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10824890 No.10824890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you never grew up working at a radical anarchist newspaper stand in NYC and acquiring absurd amounts of information at the age of nine about the fringes of European politics and political ideology
>tfw people around you think Obama is a socialist
>tfw you spent your teen years posting on /lit/

>> No.10824894

>not a socialist
>tfw you're still a teen posting on /lit/

>> No.10824909

To be fair posting on 4chin did expose you early to the fringes of European politics presumably.

>> No.10824914


>> No.10824915
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hey reddit :)

>> No.10824918

chomsky isn't a real leftist. He's an agent of the state

>> No.10824920

i hope you say that when people call Trump a fascist as well m8

>> No.10824928

One gets accused of being a socialist for some modest medicare reform, the other gets called a fascist because he wants people thrown in jail for burning American flags. Don't act like they're comparable.

>> No.10824937

>nationalist = fascist

>> No.10824938
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LMAO drumpfkins BTFO!!!

>> No.10824989
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>> No.10825038

Virtually all fascists and white nationalists in the US support Trump. On the other hand, virtually all socialists in the US (correctly) think that Obama is a neoliberal centrist shill.

>> No.10825053

And that makes Trump a fascist? or?

>> No.10825065

Trump is more fascist than Obama is socialist

>> No.10825072

Does this sound like Trump to you:

Like all sound political conceptions, Fascism is action and it is thought; action in which doctrine is immanent, and doctrine arising from a given system of historical forces in which it is inserted, and working on them from within (1). It has therefore a form correlated to contingencies of time and space; but it has also an ideal content which makes it an expression of truth in the higher region of the history of thought (2). There is no way of exercising a spiritual influence in the world as a human will dominating the will of others, unless one has a conception both of the transient and the specific reality on which that action is to be exercised, and of the permanent and universal reality in which the transient dwells and has its being. To know men one must know man; and to know man one must be acquainted with reality and its laws. There can be no conception of the State which is not fundamentally a conception of life: philosophy or intuition, system of ideas evolving within the framework of logic or concentrated in a vision or a faith, but always, at least potentially, an organic conception of the world.

Thus many of the practical expressions of Fascism such as party organization, system of education, and discipline can only be understood when considered in relation to its general attitude toward life. A spiritual attitude (3). Fascism sees in the world not only those superficial, material aspects in which man appears as an individual, standing by himself, self-centered, subject to natural law, which instinctively urges him toward a life of selfish momentary pleasure; it sees not only the individual but the nation and the country; individuals and generations bound together by a moral law, with common traditions and a mission which suppressing the instinct for life closed in a brief circle of pleasure, builds up a higher life, founded on duty, a life free from the limitations of time and space, in which the individual, by self-sacrifice, the renunciation of self-interest, by death itself, can achieve that purely spiritual existence in which his value as a man consists.

>> No.10825084

I didn’t say that Trump is a facsist. He is just closer to fascism than Obama is to socialism, which is why most fascist enthusiastically support Trump whlle most socialists deslike Obama and view him as just another centrist Democrat.

>> No.10825091


>> No.10825092

Trump is a corporate fascist who errs towards ethnonationalism by dog whistling and anyone who is a well trained historian or leftist can hear what he is signaling.

>> No.10825096

Trump is an Americanist and a shabbos goy, he can’t be a real fascist

>> No.10825097
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>> No.10825110

>wants to jail people for breaking the law

>> No.10825112

Most fascists like Trump because Trump is funny and cool. He's literally the most entertaining and hilarious president we've ever had. Most socialists dislike Obama because Obama was fucking gay as shit.

>> No.10825115

pas d'ennemis a gauche, pas d'amis a droit though right guys? This motte and bailey with your Socialist extremists and Gramscian incrementalists is getting old as fuck.

>> No.10825118
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>Wanting to protect your own borders and citizens like literally every non-Western country makes you a literally-Hitler nazi fascist

People like you are the useful idiots of the Trump movement

>> No.10825122

shabbos goy is a magic phrase that means whatever fascists want it to me
yes they're the rulers
>not real fascist
Fascism won't ever exist outside of corporate fascism which is what we've had in America since the end of WW2 and what will reign until the end of the world. You live in a corporate fascist landscape anon. You made a grave error by assuming that it required genocides and white people to exist

>> No.10825127
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>> No.10825131

>anyone who is a well trained historian or leftist can hear what he is signaling.
What does it feel like to to be so enlightened. Does it feel like having the force? Let a muggle know

>> No.10825140
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>im smart enough to know exactly how the most powerful person in the world thinks along with all the shadowy elites
>i have the world fucking figured out for all time dont you fucking understand!?!?!
>i wasnt smart enough to know who the winner of the election would be because i let huffington post make my opinions for me

>> No.10825150

What makes Trump semi-facsist is not the fact that he wants to protect America’s borders, but the fact that he has called for the deliberate killings of civilians, the fact that he is a nativist with xenophobic tendencies, the fact that he routinely refers to Jews as “globalists” and so on and so on. He even posted Mussolini’s quote on his twitter page.

