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/lit/ - Literature

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10823947 No.10823947 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.10823953



>> No.10823957
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>> No.10823959

You have a frightening mind, anon.

>> No.10823981
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I'm not "feeling" Christmas this year haha

>> No.10823990

I'm really stupid and lazy and half no skills. The weirdest part is I'm a university graduate with an above average salary job, and I was better than the majority of my peers in university.

>> No.10823997

>half no skills


>> No.10824005

>I'm a university graduate with an above average salary job
I don't see the issue here. Unless you hate your job, why be worried about having no skills (which is a dubious statement since you clearly have the skills to do well in school and carry out your job)?

>> No.10824007

Please enter command: _

>> No.10824027


>> No.10824031

I unironically listen to birdie and frankie cosmos and all that good shit. im drinking black coffee right now

>> No.10824034
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>> No.10824051
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a nigga going thru a lot rn.

pray for me senpai

>> No.10824071

I want to live but I don't know how

>> No.10824075

Someone needs to set that girl on the right aspect ratio

>> No.10824076

because I'm ashamed of my mediocrity. I'm smart/priveleged enough that I could have been doing something important if I didn't fuck it all up, but I did, and I'll probably continue to, as well.

>> No.10824078

Girls can't play chess

>> No.10824084

A six year old can "play" chess

>> No.10824085

I'm so tired

>> No.10824088

There's a point where being insecure of your own taste and trying not to fall into some arbitrary category wraps back around to being soy
>I only reason to real masculine stuff I'm a real man! None of that girly shit here! Pink?? EW!

Same reason everyone thinks the big boy masculine queers are subhuman type is secretly gay

>> No.10824103

I can't help but self insert as the girl in whatever I read or watch
Its very frustrating

>> No.10824118
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>There's a point where being insecure of your own taste and trying not to fall into some arbitrary category wraps back around to being soy

>> No.10824177


>> No.10824183

Been chatting with a qt azn girl for a while and she just told me she loves to read John Green. What should I do bros?

>> No.10824188

Finish up and pay her

>> No.10824193

write a book
do some cool shit
it's never too late unless you're dead, don't give me that kafkaesque "i could have been doing shit"

>> No.10824228

Previous WWOYM.

>write a book
Always good advice. Even if the book ends up being shit, write it, get feedback, learn from it, and try again. Or, y'know, don't, and just feel proud that you had written a book even if it's a shitty book.

>> No.10824233

I never knew menstrual blood was so dark and slimy. I always thought it was just fluid running blood.

>> No.10824240

They call it the blob for a reason

>> No.10824254
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You spend your days reading the Trilogy™
Chad pumps his semen in your oneitis, Hillary

>> No.10824270
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Everything is alright.

>> No.10824297

This delusion runs through my thoughts fairly frequently, it has since I was a kid to my memory: everyone knows I'm retarded and won't tell me out of politeness. It's not something I actively worry about, but the thought crosses my mind when I run into strange situations or things that are beyond my naivete. I used to think about it a lot when I smoked weed with friends, and it would shut me down with the recursive thoughts that followed.

>> No.10824326

Same with me but Truman show
I know it's ridiculous and nobody would want to watch my life (for entertainment), but I have this recurring thought that people around me are robots and they have this small set of base models for people I don't closely interact with and they keep reusing them with only slight alterations for all kinds of "background characters" so to speak

>> No.10824337

yo i just had that wicked bad yesterday, this autistic fuckwit at my work was going on about programming and he clearly had no fucking clue except the most entry level linux fanboi shit, but he was talking like everything he said was super important and deep wisdom, all i could think is what a fucking clown will u shut the fuck up u autistic FUCK, but then on my way home it struck me most people probably think the same thing about me, since i always go on windy autistic ramblings about everything from software development to literary theory, god i'm such a pretentious cunt, gotta stfu in public and save my retarded shit for here

>> No.10824351

>gotta stfu in public and save my retarded shit for here

>> No.10824359

I have the opposite problem, I struggle to express my interests to other people and they end up thinking I'm boring.

>> No.10824368

>having contact with other human beings

>> No.10824372

i remember my parents had me do an iq test asa kid and of course my parents told me i have high ass iq, but what are they gonna say? sorry son ur developmentally disabled? like what if they are like "we're so proud of him, he had a 70 iq but since we never let him use it as an excuse he went all the way to university!" i dont even do drugs anymore but now im gonna be having a weird anxiety attack all weekend

>> No.10824378

I know that girl on the left wtf

>> No.10824380

ayy lmao

>> No.10824390

Im still really flirty and try and test my luck on girls just to see if I still have it in me even though I have a gf. Am I a bad person for doing this? It never goes beyond just talking

>> No.10824391

shut the fuck up.... where do you live. (im trying to see if you're lying.)

>> No.10824399
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just finished a short paper on Kant and it was the hardest assignment I’ve ever had, mainly because I had to fight the urge of writing about how incessant enlightenment metaphysical inquiry is the manifestation of the Yakubian experiment gone wrong’s soullessness

>> No.10824401

Literally feel the same way as both of you. Sometimes I feel like everyone thinks I'm a naive "kid" and are just being polite to me. Other times I go on long ramblings and eventually realize the person I'm talking to probably doesn't give a shit about what I'm rambling about.

>> No.10824403


>> No.10824405


>> No.10824414

>metal playing

bro the release of that new judas priest album gave me the urge to go back and listen to all kinds of 80s cheese metal, shit is very refreshing after like 20 years of rap and "hip" indie bullshit

>> No.10824416
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yeah naw this girl lives in NYC you lying shit. I found that pic on her Tinder.


>> No.10824422

the text in the background is clearly dutch or some shit, dream on, hill billy

>> No.10824424

You Yakubians flirt with liberalism in their 20s than eventually go full conservative mode once you start making a little money.

its from NYFW

>> No.10824428
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>dream on, hill billy

>> No.10824439
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>the text in the background is clearly dutch or some shit

I should add that its the model's name, who is dutch. Maartje Verhoef

>> No.10824454

Me too

>> No.10824474
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>> No.10824526

so glad i got to see that nyjah houston hall of meat on thrasher before youtube nannies flagged it and took it down

>> No.10824531


do a kickflip faggot

>> No.10824537

it was a knockout more brutal than the worst shit u seen in mma or boxing, he was just laying there convulsing over and over

>> No.10824552
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I'm too fucking stupid to contribute to society and no university wants to touch me but any work that doesn't require a degree is too much for me because I'm a broken human being in more ways than one. All I wanna do is shit out low-quality pulp garbage all day because it's the only thing in my life I've done that I've simultaneously found both fun, and that I've done with enough proficiency that I didn't immediately give up on it.

Also this >>10823947 image makes me wish I knew someone to (learn to) play chess with.

>> No.10824577

A friend bought me a book by Dennett for my birthday. He assumed it had something to do with psychoanalysis. I had a hard time faking my excitement.

>> No.10824613

but it is too late. I'm 23 and I've already graduated college. My life is over.

>> No.10824624

>23 and my life is over

u prolly tryna be ironic but its true once u finish school theres nothing left to make time go slow so before u know it five, ten, twenty years gone...

>> No.10824638

i'm only being semi-ironic. I really feel like my life is over and that after this age the only thing left to do is work all day, grow old and ugly and dumber, and then eventually die.

>> No.10824641

yeah well by now you'll hopefully be a little less nagsty about work, "but moooommmm i don't wanna do it" grow up, no offense, if ur not a total mong u should be able to find something reasonably neat to do

>> No.10824645

Then make a choice, live a materialistically comfortable, low-risk, mediocre life or commit yourself to something interesting and never stop striving for it.

>> No.10824647

>something reasonably neat to do

>> No.10824653

but I gotta pay my debt off first lol. That's the idea, though, I guess.

>> No.10824672

If your life is over after college you didn't have much of a life to begin with. Chris I have no pity for you people, you deserve annihilation
And I don't mean you deserve to die I mean you deserve to literally have your existence wiped clean and be forgotten about

>> No.10824697

What did Chris do to you my man?

