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/lit/ - Literature

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10835102 No.10835102 [Reply] [Original]

What does the population of /lit/ like to do besides read?
I enjoy playing the guitar and banjo, shooting pool, throwing darts (I do these at home as well, not just at the bar), hiking, rock climbing, and when all of those distractions fail me, thinking about how I can die "by accident"

>> No.10835109

After work I don't have time for anything other than reading

>> No.10835116

we've transitioned to declaring that our threads are unrelated to literature in the original post now

>> No.10835118


>> No.10835119
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Watch Anime.

>> No.10835122


also some stock speculation though, to pass the time at work

i'm feeling lucky about $ptla and $aaoi

>> No.10835161


Used to play video games. Quit 3 months ago and it's been one of the best decisions of my life.

>> No.10835166

I like to do philosophy related sculptures

>> No.10835172

Practice my pick-up game.

I wander around different college campuses (the epicenters of prime, unattached pussy) and run pure, raw, experimental game. I have fun with it. I don't care, if I fuck there's literally a thousand others just around the corner. Pussy is a numbers game; run enough game and you'll be sleeping with more prime females than most men dare to dream of.

My hobbies bring me closer to my wildest fantasies. How about yours?

>> No.10835178

I draw, exercise and go for long walks.

>> No.10835187

Quit Anime too la

>> No.10835200

I only watch anime for an hour or so after I've met my reading goals for the day. In contrast, I often used to play video games all day long, to the exclusion of other activities.

>> No.10835210

im in a far right political organization, also i like hunting, lifting, and without a doubt hiking

>> No.10835222

>Learn French and Spanish in uni
>Rage in World of Warships and PubG
>Masturbate till I ejaculate blood

>> No.10836515

> Me too.

How has it positively effected you?

>> No.10836537
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>> No.10836555

I drive. Also I write, play bass, walk wistfully about my dried up city, play videogames (now only socially), hike where I can, and post unfounded opinions in feigned anger on a Czechoslovakian piano tuning forum.

>> No.10836576
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walking (city & nature)
going to see live music at least every fortnight, and i listen to music all the time
follow the markets & financial news (mostly out of interest but i do a little investing)

>> No.10836577


>> No.10836636

Star watching, music composing and video games (I'm developing one about star watching).

>> No.10836657

Lifting weights, metal-detecting, clamming, sailing, basically a lot of activities that can be done by yourself.

>> No.10836676

no u

>> No.10836685

playing chess
lifting weights
going on long walks
learning languages (french, german)

>> No.10836738

kino, classical music, bicycle, workout

i barely read

>> No.10836744

Looks like he's feeling crabby, haha.

>> No.10836781

I play in a few bands, smoke weed, vidya, basketball, a bit of mind numbing tv to fall asleep to.

>> No.10837134

I obsess over my health, currently am a moderately competitve cyclist and in addition to riding I take care to eat well, sleep well, and recover well. By recover I mean spending quite a bit of my non cycling time by lifting weights and developing and preserving mobility. In total I suppose it is quite a bit of work, but most of it is rather subconscious at this point. I do ride a few less miles during the week than others, so the time is not an issue.

Over the past six months I have also been attempting to teach myself the piano, I have been studying from Bartok's Mikrokosmos (currently finishing Vol 2), chords and introductory music theory books, and playing some jazz songs at a very basic level. It is fun and immensely absorbing but I doubt I will be playing for anyone soon. Starting as an adult I feel at quite a deficit compared to most others I see play, who have been at it since a young age. Although, this doesn't bother me much, I do it for myself, it means I do not tell people I play out of fear they will ask me to demonstrate.

I have also taken to studying chess, though my interest has plateaued with tactics problems on ChessTempo. My rating keeps going up but I only play at most five full games per week, always in classical time. Again, very fun but a very personal activity.

Cycling is primarily where my personal interests intersect with a large group, probably because I have been at it for a while and so am better than most (though nowhere near elite).

At least every other weekend I try to go to a museum or concert, living in a city this is easy. There are many museums and sometimes the concert is just performance by conservatory students.

I want to get into sailing. When I am older and richer I want to buy a boat.

>> No.10837737

Sailing is fun, so I've heard.
Ain't it wonderful?

>> No.10837844

Move aside plebs
>study finance
>f gf

>> No.10837899

>study finace

>> No.10837935
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go to the gun range