>> No.10825154

So when Jewish individuals act like globalists it is Fascist to accurately describe those individuals as globalists

>> No.10825158

No wonder he dog whistles ethnonationalism when the Democrats are very openly admitting to using illegal immigration to change demographics in certain states and districts to favor Democratic candidates down the line. That's dirty, disgusting politics, and they spit on our laws and they spit on citizens and legal immigrants. "Haha Texas will be blue in 20 years, but it won't be blue because we offer better policies that help people, it will be blue because we will out-BREED you!"

>> No.10825163

Literally only white nationalists use “globalist” as a pejorative and apply it to Jews on a regular basis

>> No.10825165

>trump promotes war crimes
>trump makes anti-semitic statements

this is your brain on the nytimes

so did he call jews globalists before or after he moved the embassy to jerusalem?

>> No.10825171

>trump promotes war crimes

He literally called for the killing of terrorists’ families

>> No.10825173

what the fuck are you talking about u mong, globalism and globalists are widely used in leftist academic writing, a globalism refers to the ideology of free trade and open borders as opposed to globalization which is the natural processes as information system and transport tech mature, try reading a book instead of buzzfeed u fuckin pleb

>> No.10825174

Guys what's the best news source

>> No.10825181

haha SHITLORD CHAD COP #MAGA Anime boipussy altright
most globalists aren’t Jewish
the right wing landowners in the southwest and texas are the main component of the illegal immigration boom as their property is where all the labor is done. right wing bankers and land owners also calling for open borders, supporting NAFTA and deregulating banking. the right wing also cheated during the election, threatened delegates, cheated during the 2000 election, cheated during Reagan’s reelection, got caught cheating during watergate and show on
>we will outbreed you
>racist joo joo kike joo racist joo
>haha fuck poor people
>make me a burger spic
>haha i hope you all get thrown in detention centers
>we’re gonna nuke Mexico
>we’re gonna nuke Iran/Israel
>nuke north korea

>> No.10825183

All of the whitest states in the US are the ones who always vote for the Democrats, see New Hampshire or Minnesota. Texas is a Hispanic shithole, Texan Republicans are all 56% las creaturas.

>> No.10825191
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has trump thought about saying that he wasnt fascist? wouldnt that settle the issue for liberals once and for all?

obama literally assassinated a us citizen with a drone strike while he was on vacation in yemen because they suspected his dad was a terrorist. this bullshit double standard is why people are an inch away from shooting libs in the streets before they burn the country down

>In April 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama placed al-Awlaki on a list of people whom the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were authorized to kill because of terrorist activities.[35][36][37] Al-Awlaki's father and civil rights groups challenged the order in court.[35][37][38][39] Al-Awlaki was believed to be in hiding in southeast Yemen in the last years of his life.[29] The U.S. deployed unmanned aircraft (drones) in Yemen to search for and kill him,[40] firing at and failing to kill him at least once,[41] before succeeding on September 30, 2011.[17]
>Two weeks later, al-Awlaki's 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who was born in Denver, Colorado, was also killed by a CIA-led drone strike in Yemen.[19][42][43]

>> No.10825194

>he actually thinks the majority of illegals work in agriculture
>he thinks that Trump voters like NAFTA and bankers
>he thinks that because neocons cheated in the past it's good for neoliberals to cheat today
>he thinks illegal immigration does anything but hurt American LABOR

>> No.10825195

>shooting libs in the streets
lol you people don’t want marshal law sit the fuck down retard, Daddy won’t side with you if you harm any libs

>> No.10825204

Martial law would signifiicantly improve the country
t. actual fascist

>> No.10825211

well youre right it wont happen im just talking. white flight will happen though. the talk about the us becoming a hell hole is 100% correct. once the tipping point is hit the flood will begin.

its going to be a big south africa

also i live in a country currently under martial law. its not nearly as bad as you think. martial law doesnt happen in a vacuum, it happens for the reason and that reason is that its the lesser evil

>> No.10825225
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This is just a spooky-sounding buzzword that means putting your own people first. Globalists attack Western patriots for being "xenophobic" for even wanting to have their own countries at all.
Meanwhile every other nation sees advancing their own national interests as simple common sense.

>He wants to massacre civilians!!!!1
This type of hyperbole and hysteria only strengthens the Trump movement. Keep crying, you are only digging your own grave.

