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/lit/ - Literature

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10834152 No.10834152 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any hope for me?

Also general stack thread

>> No.10834158



>> No.10834169

There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying fantasy

>> No.10834186

Everything is wrong with fantasy. Firstly \, it’s stuff that cannot and will not ever happen. And largely concerns such banal things as a suspect powers or things like an EPIC warrior cutting down ten men, so how a bout you get off the literature board and go read an anime kid
Go read manga. go play a video game or watch marvel or any of teen dozens of literal garbage modern people like. This millennial generation man it’s going downt the tubes, going down the CJ king tubes and it’s bevudr of people like YOU who sit there like "oh so cool Batman save the day with his lasers " or some shit how would I know. Read th’’’ CLASSICS. READ SOMETHING with actual literarrarly value you massive, massive plebe. You mancihodren with your Sanderson

What a joke , and I don’t mean in ahaha kind of way

>> No.10834203
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kek I love how people like you aren't parodies, you couldn't elaborate half a page of actual argument about your absolute baseless, insecure and absurdist sense of 'literary' superiority. Please look inwards with honesty and you may still be saved from mental degradation anon

>> No.10834209

well said

>> No.10834210

>he actually payed actual currency to own books by brandon sanderson
not even that pretty Ulysses can save you

>> No.10834228

> lol guys he reads fantasy like lotr which is exactly the same as the people who watch Jersey Shore.

Nothing wrong with fantasy, buckaroo. And it doesn't even come close to normie levels

>> No.10834235

You don't have to say literally if you're saying something that is literal.

>> No.10834259

throw away everything below ulysses. actually, throw away ulysses, you don't deserve it.

>> No.10834270

ok, ill keep studying the greatest ideas every put down in history, keep reading about dragons or something.

>> No.10834273

>And largely concerns such banal things as a suspect powers or things like an EPIC warrior cutting down ten men,

Wtf I hate Greek epics now?

>> No.10834298
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What I’ve been reading lately

>> No.10834303
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>Read the Torah
>It's about fucking taxes and shit
>Was told it had all kinds of spooky prophecies and whatnot
>mfw Neon Genesis is more interesting and deep

>> No.10834433

bad bait

>> No.10834438

The Sanderson books are almost as fat as all the other books. Goddammit.

>> No.10834442

>no Koran

>> No.10834470
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It is gourgous isn't it? I'm really looking forward to coming home and cracking it open

Which would you recommend?

Id rather not i really enjoyed most of these. Sapiens and Mastery kinda sucked tho

Yeah it took me a long time to get through the first 2 books. I just audiobooked the 3rd, oathbringer.

>> No.10834525
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>It's stuff that cannot and will not ever happen
>read the classics

I'm going to assume that's bait.


What do you think about Ulysses, OP? Have you read The Odyssey and The Iliad?

Also if you enjoyed The Prince you should branch into more Philosophical books. Read Plato's dialogues they're very thought provoking.

>> No.10834560
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Yeah Plato is definitely on my back log, I just received ULYSSES so I'm only like 2 chapters in. Really comfy so far

>> No.10834566
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Life as a Classics student...

>> No.10834571
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Power level growing pains

>> No.10834583


That's a sexy fucking stack

>> No.10834590

damn aristotle u thicc

hey i have that bottom right plato book! i got it for 3.99 from an amazon mistake, good vibes

>> No.10834613

Haha, ya it made me happy to see it in your picture. I made the post about the pricing mistake (or whatever it was). I waited until I got it in to recommend it, but I hope you don’t regret it, I like what I’ve read in it so far

>> No.10834623

Thnx, it’s the healthiest alternative to a social life that I’ve been able to find so far

>> No.10834628

10/10 thank you so much for the info. i tried to grab 2 but they had reverted it shortly after haha.

>> No.10834632

>say some deep stuff
>people kill loads of trees 2.5 thousand years later so they can read said stuff

What influence

>> No.10834652

The Coming Insurrection is laughably bad LARPer shit rehashing tired points from the 60s

>> No.10834658

>philosophy, the most valuable information to be put on paper, is the problem, not the endless series’ of shit fiction that really should be forgotten

The world is ending, or at least the world as we know it. Our use of trees will not contribute to this change at all. Prioritize better.

>> No.10834682
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Shut up bitch

>> No.10834695
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Is this a stack?

>> No.10834707

bet your ass it is. did you enjoy crime and punishment?