>> No.10824736

my building is very quiet right now, i wonder if the coast is clear to beat my meat

>> No.10824746

まあ, いいか

>> No.10824756
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tfw learning how to be happy by yourself
tfw you realize your happiness need not depend on other people

>> No.10824766

Happiness is for chumps, what type of loser wants to be happy

>> No.10824772 [DELETED] 

r/communism is a fucking terrible board. Why the fuck do they worship the DPKR which is the worst possible regime to follow? They constantly make excuses and dig their heads in the sand to avoid anything that shows the country negatively. No matter what evidence you present they will ban you for disagreeing that the Kim family is a dictator and that his people are suffering.

>> No.10824780

found your problem anon

>> No.10824783

a hat!

>> No.10824784

Well as soon as there is ACTUALLY a /lefty-pol/ it's the best I can do. I fucking hate reddit in general, the entire format and style are terrible, and the upvote/downvote system is idiotic at best. But outside of obscure forums with 5 readers it's the only thing there is

>> No.10824790

just go to SA like you know you want to

>> No.10824797

conversation with her is shallow and unsatisfying
she calls me daddy

>> No.10824800

You're right, but the greatest happiness I've felt has typically come from other people. I don't like this at all, but there's nothing to be done about it for some of us.

>> No.10824812

How do I spend less time on /lit/ and more time reading?

>> No.10824818

I'm kind of self absorbed and this leads me to think that basically every conversation is super boring because you can predict 90% of it beforehand, so I become this retardedly edgy caricature of myself to be interesting but then I just look like an idiot. I dunno how to solve it

>> No.10824819

it's simple, just spend less time on /lit/ and more time reading. You are sentient, right?

>> No.10824835

There's /r/leftcommunism, that might be more your speed.

>> No.10824837

i never understand this obsession with being "interesting", is it a chick thing? lay off the soy products

>> No.10824844

it's not to be interesting myself, but more to get reactions out of people so conversations enter a deeper level than "I got drunk lmao, rick and morty lmao, etc. etc."

>> No.10824845

>they worship the DPKR
This is an actual thing Commies do? I thought that was a meme

>> No.10824854

Sometimes I wonder why i havnt done more with my life.
I wanted to write.
I have a thousand unfinished short stories and novels that are mediocre if I'm lucky.
I wanted to be a musician.
Thought myself how to play drums quite well and guitar pretty decently.
Started a band. Got relatively well received locally and provincially.
Then it fizzled out.
Wanted to be an artist.
Spent hundreds of hours working on technique and style.
Never put it to use.
What is my problem?
Its almost like Im afraid to push for these things because I see them as dreams and not something i can actually reach.
Anyway, rant over.

>> No.10824855

>grow up

>> No.10824856

What's the difference?

I know I certainly don't, and I don't personally know anyone who does. But that board literally will ban you if you even so much as say that the country MAY be hurting it's population.

>> No.10824860

>live a materialistically comfortable, low-risk, mediocre life or commit yourself to something interesting and never stop striving for it
Yeaaaaaah I'd rather get paid well-enough so I don't have to live near a bunch of blacks instead of "following my dreams" and ending up getting shot. Thanks for the offer, though.

>> No.10824863

>work isn't fun

yeah i remember being 14 too

>> No.10824868

>tfw you realize your happiness need not depend on other people
This is a meme to make people feel better. The Stoics were jumping through logical and psychological hula-hoops to convince themselves they don't need no other people.

>> No.10824874

First off why are you on Reddit? Second - and I know I'm going to be put on a watchlist for saying this - North Korea isn't as bad as the media portrays it.

>> No.10824881

Chairman of the British communist party calls it a ''beacon of freedom''.

>> No.10824883

>You are sentient, right?
I am convinced that the people who ask those types of questions ("How do I do something that I'm too lazy to do????") are, in fact, not sentient. Muh magical psychological barriers and all that.

>> No.10824888

>work is fun

Drank too much of the capitalist Kool-Aid, I see.

>> No.10824896

I have a crippling feeling of being on the verge of a realization while never reaching it.

Should i do drugs?

>> No.10824899

The thing is I can actually understand his perspective. I just can't believe he's naive enough to think that the Socalist countries gave even the slightest shit about their people. It's like these guys all have such brilliant critiques of capitalist imperialism, but then they have cardboard cutouts and fairy tales of Socialist states.

Don't they see the common element here is a small group or several small groups, an elite, oppressing the masses, and that every human society ever has had that form?

>> No.10824902


>> No.10824925

>thinks being assigned to some shit shoveling squad in siberia is better than picking his own career


>> No.10824959

If it's a meme it's a good meme
>believe that I need other people
>am cripplingly depressed from loneliness
>believe that I don't need other people
>start feeling better, find peace and contentment in artistic pursuits

I'll note that I'm not purposely isolating myself, more realizing that my life is still bearable while alone.

>> No.10824970

>the only alternative to western capitalism is soviet-style forced labor

>> No.10824971

>I don't have to work under communism
When did this meme start?

>> No.10824973
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>> No.10824981

oh yes the other alternative is anarchist collectives where some other guy does all the work while you stay at home and play video games... sorry, but "your parents house" is a not a model of socialist development

>> No.10824990
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show her the error of her ways


>> No.10825008

>there are three economic models: capitalism, soviet-style socialism, and anarchistic collectives

>> No.10825020

don't forget "your mom's house" which is the best kind of socialism amirite

>> No.10825021

yeah, they probably won't help, but they're fun

>> No.10825035


At work I often say stupid things that make me seem like a complete moron on purpose to fuck with my coworkers, because I'm bored and I think it's funny. For example when some coworkers were talking about how animal shelters have deceptively high adoption fees, I told them with a completely straight face that it's better and cheaper to just grab a coyote from the side of the road and train it to be a pet. But then just as often some of my coworkers will say extremely retarded shit to me, and at first I assumed it was just because they really are complete morons. But then I realized that they literally think I'm dumb as shit because of what I say, so how do I know they aren't pulling the same thing on me? Yesterday I got into an argument with a coworker because he said that insects aren't animals. I said of course they are, they're alive, they're not plants, they're not bacteria, what the fuck else could they possibly be? They're certainly in the animal kingdom. He said nope, they're not animals, they're just their own thing. I couldn't believe how retarded this entire exchange was. Am I being fucked with? This guy has never seemed like the kind of person to be sarcastic or to fuck with someone for fun.

>> No.10825043
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>> No.10825048

What is your job?

>> No.10825054

>>believe that I don't need other people
>>start feeling better, find peace and contentment in artistic pursuits
It seems nice, but I'd feel like I was deceiving myself.

>> No.10825060

>capitalism and communism are the only two forms of human organization

>> No.10825066

Okay literally this but the "some other guy" is a robot lol

>> No.10825068

This is literally better than Burroughs.

>> No.10825106

basically web dev but I do other stuff as well.

>> No.10825162 [DELETED] 

I'm such an obsessive-compulsive wreck over the way I present myself that for the most part I struggle to articulate my thoughts at even a basic level. I barely feel like a conscious human being anymore.

>> No.10825186

I'm looking for book recs.

What should I read to learn how to change my habits efficiently? I'm asking you guys because there is WAY too much pop-psychology and self-help shit on this topic. I'm looking for something more rigorous/scientific/philosophical/high-minded because I am extremely pretentious.

>> No.10825196
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Want to impregnate my waifu, if only she was real.
Why is /lit/ becoming like /sci/ the more time passes? I thought you guys were less autistic and more humble desu senpai.
I fucking hate my classes and I'm considering having a A.S. Auto Technology instead of Math transfer.

>> No.10825198

I need more time. I want more time. I want time to stop. For a thousand years. That's all I want. I don't care how lonely I'll be. I need more time. I don't want to die at 100. I want to live forever. Immortal. Young. I want to be an xNTJ. I want to be honest. I don't know if I want to be honest with the world, or hide who I am. Fuck.

>> No.10825199

Must remember to Spring Forward tonight.

>> No.10825229
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I am increasingly unable to enjoy books, movies, television, or video games out of a feeling of both anger and guilt that I have not provided my own offering to others so that they may feel the same joy I have thus far leeched out of other creators.
Although this anger is preventing me from enjoying the works of others because it is not my own, it is not dehabilitating, it is motivating.

