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10839332 No.10839332 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read any of his stuff? Either he or Milo Yiannopoulos..

and are they worth the read?

>> No.10839336

Reactionary drivel

>> No.10839342 [DELETED] 

>and are they worth the read?
If you're an errant and secretly confused middlebrow looking for someone to do your thinking for you, sure.

Save goes for leftists and lefty pundits. Same rube grift, different side.

>> No.10839357

that's pretty much /pol/ summed up.

>> No.10839370

Shapiro and milo are jews... And unless OP is also a jew he should not be listening to these two, who only exist to divert the rising white tide into more kosher civic nationalism.

>> No.10839378

Moldbug is Jewish too. Kind of funny how "your" side has more Jewish luminaries than the progressives you claim are controlled by them.

>> No.10839396

Before attempting to expound upon political "sides" in the future, you should try to at least understand them so you don't embarrass yourself like you just did here.

>> No.10839399

Intellectually bankrupt shill

>> No.10839407

Just the angriest and triggeredest white American you'll ever see in your life. Just read some non-brainlet right winger, you dolt.

>> No.10839420


>> No.10839428


>> No.10839436

kek true

>> No.10839439

"White" meaning "Caucasian", in this case, not "Anglo-Saxon" or "Nordic".

>> No.10839446

>I need smug cunts to validate my internet view of the world while I totally don't imagine their dicks up my virgin asshole

>> No.10839452
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>y-you just don't understand!

>> No.10839460

Most popular intellectuals are not smart at all. It's a sorry state of affairs.

>> No.10839465

Shapiro is just a conservative for the sake of it on some issues.

>> No.10839468


>> No.10839470

There must be an influx from reddit or something. Thread just started and there are already multiple people who feel comfortable openly stating that jews are white or jews like moldbug are voices for whites. Saw it earlier, too. This board is really in decline with so many non-jew-wise posters haughtily throwing in their coin-shaved 2¢.

>> No.10839490

>released several books
>networth over ten mil


>> No.10839491 [DELETED] 
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this board fucking sucks

>> No.10839499

Shapiro generally has pretty ironclad defenses for his arguments. The only way you'll find yourself disagreeing with him is when his interpretations and conclusions derive from fundamentally ambiguous, or just flat-out wrong, first principles. His stance on abortion is a good example, because he's working entirely from the idea that fetuses are incontrovertibly babies and it's categorically wrong to kill babies.

And while you probably won't agree with him on even 60% on things, it is refreshing to see such upfront bias and intention. Every argument hinges, very vocally, on his being a conservative. A partisan bulldog, sure, but not dishonest.

>> No.10839504


>> No.10839541

You need to go back.

>> No.10839557

The vagina speaks the truth

>> No.10839584

idk how anyone can absorb the media these guys put out. they're so smug and self righteous and genuinely angry people even when they're telling jokes. I agree with them on most issues but listening to them talk gives me brain rot

>> No.10839605

Shapiro is a jewish Israel-firster who supports ethnonationalism for jews and civic nationalism for whites. He defines the problem with the right over the last 50 years, which has been allowing jews like this guy to frame the arguments in ways that benefit their group, attack anything that has to do with explicit white interests, and is nothing more than the jewish left on a delay. If you're white and new to the jewish problem, alright, I'll look away for now; but try to understand that jews and fake right wing jews like Ben Shapiro especially are not on your side.

>> No.10839620

>idk how anyone can absorb the media these guys put out.
Power fantasies. Most of the guys who are obsessed with these hyper-aggro talking heads want to be able to carry themselves like that irl too and bludgeon people into submission with their rhetoric. They covet that sense of control over an exchange and get off on feeling that power by proxy. I don't think they're horrible for it. Corny and frustrated, perhaps. But not bad people.

>> No.10839628

this except they are bad "people"

>> No.10839630


>civic nationalism for whites

How do you mean? I've never seen him explicitly single out white people as a group for the sake of argument.

>frame the arguments in ways that benefit their group

Everybody does this. You're not pointing out a damning piece of evidence here. You're restating what I've already said: he's unapologetically conservative, and argues aggressively from this standpoint. This implies being very pro-American. There's nothing dubious in defending your team.

>attack anything that has to do with explicit white interests

But I thought you said he supported "civic nationalism for whites?"