>> No.10834742

In no way did I try to insinuate that. Of course I know that for every copy of The Republic there are a hundred Danielle Steel books out there. I just suddenly realized how enduring these ancients are

>> No.10834751

That was my pic and I agree completely, I’m still glad I read it since it seems like it influences a lot of “edgy” leftists these days. Plus there are a lot of commie girls where I live, I’m going to leave it in prominent view on my dresser.

>> No.10834782

Haha my bad, I completely misunderstood. I’m stupid and triggered

>> No.10834790
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mirin' that joyce cover

here's muh stack

>> No.10834800

Modest. Only that alchemy and symbolism book catches my eye

>> No.10834810

I try to alternate stacks. I'm saving Alchemy for last.

>> No.10834831
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That cover tho.

I'm hoping to enjoy my stack. It's been a hot minute since I've read The Odyssey.

>> No.10834836

I was thinking about either starting The Stormlight Archive series or Malazan Book of the Fallen.
Both series are huge and would be time consuming, so I need to know I'm making the right choice about what one to get into.
Any suggestions on what one I should pick?

>> No.10834868

I love Middlemarch. Also why is your Grapes of Wrath so thicc? I haven’t read it since high school, but Isn’t it significantly shorter than C&P and Tres Amigos?

>> No.10834884
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>my latest purchases contain nothing but Penguins
Feels bad, man.

>> No.10834893

Actually, there's a Vintage there. Excuse the blindness.

>> No.10834894

I honestly couldn't tell you in the case of El Tres Amigos. The Dover Thrift books have smaller font sizes.

>> No.10834899
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>> No.10834905

>every put down in history
You can't even type in English, you goon.

>> No.10834910
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Just bought pic related.

It's going to be nice to read a book about political economy from the early 20th century.

And also, I'm going to be buying the following at some point in the near future:

Ibn Al-Haytham - On the Configuration of the World

>> No.10834915
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>> No.10834918

you can regrow trees you fucking idiot

>> No.10834922

How do I develop this prose style?

>> No.10834928

It was a really good deal. If you look up the book now, the best price is like $106.

>> No.10834930

Nigger just fucking download a pdf wtf

>> No.10834935

>they think $75 is a lot

It's kind of a nuisance, but whatever man. Jeez.

>> No.10834943
File: 214 KB, 345x336, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>75 bucks for a fucking book
>"it was a really good deal"

>> No.10834949

I just got that purple book called the significance of Neoplatonism (>>10834571) two days ago for 25 buckaroos and now the cheapest I can find it is 650-900. I notate and underline the fuck out of it as a ‘fuck you’ to the idea of money and profit relative to the value of knowledge, and that’s why I’m a dumb lil’ bitch

>> No.10834953

Yep. I've spent one hundred dollars before on books.

Do none of you work on here? You don't have taste in primary texts or anything, is that why you're so used to paying $5 for your shitty thriftstore fiction buys?

>> No.10834959

This board is full of NEETs and humanities loan slaves. It explains why they rationalize their used Penguin classics collection and Marx

>> No.10834964

>75 US Dollars
>More valuable than the contents of a book

>> No.10834976

Hahaha, 1 for $810, 1 for $1900

>> No.10834979

stormlight. theres only 3 books so you'll finish it sooner.

>> No.10834992

malazan if you like epic high fantasy
stormlight if you like garbage

>> No.10835046

What makes Stormlight garbage?

>> No.10835061

Also, if anyone here has an interest in Plotinus or profit, someone has a copy of Rist’s Plotinus: Road to reality up on Amazon for $50 while the next cheapest is 330 and then the rest are 800-1200. It is definitely one of the best books on Plotinus out there and you will definitely make a considerable amount of money from resale (should you think it is not worth keeping (I already have a copy and I will definitely be keeping mine))

>> No.10835077



There are shitty editions that are reasonably priced, but this edition will sell for a lot more

>> No.10835254
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>Robert Greene
lol get on my level, pleb!

>> No.10835268

There may be nothing wrong with fantasy, but there is everything wrong with Sanderson.

>> No.10835274

The effect of emphasis is reduced when the audience is overexposed.


>> No.10835331

Your """'literature"""" is no less fantastical. You have no arguments outside of you trying to be some pseudoaristocrat snowflakes club elitist.

>> No.10835344

How much did these cost?

>> No.10835526
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>> No.10835779
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This is going to be my next 6+ months

>> No.10835793

>reading the most generic genre fiction in existence
You're an idiot.

