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10834133 No.10834133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Explain why this man is wrong

WITHOUT making fun of his mannerisms
WITHOUT making fun of his fanboys

>> No.10834143

Individualism (tm) is lame. He's just a dumb boomer liberal from 40 years ago.

>> No.10834148

someone post his "being" capital 'b' Heidegger explanation from his new book

>> No.10834161

he has no new ideas, his explication of better thinkers ideas is vulgur, he’s a cuck to capitalism and also an ayn rand faggot, he has no morals, abuses his power to rake in cash from despondend incels and his followers are insufferable dunning-krueger /pol/edditors. pleb through and through. christfaggotry will always be christfaggotry

>> No.10834177

What it is known cannot be unknown, therefore all of his arguments against postmodernism (even though he never says anything concrete) are futile.

>> No.10834182

>Everything I don't like results in the Gulag: A Child's Guide to Political Discourse

>> No.10834183

This except the
Day of the rope getting reaaally close now

>> No.10834185

he doesn't give a straight answer on the epistemology of god as a soul/entity/character

his solution to resenting being/life/existence is to "stop doing that" because it turns you into a school shooter. i.e. "to be rich stop being poor because being poor sucks"

>> No.10834189

If you spend all the time you would spend reading Peterson on a mixture of Dostefsky and Hoffer instead, you'll be more interesting

>> No.10834191


>He has no new ideas,

Doesn't explain why he's wrong. Being unoriginal doesn't make him wrong lmfao

>His explication of better thinkers ideas is vulgar

Why? What is he misinterpreting?

>He's a cuck to capitalism and also an ayn rand faggot

lmfao, real nuanced argument you have there. literally the only shit he ever said on her was saying "I don't regard Ayn Rand as a great mind".

>He has no morals

according to what hahahaha, all the 3 current posts im seeing have no actual critiques of him and misinterpret everything he says. give an actual critique xd

>abuses his power to rake in cash from despondend incels and his followers are insufferable dunning-krueger /pol/edditors.

uploads lectures for free for years, then opens up a way for supporters to VOLUNTARILY donate. also you didn't even read the OP "Without making fun of his fanboys" xd, this is why he's getting more popular, cus every critic of his looks like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwdYpMS8s28&t=582

>> No.10834218

I had the privilege of eating dinner with him after an event he held in Ontario . He was the most vapid individual I have ever met who only showed one moment of being alive: When he found out his dinner was being paid for.

>> No.10834224


ITT: No actual critiques of him.

>> No.10834232

samefag rofl

>> No.10834233

Peterson is alright in my book, but the way his followers espouse that he’s a genius causes a lot of backlash. He’s an intelligent man, a good psychologist, is principled, yet he isn’t the philosopher his followers think he is. He’s simply reiterating socially conservative and classical liberal platitudes through a modern lens, which a lot of young men do need, somehow. His view of to achieve happiness and his shallow “12 Rules” are ultimately reductive, though, yet they are solid first steps for the uninformed. He has far too much trust in the free market and his criticisms of Marxism, too, often falls into melodrama, but it’s still good to see someone protecting the brutal Communist historiography from identity politici revisionists.

He’s either overrated or underrated by people. It helps that Canada is so marooned in the world at the moment, it gives him motivation to try and drag that joke of a nation into some semblance of respect and authority.

>> No.10834234

Well OP I've listened to JP for about 800 hours. I am a self-proclaimed fanboi. Here's what JP does wrong.

Quantum BS, he'll occasionally cite quantum mechanics in a ridiculously new-agey cringe-inducing manner.

Free Will BS, his support of free will boils down to "but I feeeeeeeeeeel like it" which is precisely what he critiques in post-modernism.

Over the top pragmatism, look I'd self-reference as a pragmatist, but he takes it a length in which 2+2 = 5 if it's convenient to think so, which is stupid.

>he has no new ideas
What? I'm going to assume you mean philophically as he is one of if not the top research psychologist in Canada. In that case, I mostly agree, his work is synthesis. Which inevitably promotes this reaction:

>his explication of better thinkers ideas is vulgur
I partially agree. He heavily interprets other works which I think is reasonable, but the purists are going to get salty.

>he’s a cuck to capitalism and also an ayn rand faggot
I see >>10834191
has that one handled.

>he has no morals
Please give a single example of this. One will do.

>abuses his power to rake in cash from despondend incels
Saying: "I will give away everything I produce for free" then literally never asking for money except once for his students? When for the first time he was denied funding when immediately before he got the largest grant ever given to a psychologist in Canada. I hope you mean something else.