>> No.10825238
File: 100 KB, 540x540, Homesick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss home

>> No.10825300

Why the scare quotes? Plenty of grandmasters knew what they were doing by age six.

Join the Peace Corps (or the military, depending on your age).

>> No.10825312

i really want to have sex but im disgusted by most women, I don’t want to disgrace my ex by bedding a lowly woman and I don’t want to debase myself by being a sociopath to get laid.

>> No.10825331

>Plenty of grandmasters knew what they were doing by age six.
How the fuck can chess be such a brainlet-tier game and yet I never win?

>> No.10825342

Ignoring the attempt at provocation, do you have a Chess.com account? You can match according to rating so you end up playing people around your skill level. There are also daily tactics puzzles that can help train your brain a little bit.

>> No.10825371

>You can match according to rating so you end up playing people around your skill level.
Problem is that I STILL lose, I'm that bad.

>There are also daily tactics puzzles that can help train your brain a little bit.
I've done some puzzles on lichess but they're frustrating. I just don't get it. The "solutions" seem so arbitrary to me.

>> No.10825377

why would anyone want to join the military and have some asshat yelling at you and telling you what to do/

>> No.10825388

Because it makes you a hardass and """"""""disciplined""""

>> No.10825396
File: 93 KB, 428x500, 508C0AF2-9F3B-4ADA-97F3-31E845C6237E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it reddit
I keep writing prompts to improve on my writing skills but I can’t get any fucking criticism, only upvotes and down votes, which is fucking ridiculous. I can’t use likes and dislikes to evaluate what’s good and what’s bad about my prose and shit.

>> No.10825398

post account url

>> No.10825408


>> No.10825409

I regret everything I say, do, or type. I want to start fresh every day. To leave it all behind. Make sure no one but me remembers.

>> No.10825411

I have 3 written so far

>> No.10825423


>how does one increase their height at the age of 18? i know about HGH but i'm not that desperate.


>> No.10825436
File: 273 KB, 658x652, F90E8BE7-08E6-4BF0-A2DF-99D30CC4731E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu and just talk shit about my writing

>> No.10825446

only read the first one but it's pretty bad. Is English your first language?

>> No.10825454

You dont need such decadent luxuries like a gf.
You need a harem. God gave you a special gift. Dont waste it.

>> No.10825457
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He didn’t give me much to work with though
The second one should be better

>> No.10825460
File: 90 KB, 534x183, Screenshot 2018-03-10 at 10.32.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 beta smiles

>> No.10825461

i've recently remembered that i had read the first couple of books in a series, but i cannot remember what the books or the series are called
and now, for curiosity's sake, i want to find out

is this something y'all could help me with?

>> No.10825463

Before I convert you I must convert myself.

>> No.10825464

I'm not a writer, I'm not even a reader. I've been browsing this board for hours in a depressive trance hoping id be able to discuss anything with you people, hoping that maybe id find some anon that would rec me something thought provoking and I'd have some grand fucking revelation about my self worth but after hours of sitting in front of a goddamn LCD screen leeching alcohol from my roommates stash of rum I've got nothing.
Now all I can look forward to is the inevitable
>alcohol bro lmao
Post mocking me for being drunk, because even in my shittiest most surreal moments I'm still a walking fucking cliche

>> No.10825469

I want to die but I'm too scared, I keep telling myself not to do it because I don't want to put my mom through that grief but I know in reality I'm just too afraid of the eternal nothingness that most likely comes after all of this

>> No.10825477

I would really pay more attention to grammar, and the way you use certain phrases. I'll give a few examples

>I observed to see I was only surrounded by...
this is clunky and awkward. I've never heard observe used this way. Usually their is an object behind it, e.g. "I observed my surroundings, to find that I was..."

>I walked toward the direction in front of me
the fuck man

>I said fair well
the phrase is "fare well", or shortened, "farewell".

>I headed towards the lights of a cabin, inhabited by a elderly couple. I knocked on the door and...

so you find yourself in a strange woods, and you see a cabin that you magically know is inhabited by an elderly couple? Isn't this story in the first person. Is the protag omniscient? Has he been to these strange woods before? that read very odd to me

>I was baffled. While he was reading me my rights I was trying I figure out how he kept putting the absurd crimes under my name. Later on I was able to reason with him and appeal to his sense of humanity. All of a sudden he became very cooperative and allowed me on my marry way, even letting me try on his uniform, all be it stain with some cranberry juice

just read this over and over again until you hate yourself

>> No.10825485

you should watch adaptation.

>> No.10825487
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Guess I got to keep hammering away. I’ll be careful with the grammar from now on and the order of events that happen.
Thanks for the input

>> No.10825496

It's ok man. I'm sure if I tried any of those writing prompts I'd come up with something garbage as well. You just need to develop a strong enough feeling of self loathing to recognize how awful everything you try to create turns out.

>> No.10825498

I have a raven tattoo on my firearm, I tells goth girls it's inspired by Edgar Allan Poe but I've never even read any of his poems
In reality it's inspired by raven from teen titans

>> No.10825504

here's the information that i remember, that i believe will best help identify the series:
>medieval fantasy (i use medieval loosely; i mean swords and bows and arrows and poison and thievery and the like, no guns, possibly magic as well
>main protagonist is female, i think she ends up losing an eye at some point (probably during a fight)
>second main protagonist is male
>books are quite thorough in their descriptions of fight scenes and their brutality, as well as the sex scenes
>at one point, one book (maybe the second or third in the series?) has a scene where it is written as though the main female and main male protagonist are having sex with each other, but at the end of the scene it is revealed that they were each having sex with someone else, and it was just written that way

i believe that that last point would be the most identifying
if anyone has any idea, please let me know
i would greatly appreciate it

>> No.10825514

idk what possessed me to buy a 12 pack of energy drinks, i guess i wanted more energy, now i feel all weird n shit

>> No.10825518
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A luddite escape from modernity is always tempting, sometimes I want to disappear into the countryside and leave it all behind, live in a small house deep in the forgotten hills of europe.

>> No.10825522

Reading books, watching movies, and consuming other entertainment has fucked me out of being able to genuinely experience life
Now whenever I'm in a situation that would be meaningful or life changing for anyone else I just think
>oh that's exactly like this
>so this is what he was talking about

Nothing feels genuine anymore, it just feels like I'm living other people blueprints for life day in and day out, never experiencing anything real or genuine

>> No.10825523

>I have a raven tattoo on my firearm, I tells goth girls it's inspired by Edgar Allan Poe
>a raven tattoo on my firearm
>>on my firearm
you're fucking bismuth right now m8 tame back those edges to a less fractal function

>> No.10825538

>Nothing feels genuine anymore, it just feels like I'm living other people blueprints for life day in and day out, never experiencing anything real or genuine

Exactly this. But I have no aspirations or anything so I just follow the blueprints and hope there's something good waiting for me.

>> No.10825540

I dont know if this whole "improve yoirself" thing is a meme or not but I find it annoying for some reason

>> No.10825542

maybe try him out
learn to let loose

>> No.10825543


>tfw no 19th century British literature protagonist gf who I can encourage to be smart and independent despite her society

>> No.10825546

i've been thinking about suicide
life isn't worth living anymore
i'm done with it

>> No.10825549

Before you do do shit tonnes of drugs and shit. That's my plan.

>> No.10825551

why not just go on disability and masturbate all day, i mean if ur gonna die anyways might as well get a few nuts off

>> No.10825572

I really, really want a girlfriend

>> No.10825576

i used to think that but now i realize if i really honestly wanted one i would have one, it's not that hard you just have to spam chicks with conversation, and the ones that keep coming back for more eventually will become gf, but thats a lot of fucking work when u can just wack off and shitpost without having to put up with any bullshit

>> No.10825578

Well, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.10825584

I have so much more to write than I first anticipated, and I had already written so much of it that to go back and start over is impossible, and yet the writing is now so messy and the changes to it so frequent that I am unsure anymore of whether what I have is even remotely coherent.

>> No.10825619

best case scenario, I get off 4chan and twitter, take my job seriously, start writing music and practicing my instruments, and start living my life.

