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/lit/ - Literature

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10829777 No.10829777 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw starting to fall in love with one of the characters I'm writing
wtf I didn't sign up for this

>> No.10829798

Kill her.

>> No.10829937

Looks like it's just about time for a self insert character.

>> No.10829949
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>10 years ago
>I'm 25
>all alone, disowned by my parents, no friends or other relationships
>saved up money from minimum wage job for 10 years
>finally go full hermit, by an absurdly cheap piece of property in the middle of no where
>no electricity, hearing, plumbing,etc
>this is where I'll write my magnum opus
>Develop the characters I've been daydreaming about since I was a kid
>develop the love interest and unconsciously begin to fall in love with her
>show a couple publishers a rough draft of my manuscript after a year and they're actually interested
>after 2 years of writing I can't end my story because that would mean the protagonist would finally get my girl
>kill him off even though it makes no thematic sense
>ruin my story because of my love for her
>publishers don't want it because the changes are too drastic and the writing took a dive
>stop writing it all together and give up
>take up drawing instead
>now only spend my days drawing her and trying to visualize every aspect of her appearance
Sometimes I write fanfics of us living together on a small trawler,exploring the seas, living only for one another and then I illustrate them.

>> No.10829948


Hello GRRM.

>> No.10829963

this is dark nigger, i hope you find peace

>> No.10829990

I fall in love with all the characters I write. That's why I never seem to be able to finish what I start. I don't want to change them. I don't want to put them through hard times. Some need to die. But I can't kill them.

>> No.10830133


>> No.10830146

This sounds too crazy to be real

>> No.10830150

ask her out bro or ul ragret it big time

don be pussE

>> No.10830164

Post an excerpt of the story
Pro tip: u cant and u know why.

>> No.10830181

Post some of the drawings, nigger

>> No.10830185

Living only for another person is not love, it's some sick perversion of love. But I guess a healthy understanding love is not something you should be expected to have. I have a strong feeling that you're rping though cause I had a similar characterization come across my thoughts when I read OP.

>> No.10830220

describe them or post an excerpt

>> No.10830249
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>creating characters out of thin air instead of having them all be people you know with different names
>not already having been in love with all of you female characters before pen even reaches paper

>> No.10830252

I mean, is anon even trying

>> No.10830253


I'm going to save this, I think it will make an excellent story, either a film or a novel.

>> No.10830267

Her name is Anna and her looks and personality are based on 3-4 girls I know irl, although she is much younger. She is the star of the erotic novel I'm planning to write. I'm basically writing summaries of the chapters I'm going to write in the future and fantasizing about the scenes as I go along. I also fapped to a few scenes in my made up story and came buckets, like literally didn't cum like that for ages, and I fap to porn every day, so this is unusual. I'm pretty sure I'm on the road to become this guy >>10829949

>> No.10830268

Please prove this I love this greentext

>> No.10830281
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It was all done on an old school type writer since I didn't have electricity at the house. Idk where they are at this point since this happened a while back. It's fair if you find this unbelievable though.
I'm not very good and I don't want to share too much but here's a quick sketch from a few years ago.
True, I guess it's more of an idealized fantastical version of the concept. Obviously it could never be achieved in reality.
It was nothing special, esp. by /lit/ standards. The story was a piece of historical fiction revolving around the emergence and rapid growth of Jazz. It took place from around the 1930s to late 70s. The protagonist was a young up and comer who was mentored by Artie Shaw. Shaw was ostracized by his family for pursuing black music as a white man so he ended up forging a familial bond with the protagonist who is a classically trained Colombian musician. Shaw helps him reconcile his very precise and rigid form of playing with the natural free form improvisation that is inherent to Jazz. yadda, yadda, works with other greats like Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman, etc. it goes from there. There's also some psychedelic and retro-futuristic elements to it. A lot of it about my love for Jazz so it sounds pretty bland unless you read it. Can't explain it all. The love interest was a French singer who the protagonist encounters later in life after achieving minor celebrity across Europe.

>> No.10830482

You should go to a psychotherapist, or at least find a real girlfriend

>> No.10830491

Pygmalion is that you?

>> No.10830496
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> it’s real
Oh sweet baby Mohammad, I don’t know what you need to do but do something other than what you’re doing now

>> No.10830502

>Shaw was ostracized by his family for pursuing black music as a white man
You had me on the hook until (((white man))).

>> No.10830508

Dude who fucking cares you’re the same goddamn color

>> No.10830528

Sounds interesting. Why didn't you give it an alternate ending just for yourself, while going with the "straight" one in order to see it published?
>be normal or we'll laugh at you!
Yeah, no.

>> No.10830554

>Dude who fucking cares you’re the same goddamn color
Tell them that and see what the reaction is. They insist that they are different so I take their word for it.

>> No.10830560

It's too late for that. I've been saving up for a trawler for the past couple years and will probably get one within the next 2-3 years. After that I'll live alone and chill at sea for most of my time.
It wouldn't be real anymore. It would probably just end up feeling like head canon if my version remained unpublished while the other one got read by others.

>> No.10830647

Write a book describing exactly this scenario, it would make a great dark novel.

>> No.10830679

A challenger appears for the best copypasta ever written thread

>> No.10830753


>> No.10830760

just turn her into a tulpa so you can be together, forever

>> No.10830788

8ch dot net slash tulpa, welcome amongst us.

>> No.10830818

Haha what a faggot

>> No.10830865

Good lord anon, this sounds horrible. I hope you find peace man. What do you intend to do at sea? Become a fisherman or just a lonely traveller?

>> No.10830904

Might want to swing by the MLP board and get some Tulpa advice

>> No.10830926

Just a lonely traveler, it'd be nice to get away from all these people. A place of my own away from civilization is all I really want at this point. I'll try to catch enough fish to live off of, but if I can't I'll just by everything in bulk and resupply every couple weeks.

>> No.10830934
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I fell in love with one of my own, too. A secondary character, and it is the real health to be with her.

>> No.10830946

OP, you should keep writing.

>> No.10830951


If it's any consolation, what happened to you is not THAT unusual - it's just a bit more extreme than most, haha :) Obviously the Pygmalion story arose for a reason.

Some examples of writers getting too attached to their characters / their fictional world:

He had a miserable time at boarding school as a child and invented a magical friendly world in his head to live in. He doesn't actually write himself into his books but people who knew him said he wasn't really living on Planet Earth.

>Arthur Conan Doyle
*Not* Holmes, but Professor Challenger, apparently. Doyle was so taken by him he started acting more and more like him as he grew older (annoying his wife no end).

>Dornford Yates
He's pretty much unknown now but he was a very popular light romance/thriller writer in England in the 1930s-ish.
He had a set of characters he always used and after a while he started writing himself into the stories. His cutest female character was married so he just killed off her husband & two small children in a plane crash and married her to himself. Hahahaha.

He did (sort of) the opposite - he kept writing his wife into his books. All his female characters were weird idealized versions of his wife. Often they were (much) younger too, which is weird. She didn't seem to mind, though.

>> No.10831874
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Put me in screencap

>> No.10832028

Remember us when you're famous bro.

>> No.10832047
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>falling in love with a one dimensional women you created yourself

you just outdid stallman in patricianship.

>> No.10832790

Ten years of flipping burgers can truly break a man, hu?

>> No.10833177

Honestly man, you seem to be the kind of simple and hoenst person who I think a lot of person would like to hear and read. Keep at the writing man, even if it's just for yourself. And godspeed.

>> No.10833219

You will only be cucked if you can get a publish.

>> No.10833243

It sounds too crazy to be fake