>fake right win jews like Ben Shapiro especially are not on your side

And what side is that?

>> No.10839645


jews are jews, they do what jews do and sit on the sidelines looking in. in the case of these celebrity figures they do it for cash. ten years ago they would have been on the other side. they're doing it purely because they think they can get paid saying it.

>> No.10839654

Disagree. Most of them are pretty agreeable citizenry who probably pride themselves on being so. They're mostly just corny guys who feel powerless and waylaid.

>> No.10839663
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>> No.10839668

I think he means that civic nationalism for whites will result in whites not caring for their race while israeli nationalism is in the end all about race since its ethnic nationalism.

>> No.10839685

I'm a little confused by some of your questions, but when I say "civic nationalism" I'm talking about multiculturalism and the notion that the right is going to convince non-whites to care more about abstract principles than the democratic gibs machine. That has been the right jewish neocons have lorded over since the 60s and it hasn't worked and isn't supposed to work. There's little difference between Shapiro and his jewish neocon predecessors except that he attacks easy social targets like feminism and sjwism.

Basically he's yet another Israeli first jew who supports ethnonationalism for jews while claiming that whites countries are for everyone. Whites need to stop going down this abstract principles route people like Shapiro try to force us down so we don't focus on our racial interests first and foremost. Jews and jews like Shapiro know this is bad for them so what they're doing is impeding us.

>> No.10839693

Gay and a huge faggot, any """""consevative""""" who "likes" this "guy" is certainly gay.
smug insufferable jew(goes without saying he also loves our greatest ally), a typical liberal "conservative".

>> No.10839695

>they do what jews do and sit on the sidelines looking in.
Jews are running nearly all of our institutions now, they are most definitely not on the sideline looking in.

>> No.10839699

>Anyone read any of his stuff? Either he or Milo Yiannopoulos
>and are they worth the read?

>> No.10839707

That's a manly vagina

>> No.10839715

the only thing this faggot is useful for is supplying the internet with more pictures of that milk wagon he calls a sister

>> No.10839787

Shapiro is a rather schizophrenic figure, his Jewishness makes him feel both proud and embarrassed. On the one hand, Shapiro is deeply commited to Orthodox Judaism and Zionism. On the other hand, it seems to me that he is a bit embarrassed by the fact that Jews are generally associated with left-wing politics. He also desperately wants the white Christian majority not to view him and his co-ethnics as minorities, which is why he downplays the historical enmity between Jews and white Christians by constantly emphasizing that the West is Judeo-Christian rather than simply Christian and that Western culture transcendes race (both of these notions are, of course, ridiculous).

This kind of Jewish self-hatred becomes increasingly common among right-wing Zionists. See, for example, how Netanyahu plays along anti-Semitic fearmongering about Soros.

>> No.10839789

He hates Trump.

>> No.10839796
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>> No.10839797


Okay so you said "fake white wing jews...are not on [my] side." I'm still curious as to what you think 'my side' is.

Then you say that "whites need to stop going down this abstract principles route [and] focus on our racial interests first and foremost." Why do you focus on 'whites' as a group? And what exactly are 'racial interests' in the given context? (Or even in general for that matter.)

I understand your clarification of "civic nationalism," but I don't understand your insistence on singling out 'whites' as a distinct group. It doesn't make sense from an American viewpoint whatsoever. Race just seems like such an irrelevant factor around which to base a political argument like this. And I especially don't see Shapiro as trying 'impede us' the way you do. That hypothesis appears unduly conspiratorial given the guy we're talking about, who very much seems to be a sincere, though obnoxiously ardent pundit for the right, and less obviously Israel.

>> No.10839808


>ignore all people, no matter their professions or affiliations, if they are even remotely related to politics and also popular and successful

How about, "ignore all morons who post this retarded image"

>> No.10839813

Sorry that you've wasted your time imbibing the words of pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians, anon.

>> No.10839825

He says that it is wrong for whites to be concerned about their declining share of America’s population (see: https://mobile.twitter.com/benshapiro/status/875730927002963968).). But how would he feel if Jews were to become a minority in Israel? He also claims to be against against identity politics, yet his Jewish identity clearly influences his political views.

>> No.10839833

Oh yeah, pretty much nails all of the celeb-o-philosophers down...why the fuck is Mike on there?