Realistically, I continue being a disgruntled loser online, slowly start making more money, get diabetes, and then kill myself by age 30.

>> No.10825620

>Don't they see the common element here is a small group or several small groups, an elite, oppressing the masses, and that every human society ever has had that form?

We always have ice cream with syrup. So you cant have ice cream without syrup?

>> No.10825625
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I think I’m depressed but I’m not sure
I don’t have friends per say, just people I hang out with.
The one person I could truly call my best friend I only talk to once a week because College floods us with work
I don’t want to die, but I also wouldn’t mind not existing the next day.
I do write and read very much now, but my interest have alienated me even more from people, as I am into the mentally ill and disturbing stuff because I’m also mentally ill.
I have ADHD (which is great for creativity l but you can forget about logical stuff like math and science) and sociopathy ( which has NO benefits) and am basically ostracized by anyone who knows about it. My family is very distant from me even though we live in the same house.
I don’t even know if I want companionship anymore because of how much of a hassle it is to live with my parents and sister already.
This is probably why I like to write and play games, as it’s a sort of escapism probably.
I am not sure if I am loved or hated, but I can’t seem to feel that way towards anyone, family or not

>> No.10825674
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I'm actually feeling pretty good at the moment.

My job has been going well. I'm making decent enough money. I might actually be able to reach my savings goal by the end of this year, which would allow me to finally get out of this fucking town for good and start my own business. I worked a nineteen hour shift yesterday despite being exhausted, I felt great. It was like a rush of satisfaction or accomplishment or pride. A strange mixture of feels. Maybe this is what success feels like. Like a calm satisfaction. Contentment.

>> No.10825686

keep chatting with her while she enjoys the BBC
she'll love it

>> No.10825689

i also had this thought as a kid

>> No.10825709

Christ, that's a gorgeous fit. I need to get into the fashion scene, that design is just pure art right there.

>> No.10825741

My one experience with chess.com matchmaking:

I match with a guy at the entry level, I think 1200 rating. He beats me in 10-15 moves, then tells me to kill myself.

>> No.10825836

That's because you should learn theory and the value of pieces. Tactics are a combination of moves that result in a tangible gain, if you don't know how to evaluate that gain, than it may seem arbitrary.

>> No.10825963

I've been having a lot of weird nightmares lately that are so upsetting, I can't go back to sleep. Maybe it's the medication. Good morning, anyways.

>> No.10825980

He was right. You should kill yourself.

>> No.10826113

Maybe get some chess for beginners books. I found the Chess Power For Kids books good, as someone who learned to play in adulthood. Or get an app (like Play Magnus or the Chess.com app) that'll allow you to crank down the AI really low, then you can build up.

Like Karpov said, the only people who never lose are those who don't play.

Because the military seems like a pretty sure track to traumatic but probably not deadly experiences.

>> No.10826116

Why does everything come so naturally to everyone else?

>> No.10826120

I wish I was at home playing Fallout 4.

>> No.10826129

I got out of the Peace Corps nine months ago and have suddenly become aware of how remote it all seems at this point. The idea that, a year ago, I was wandering around the bush in a robe and sandals, having brushes with dysentery, speaking an extremely niche language rather than English, etc., seems almost unbelievable. I think, "Was that really me? Did that really happen?" It was two solid years of my life, yet, at the same time, it's so completely separate from anything I've experienced since I've gotten back. A very strange feeling.

>> No.10826134

that's dumb as fuck, anon

>> No.10826138

I don't know if I'm regretting staying up all night for the umpteenth time. It's more than likely the reason my memory and speech cognition has been out of whack over the last few months.
How was it? Would you recommend it to anyone, even just one time?

>> No.10826158

>not blessed by tha mos high
albino niggas be thankful you even soak up the same bioplasmic melanating rays of the BLACK sun as a serpent, a Naga, a great king of the Nile. you were fount in the grave, the dead womb, you been born of a devil’s hand, traitor to his kinfolk. best behave lil cannibal ass, we comin

>> No.10826159

Yes, absolutely. Joining the PC was probably the best thing I've ever done for myself, although not for the advertised reasons. (e.g., I didn't become a more compassionate person and I didn't really do anything to chip away at the horrendous problems in my host country) I suffered a lot more than I had thought I was capable of dealing with, I was forced by circumstances to become more goal-oriented and independent, I learned a lot and I had some genuinely very weird experiences. My main regret is that I didn't do it earlier. I'm in mourning for all the years I wasted before I joined.

That said, it really varies from post to post. In some countries, you're basically just teaching in a University.

>> No.10826195
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>tfw hate liberalism but have practically lost faith in socialism after seeing so many socialist movements and platforms filled with retards
>tfw seeing opportunists and idpol everywhere and no engagement or emancipation of the working class.
>tfw i get called a classist or brocialist for saying so
>tfw most contemporary influential communist thinkers are all bourgeoise romantics who are nostalgic about failed capitalist states of the past
>tfw starting to think ideology is inevitable and genuinely becoming more sympathetic towards fascism because of idealist Hegelian dialectics, but still feel like it's too 'evil' for lack of a better word, but also starting to feel like that's just a conditioned reflex

The last two years have been such a clusterfuck and i don't know anymore

>> No.10826287

I feel like I never lived up to my potential, even though I'm quite young. I went to university, mostly because other friends and family gently nudged me towards certain career choices, changed halfway through and finished late, primarily due to complete disinterest developing during my last year. I smoked/smoke too much weed. Since uni finished, I mainly just chill at my house, collecting unemploymemt (Australia), motivation is hard to come by, though I have come out of my shell girlwise since moving out. I feel like I might be depressed, although maybe just sheltered. Life is (too) chill

>> No.10826326

It feels like everything in my life is falling apart. Things are getting more testy at work, things are getting more testy and strained with one of my creative partners, I'm at that stage where I'm so fucking ready for my creative pursuits to pay the bills so I don't have to be a college dropout wageslave anymore, and my creative partners can be happy too with all the money. I just want to fast forward 3 or 4 years to when everything is better but life doesn't work that way and for now it feels like I'm drowning.

I can't drown though, because giving up is a moral failure. If you give up, you will never make it. If you don't give up, you probably still won't make it, but there's at least a chance. When there's a chance, there's hope.

I hope.

>> No.10826380

I can probably not be even slightly happy in this life until I change my name. It's vomit-inducing and I cringe just looking at it.

>> No.10826381

>ideology is inevitable and genuinely becoming more sympathetic towards fascism
iktf friend.
Go read some Mosley and Codreanu

>> No.10826386

Read nick land

>> No.10826425

It doesn't, that's just how it appears. Deep down most people are insecure in their own abilities and feel like they're frauds.

>> No.10826554

I hate the internet.

>The proliferation of /pol/shit into real life has me kinda bummed. I have no problem with lowering immigration but an actual nondemocratic genocidal ethnostate would be super gay.
>Half the fights among my friends start due to petty bullshit on social media. People give me weird reactions when I say that I don't use Facebook. I had to stop, it was making me into a fucking asshole.
>I used to smoke weed but I quit about a year ago. My health and mental state have improved, but now I'm stuck with all these stoner friends that want to show me YouTube videos about the Illuminati. Making new friends is really hard when you quit drugs. I assume this is similar to how a new vegetarian or ex-christian feels; a social lubricant that once oiled the sphincter of friendship is gone, and pain steps in to plug the hole.
>I feel like half the job searching websites I browse just put out redundant postings for new employees to fill quotas or some bullshit. I fully acknowledge that I am an incompetent worker, but it's hard to improve when nobody wants to give me a job because I'm a NEET, and when I seldom do get a job people expect way too much competence before I've received proper training. It all feels so hopeless.
>Porn just isn't doing anything for me right now. Having a girlfriend or wife sounds nice, but in reality I know I'm way too immature to sustain that kind of relationship. I feel like your average trailer park redneck is a 10x better adjusted human being than I am. How the fuck is holding down a marriage with kids and a job considered normal? It seems extremely difficult. I guess I'm just fucking retarded.

>> No.10826563
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>> No.10826665

>reading the eternal Anglo

>> No.10826687

>He thinks there's any situation in which he won't have to work while not making others into a slave class

>> No.10826690

JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL is not a valid premise for sustaining a civilization

>> No.10826695

I knew Ready Player One was bad, but I didn't remember it being quite THIS bad.