>> No.10835802

have fun letting them cannibalize your mind

>> No.10835814

you just proved my point with your post retard

>> No.10835822

a lot must be sad being a pleb with shit taste im buying german and french 1st editions for thousands

>> No.10835829

Read the second definition retard.

>> No.10835890

Dude, seriously, like, seriously, read a significant amount of Plato before you get too far into those guys. I would feel awful for you if you finish flipping all of those pages before you realize they were just jerrymandering plato’s thought to fit Christian dogma. First of all, I think they can’t be understood at all apart from a proper understanding of the dialogues (Aquinas because all of the people he ripped from ripped from Plato) and also because once you realize the extent to which they improperly parroted Platonism you might realize how small the value of original content in Christianity is, while realizing how powerfully valuable Platonism is, potentially causing you to drastically improve the quality of your life. I just don’t want you to waste all that time before coming to this realization so you don’t come to resent the whole philosophy thing altogether. I got a masters of theology and jumped on the Augustine train pretty hard but thankfully my mind was still open enough to see the debt to Plato with enough clarity to bring me to reason. Or enjoy those books, either way

>> No.10835900

I've read all of plato's dialogues, most of them twice. I always thought Aquinas was more indebted to Aristotle than Plato.

>> No.10835921

If you are under 20 absolutely if under 25 then probably.

>> No.10835928

Hey have you read any good criticism or refutations of scholasticism by people who actually understand it properly?

Ive been looking into the subject and it seems like only dyed in the wool scholastics give the matter any attention which makes things rather onesided.

I also have a fear that a lot of philosophy especially when it comes to the important question of God might just be word games and reification

>> No.10835937

Ya definitely, directly with regard to terms and concepts, but Aristotle basically shat out a bastardized version of Plato’s thought, so Aquinas is rebranded (by using augustine’s Platonism to fill in the christological gaps that Aristotle’s atheism leaves) bastardized Platonism. Other people may not understand it as radically as I do, and I’m not trying to convince anyone of this view here, I’m just saying that this is the conclusion I’ve reached. Anyone else is free to his/her own view, I just know I would feel like a complete idiot if I hadn’t read and understood Plato before tearing through all of summa and city etc.

>> No.10835966

I read a ton of papers and scholarly works specifically related to the relationship between Platonism and early Christianity (Philo provides the connection your looking for) and I’m pretty sure at least a quarter of the writers (the brightest of the bunch) have a secretive understanding with one another (the scholars focused on this small but important subject matter are not great in number) and say tongue in cheek statements along the lines of: ‘well of course there is no reason to suppose causation in the similarity between Paul and Plato on this that or the other point’ while clearly there is a good reason to suppose causation. My professor who focused on this subject matter, when discussing his specific field, mentioned how far beyond the statistical average the suicide rate was among his peers in the same field. Imagine the pressure of being locked into a career surrounded by people whose lives revolve around a certain belief, while your field of expertise provides you with the means to dissolve these beliefs, even by accident, at any moment. By publishing a paper you could accidentally ruin tens of millions of lives because the historicity of Christ is completely defeated by scholarship regarding the history of philosophy. It’s a strange fucking world

>> No.10835968

In The Miso Soup gave me one of the most questionable boners when some woman has her ear sliced off and stuffed into her vagina. Fucking read it on the train too.

Also if it wasn't for How To Bomb The US Gov'T then this would be an OK stack. Just that one meme book ruins it dude.

>> No.10835969

Would marry just for the book collection

>> No.10835973

gosh dang my dude
Are you a full-time philosophy student or something?

>> No.10835977

reading Iliad now

>> No.10835978
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>> No.10835987

I work in an abandoned coffee shop, so I read 7 hours a day on the clock. It’s like being a full time student but I get paid instead of paying

>> No.10835988

god I wish that were me

>> No.10835989

Thats what scares me about this, Im time poor so investing a half a decade into understanding the Greeks and Aquinas just to get some peace of mind which could be pulled out from under my feet is a worrying prospect.

How do the works of Philo help with issue of scholasticism given how much earlier it is than those thinkers like Aquinas and co.

> historicity of Christ is completely defeated by scholarship regarding the history of philosophy. It’s a strange fucking world
Can you recommend any good articles on that you are selling a really interesting story here.

