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/lit/ - Literature

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10823877 No.10823877 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is a few days late, but I don't care
>Be me
>Invited to Uni's Women's Day event
>Free food, some speakers
>Chat with acquaintance
>Keynote speaker is the Uni's chief of police
>Second speaker is a classics professor
>Afterwards some uni admin dude comes up and gives them both a copy of pic related as thanks
>mfw accomplished, intelligent women are rewarded by being given a hack poet's dross
>mfw women I respect are reading an instagram-tier poet right now
>mfw it's a man doing this
What are some feminist and women poets that are better than Rupi Kaur? They didn't deserve this.

>> No.10824906

Me desu.

>> No.10824974

Layli long soldier
Solmaz Sharif
Ada limon

>> No.10824983

You just learning women are a meme?

>> No.10824998

all trash

>> No.10825506

There are many female poets better than Rupi - basically all of them.

I don't know if any of these women are """feminists,"""" but if you're a woman, and you don't suck at what you do, you're doing a good thing for women and that makes you a feminist in my book.

>Carol Ann Duffy ((she's England's first female and openly gay Poet Laureate, so you might think she got her post for political reasons (she may have) but her poetry is solid, regardless))
>Tracy K. Smith (a bit overly "feminine" in her style, for my tastes, at times, but good)
>Emily Dickinson (of course)
>Ruth Miller
>Sappho (of course)
>Elizabeth Barret Browning
>Marianne Crouch (I learned of her on this board. Some think she's quite good, but her cadence is far too like a Mos Def song, and the tone of her work immature. Still, she's heaps better than Kaur - she can write at least.)
>Hilda Doolittle
>Sagawa Chika

I'm really curious about an anthology called "Kujikenaide (Don't Lose Heart)" written by a Japanese woman named Shibata, Toyo at the age of 99, but I haven't had the chance to read it yet. I must admit, I read the works of mainly men, but I'll keep thinking and drop some more by if I recall any.

>> No.10825613

I dont know if she was feminist but check out ella wheeler wilcox

>> No.10825739

women don't matter and never will dude. once men want power back we will just beat them into submission.

>> No.10825747


>> No.10825804

It makes me sad that I share this world with subhuman morons as glib in their ignorance as a retard sniffing his own farts

>> No.10825862
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>> No.10825869

women are using literature as guise for agenda pushing. Never has a woman written a worthwhile book or coined a philosophical movement which went down in history. A planet without women wouldn't be much different. OP might be a female so I'm going to sage this.

>inb4 /pol/

I'm an anarchist individualist.

>> No.10825919

>im an anarchist individualist

You're a village idiot who's crowned himself with a fancy title.

>> No.10825927
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>Never has a woman written a worthwhile book
>I'm an anarchist individualist.
This post is comedy gold

>> No.10825941

>anarchist individualist
>generalizing 50% of the population
Absolute madman.

>> No.10825943


>> No.10825950

>anarchist individualist
How's high school, Gecko