>> No.10826703

The movie or the book?

>> No.10826708

Getting bitches and getting them to want you is better than fucking them.

It seems like this insight are what women know from the start. What do make of that?

Is it because they have access to sex early and don't have to go through the hurdles to obtain it, only to realize that it's nice but not rewarding in excess? This is probably true for anything, but getting pussy is easier than getting true fame.

>> No.10826712

The book. Decided to pick it off the shelf again when I heard the buzz about the new movie.

>> No.10826714
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The movie aint looking too good either

>> No.10826717 [DELETED] 

>tfw you don't have shoop skills to create an image of sergeant frog giving a thumbs up beneath the Centrelink logo with angled text that says Get On The Dole (y) in crisp, bold lettering

>> No.10826719

The left is dead and isn't salvageable. Marxism and it's offshoots failed at it's height, so what hope do we even have now?

>> No.10826725

Girl in my class suggested I try reading it, she read it earlier in the year.

Im too pathetic to tell her that it is garbage referential wankery and that my free time is more valuable than that, but Im also too pathetic to simply read it and have a neutral conversation with her about it

>> No.10826730

How the fuck do you know it's garbage when you haven't read it, you insecure pseud?

>> No.10826733

Don't act like those pages that always get posted around left you wanting to read more

>> No.10826735

>a less than decade-long right wing resurgence means the left is dead forever
Okay bro. I guess the right was unsalvageable in the late 60s too.

>> No.10826771

We have the infrastructure in place for true self-representation, yet we continue to favour our deprecated "representative democracy." The people should be able to choose what public contracts their tax dollar funds. A website where private contractors can pitch their proposal to the public. Vote with your dollar. The only thing we would need to "regulate" would be journalism. No more sponsored content. Absolute transparency. Fuck fear. I'm drunk.

>> No.10826790


>> No.10826801
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>jerking off
>so jaded and broken that i alt+tab to refresh /lit/ several times in the process

>> No.10826809

Anarchio-capitalism of state laws. What could go wrong.

>> No.10826822

I wouldn't go that far, but the fact that many of Marx' predictions didn't come true is damaging to the left. What's worse is that the working class doesn't identify with the left, but mostly with the right. The left is mostly for intellectuals and students, but the working class doesn't care anymore, which damages the legitimacy of every left-wing movement.

>> No.10826848

>damages the legitimacy
is an understatement.

It's like we'd make freedom restricting laws on the whole population and tailor our industry to produce fish fillets for one demographic and then find out they are all vegetarians but still go on with it.

>> No.10826856
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>> No.10826862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10826869 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10826870

Nothing has ever come naturally to me and I struggle to do the most basic creative tasks specifically. Academically I feel like I have to study twice as hard as everyone else and I still don’t know what I want to do career wise and for everyone else it seems obvious.

>> No.10826877


>> No.10826909
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I browse 4chan hoping I’ll find some gold nugget that will lead me down a better path. Unfortunately I have yet to do so. So here I am. Updating continuously multiple boards hoping for even a single second of connection from someone in a deeper level that I know will never come. I only wish for this because all of my friendships are built on positivity and entertainment and fun. I don’t have anyone I can really talk seriously to and share our mutual misery so that I know I’m not actually alone. It’s my own fault however, I’ve had a mask up for so long that who they see as me, and the true face lies deep underneath. I just want someone to be scared with. To feel sad with.

Said a lot more then I intended too. Whoops.

>> No.10826950

I just wish one thread on this fucking board could ever be about the contents of a book or an author's thought instead of general ass bullshit like
>What does /lit/ think of xyz?
>I'm about to read this
>Is xyz good?

>> No.10826952

Nothing that hasn't already...

>> No.10827102

It's incredible how, even in this contemporary world of abraded attention spans and instant gratification, every person can watch the sea indefinitely. The sea, and fire. People have been watching fire since they discovered its use; as long as people have been. People have been watching the sea since long before then. These things are hard-wired deeply into us. They are unspeakable.

>> No.10827107

You have nothing interesting to say.

>> No.10827131

Just make the slave class robots.

>> No.10827140

How old were you when you joined? Did you get any pussy while you were in?

>> No.10827146

>true self-representation
Nope, this is retarded. Have you ever been to the internet? If that is any indication, we would be FUCKED if those everyone had their say.

>haha hey everyone let's vote to start a war with North Korea meta-ironically lol XD redpill redpill etc.

>> No.10827152
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>> No.10827164

The Bible

>> No.10827167

You need to change your habit of being a pretentious shit.

>> No.10827169

12 Rules for Life

>> No.10827185

That's impossible. I simply cannot take anything written and dumbed-down for the wider public seriously anymore.

>> No.10827236

Then read it as a joke.

>> No.10827244

truly the best feel

>> No.10827303


I got a job that pays well, hopefully I can do it while homeless and then I will be able to be not homeless, also hopefully my debt doesn't destroy me and prevent me from being able to work the job.

>> No.10827340

I really feel like there's a tremendous deal of potential buried somewhere in me even now, like I could truly become someone. I couldn't even force myself to go outside for a walk today, and it was a beautiful day.
I feel that weak, and it takes so little to drain me most days. I remember nearly being brought to tears some months ago because of a brown spot on an apple that I wanted to eat.
Even now when I am the most degraded and broken I've ever been, I still feel like there's a lot I could achieve, a lot I could give both to people and the world(on however small a scale).
I constantly feel an immense urge to exert my will upon the world, to ACT, and yet I spend the vast majority of my time in depressed, pathetic inertia.

Please recommend me some books related to my condition.

>> No.10827353

Did something happen to you that made you like that? Did this start only a few months ago?

>> No.10827388

green peas?

>> No.10827389

>Did something happen to you that made you like that?

Viewed objectively, I can't describe my childhood and young adulthood as anything other than bleak and painful. That said, even that bleakness didn't stem from some sort of a singular, major cataclysmic event. I wasn't molested, I didn't have a near-death experience, I didn't grow up in a warzone, I didn't lose any limbs. The sources of my grief are relatively generic and undramatic. Millions of people have grown up in the same circumstances, and yet they function perfectly well and I do not. That bugs me a lot, actually.

This is actually something I think about semi-frequently, trying to zero in on the point or the event at which I became like this. There probably wasn't an exact point at which it happened, more of a gradual degradation over time.

>Did this start only a few months ago?

I've been like this for as long a I can remember. I don't recall ever having what people would call "a good time". Not once.

>> No.10827395

>I constantly feel an immense urge to exert my will upon the world, to ACT, and yet I spend the vast majority of my time in depressed, pathetic inertia.

I don't have any books for you, but I used to feel the exact same way. The only difference now is that I'm quite happy. I know I could do something beautiful if I could bring myself to try. Why won't I try?

>> No.10827396

Nigga go take zoloft or something.

>> No.10827416

The death of hope is an opportunity to realign yourself towards practical ends.

>> No.10827427

I've been thinking about starting on meds and maybe even seeing a shrink for a while now, but I most likely won't ever bring myself to do either.

The meds I won't start upon because I don't want to talk to people about the reasons why I should maybe start taking them(and because I already feel like a zombie most of the time sober, I don't need to feel any more deadened and hazed-out than I already do), the shrink I won't start upon because I know I would break down and sob like a child in front of them and I refuse to do that.

And I didn't really come here for life advice desu, I came here for book recommendations.

>> No.10827442

You should have wrote that anyway, and screamed racism if the teacher tried to fail you.

>> No.10827443

>I know I could do something beautiful if I could bring myself to try. Why won't I try?

It gets to the point where you fall in love with your misery, doesn't it? It becomes your defining characteristic and everything else is subsumed by it.
I worship myself while being completely disgusted with the totality of myself at the same time. It's some heavy shit.

>> No.10827449

I really want to escape my boring job but the only talent I possess is "writing" furry fetish erotica.

>> No.10827451

Well I'm not going to recommend you any books until you go cry in front of someone and get it out of your system.

>> No.10827454

How did you become happy? What changed?

>> No.10827455

I'm watching the candidates too.