>his followers are insufferable dunning-krueger /pol/edditors.
Owie my feelings

>christfaggotry will always be christfaggotry
Oh yes, because saying "hey there could potentially be something to the religion of the most successful civilization on earth" is pure idiocy...

>> No.10834248
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sums it up for me

>> No.10834252

>he doesn't give a straight answer on the epistemology of god as a soul/entity/character

Because he doesn't have a short one. If you want to understand his position watch the maps of meaning lectures. That is his answer.

>his solution to resenting being/life/existence is to "stop doing that" because it turns you into a school shooter. i.e. "to be rich stop being poor because being poor sucks"

Impressive mischaracterization. An extremely condensed version of his solution was just published as a book.

>> No.10834255

pic related is hilarious

>> No.10834261

He is wrong about depression medication.

>> No.10834263

his mom gay

>> No.10834265


>> No.10834267

Maps of meaning attempts to solve the is-ought problem by further specifying is, which misses the point. I don't hate him, Im sure he is a perfectly acceptable clinician, but he is a minor thinker.

>> No.10834271

Could you be more specific?

>> No.10834272

aaaand his mom gay

>> No.10834274

He supports soylent green.

>> No.10834276

Well his idea of truth is a bit odd.

He claims that truth is more real than the empirical world, but has no decent ontological argument for it. On his first Sam Harris interview he tries to explain this with an example where a house is on fire, and a man asks you, "Is the room on fire?"
He claims the empirical answer, "No," is not true because it does not answer the meaning of the question that was actually asked, i.e. "is the room safe?"
This example fails to address the ontological reality of truth - instead, he is saying at most that the human perspective is vitally important to anything we understand.
Take this to the extreme, and you get some Berkeley absurd shit. Instead, I expect that he is a Kantian of some sort.
Regardless, I don't think he has a legitimate ground for his belief of truth, even though I find it compelling.

>> No.10834277

>He supports soylent green.
Ah, trolling then.

>> No.10834278

>Maps of meaning attempts to solve the is-ought problem by further specifying is, which misses the point.

Could you be more specific?

>he is a minor thinker.

I don't see an argument.

>> No.10834279

Peterson is the last barricade of a white, middle class north american protestant mentality, besieged by trannies, smothered by the liberal managerial state and bombarded by terabytes of internet porn. tbhh i feel a deep aesthetic revulsion towards Peterson's suburban boomerism but the left is even more shrill and insufferable, why can't we get on with the race war already?

>> No.10834281

tfw white america will disappear lmao

>> No.10834283

>why can't we get on with the race war already?
I really want to see you white pasty faggots in a war

>> No.10834290
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afaik he does summarize his "position" in a pivotal footnote of rule 7 of his 12 rules book:

> And this is all true, note, whether there is--or is not--*actually* such a powerful figure, "in the sky" :)

He seems to go out of his way to make sure everything he says is consisten with God being like, an emergent property of consciousness or morality, not a personal entity. which is odd considering how much a lot of his videos come off like sermons

I just read his book and this was the best thing I could come up with. His solution as far as i understand is basically
> examine what makes you hate the world and learn from it instead of becoming spiteful
> make sure your own life is in order before going after the life of others
both of which sound like results rather than paths to solution

>> No.10834291
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Mfw people still think skin pigment matters for anything outside of vitamin D and skin cancer.

>> No.10834292

>Because he doesn't have a short one. If you want to understand his position watch the maps of meaning lectures. That is his answer.

Y-you have give arguments against papa JP. If you w-want my argument go watch 200 hours of his lectures desu

>> No.10834300

Individualism has to be cultivated in the context of a community in which the person differentiates himself from the collective for its benefit. If the community itself isn't involved in the interactive process of self-development, an ideal cognitively equivalent to God can't emerge and the individual ends up optimizing for self-image, rather than the satisfaction of social needs. By making a God of himself, without integrating properly into (and caring for) society, he either acts out of a bitter sense of duty, if there's still some decency left in him, or cowardly averts responsibility whenever it threatens his immediate self-interest. Worst case scenario, his self-control may get utterly fucked up.

It's important to create a supportive community from the outset. Doing so doesn't make you a collectivist, nor does it require you to renounce your individuality. It's a platform for higher flights.

>> No.10834302

I don't think he has ever made a convincing argument as to why his young White male followers shouldn't engage in movements that promote White identity.
It's also strange how he'll emphasize the importance of IQ but never address the racial aspect of the IQ debate.
This is what is motivating his leftist enemies. He gives White identitarians tons of ammunition, but doesn't effectively discredit their movements. Probably because he can't.

