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10838605 No.10838605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>College says I have to be good at science and math to do creative writing
Nigger What the fuck is wrong with the edurcation system

>> No.10838609

why the fuck do you think you can write well if you're a brainlet?

>> No.10838636

>Got 2 marks off one and 14 off another

>> No.10838855

Sounds like you're talking about GE (general education) requirements that all students have to take. These are a money-grabbing sham, I was able to take summer courses at my local community college to waive some of them but it's still utter bullshit that you have to waste your tuition money (which can be hundreds/over a thousand dollars per unit) on useless courses. I had to take a class in adult psychology in the Gerontology school ffs, and I'm an econ major. If it's any consolation, employers look at your transcripts holistically and know that GE courses don't mean shit.

>> No.10838864

>I should only have to study what I LIKE waaaaah
>why isn't school a salad bar

Stop wasting your parents' money and go work in food service you fucking child

>> No.10838868

>unironically complaining about a liberal arts education
not gonna make it

>> No.10838921
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>> No.10838943

This. Education is not for playing makebelieve and acquiring skills you personally think are valuable, education is for churning out sociable and insentient economic units who assist in the technocracy's expansion, production, and consumption.
>b-b-but barney said life should be meaningful and I should spend my time doing fulfilling things that I'm good at and are valuable
Sorry to burst your retard bubble, retard, but life is for making money, paying rent, and purchasing neat-o electronic goods

Also, why is western civilization collapsing? weird that it's sort of coinciding with this rise in spiritually decadent materialism lol. MAGA!

>> No.10838968

This entire post is so retarded it fills me with a sense of revulsion I have seldom known. Please, please PLEASE kill yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.10838998

I'd like this to be bait but I know there are bootlickers who honestly think like this

>> No.10839010

t. Killary-shilling decadent far-left soyboys who believe that globalism is good and not a fake zeitgeist forced by the technocrat elites in order to maximize their control of labour

>> No.10839025

>sorry to burst your retard bubble, retard
the absolute state of crossboard LARPing alt rightists.

>> No.10839030


>> No.10839035
File: 31 KB, 377x108, try again buckaroo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10839037

Trump isnt pro-labor you senescent paranoiac scoundrel.

>far left
you’re retarded

>> No.10839044

oh look, another australian shitposter.

>> No.10839045


>> No.10839048

all democratic politics is far left

>> No.10839062

New England, currently buried in snow :^)

>> No.10839069


>the purpose of life is capitalism
>Western civ is collapsing because of spiritually decadent materialism

You're trolling, right?

>> No.10839086

You have to be able to hold multiple ideas in your head, to create maps of important information, to move deftly between tiers of abstraction. What you don't have to do is go to college. Listen to >>10838921. Take a class on math logic/intro to proofs/set theory. You and your writing will be better for it, and if you cannot make it then I have no sympathy for you. As dangerous as the STEM autist who cannot appreciate art is the limp-minded pseudo-artist who has no capacity for physical and intellectual rigor.

If you cannot appreciate the value of a multivariate education then you really are a brainlet, regardless of grades.

I'm sure you did not have to take that class, I'm sure you had to take a class, and showed no interest in broadening your academic scope so picked that one. You resent yourself for this, but choose instead to blame the school.


>education is for churning out sociable and insentient economic units who assist in the technocracy's expansion, production, and consumption
Go to bed.

>> No.10839155

>you resent yourself for this, but choose instead to blame the school
very psychoanalysis
such profound

>> No.10839163

for fucks sake OP it's all language. One is open ended, the other is closed. I have no fucking clue how people who are good at verbal skills can say they're terrible at math. Either you're just lazy af or you have some sort of phobia/presupposition of failure that you need to get over

>> No.10839176

It is probably close to being true. Those who are mentally and physically weak will blame anything else, especially some "institution" to ignore the reality that they are in control of their own success and failure. If you are not like this then surely you have talked to someone who is. They believe life is already set against them, so they allow themselves to fail but not without complaining to whoever will listen.

>> No.10839181
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>the absolute state of trumptards

>> No.10839205

>I have no fucking clue how people who are good at verbal skills can say they're terrible at math.
There are two possibilites covering the majority of cases. Either they really are not that good at anything else, and so it should not be surprising they are good at math. Or, for any number of reasons, they lack the discipline or curiosity to learn something new. Often this is not the fault of the student but instead caused by most academic settings not imbuing in the them the wonder and artistry of math. So their takeaway is that math is comprised solely of rearranging equations to separate x from y.

>> No.10839215

>are not good at math