>> No.10827487

Oh well.

>> No.10827509
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Not only that, but you're looking for people to validate this personae you've made so that you can stop vacillating between your projected misery and thoughts that you're not authentically miserable. You want people to qualify you as worthy of enough pity that you are given special attention, that you become focused on in the way your parents did when you wanted milk or shit your pants.

>> No.10827516

Read Nietzsche and start working out or running. Stop going to bed late. Clean your room. Wake up at 8 every morning. If you do these things, you will cure yourself of your "condition". It's in your power.

>> No.10827520

>I regret everything I say, do, or type. I want to start fresh every day. To leave it all behind. Make sure no one but me remembers.

Oh yes. "From this action on, I'm going to set everything straight". It never fucking happens. Never.

>> No.10827525

I've come into a bit of misfortune in the past three years accruing debt, unfortunately by no ones fault except my own. It is not so much that I cannot afford to live life but it has taken me aback and made me realize that I need to actually give a shit about my future and savings for retirement and that I need to get my life in order.

This has caused a lot of stress and anxiety for a long time, especially since I was hoping to go to school, but that appears to be nowhere in the near future (maybe never). On the bright side, in the past few months, I have finally been able to change my frame of mind, I imagine Sisyphus happy.

A few things that have helped enormously; I have made and am sticking to a budget, I don't eat out anymore nor do I spend frivolously, I have been going to the gym for a few months (still struggling to turn this into a full time habit like it used to be years ago but I am almost there), I am reading more, I have cut social media out of my life, I've stopped smoking weed, I will be going through the Greeks after I finish a few books and have found plenty of great supplementary material on YouTube; I have goals suddenly. It is invigorating.

I don't know, life has been hard but while I am paying off debt for the next 4ish years I can take a hermitage of sorts and cultivate the mind and I am really looking forward to it.

>> No.10827533

Jesus Christ, I identify with almost every post ITT. And there's so much more where all that came from as well.

>> No.10827540

>Not only that, but you're looking for people to validate this personae you've made so that you can stop vacillating between your projected misery and thoughts that you're not authentically miserable.

This is exactly true. A lot of the time I feel like I don't even deserve this pain, like I'm not worthy of it.
It's why I don't talk to anyone about it, ever. Even just talking about it here, in this thread, is something I'm quite uncomfortable with.

>> No.10827548

most of your problems would dissapear if you simply stopped jerking off

sure, there's the working out, eating good, going out, talking with people and doing things thing

but NOTHING is as destructive psychologically, physiologically and spiritually as masturbation

you don't even have to become a jesus freak. You don't have to quit smoking or other things that fuck you up

just stop jerking off for 3 months and tell me that your life isn't a million times better

>> No.10827569


>> No.10827573

Is it really that simple?
And I already get up well before 8 most mornings.

>> No.10827586

>Reading books, watching movies, and consuming other entertainment has fucked me out of being able to genuinely experience life



>> No.10827590

>Wake up at 8 every morning
This isn't actually realistic if you have actual shit to do in your life

8 is when I have to be at places not when I wake up, if I could wake up at 8 every day my life would be much easier

>> No.10827597

[citation needed]

>> No.10827611

>Wake up at 8 every morning
Nigger most people have to get up before 8 anyway.

>> No.10827616

I forgot to say : stop eating fast food or similar shit. It will mess with your hormones and fuck your mood. Eat healthy stuff, get a healthy routine, work out/run. A lot of what we think is spiritual, comes from the body. You wouldn't spend your days scrolling through gore threads and hentai, because you respect your mind. Having a fucked up schedule, bad eating habits and a lack of exercise, will have dramatic effects on your mind too, not only your body. Also, drink more water. If you live in northern regions, take Vitamin D in the winter, it will greatly uplift your moon. Go for a run at least three times a week. It doesn't have to be high intensity. You can work out with your own weight, thrice a week, also. Push-ups, calf raises, stuff like that. It will get you better, mentally.

Then go to bed earlier.

>> No.10827621

your mood* kek

I thought at first I was speaking to a NEET.

>> No.10827623

The world is a stage, and everybody takes their characters way too seriously. I feel that I have somehow taken my mask off and realised it all to be a play and now i cannot enjoy life as i use to. my emotions are numbed because i feel dissociated from the play. I want to forget this and get back into being a character who takes his role seriously but i feel there is no going back.

>> No.10827624

I would be better off if I broke my computer with a hammer.

>> No.10827626

>Then go to bed earlier.
Your point should be "sleep for x hours", you are doing a bad job on this specific aspect

>> No.10827634

Same, it's spooky. I say anything like this stuff in real life and people turn off completely, I feel like I'm alone in the world. Then I see hundreds of posts here and it's like I belong. Except this is terrible, I don't want to belong.

>> No.10827642

I am currently downloading a pack of 13 dragon ball z movies

>> No.10827645

It's not just the amount you sleep, but when you sleep also matters.

>> No.10827646

Even if you get those "x hours", if you get up at noon and don't get any daylight because it's the winter, your schedule is gonna mess with your mood.

>> No.10827653

>Then go to bed earlier.
That's difficult to do
I honestly just like night much more than day, no good reason either it's not like I run around outside a lot

feels bad

>> No.10827697
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I don't know how anyone can abstain from sex for three months. If I don't do it, I'll find someone to have sex with, and then I'm back to sex obsession. I seriously become unable to make proper decisions without sex after a month. If I did two months, I'd definitely have made a plan to get laid. I actually wish I had control, not over jerking it, but over sexual motivation. Everything I do has some connection to me getting sex. I actually thought yesterday that what I really want in my life is to have a threesome. I'm so dedicated to have this happen that I'd do almost anything, yet I know it's not a good motivation to get me to succeed in life, to become stable and content, maybe even achieve a base level of happiness. I really just want to be in a room with two woman who are excited to have me there to penetrate them, one at a time while they lick and suck each other's clits. I hate that having two wives is illegal, and that people might look down on me for always wanting more than one. But I can't help it, it's my intrinsic motivation to do anything in life, it gives me purpose. Why do I have to continue to suffer and be depressed and give up on my dreams and jerk it until I have no will power to achieve this goal.

>> No.10827703

Jacking off in the morning helps clear your mind, and you don't get distracted by thots during the day.

>> No.10827713

bullshit, nofap is such shit, it's like saying the answer to eating junk food is to stop eating all together, i haven't fapped in a week, and i can't think for shit or do anything productive

the only way some could not cum for three months is if they have lower test than a fucking female, seriously if u go three months between nuts u need to lay off the soy products holy shit

>> No.10827716

agreed with everything you just said, I don't know how to achieve that because i'm a sex obsessed maniac, and I don't want to live in celibacy but my sex-obsession is ruining my life

however, the longest I've been without orgasm+ejaculation was 2 months, and I've never been happier in my entire life

its like you have this powerful spirit inside you and all those bullshit people were writing online abuot chakras, energy, vibration is all true

when I was retaining my semen for 2 months, all women were staring at me and touching me wherever I'd go. Its like they know you have a full ballsack and are desperate to empty it

>> No.10827735

they touch u cuz they consider a numale who can go two months without coming such a low t soy that he might as well be one of the girls

chad cums everynight

>> No.10827737

get help

>> No.10827738

just stop masturbating and tell yourself the next time you're having an orgasm its with a real woman. pathetic subhumans masturbate

of course sex is amazing and everyone loves it. Also you don't know shit about my test levels and how horny I am and how detailed and specific my fantasies are. I get an erection sometimes from just talking with a woman

>> No.10827747

It's really only difficult if you don't want to. Get up earlier, exercise more, turn off all screens 1 hour before bed, take a warm shower. Humans were designed to sleep during the dark.

>> No.10827749

>I get an erection sometimes from just talking with a woman

haha what a fucking FAGGOT

>> No.10827752

whatever keep jerking off you subhuman vermin. I dont have time to explain why and how

I've read a lot about it, from many different angles, and I know my experience. All of you are retarded homosexuals

>> No.10827758

>if you cant abstain from your vices for long periods of time youre just a soiboi faggot

Kill yourself. Fucking pathetic to coping this hard with your addiction. "heh im so MANLY and filled with so much TEST thats why i cant stop".

