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File: 19 KB, 219x298, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10835540 No.10835540 [Reply] [Original]

Did he destroy philosophy just so no one else had to waste their lifes doing such boring shit?

>> No.10835543

>declares that God is dead
>As God is laid to rest Philosophy drops dead as well
Really makes you think...

>> No.10835555

No to reinvent it or to come up with new philosophy.

>> No.10835564

>*gives birth to continental wordwank and anglo autism*
Damn thanks Freddy good job

>> No.10835574

but anglo philosophers and post-modernists hate him

>> No.10835606

But all of them were born because of how he debunked the tradition

>> No.10835737


>> No.10835757

>moral imperative
>my feelings are real and objective, I will make it so!

Absolutely arbitrary.

>> No.10836093

he was basically just psychotic

>ranks philosophers
>understands neither

>> No.10836132
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>> No.10836139

>dewd it's all like subjective mane
>you can't know muffin
How will philosophy ever recover?

>> No.10836185

>make absolutely outrageous and absurd statement
>it's true because I said so lmao

Ah yes, the grand tradition of German philosophy. How could one man hope to debunk such a rock-solid foundation to thought.

>> No.10836196
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He straightened it out so thoroughly that generation after generation of Anglo huckster has been reduced to hysterics in his aftermath.

>> No.10836207

You don't understand Nietzsche.
Perspectivism requires:
a) a body
b) an earth (and I/he do(es) mean earth)
You remove (b) from the matter, as do many adolescent bootlickers when reading him.
Within it one may know (a), and (b) through (a). Platonism simply states that one can know (b) and infact beyond (b). All systems of thought positively following the Platonic tradition (including your precious dogma of science) are based in this superstition that one somehow contains within themselves what is not themselves yet is connected to oneself yadda yadda. Nietzschean metaphysics is more grounded than your metaphysics.

>> No.10836317

Why is every autodidact memelord so obsessed with him. A discussion about his ideas/ books would be interesting, but this? God is dead all over lit. So boring.

>> No.10836328

NEETche just states his opinion which is just a bunch of plagirized work from Kikegard and Stirner adding poetic language. If you rewrite NEETche's work into coherent and not KJ Bible tier language it wpuld spund retarded and childish

>> No.10836375

He actually did do that, but only for that kind of philosophers who construct their entire lives around their ideas. Check this out: http://nietzsche.holtof.com/reader/friedrich-nietzsche/beyond-good-and-evil/aphorism-25-quote_8b02a6188.html

>> No.10836405

That's exactly what Nietzsche does too though. He just adds a footnote saying it's just his opinion, don't bother refuting it.

>> No.10836407


>> No.10836410

Bodies and earth existing is just a question of ~value~ dude. If you don't ~value~ them they go away. *rips bong* *eats fruit* *turns insane*

>> No.10836435


can someone explain some of the references he makes here

>> No.10836592

So take the sentence without this word if you like.

>> No.10836597

Have you tried it? Its fun. But hes strong with his words.

>> No.10836598

I could but I won't

>> No.10836680

Lol, Hilarious.

>> No.10836704

Cant enter site from germany.

>> No.10836706

okay, thanks

>> No.10836709

Where should I begin with Nietzsche?

>> No.10836724

that's ironic. it's a chapter from the twilight of the idols, "SKIRMISHES IN A WAR WITH THE AGE"

>> No.10836790
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>your precious dogma of science

>> No.10837909

>a German can't access gutenberg.org
painfully ironic

>> No.10837944

also the work of a german philosopher

>> No.10838024
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For real! It seems like all our philosophies were just concocted--primarily--to try and explain away the harsh reality that we don't actually know anything, and encompassed within that lack of knowing is morality. We could always just do whatever we wanted, but this premise doesn't lend well to a complex, orderly society, so the powers that be had to try and construct some logical reasons as to why you shouldn't just do whatever you want. Also, this is why college professors--the ones that aren't pseuds--hardly endorse Nietzsche to the students: they know full well the implications and are probably just trying to keep it hidden so they can benefit. I can't blame them t b h
Nice quads. To your statement--yes, but it will still be just as hollow as any others they would hav3 had to scorn to take the top position.
Well fucking memed

>> No.10838563

Nah, fuck Ned Flanders and his mustache.

>> No.10839024

How the fuck can pomo hate N? Dude is the father of pomo.