>> No.10834306


>> No.10834308

bro, you forgot the postmodern neomarxists

>> No.10834309

t. pasty homosex

>> No.10834310
File: 23 KB, 446x362, fregg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to add to my post here, >>10834290

...what would JP's advice have been to Cain, the spiteful, unrespected brother who was unfavorable in God's sight?

> hardmode: you can't use the Gulag Archipelago or a school shooter as an example

i hope you know a good answer because i feel alot more like a cain than an abel :(

>> No.10834319

This is as specific as I'm going to get on my phone: he accepts the fact-value distinction, believes the crucial problem with the modern world is that we don't understand the relation of fact and value properly. We would understand value better if we understood myth/how a mythological account of the world constituted value for people. Because the value that is constituted is narrative in character it bears an implication of how we should act. It boils down to papering of the gap between is-ought with a ton of narrative, value-laden detail. Which is fine, there are way dumber positions. But there are also way smarter ones. If you want a more philosophical, if less psychologically sophisticated take on similar themes check out Leo Strauss' student Stanley Rosen. Who Also engages in criticizing postmodernism, but not in a gay way in "hermeneutics as politics"
(Note: I have only seen a handful of his videos but I read maps of meaning as my brother is into JP)

>> No.10834324

t. dumb nigger

>> No.10834325

Because he doesn't know the definition of post-modernism.

>> No.10834328

I think I grasp what you're getting at. That isn't the solution to stop resenting existence per se, it's the solution for how to live a better life. The solution for the school shooter one is far more complicated.

Which you want from me hahahaha, this will take a bit to write out so I'll follow up in a sec (hard mode challenge accepted.)

True wit. Here's an oversimplification for you:
at a minimum, God as the personification of the abstracted highest ideal and the forces of reality exists in the same way numbers exist.

The black/white racial difference in IQ is pure bunk. Look up the Flynn effect for god's sake. As it stands, there is under a 4 point difference between African American and white American IQ's. This gap continues to close. The difference can be nearly 100% be controlled for by environment. There is no scientific reason to believe it's genetic and a lot of reasons to think it isn't.

As for why (white) identity politics is terrible: see Nazis. White identify politics is awful because identity politics is awful. Every single one of his arguments against identity politics cut every kind of identity politic.

>> No.10834329

And you do?

>> No.10834334


I know enough about it to know its got nothing to do with everything being subjective or destroying the western world.

>> No.10834336

>God as the personification of the abstracted highest ideal and the forces of reality exists in the same way numbers exist.

How, though? Axioms are supposed to be self-evident...

>> No.10834337

I don't go around giving fake definitions and make millions out of it

>> No.10834340
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>tfw white america will disappear lmao

It's better to burn out than to fade away

>> No.10834341
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>> No.10834343


Then what is it?

>> No.10834345

The character of Cain has no real drive to be anything, he is a lazy misanthropic murderer. If the Bible is anything to go by, misanthropes have been around since time immemorial. You're going to have to make a decision anon, do you want to pine and spite or make a future for yourself despite your situation with no guarantee of success. Same guarantee everyone else is given.

Not that anon btw.

>> No.10834346

How can you tell he's wrong though?

>> No.10834354


>his explication of better thinkers ideas is vulgur
this is true
>he has no morals
idk bout dat - but he does seem super cucked on anything related to jews and nazis and the lolocaust

>> No.10834360
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>He Doesn't Want to Unleash Full Scale Violence Against the Freaks who Are Destroying America.

>> No.10834361


Skepticism of universalism broadly. And no, this doesn't mean "denial there's an objective reality", but an acknowledgement that our perceptions and biases prevent us from ever truly knowing it.

What Peterson does is the equivalent of noticing scientists always record uncertainties and propagate them as they work and saying "science has been compromised! They're saying you cannot know nuffin to destroy western culture!"

>> No.10834363

nah, that's Zizek's job

>> No.10834368

Yeah. They are the one destroying america, not the one that export all your jobs and pay you like trash

>> No.10834372

Obviously the highest being would be ideal, obviously, the most powerful thing would be the forces of reality. What part of this is not self-evident?

>what would JP's advice have been to Cain, the spiteful, unrespected brother who was unfavorable in God's sight?

Probably to clean up his damn room, roughly speaking. Memes aside, I'll lay out rough logic, you let me know if there is a step where you're not making the jump with me.

1. It would be better if things got better for me
2. Taking cainian actions will make things worse for me
3. Therefore, I should not take cainian actions

Why you should be good follows a similar logic, but more complicated.

1. It would be better if things got better for me
2. Orienting myself towards making things better for me requires making things better in my environment
3. People are a major part of my environment
4. Therefore, improving my environment and being "good" to others makes things better for me.