>> No.10827764

what "addiction"? i jack off like once or twice a week, kys you virginal little betaman

>> No.10827774

>but NOTHING is as destructive psychologically, physiologically and spiritually as masturbation

>> No.10827777

bro are you ADDICTED to take TAKING SHITS? do you shit EVERY DAY or EVERY OTHER DAY? u are a sick faggot! if u shit more than once a month u are a fucking subhuman faggot who likes having his asshole stimulated by disgusting logs of shit! you need to do something about your SHIT ADDICTION!

>> No.10827785

Aristotles btfo'd nofap and anti-nofappers alike.

>> No.10827788

nofap is entry level if u really wanna unlock your chakras and start emitting alphamale gamma rays u gotta try noshit

>> No.10827790

The Absurd by Thomas Nagel.

>> No.10827793
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The world is a colosseum. You just haven't felt the threat yet. Your seriousness will only come from confrontation, and how you handle confrontation will show your character to yourself. So possible you are afraid to confront the person you are in confrontation, that you abstain because like a child who becomes self-conscious but is still young enough to pretend he is what he imagines, you imagine a self that is able to remove all the masks and still be a self. This is living falsely, which is too easy in our world. You need a visceral experience of the world so you can understand your relation to it better.

Don't be fooled by the travel meme, though.

>> No.10827802

>Chad is a stick figure
You fucked up.

>> No.10827829

can I get a rundown

>> No.10827868


>> No.10827883
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Just as urine retention allows you to reabsorb the water for hydration and the minerals for repair and maintenance of the body, shit retention allows you get move from your meals, leading to less intake, healthy skin, clearer thinking. The anal fixation that develops and is overcome once a month long shit has been evacuated prepares you for life changing climaxes similar to that of bedding a virgin on your wedding day. You begin to be changed for the good, become more powerful with extended periods between each climatic shit.

>> No.10827884

well the benefits are two fold, first of all a lot of homosexuals will clean out their anus with enemas before anal sex, so if you have two weeks of impacted stool stuck up there women, who have very advanced olfactory senses far greater than a man, well catch the subtle order and subconsciously understand "this man is no faggot!", but more importantly as the feces began to become impacted your colon and rectum will start to absorb extra nutrients directly into your bloodstream, it's like fertilizing yourself, vegans know the most nutritious plants are grown in fields with natural fertilizer, but with noshit you can absorb those nutrients and minerals directly into your body! most people shit out half of the nutrition they consume, but with the noshit method you absorb so much more, everyone is going to sense you are much more healthy and virile than the average male who just unloads his mojo into the toilet every morning

>> No.10827893

this dude is woke af!

>> No.10827909
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Woody Allen as a kid not doing his homework and being taken into a shrink by his mother???

>> No.10827917

If this were true, you wouldn't find going a week without masturbating significant enough to comment on. You're a daft faggot who doesn't have any discipline. Go figure.

>a regulated body function your body forces you to go under daily is the same as beating your dick

You're retarded. Kill yourself. Please.

>> No.10827921

Funny but it's a fact that you never once in your life went 30 days without an orgasm and couldn't because you're too weak

do you know that ejaculate is a substance that creates life? it's not like snot in your nose or shit in your anus you retarded homosexual. surely two scenarios, one where you're spraying it into a tissue 4-30 times a month, and one where you're not spraying it even once in a month, would be physiologically identical? Makes 100% sense

imagine your subcionscious thinks since you're ejaculating frequently, everything in your life is pretty much set and done and you're an old man now, because you achieved your biological imperative of passing your genes and is married

>> No.10827929

this is why you're mentally fucked up and defunct

when you stop orgasming, your entire body goes into panic mode to secure the orgasm and ejaculation. iterally your entire persona is self-improving for you to tap ass evventually

your skin and hair is better and you have a manly aura

anyway, just read your brain on porn.com

>> No.10827934
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>Noshit brotherhood

Poop to Poop

>> No.10827944

lmao get a load of this shitcuck
I bet you spend half the day on the bowl

>> No.10827963

>I don’t know how anyone could abstain from sex for 3 months
Been going strong for 21 years what’s 3 more months

>> No.10827978

>when you stop orgasming, your entire body goes into panic mode to secure the orgasm and ejaculation. iterally your entire persona is self-improving for you to tap ass evventually

except for the first 100,000 years of human existence tapping ass meant hunting down a female and raping her, so all you're doing is putting yourself in rape mode, also chad doesn't need "self-improvement" he just fucks

>> No.10827985

all i had to do to know nofap was gay is to watch that nofap ted talk, "every since timmy stopped jerking off he's been learning to play the guitar and speak french!" even the presenter cringed a little nevermind the audience

>> No.10827989

That’s true. I don’t.

>> No.10828000

why are you obsessed with this "chad" imaginary friend? Man you are mentally ill and dissacociated from reality, I fear it may be too late for you

also being in rape mode is what its all about, it's great

>> No.10828010

yeah being a nigger is a great way to live

>> No.10828013
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I've done it plenty of times, but it always results in me getting laid and then getting obsessed with having more and more sex with other people. I could go years without jerking it, but I'd have had a lot of sex during that time. I can't even control my sociability ask a month without sex. I'm content to be alone, but after a month without cumming, I become predatory and sly. I'm not #metoo-ing, but after a couple months I'd probably be musing over Sade-like shit all day. I remember one time after three weeks I went into a classroom and started looking at every girls tits. I realised I was oggling and I had to stop because I was ashamed, but eventually I was daydreaming of falling from the sky but inside a tube covered in slippery tits, and I just kept falling and bouncing off of tits until the tube became so small and tight that I was being mashed from all sides by soft, slippery boobies. To this day, I view the experience of becoming crushed by thousands of naked breasts as a superior peak experience beyond even childbirth or true love. Breasts may not be inherently sexual, but the experience of having your head nuzzling against them long after you've been breast fed, is sacred in its transcendent comfort and beauty. I can't imagine how a person could be indifferent to breasts. It's not human. How could you live without having women give you their comfort and beauty to jizz on.

>> No.10828031

having sex is better than masturbation

and men are supposed to be predatory. What you experienced being on nofap is what a healthy life is supposed to be. Filled with joy and real life sexual experiences

>> No.10828035
File: 259 KB, 800x1015, William_Blake_-_The_Temptation_and_Fall_of_Eve_(Illustration_to_Milton's_-Paradise_Lost-)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine this is the same thought the guy who broke the world record for hot dog eating had during the competition. Must be weird to be known that way and be proud of it. But we must all make sacrifices to our vanity somehow, must we not?

>> No.10828042

wait so what if a man is married and fucks his wife every night? are you saying he's not living a healthy life? ok u fuckin degenerate

>> No.10828051

then he's praying and having a healthy sex life with his wife? yeah but its better to jerk off into a tissue to webms, in total darkness

>> No.10828052

Isn't this an indication that there is nothing wrong with rape and that civilization has warped our values?

>> No.10828060

>feeling guilty for masturbating

what are you 13? grow up u fucking retard

>> No.10828064

kys, you are a lost cause subhuman vermin

>> No.10828077

let us know when u finally lose your virginity u nofap faggot

>> No.10828079

the point is to get a wife you gay. jerking off prevents you from being able to

I had a thousand more experiences in life and all kinds of sex than you ever will, faggot

>> No.10828088

>jacking off prevents u from getting a wife

are u retarded? of course, nevermind

>> No.10828094
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> jerking off prevents you from being able to

>> No.10828096
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This is how people become subject to control though. Your mind will eventually go into submission mode to secure sex. You will become vulnerable to manipulation because you are a man and need to peacock, to present, even if it's ideas, beliefs, or material objects. You become your vices they say, but really you become your passions, and as a biological entity, you're damned by your predatory nature to bias certain traits that will help you achieve your ends.

Neither extreme is healthy to becoming a Superior man. Your black and white thinking simplifies a complex issue that needs to be worked individually so that a person can have more agency and use that agency to achieve their ends without being completely subject to biological imperatives.

>> No.10828107
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>Neither extreme is healthy to becoming a Superior man.