Anyway, update this shit for Andy Warski and JP.

It's sorta cancerous that politics has devolved into bandwagoning. Why do you think /pol/ is such cancer?

>> No.10839846
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Can't speak for Milo, but Shapiro's novel is a comedy goldmine.

>> No.10839873

>I'm still curious as to what you think 'my side' is.
That depends on whether you're white, though, assuming you are, I understand why you at present believe that's something you can transcend since whites are individualists by nature.

>Why do you focus on 'whites' as a group? And what exactly are 'racial interests' in the given context? (Or even in general for that matter.)
Whites are a group, and the group who created America and built all of its institutions. As jewish multicultural policies continue to tip against our favor it is natural and inevitable for whites to associate with and look toward this tribal identity for protection.

>It doesn't make sense from an American viewpoint whatsoever
It does. America was an explicitly white nation until the ~1960s when jews gained power and reformatted our national narrative to the one you are presenting, and that most people adhere to since it's what they've been told since they were children, even though it is a recent phenomenon.

>Race just seems like such an irrelevant factor around which to base a political argument like this.
People are different and have different interests. In a multicultural nation people will divide along those lines. I know you believe you are, or we should ideally be, above that, but that's just not realistic. Brown people don't think like you.

If you look into the jewish question you'll come to understand that jews view whites as their enemy and are using a tribal strategy against us. Being individualists who believe in abstract principles is not an effective counter-strategy, which is why it has failed. Jews like Shapiro are working toward their own group interests, which involves demographically running out the clock for whites in America and making us a minority in the nation our ancestors built. And yes, they are really that twisted.

>> No.10839877

I don't even know half these peeps, but I do think that anyone who is convinced their intellectual infrastructures are flimsy enough that anything these supposed sophists spout could fundamentally alter them is a moron. If you're too frightened to consider the widest bevy of opinions possible because it might threaten the structural integrity of your worldview, then no one can help you. This image essentially equates to censorship, without a suggested solution. Reductio ad reductum.

>> No.10839878

shapiro does...? The ally is Israel.

>> No.10839886

which one triggered you? be honest

>> No.10839890

Someone post the Chapo beat down of Ben’s True Allegiance book. That was hilarious.

>> No.10839905

The point is an inordinate amount of people spend an inordinate amount of time listening to these buffoons. It is not about their opinions, it is about the substance of their content - hence the focus on "rhetorician". If you consider this a good and wide sampling of opinion you need to die.....

>> No.10839907

I understand that. But what I don't understand is why that argument is wrong itself. And comparing USA to Israel doesn't make sense here. Israel was quite literally founded as a Jewish Democratic State. America was founded as an antithetical to theocratic relation. It's just as obvious that Israelis desire Israel to remain Jewish in majority as it is Japan largely Japanese, or Saudi largely Arabian—they aren't teenage old deliberate melting pots.

And being Jewish isn't being pro-identity politics if you don't appeal to Judaism in argument.

>> No.10839916

i hate pc sjw shit as much as the next guy but isn't "chapo trap house" a kind of problematic name for an apparently "progressive" podcast made by a bunch of bourgeois white kids

>> No.10839922

I just remember seeing the image a few weeks ago and remembering that it basically includes anyone /lit/, /pol/, /mu/, /sci/, etc. has given notable attention to, positive or negative

The problem I have with it is I'm concerned that some people actually take it seriously, in the same way that people are concerned the folks in the image are taken seriously—which in many cases they shouldn't be

>> No.10839944

>America was founded as an antithetical to theocratic relation

The US is a country which was founded by Western Europeans for Western Europeans, similar to how Israel is a country which was founded by Jews for Jews.

>> No.10839953

Jews promoting ethnonationalism for them and civic nationalism for whites is extremely hypocritical, and America was founded as a white nation. Also, the "melting pot" / Emma Lazarus narrative is a jewish narrative. Jews are outsiders who wield a vast amount of power, so it is in their interests to distort other people's nations in these ways to make them more hospitable to them; they stand out too much in homogenous nations. But this is bad for whites and allowing a minority to impose these things on us is very bad for our long-term interests.

>> No.10839961

In terms of political positioning, it is. We have neoconservatism to anarcho-syndicalism to Freudo-marxism to much in between.