The key thing here is actually wanting things to get better for you. Which is an act of faith and love. You have to be willing to say: "I care about myself and want things to get better."

>> No.10834381
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I've never been a fan of white america, but the gynocratic managerial dystopia bound to replace it seems worse in every way. I feel the levelling forces of GLOBOHOMO/ZOG closing in, assimilating and emasculating the planet at an ever faster rate. I choose to take a stand, not for 'the white race' or 'america' or even muh western civilization, but as a pure assertion of will against the state

>> No.10834384

Nothing of that is self-evident. You can keep repeating a definition, that won't make it an axiom. I see the necessity of the definition for the pragmatic side of his worldview, but the definition itself is not necessary.

>> No.10834388
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>> No.10834391

He doesn't understand postmodernism and regularly strawmans Derrida, Nietzsche, and Marx.

>> No.10834392

Okay. Then if not ideal, what would the highest being be? If not the forces of reality, what would the most powerful being be?

>> No.10834394
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>implying there's a difference

>> No.10834399

>regularly strawmans Derrida, Nietzsche, and Marx.

Wat. He loves Nietzsche, doesn't seem to care for Marx, but does dislike Derrida. 1/3 you get an F anon.

>> No.10834414

The mistake is assuming the existence of 'the highest being' or 'the forces of reality'. I'm not saying that there isn't a way to create a system that gives those things as corollaries, but taking assumptions that big seems pretty ridiculous. Sorry for the broken English, I'm new to the language.

>> No.10834417
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These threads sure do fill up fast

>> No.10834431

I'm just gonna pop in and define JP's belief, through /tv/.
>Man of Steel.
>JP believes in heaven as an ideal to strive towards—movie Interstellar: Who's to say we won't become God.

>> No.10834441

>Sorry for the broken English, I'm new to the language.

I wouldn't have known, you're doing fine. Keep in mind I gave a limited simplification. I'm offering the part of his understanding that is easily compressed into a couple sentences. Outside of that I really do have to default to the "watch the lectures" answer.

The little bit more I can squeeze out, however, is he would not say God is real the way a table is real. It is a psychic rather than physical phenomena. If you have specific questions about his understanding I can try to answer them, but no guarantees.

>> No.10834443

Peterson threads all end up the same. I think discussion would be better if people read more

Here are some people I think Peterson fans should look up: Walter Ong, Ivan Illich, Cornelius Castoriadis, Christopher Lasch, Thomas Szasz, Charles Taylor, Hans Blumenberg, Paul Ricoeur, Paul Gottfried, Leo Strauss, Seth Benardette, Hannah Arendt, Raymond Williams, Richard Rorty, Arnaldo Momigliano.
I'll add some later.

>> No.10834452

lol read some Jew whine about "totalitarianism" for thousands of pages so you can feel superior to the plebs who watch e-celebs like peterson

>> No.10834455

oh it's that philosophy fag that thinks to understand any book you have to read ten other obscure shitty books first...yea, if u don't read ricouer and rorty you'll just totally miss the point of 12 rules bro

>> No.10834458

I don't disagree with his definition of God, not because his existence is as evident of the existence of numbers, but because it's useful (and that's an important word) to assume so.
I mean, I'm not really disagreeing with all the ideal of the highest being, but it's on a different level than that of numbers. It's not self-evident in the same way. I don't know if I'm explaining myself right. Thanks for the help!

>> No.10834467
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i agree with this post , except....

what do you do if an individual's resentment devalues people's/society's capacity for "good" and "better", things are so ugly and mundane that improvement seems no longer worth pursuing and participation in life is suffocating and tedious and bad and annoying to everyone invovled

what if u clean your room but then u find out its made of shitblood rotten semen vomit gray septic maggot meat and you are the very kernel of its disarray and ugliness, you are the thorn in existence's side and it would be better if you just like generally weren't here and didnt have to be counciouss of your own existence and etc

>> No.10834472

are we supposed to laugh at his incorrect or bowdlerized interpretation of H's concept? he's writing for a general audience, not rich jewish kids who want to seem smart (those kids all read zizek, derrida, foucault, horkheimer, adorno, marcuse, benjamin, lacan - mainly secondary sources)

>> No.10834473

That's right.
I don't think anyone has to read a dozen books before reading 12 rules. But just like Peterson, his fans don't seem to read very much. Reading anything would be of help. None of those authors are obscure.

