolutely NO RULES about how one should enjoy it.

I hope you are able to find some joy in life and cease with your endless criticism

>> No.10841617
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>> No.10841627

>there's absolutely NO RULES about how one should enjoy it.
fanfiction is banned and should stay banned

>> No.10842857

I've noticed there are a lot of stack threads recently.

>> No.10843036

how many have you actually read?