And I'm well aware of what the rhetorical point of the photo is. That's my problem with it: it's wide-brushed, reductive, and hypocritical in being an appeal against authority for no reason I can see other than popular success. Like him or not, calling Chomsky a pseudointellectual either means you've never read the guys work or you don't know what pseudointellectual mean.

If you think categorically rejecting an amorphous constellation of public figures makes you a nuanced and informed thinker then I feel sorry for your inability to properly reflect on anything, yourself especially.

>> No.10839969


It must have been a while since you've read the Declaration of Indianpendants

>> No.10839979
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>> No.10839999

How embarrassing.

>> No.10840003

But how is the Jew in question promoting ethnonationalism for Jews? And even then I'm not so sure it's hypocritical even then. America has foundational documents that explicitly express 'equality' (among men at least), while omitting anything explicitly directed at whites (unless there's an addendum I don't know about).

And okay—obviously Jews are self-interested to a deceptive degree. Most people know this. But I don't see how advancing the argument against civic nationalism promotes the Jewish agenda. How does distorting America's self-reflection benefit hospitality to Jews? I'm seriously asking, because I can't see a motive for such a conspiracy. I suppose Soros plays into this under that presupposition. And I get the line of reasoning, I'm just seeking a higher resolution outline for the whole thing, because as of now I the data I have isn't enough for a fully rendered picture.

Also I don't think Jews "stand out too much," especially not in Israel, an admittedly homogenous nation.

>> No.10840016

I completely see where you're coming from, but I just don't think natural tribalism necessarily be drawn along ethnoracial lines. I understand why it has in the past, but insisting that it must be this way just seems like a reaction to reactionaries.

And I get the slimy scheming nature of the Jews. They're the most intelligent race for a reason. They don't select for individuals, they group select—in evolutionary psychology terms. But that doesn't denote absolute global intent in my mind. Though I don't entirely rule it out.

>> No.10840024

I like Shapiro, but holy smokes

>> No.10840026

>liking establishment conservatives

wooo lad too many undocumented redditors on this site

>> No.10840030

>Ignore all pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians
And listen to...?

>> No.10840031

I lean pretty far to the left, but he’s a smart guy and I’m interested in what he has to say

>> No.10840033

>I need a new daddy.

>> No.10840040
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The only worth of Shapiro is in those Khazar milkers and trolling him over it.

>> No.10840041

that is not good

>> No.10840042
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This. >>10839460

>> No.10840043
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>If there's not a corporate logo on it, it's fake

>> No.10840046


>> No.10840047

Sure it is getting pretty reddit in here

>> No.10840048

try listening to yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.10840049

Lol who said anything about that?

>> No.10840056

Shapiro is a hardcore zionist, I'm pretty sure he has been quite explicit about that. You are wrong about America though, all of those foundational documents refer specifically to whites, and whites of "good character." That was how it was until 1965 when jews were finally able to break down our immigration laws with the Hart-Cellar Act (they had been trying for a long time).

>But I don't see how advancing the argument against civic nationalism promotes the Jewish agenda.
It doesn't. Jews want a mixed and divided populace, any move toward explicit white nationalism or against civic nationalism is contrary to their agenda and interests.

Jews have always fared poorly in strong, ethnically homogeneous nations with a clear identity. As you said you are aware of, they are prone to engage in perfidious activities that are bad for their host nation -- jews have a very different understanding of what constitutes morality -- and when that host nation realizes the negative effect they're having the jews get kicked out. Moreover, this happening in Germany last century led to jews like those involved with the frankfurt school overtly stating what I am now: that whites with a clear identity of themselves and homogeneous white nations = bad for jews, so they have worked cohesively and unceasingly since to break down our own cohesion and sense of national identity based around race. Jews conspire, but you will find them stating these things with no qualms if you start looking. I know it's a meme but you should read the Culture of Critique. It explains all this in a way that is easy to understand. They are working toward their group interests, I don't even fault them for that. I'm just saying whites have to as well or we're going to get swamped by the third world and the jews using those groups against us.