>> No.10828116

>Actually responding to this retard

>> No.10828118

>submission mode

dude, watching other people have sex on screen and stroking your cock into a tissue is litereally the most cucked thing you can possibly do. How is sleeping with real women a submissive thing?

>> No.10828120
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>> No.10828138

I’m still waiting for the moment when all my friends/enemies and basically anyone I’ve ever met finally jump out, yell ‘surprise!’ and then joke about how they almost had me, how they tricked me into thinking life was really this bad. We would all have a good laughing and then get back to real life, something better than this.

>> No.10828160
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exchange is inherent in having sex. becoming needy to secure sex because you're life is about being a tool can take you down the road of being too oblivious to in what ways you act just to secure sexual exchange. Maybe while you are young the exchange isn't noticeable, but Eventually you realise their is levels of submission that will overwhelm you if you don't focus beyond your biological imperative. Figuring this out early on without becoming cucked as you say by porn, will allow you find balance and achieve less submission to the culture that surrounds you. It's not one extreme or the other which is most difficult, but the middle path towards becoming a Superior man.

>> No.10828393

A few days ago I sat and research Nootropics in pursuit of handling my everyday life better, especially my studies. I didn't find anything convincing and gave up on the idea. I have a huge exam in two weeks time and I'm a bit behind.

I continue on with my life as usual and a few days later decide to watch a film. A girl I've met recently recommended "Call me by your name". I sit down, completely enchanted for the entirety of the film.

Qoute from the end of the film; "We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste!".

It struck me harder than anything has for months. I realize I still have feelings for my ex, which I've tried to repress for over a year. I lay down and put on Blonde by Frank Ocean, which came out just before we broke up, and just think back on our time together.

For the first time since the breakup, I'm not resentful about our relationship ending. I come to terms with that love comes, and it goes. Instead of wishing myself back in time, to experience those moments again, I become overcome with happiness and contempt that it happened. I experienced all of it, and no one can take it away from me.

I have no clue how my studies relate to lingering feelings for my ex, but in the last week I've rediscovered my love for reading, and my studies are going better than ever.

>> No.10828399

I don't know how to talk to females and I am really afraid that I will never overcome this fear and that I'll have to live alone forever.

>> No.10828409

Just start talking to them. You won't solve it by avoiding the problem.

>> No.10828523

I saw this coming from a mile away and I still walked face first into it
I'm annoyed at myself for being so naive, I explicitly thought this was going to happen and I didn't stop myself

>> No.10828533

I do talk to them, and it's a fucking disaster.

>> No.10828764

uhm not sure if this is the right place to ask but i do need some help since i cant find this book i read as a child, im sure that a bunch of you will say its trash or whatever but if you could help me find it that would be amazing, i dont remember the author or what the cover page looked like, though i do remember the plot loosely, if anyone could help me out that would be much appreciated , and sorry in advance for writing so poorly,
The story begins with a godlike being who i believe is called The spinner literally spinning a story , he looks for a boy in lets say the year 400, he magically turns his eyes a weird shade of blue and then transports him to the past to the year 300, here he meets a girl ( who later turns out to be a half elf or whatever the equivalent was in the book) the somehow fall in love within 2 hours and then later in the evening have sex, for some reason he nips her in the neck and this will be slightly important later (theyre both around 15 or so btw) just after they have sex he gets transported back to his own time where hes left to his own devices untill later in the book.
Going back to the girl she obviously wonders where the boy went but wont be able to find him, a few years after that she has to flee to another continent because the current continent she is on is sinking or something like that. We fast forward some 10 years and we meet the girl again this time on the new continent where she is trying to get away from some person who is some kind of sorcerer or something like that, she gets cornered by two men sent to retrieve her and bring her to the exboyfriend/sorcerer person but she runs away from them and then runs into two other people who are half giants (or whatever the author called them in his book) they are running from someone who is far more powerful than the other sorcerer, who cast some kind of shadow demons to come after them to find them and retrieve them because he cast some kind of shackle on them which sort of binds those two to the demonsorcerer, when she ran into them she used them to fend of her pursuers because the two halfgiants looked intimidating, for some reason they teamed up to get away so they go to some massive tree out in an elven colony, and through some song magic of the girl they lift up one of the roots and go underground, they travel underground for what feels like a few days or weeks at best when they reach the center of the world, this is just a massive globule of lava and through her singing magic she manages to get them through there by basically chanting over and over their character traits, but because she compares one of them to a snake he now shares a few traits to a snake (because the massive globule of magma is apparently capable of doing that) like wanting to hibernate when its cold and having a better sense of smell, also she said how he always knew the way so now he basically has constant Dé jà visite of sorts, the other halfgiant who looks more giant then human

>> No.10828800


Some, but I was celibate for about 99% of it. If you really want to bang a host country national you can, but I didn’t want to.

>> No.10828808

>>10828764 cont.
now is basically some big strong man even more so, the girl had to list her traits which included being "fair" so now she basically attracts people wherever she goes, after getting through the core they keep walking for more time when it gets noticeable colder when the come upon a massive wyrm, which is apperantly asleep because of the cold but it is still growing so that might destroy the world at some point, to prevent this from happening the girl activates some kind of autonomous spell which uses her harp that first starts of small but slowly grows out to an orchestra which is basically playing a lullaby . she hopes this will keep the wyrm asleep for a long time, after getting past this part they walk for some more time when they find another root of a different world tree. they go up here and notice the scenery is noticeably different, they walk around and later find out that they are some 200 ish years in the future, so around 500. None of them have any real plans so they wander around when they find what looks like a ramshack village of giants, which promptly gets razed by a small militia from a nearby country, when they go to investigate they find an actual giant kingdom and the two halfgiants quickly become the leader of this "kingdom" because the giants there are huge pussies, the girl becomes an emissary for that country and goes to the nearby kingdom to declare their existence and such, here she meets a disheveled man with crystal blue eyes (yes its the boy from the beginning though they dont recognize each other) (also the reason the boy is still alive is because he is the grandson of a dragon which gives him some sort of insane lifespan or immortality of a kind, it also give him a nagging voice in his back which is basically his wants , so his lusts and such) through a short scuffle he becomes the guide for the girl to go to a nearby country for some reason i cant remember well, and this is where the book ends without ever really establishing the main antagonist and such (also i forgot to mention but when they came out from under the root one very see through and worn out shadow demon appears, the ones that were chasing the two halfgiants, he touches one of them and says "found you"and then dematerializes because its so old and has been searching for some odd 200 years, the demonsorcerer who sent them and had a link on them is also assumed to be dead since they cant feel the chains on them anymore)

>> No.10828815

again i am really sorry that it isnt very clear and that its poorly written but if anyone could help me find it i would be ever so grateful

>> No.10828880

I feel like a complete brainlet after reading this post

>> No.10828905

I really hate living but at least there's 4chan and internet porn

>> No.10828946

I wouldn't do it, assuming you have depression. I attempted it and failed but a year later my depression slowly went away

>> No.10828986

>stroking your cock into a tissue

woah u low test no fap fags can absorb ur jizz in a fucking tissue?

>> No.10828991

yeah freud already wrote a book about this 100 years ago which ud know if u werent an uneducated pseud

>> No.10829004

i was just walking down the street and i was behind this girl with a perfectly round ass in those see through yoga pants and you could just see the top of a thong at the top but every step made a little jiggle bringing your eyes back down, then she turned around and giggle, she was like 16 at the oldest... nofapping doesnt make u a chad, it makes u a creep and potential sex offender, fuck nofap and the low tee virgins who adhere to it

>> No.10829013

The hills of Europe sounds like a nice place to be, but assuming you live in America it's unrealistically expensive and far. Though I guess if you're trying to escape it's nice. I'm planning on moving to the Mojave Desert for a few months for similar reasons.

>> No.10829032
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>gf says that if I want sexual relief I should go to the bathroom instead of bothering her

>> No.10829131

Sorry I have more things to do than read books all day lmao

>> No.10829276
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I honestly believe that in the future the rapid expansion of the internet will be viewed as a mistake.

>> No.10829309


damn this shit goes relatively ham

>> No.10829546


>> No.10829574
File: 27 KB, 182x240, gsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blrg qlrgh