>> No.10836020

Sanderson is the author

>> No.10836044

Mark’s gospel (the original, that was used to produce all of the other gospels) was originally said to have been written in Alexandria, Philo’s city. Philo was considered to be a church father by the early church. The fact that you can’t actually find a significant number of resources dedicated to comparing the creator of the idea of the Jewish saviour only begotten son of God, healer, cupbearer of God, ‘sent from heaven to earth for the sake of God’s church’ who was a sacrifice for the sins of the people (literally all of the qualities of Jesus were preexistent in Philo’s son of God (who was the follow-up to Moses (think of Joshua, moses’s sucesor whose name is identical to jesus’ in Greek))) to the Christian phenomenon is significant in itself. I wrote my thesis on this issue and could not find anyone that has made an attempt to build a thorough comparison. My guess is that it doesn’t take scholars very long to reach this conclusion, given the glaringly obvious similarities, but it would completely go against their self interest to publish anything about it, there is no benefit in it, so they kill themselves or busy themselves with the semantics of Paul, professionally while trying to understand Platonism more fully on the side as their real passion. There is something worth learning in Platonism, I am certain of it.

>> No.10836053

Did you face any pushback when writing and publishing your thesis?

Also what other books would you recommend to someone trying to figure out the question of whether or not there is a God at all?

>> No.10836088

I got a straight A from one professor on a forty-fifty page paper on the topic and then a C- on the longer, more thorough thesis from another professor, so I’m not sure if that is pushback in itself, but they were always kind to me to my face. It was definitely uncomfortable presenting it to a priest who helped me get into the program that helped me a lot with funding (and I still feel very guilty about the whole thing, but it would have been worse if tried to write it on something I wasn’t passionate about). With regard to whether or not there is a god, Phaedo is pretty good. Also the Taoists, Jung, and acid help.

>> No.10836100

What did the priest and your peers think of your product non grade wise?

>> No.10836118

The major criticism was the lack of secondary sources, but as I said, there aren’t many at all, especially on the comparison of Mark and Philo. There are a few chapters and papers that address Paul and Philo. But apart from that, I think I expected a stronger background in Platonism out of the Professors than they actually had, so they didn’t really have the proper context to make a lot of the associations that were attempted in the paper. It would have had to have been a 400 page book to give enough background (on Philo’s thought and that of Plato) to allow the average (but someone with an above average understanding of Platonism) scholarly reader to grasp what I was aiming toward (the professor that gave me an A was the one that was focused on philosophy of that time period). My peers didn’t begin to try to understand. It was priest school after all. No offense, they were nice.

>> No.10836232

thanks for sharing your story with me anon.

>> No.10836244

>Retards used the word wrong so often they had to put it in the dictionary

I hate this timeline sometimes. Fyi dab the dance move is in the dictionary now too

>> No.10836379

>Oscar Wilde Complete Short Fiction.
I'm reading this and i'm finding a lot of it pretty dull.

>> No.10836398

You are a follower and a sheep. I hope you can form an opinion of your own one day.

>> No.10836406

23 so yeah there should be some light at the end of the tunnel.

I started stormlight listening via audible. See if you can get a free credit and test how you like it.

>> No.10837042

Become an autistic brainlet.

>> No.10837057
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>stuff that cannot and will not ever happen
"Narration is understood by the ancient theorists as a means of presenting a realistic description of a real or unreal event."
>real or unreal event
>unreal event ( ._.)

Or are you going to to tell me that the gods and heroes in the Iliad the anachronisms in the poem are completely, realistically, historically true and thus predicated on reality?

>> No.10837074

/sffg/ eternally BTFO

>> No.10837113

Writers shouldn't work

>> No.10837122

It's embarrassing that it's the only real general on here

>> No.10837139

Nearly all the other attempts at generals or reading groups have failed. I think the Gravity’s Rainbow group gave up after two weeks

>> No.10837267

Is Plato a good starting place for reading philosophy?

>> No.10837283

Does a bear shit in the woods?

>> No.10837307

Is the pope a pedophile?

>> No.10837495

owned by penguin anyway mate. there's no escape anymore, board the train to brown town with me

>> No.10837576

are you intentionally trying to break my fucking neck?

>> No.10837618

I've started to only browse /lit/ on my phone because the posters here seem especially unable to orient photos correctly.

>> No.10838199

>needing all that secondary stuff for Plato
>power level
uh huh

>> No.10838518

Looking to pick up a new stack today. Any book suggestions similar to any of the below?