>> No.10834484

He's nothing more than a basic bitch conservative with a psycho-mythological coat of paint. His only real qualm with the liberal managerial state that he's stooged for for decades is that it no longer caters exclusively to the fragile egos of peti-bougie baby boomers who think mayonnaise is too spicy. The only reason anyone even knows who he is is because his demonological psycho-philosophy and diet antisemitism momentarily aligned with the neuroses of the kind of cheeto-munching ne'er do wells who consider sharing frog memes on reddit to be a revolutionary act.

>> No.10834492

>hey there could potentially be something to the religion of the most successful civilization on earth
The west is only the most successful civilization on earth for now. For most of history they've been btfo by China or India, and judging by China at the moment that's going to continue to be the case.

>> No.10834528

>Btfo anyone
For 5000 years they've never reached beyond their borders.
Same with China, only for a few decades did China ever look beyond itself.
While the west is built upon discovery, India is even a child of us.

>> No.10834529
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>He loves Nietzsche
And also misreads Nietzsche. Peterson claims N. is a postmodern thinker, when the truth is N. alternated between reactionary and modernist arguments. N.'s capital-i Individualism is one of the least postmodern things ever described.

>Doesn't seem to care for Marx.
Peterson regularly makes claims about Marxism (& communism more broadly) that are outright false. Marx wasn't against all forms of inequality. Marx didn't distinguish along the lines of "winners and losers." Marx would not have supported the Soviet Union.

>Does dislike Derrida.
And he misreads Derrida. Peterson's description of D.'s position ("lmao everythings a false dichotomy bro") is strawmanning at its worst.

All 3 of these thinkers are misrepresented in Peterson's lectures. His attitude towards them doesn't matter; he misunderstands and/or lies about what they have to say.

>> No.10834538

I hope that your 'us' means that you are european and not american...

>> No.10834545

The more and more you guys insult him without subtance the more and more you sound like SJWs. You all claim to be so logical and rational yet sook like children all the time.

I'm respecting this guy more and more now because of the dodgy manner in which he is attacked and the effort he puts into his work and talks.

Keep going dickheads, see where it gets ya. Old, cynical and alone.

>> No.10834551

t. 14 yo

>> No.10834554

It's quite alright. I'd argue that numbers are not self-evident at all. Show me a number. Not the symbol, the actual thing.

Obviously, you can't, because a number is a useful abstraction it doesn't "exist" from a materialistic perspective.

We act like they exist, because as you note it is useful to do so. But, numbers are so ridiculously useful that is some sense they are more real than physical things. I'd argue this is the same for God.

The first thing you do it stop it from getting worse. Don't lie. Don't do things you know makes things worse. Whatever that definition is. You need to be willing to make a bad first draft of your life.

You very well may be a sack of shit. There may be no reason to think of yourself as good. You could be in Hell and deserve it. I have no intention of sugar coating. But, it doesn't have to stay that way. Don't be happy with who you are; self-esteem is bullshit. Feel good about who you COULD become. Face the bit of hell you can in your room. Don't even face the whole room. Face a desk, face your bed, but take a step forward.

If you can find a way to make your life 1% better today, and you do that every day, then at the end of the year (365 days) your life will be 37 times better.

Identify with the part of yourself that can change, not the static thing you are.

Sorry if that was sermony!

Oh for sure. You'll note that the fall of the religious values strangely correlates with Asia getting ahead ;)

Not that I have any problem with that, good on them. I am currently studying Zen heavily; they have a lot of good in there. Plus psychoanalytically their spiritual traditions are arguably even more advanced, except for their articulations of good and evil.

>Peterson claims N. is a postmodern thinker
Can you cite this? I've watched hundreds of hours of JP and never heard him say Nietzche is postmodernist.

>Peterson regularly makes claims about Marxism
Yes, but not Marx. Additionally, his claims are almost always specific to post-modernism, communism, or both. I've rarely heard him specifically go after or even mention Marxism.

As for Derrida, I really can't speak to it I haven't read any Derrida.

>> No.10834564

He won't talk about either race differences or Jews which makes him kind of lame. I really don't care though, there is no hope left

>> No.10834584

I don't think it's his speciality.
t. Starver of 6 million Ukrainians.

>> No.10834592


> >>10834467 (You)
> The first thing you do it stop it from getting worse.
> [...]
my entire point from what you're replying to is what if "better" doesn't seem actually better. what if my proverbial room (i.e. life and existence) seems so shit that even if it was clean it would be just as bad

what do u do then

>> No.10834595

What do you guys think of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwXAB6cICG0

>> No.10834597
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even worse, what if your room is basically mostly clean already and you still feel like this

>> No.10834603

Why is he afraid to debate any of the intellectual White nationalists?

>> No.10834630

He points some contradictions, otherwise it's retarded. Fedora tier retarded.