>> No.10825232


>> No.10825239

the corporations aren’t going to go away nor are the politicians because of martial law, you’re fetishizing military rule and think Trump would go full 14/88 and i gotta say that’s a bad bet.
martial law in America due to a rw or leftist chimpout would be unbelievably miserable. white countries don’t do well under military rule, Americans who are a nomadic race would lose their minds. The first nigger or HUWHYTE christian to get shot by a militarized police or national guard is going to cause riots. i know you’re a subhuman slave but being ruled by the military is truly terrifying for free peoples

>> No.10825245

basic law and order would be a significant improvement. There a quasi-militias running through many major American cities running entire illegal economies

>> No.10825250

youre not very good at reading the writing on the wall anon. the us has been gearing up to put down massive riots for years now. its going to be like china, the population is too large (and too well armed) to allow any unrest so you need a massively powerful state to stomp out any demonstrations as soon as they appear

once niggers start rioting in non-black areas you will see the hammer come down

>> No.10825257

the funny thing is, is that the quickest way to shuffle black people out of increasingly desirable neighborhoods and away from whites is to import a bunch of mexicans to phase them out of their own homes and create a buffer zone
if you hate black people, mexicans are your allies and accomplices

>> No.10825274

This is exactly what wealthy Democrats are doing in Chicago. And the blacks are being exported to public housing outside of the city, often in different states.

>> No.10825275

this is true but unnecessary. pissing on your food to cover up the taste of shit. i would rather just get non-shitty food. blacks have no power in the us except the power liberals give them because of their weird white guilt self destructive tendencies. liberals are the problem

>> No.10825284

IYI: The person

>> No.10825292

we have law and order already, the gangs are not so bad that they’re literally running cities anon stop being an alarmist. you don’t want pigs and milfags raping white women for fun and shooting at teenage skateboarders. think before you ask for the state to rule your life. cops already abuse their power
you don’t fucking get it man: if the rw shoots civies and then gets martial law called there will be two violent responses, whiggers will fight back against the state who they will call traitors; niggers, leftists, lots of liberal whites, spics will riot and will fight the police. there will be daily police shootings of white people. Chinese are ants and they had to CRUSH dissent with absolute violence, total war was declared on the population to pacify them. the US is a gun owning, riotous, outspoken, nomadic (as in people like to do wild things at all hours of the day) and individualist country. whites will not band together especially if right wings shoot some jew or spic activist and start a chain reaction. you live in a fantasy world both of you. White lives will be lost and the State will use its position to entrench itself further. Pigs, fat fucking evil rapist pigs will go nuts abusing their authority. This is a nation of sovereigns we are not subjects. I don’t care how spic and asian countries do things Americans will fight the State and extremists if they start murdering people. Imagine all the prison riots, ghetto riots, metro area riots, highway riots, protests, all work stops, transportation stops, stock market is falling, businesses flee the country. Whites will not go 14/88 they will become scared monkeys. Narco states do not exist here, there is justification for martial law unless its the State trying to break our constitution. Trump will not become a fascist overnight, he will play centrist authoritarian and give the greenlight to security forces who will go fucking nuts

>> No.10825317

you realize martial law just means that cops get fired and soldiers take their place right? where are you getting all the rape and shit from? if the local cops arent rapping people why would the military?

the difference is that you could expect soldiers actually trying to do something, like sending in convoys to problem areas and bunkering down until shit gets better instead of just writing it off as a no go zone. cops literally know who all the drug dealers are and they know where are the crime is but dont do anything about it because 1 they dont want to die 2 local mayors and governors hold them back from doing anything

look at how much new york cleaned up after Giuliani actually allowed the cops to be cops

>> No.10825318

>if the local cops arent rapping people why would the military?
soldiers, known for their powers of restraint and community-oriented thinking

>> No.10825325

you’re not thinking clearly, Kent State and Vietnam are two examples of the beautiful morals of the US military.
>the cops don’t rape people
most sexual assault in jails and prisons is done by sherrif’s deputies and CO’s anon. they rape a fuck ton of women they detain too

>> No.10825333

>community-oriented thinking
meme nonsense buzzword

>> No.10825365
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>thinks flag burning is against the law
>thinks symbols deserve respect more than ideas behind symbols
>thinks the law is good

oh no, it's a brainlet

>> No.10825369

are you implying the law is bad

>> No.10825370
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You know what he meant.
Being a decent human being.

>> No.10825372

>He wants to massacre civilians!!!!1

He has explicitly said that he wants to kill terrorists’ families and he has massacred thousands of civilians in Iraq

>> No.10825380


I'm a general 4chan user who started visiting this board very recently. Is everyone here this left wing?

>> No.10825381

you must really fucking hate obama then

>> No.10825386

Like everywhere else, the left wing ones are the most vocal about their political views and often start/enter political threads with the sole intention of virtue signaling on an anonymous messageboard
Also most of it is trolls trying to get a rise out of people

>> No.10825391
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I'm implying that laws are selectively created, selectively enforced, and selectively focused upon by those in political power, who inevitably are hypocrites looking to maintain some kind of a power asymmetry, regardless of the purview of their respective philosophies. Sure. this is human nature. I'll give you that.