>> No.10840070

I just don't see any point in including non-whites. They don't offer any benefit and whites are plenty capable of doing anything on our own. Plus when you make exceptions other issues arise, not limited to jews doing what they do best, which is scheming their way in and subverting from the inside. The best and I contend only truly effective way of combating that is through the natural bonds of race. Otherwise we're getting back into this abstract principles thing, which is a specious line on which to determine in-groups and out-groups.

>> No.10840113

Ah yes, the well-known alt-right figure Mencius Moldbug.

>> No.10840183

I don’t know about you, but I like having Hispanics and the like working in manual labor for cheap.

Anyway, we simply fundamentally disagree and I don’t see that changing through course of this convo

>> No.10840209

Where exactly does it refer to “whites” explicitly in either the Constitution or the Dec. of Ind.?

And I looked at the members of both the house and the senate of the 89th congress that passed the Hart-Cellar Act: almost none of them are Jewish. You’re asserting that that was a Jewish endeavor, but do you have any actual evidence. I get there is potential motive, but who are the players?

I really just want to ensure here that the conversation doesn’t degrade into finger-pointing at a nefarious specter that is the Zionist conspiracy. Exploring behind the curtain is key, but tilting at windmills is counterproductive.

>> No.10840239
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These things are well-documented.


>> No.10840290

That's quite the conspiracy you have there

>> No.10840295

>Shapiro generally has pretty ironclad defenses for his arguments.
No he doesn't, they're "ironclad" if you have the understanding of any given issue on his level AKA fucking retarded.

>> No.10840302

Do you think she would be my nanny

>> No.10840326

Go ask Ben on Twitter.

>> No.10840344

>loads of people shitting their pants about it
>nobody has actually read any of his books

thats this thread summed up

>> No.10840348
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>> No.10840350

Shapiro and Milo are an insult to conservative intellectuals. Read Sowell or Kuehnelt-Leddihn instead.

>> No.10840355

>Anonymous 03/14/18(Wed)01:53:20 No.108403
Has Sowell ever written anything of actual value? Being totally serious. I've seen some videos of him but I get the vibe he's just a "Look at me! I'm a black conservative!" figurehead like Ben Carson or something. And he occasionally gives a valid criticism of a section of the Left's crybaby ideology.

>> No.10840358

Read his books. I recommend Basic Economics and Barbarians Inside the Gates as a starting point. In fact he just released another book about racism and discrimination, but I haven't had a chance to read it.

>> No.10840362

I've read The Porn Generation and Primetime Propaganda. While I agree about the general ideas he has, they're not worth reading. He's a journalist and his books read like columns in a newspaper. I like how everyone poops on Shapiro because he's a jew, but they keep quiet about the jewish pedophile because he just echoes whatever /pol/ says. Sweden had Swedish people, Britain had British people, and America was founded with Natives, the British, Spanish, etc. So if you want a homogenous country, who should go first? I think the Irish. The potato famine is over, they can go back now. I really don't like discussing politics outside of the dedicated politics board but this thread has gone to /pol/ shit anyway

>> No.10840376

German conservative revolutionaries and other anti-capitalist right-wingers are infinitely more intelligent than American free market ideologues like Sowell.

>> No.10840431

his book on marxism was actually fair if critical presentation of the material, but his most interesting work is probably "black rednecks and white liberals" which puts forward some explanations why african american culture is the way it is (beyond the standard "muh white supremacy)

>> No.10840500

Good falseflag.

>> No.10840503

What jewish pedophile?

>> No.10840506

It's only you who seems to be oblivious to the concept of controlled opposition

>> No.10840638

this except for chomsky

>> No.10840653

>whites are individualists by nature
>jews are responsible for multiculturalism
>tribal identity
>Mlk was jewish (as well as lincoln by that logic
>brown people don´t think like you
>jewish conspiracy theories in general
turbo brainlet: the post

>> No.10841311

Point out one position he defends other than his Israeli shilling that doesn't have a well-reasoned argument supporting it

>> No.10841435

>"black rednecks and white liberals" which puts forward some explanations why african american culture is the way it is (beyond the standard "muh white supremacy)

It was the God Damn Irish all along

>> No.10841872

>Read Sowell
But Shapiro continually refers to Sowell's work and recommends his listeners read him. Shapiro's perspective on economic policy is pure Sowell and he puts it across far more aggressively than Sowell ever would - although Sowell's style is a pleasure too.

>> No.10841873