>> No.10834636

How so?

>> No.10834644

I mean, it's a good critic because Peterson is shown as quite inconsistent, but falling for the objectivity and realism meme in 2018 is not worthy of any praise.

>> No.10834647

What is there if not objective reality?

>> No.10834659

On the real? Nothing.

>> No.10834660
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>rationality rules
>he looks like this

I don't even have political opinions anymore, just contempt for people who disgust me

>> No.10834667

Pure solipsism?

>> No.10834672

Not even that. I am not objectively real either.

>> No.10834674

I'm sold, buying his book now.

>> No.10834679

He is religious, a lot of his lectures are about morality and virtue; you’re an idiot.

>> No.10834681

Of course not, you're just a figment of my imagination.

>> No.10834687

And you are a conscious illusion.

>> No.10834709

>my entire point from what you're replying to is what if "better" doesn't seem actually better. what if my proverbial room (i.e. life and existence) seems so shit that even if it was clean it would be just as bad

Right. Quality distinctions. That's some rough nihilism man. Read: Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

As JP says, without an up, there is only infinite down. An up in needed and that book will help with that.

>> No.10834713

He hasn’t addressed the Jewish Question.

>> No.10834722
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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
> the icon of the sensual, hedonistic baby boomer generation

and to think i wanted to believe what you had to say

>> No.10834727

I'm sorry you feel that way. It's simply a demonstration of quality distinctions, it can be used as a justification for base hedonism but it doesn't have to be.

You could try Sickness onto Death by Kierkegaard if you want something more respectable.

>> No.10834729

thanks you redeemed yourself

ill take a look at both

>> No.10834741

>He won't talk about either race differences or Jews which makes him kind of lame.

you're the exact type of person that needs to read 12 rules. fucking idiot.

>> No.10834760



>> No.10834774

I'm not talking about rules for self-improvement, I'm talking about the probable near collapse of our societies. These are separate topics.

>> No.10834778
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His stance that the environment is trying to kill us, therefore there's no use in combating climate change. Pretty defeatist if you ask me. I see his point but at the same time we can still try to limit the way we exploit the Earth.

>> No.10834785

sick argument, kiddo

>> No.10834798

>I'm talking about the probable near collapse of our societies.

yeah, that's exactly it. You're worried about society and "other races" or "your own" when in reality your life is full of chaos. what you need to do is worry about your own damn before criticizing anyone else.

"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."

>> No.10834801

Not the same guy, but how the fuck do you know his life is full of chaos? lmao

>> No.10834804

I know that, that's in the bible, the part with the speck of dust and the beam of wood.

I am not criticizing other individuals, I am talking about what is happening to our societies because of demographic trends. I'm not imagining that stuff, it is really happening, and I have no power to change it. Of course one should still always aim to effect what change they can, starting with themselves, but that isn't what I'm talking about.

>> No.10834812

based on the fact that he posting about the "collapse of society" on a Mongolian throat singing board.

I mean its bad enough we all post here and Im not here to make judgement of others but god damn.

>> No.10834818

I don't believe engaging on a forum is proof of anything. Unless you really get enraged or something stupid.

>> No.10834874


>> No.10834942

Peterson got me into literature. Stay mad losers

>> No.10835101

Im only reading Dostoyevski because of Peterson

>> No.10835107

I don't know who he is

>> No.10835163

He's done some good work helping hopeless neckbeards begin the process of getting their lives together. I respect that.

With that said...

1. He's a typical light-righter who uses pop-psychology and weird interpretations of the Bible to draw naive young men into antiquated political opinions, like the idea that men and women can't work together and that this is a new, untested idea...even though it's happened before in history (18th century England, ancient Egypt, Sparta's merchant class, etc.).

2. He is excellent at saying absolutely nothing, like right here:


Lots of postulating, but what do I derive from this? What can I learn? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

3. He wastes his platform doing that stupid "muh free speech" bit and acting like he is Christ at calvary. (And I'm convinced, based on his allegories, that he really sees himself this way to some extent. It's weird.)

4. He sounds like Kermit.

>> No.10835171

5. OH. And he insists that young men should make the world a better place by focusing on themselves but never sees past this. He encourages the view that to take a role in politics is a waste of time, that you should "clean your room first." He ignores the fact that society needs leaders and young men have a responsibility to do some of the leading (if not most/all of it).