>Villette by Charlotte Bronte
>Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
>The Nether World by George Gissing
>A Modern Instance by William Dean Howells

Hello from a former classics grad student. You'll eventually own every translation of everything, brace yourself. Former because I'm finished.

Have you finished these? Thoughts on Dostoevsky?

Apuleius is hilarious and I hope you enjoy every glorious word of it.

Perfect time of the year to read Middlemarch. I hope you make it!

>> No.10838522

>dab is in the dictionary.
Just fucking kill me. Is everyone else a cynical curmudgeon in their 20s like me because of shit like this?


>> No.10838742

>need vs. Finding secondary literature to be more valuable than unrelated books

>> No.10838819
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Also, where else can you confirm that lsd provides you with the same experience Plotinus promotes?

>> No.10838829
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>> No.10838914

Genuinely winced at the thought of someone wasting such a huge chunk of their life on something like this.

>> No.10838920

Beautiful edition of Conrad. Looks surprisingly slim. Have you read any of it yet?

>> No.10838941

Damn nigga now this is starting with the greeks

>> No.10839091
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just finished these

>> No.10839302

How is it worse than the average soyboy spending the equivalent amount of time in 6 months watching livestreamers play shitty Battle Royale games?

>> No.10839384

As a board, we need to have a better sense of awareness with regard to stupid fucking arguments and sophistic contention. Just because A (something that is arguably a sinfully valueless way to spend 4 months of your short life) is not as bad as B (something that is clearly worse than worthless), this HAS ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING ON THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF A, DONT BE AN ASSHOLE- READ YOUR PLATO

>> No.10839416

I really enjoyed the Stormlight books so far. It just seems to be a popular thing to rag on Sanderson and we all know these plebs need to feel popular.
"Stormlight is Garbage", "Sanderson is trash", "Lets read Plato and play with each others balls".
Folk dont know how to act.
Its up to you ultimately homeboy but I would definitely recommend Stormlight.

>> No.10839558

Are rainbow and jest really work going through? So many posts about them. I'm interested in which is more worth than the other

>> No.10839573

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.10839597

>went digital 10 years ago
>no stack

why cant I meme with the rest of lit

>> No.10839638

Either way, reading Aquinas is no worse a use of time than any other given pastime. On the contrary, it seems quite worthwhile as a literary endeavor. This is a literature board, is it not?

>> No.10839995

>Falling for this bait

>> No.10840022

IJ isn't really difficult, it's just a (far too) long mess of narratives that somehow work with each other, while also basically just serving as a presentation of DFW demonstrating his own perceived intelligence by showing you how many big words he knew how to use in any given context.

>> No.10840027

difference between a stack and a whole collection?

>> No.10840154

infinite jest is really good. people like this
>"while also basically just serving as a presentation of DFW demonstrating his own perceived intelligence by showing"
god you sound like the worst kind of pseud. come back when you learn how to write without redundancy.

>> No.10840163

Sometimes I go up to my step dad's room and take books from his library to post on stack threads. You could try that.

>> No.10840167

Come back when you're not a faggot.
kys yourself

>> No.10840178

fuck where'd you find that edition of gravity's rainbow? i dont want the shitty 2006 penguin deluxe edition cause it has a bunch of errors.

>> No.10840185
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What's regarded as the best translation of Beowulf? I read it in high school but don't know who the translator was. I adore The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien and Middle-earth in general and was wanting to reread Beowulf, so I bought it with an Indigo gift card I got for my birthday. Gonna read the Tolkien translation anyways, but yeah: what's the "best" edition to read/buy? Reading Storm of Steel atm btw.

>> No.10840187

not sure but people seem to agree that tolkien's isnt very good.

>> No.10840199

Is it really tho? He was a master at this kind of stuff, plus it's a) Tolkien and b) Beowulf. Is it because it's prose and not poetry?

>> No.10840225

the translation is bad

>> No.10840233

Someone will say the best translation is Heaney, and they will be very wrong.

>> No.10840242

You're hot

>> No.10840307

this stack is a collective 10100 page mistake, or an average of 777 pages per mistake.

>> No.10840801

I feel like you're female... r u female?

>> No.10840903

speaking of wasting time: this stack is such a useless pile of shit. why is everyone so impressed?

>> No.10840933

Wow, you must be fun at parties.

>> No.10841380

What an awful cover. Minimalism > the title?!

>> No.10841413

Dunces is acutely depressing and somewhat funny, nice cover

>> No.10841500

whats up with the grote?