>> No.10835228

He's boring and pointless outside of his Jungian interests. He's a Zionist. Apparently he's ok with Palestinian genocide bc competent ppl deserve the fruit of their labors and bc muh lobster genetics. He looks like a chicken necked wimp with a matching voice. He's a cookie cutter American boomer. He's literally new age tier with the useless advice he gives to young men. He won't touch the income inequality problem even as the economic situation of young men looks grimmer, while at the same time damning Marxism bc he lays the famines of the USSR on Marxism. He doesn't understand PostModernism, and he's too afraid to debate Zizek bc he knows he's not a philosopher and would get his ass handed to him ( but his fanboys won't care). Otherwise he's just basic and uninteresting.

>> No.10835253

And are we all just going to assume Peterson's house is in perfect order? He's full of contradictions or he's full of himself. Then again he has compared himself to Socrates...

In kermit voice: i embody the divine masculine principle...*cackling laughter*

>> No.10835259

People who are able to participate in politics have already cleaned their rooms. What is happening right now however is a generation full of smuglypuffs who don't know anything about anything yet think that their opinion holds a lot of worth(when in reality it doesn't hold any).

>> No.10835270

At some point you have to immerse yourself in society to overcome your own monsters. We have a debt to others, plus it's rewarding to contribute.

>> No.10835272

ROFL...Again, 'his' mythological ideas are entirely derived from Carl Jung and Eric Neumann. Peterson is a jar of mayonnaise and a pair of levis with a mandala label- quintessentially Peterson.

>> No.10835283

He misunderstands Jung even more than he does for postmodernism

>> No.10835289

He misreads anything. Dickens must be science-fiction to him.

>> No.10835290

GOOD post, BEST post

>> No.10835294

I assume this entire post is bait, but black/white IQ difference in the US is ~15 points, of which socioeconomic status makes up ~5. There's really no reason to assume the rest is anything other than genetics.

>> No.10835299

>le skin deep meme

>> No.10835300
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whats wrong?

>> No.10835304

you realize if there was ever a rw day of the rope the christfags get strung up too?

>> No.10835314

>see a new Peterson thread
>see this video in thread
>long haired neckneard w/ gamer music telling me he's disproved God
>wtf I love Peterson now

>> No.10835316

contributing just for the sake of contributing is counterproductive.Your personal judgement regarding your own ability should hold you back,until youve matured and acquired the necessary abilities of a leader of men.

>> No.10835320

I thought he was chumlee at first

>> No.10835339

Interesting. It's not wrong yet if someone who isn't already familiarized with Heidegger read it he may understand his ideas backward. Can't really blame Peterson though. Heidegger is well known for his complexity.

>> No.10835358

Because this guy is a fucking brainlet. He unironically supports neoliberalism but also tries to pander to his nationalist faggoty audience. Too bad his followers are also brainlets otherwise they would question this guy's beliefs themselves instead of taking them for granted.

>> No.10835394

It’s not “contributing for the sake of contributing.” That’s the whole point. Men grow when they work together to solve problems. Part of overcoming social retardation is facing others and learning how they work.

>> No.10835400

Peterson is like a father out of touch with the current world wanting us to be mentally healthier. I get that he's trying to do something good but I don't want to be healthy. I just like being someone crazy living in crazy times. If that means civilization must go to shit then so be it.

>> No.10835446

Peterson's actually pretty wise. In a way that's the reason for my hatred of him. he actually admitted once that he considered the possibility that he might just be out of touch with the times and that if it weren't for the overwhelming support, he'd have shut his mouth by now. Funny thing is is that he is out of touch, just not with stupid ppl lol

>> No.10835763

nothing, Hideanigger has always been an incomprehensible meme

>> No.10835770
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>dude proof that you can't prove nuffin lmao

>> No.10835776

embrace the kali yuga, you have no other choice

>> No.10835790

>his solution to resenting being/life/existence is to "stop doing that" because it turns you into a school shooter. i.e. "to be rich stop being poor because being poor sucks"

I like the guy and enjoyed his lecture series on maps of Meaning but reading his recent book this is really irking me, there's no real idea he puts forward other than "gotta man up life sucks make it good lol" that really makes me wonder if he is just an articulate boomer after all. like other anon fanboy said, he dives way too deep on pragmatism and it makes a lot of his "advice" seem absurdly naiive.

>> No.10835823

Imagine being this pathetic

>> No.10835834

although his life advice is by all means solid, he almost never provides a fundamental philosophical argument as to why you should act this way other than "it makes yer life better"
he ends up being more of a life improvement coach (for a very specific sort of life) rather than a philosopher

>> No.10835861

It IS absurdly naive. It is a very very watered down introduction to his more fleshed out older stuff

>> No.10835864

Yes well he's no philosopher, and his explanations are based in psychology.

>> No.10835866

That is a mathematical theorem you brainlet.

>> No.10835897

I have mixed feelings about him. On one hand, I think he's done a lot of good by essentially acting as an internet dad for disaffected young people who tells them to sort themselves out before they look to easy political "answers" for their problems. In this regard I feel he cops too much slack for supposedly being an "alt-right" figure, when he's explicitly said he's trying to *prevent* people joining these dangerous movements.

On the other hand, he strikes me as too much of a shill for the status quo, as he seems to be so afraid of major social upheaval that he's unwilling to accept that perhaps the way the world is needs major restructuring beyond just "making people act responsible again." Also, he has a weird paranoia about post-modernism and gulags, so much so that he equates forced pronouns with Stalinist purges, lol.

Overall, I think it's best not to see him as a philosopher or social critique, areas where he's clearly lacking in wisdom, and instead see him for the evolutionary psychologist with some self-help ideas that he is. A right-wing Zizek he is not.

>> No.10835903

That's not what the theorem says, though.

>> No.10835909

Yeah Peterson twists it. But
>dude you can't prove nuffin
is true

>> No.10835910

I repeat: That's not what the theorem says (at all).

>> No.10835915

I don't think that he's wrong, but the fact that the idea of religion having a specific social function is a novelty to North Americans is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.10835940
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He's not wrong exactly, more accurately he's not EVEN wrong because he's literally incoherent.

>> No.10835944

I know what it says, man, we learnt it in high school. It says you have to have at least one axiom in any set of theorems.

>> No.10835946

Tbh the Clapstani religious movements are absolutely hilarious to begin with

>> No.10835957
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>> No.10835970


Good poast!

>> No.10835985

He makes up his own interpretations and pretend they are facts. He tells people to "fix themselves", so they won't start any social change.

>> No.10835991
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>> No.10836001
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han on, is tat how u hol'd fute?

>> No.10836009
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is recorder fren. I am recordin everyfin.

>> No.10836014


Literally only manchildren hate him

>> No.10836018

a lot of manchildren also gravitate towards him. It seems anyone with a strong opinion on him is a manchild.

>> No.10836024

Yeah like lots of tankies

>> No.10836027
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>> No.10836036
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Cheers to that fren

>> No.10836045

H. explained it in 'Sein und Zeit'. I read it in an Philosophy seminar at my university and its very difficult to understand. (Half because its complicated, other half because H. And his language)

>> No.10836076
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I used to respect him as a lecturer, especially his honesty in his classroom. However he turned into a insufferable cunt since he blew up in media, a lot of which can be attributed to how media and discourses based on such structure actually functions. "Bite sized" conventional wisdom and reductionist rhetoric that seems to be disturbing only superficially but is in the end a reassertion of the bourgeois way of life. Here the Sacred is merely a civilizational coping mechanism and The "Bloody neomarxist postmodernist" a scapegoat to make up for the inner contradictions of Liberal capitalism. What he deems as neomarxist is infact much closer to the liberal tradition that Rawl represented, his critique of pathological institutional appeasement which is all too reformist instead of revolutionary, lies there. Which he critics from a Liberal tradition that was represented by Nozick.

In his interpretation of the Myths he is absolutely worse, his "jungian male hero" reductionism is one such case of this semitic secular monotheism. As a Hindu he it's mindboggling how off base he is about anything pagan.

>> No.10836084

He claims that leftist won't debate him while refusing or ignoring invitations. He is scared of opponents tougher than a screaming sjw on a protest

>> No.10836095

>Who is russel brand

>> No.10836101
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This as well.
My Dougie boi of ZeroBooks invited him and he kept dodging it. He dodged also the partially examined life(although not a "leftist") youtube channel. There might be few other cases as well.

However he went after zizek, which made me think twice about this and imo at this point he's after media publicity than an honest discourse. He won't engage with the less known but well read leftist which will be a big risk and small reward deal for him.

Brand isn't actually a well read leftist at all, he is very much a liberal and that too one that isn't very well versed in any discipline, other than being a cheeky t.v persona.

However you're not entirely wrong,like i said he is after fame and cult following at this point. And will only engage with big names.

>> No.10836106

Peterson is almost a mythologist, and I think he skipped the Greeks and Hindus the absolute mad man. Can anyone tell me why he focuses so much on Christ, Babylon and Buddha? (Don't remember if he talked about Egyptian myths)

>> No.10836115

That's just your run at the mill boomer spiritualism. Buddhism appeals to them because they get to ignore the vedas and puranas while reveling in their "enlightened hedonism" .

What he does with the bible is actually quite reprehensible imo. But atleast he picks it up unlike his contemporaries.