I'm implying that the law as a whole is neither good nor bad, but I am skeptical of jackbooted brainlets with an authoritarian hard-on for the law. They usually can't think very abstractly and like to use the rules to play games of their own.

Laws have additional problems to the ones stated above. Namely that criminals will still break them anyway, and that punishment itself is no kind of deterrent. One must eliminate the root causes of crime, which is poverty, and inequality of opportunity. people want to break the law when they perceive an unfairness. Sure there's psychos and assholes, but those are the mega-minority.

>> No.10825393

Just ignore the lefty trolls. They feed on your (You)s

>> No.10825395

I do, but you are just engaging in whataboutism

>> No.10825397
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u trollin bruh

>> No.10825405

...you're saying you think Obama is fascist, because I somehow doubt you think that

>> No.10825406
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>Like everywhere else, the left wing ones are the most vocal about their political views and often start/enter political threads with the sole intention of virtue signaling on an anonymous messageboard
>t. /pol/ poster

Poor quality bait

>> No.10825412
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I'm a leftist.
Trump can be a fascist. He mostly just exhibits symptoms, though I doubt he identifies as one ideologically. He doesn't seem to know what words like that mean, really.

"Shabbos goys" can be fascists and so can Jews. You don't have to be a drooling antisemite to realize Jews can be bad like anyone else. Everyone knows the Israeli government is fascist and colonialist.

>> No.10825417
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>which is poverty, and inequality of opportunity

this is objectively false. the us for example has very little poverty (basically just illegals living in broken down cars). what you think of as poverty is actually "relative poverty", and if you believe thats a problem (its not) then there is no solution since there will always be differences of success and wealth between people and as you say will always perceive unfairness

culture and genetics are the problem

>> No.10825418

Where did I say that Obama is a fascist? I don’t even think that Trump is a fascist

>> No.10825426

>the us for example has very little poverty (basically just illegals living in broken down cars). what you think of as poverty is actually "relative poverty"
no those people will be homeless if they don't work shit jobs 60 hours a week or can't work at all, there is massive homelessness in major cities too, there is very clearly poverty

>> No.10825430
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Sorry. The other guy's analysis was more nuanced and correct than yours.

Trump isn't just entertaining. He's promising fascists shit they love: Privatization and profitization of public services, collectivization of costs and privatization of profits, bigger military-industrial contracts to guarantee future imperialism, authoritarian anti-immigrant measures, cultural homogenization, and lucrative infrastructure contracts.

>> No.10825438
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>the 0.0001% of the us population thats homeless commits 100% of the crime

yeah sure

>b-but they WOULD be poor if they didnt have all the money!
what is this ever supposed to fucking mean?

>> No.10825439

>shabbos goy
this is an anti-Semitic signaling term that means "bad white" as in a white who did something they don't want to own up to, please stop encouraging the right wing you dumb nigger, no one supports Israel except Zionists and rich people who like pissing off muslims. You don't need to signal that Israel is bad, stop encouraging Fascists they feed off of anti-Semitism. Without it they are significantly weaker, don't be fucking stupid, stop shooting yourselves in the foot

>> No.10825442

> the us for example has very little poverty (basically just illegals living in broken down cars).

Top notch research, lad.

>> No.10825443

>culture and genetics are the problem
Let me guess, you have the best genes and NEVER commit crimes.

>> No.10825445

why would you even reply if you're going to go full reddit/twitter nigger? this is embarrassing man

>> No.10825448
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I knew what he meant.

That's why I used it in quotes.

>please stop encouraging the right wing you dumb nigger

This should be a 4chan banner

>> No.10825449
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el abominacion

>> No.10825450
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You suck at this game, man.

>> No.10825451

woa! in english doc

>> No.10825455
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Do you have a point to make, cutie?

>> No.10825459
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how is it that leftists are so insecure that whenever someone has a right wing opinion they turn the thread into total shit

>> No.10825467

The root causes of poverty are laziness and stupidity. How do we fight them?

>> No.10825470
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>only poor people commit crime you idiot! no poor people no crime!!!11
>not only poor people commit crime
>lol who cares

>> No.10825474

mods should delete this thread it has nothing to do with Chomsky

>> No.10825479

>Virtually all fascists and white nationalists in the US support Trump.
Assuming you are being serious here: Where do you get this idea from? Honestly curious.

>> No.10825493
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>almost all niggers vote for killery
>niggers are the most criminal group in the us
>killery is finally proven a criminal through association

checkmate atheists

>> No.10825502

i don't remember any anarchist newstand in nyc, where the fuck was this? williamsburg or some shit?

>> No.10825526


It really is sad.

>> No.10825534

Many such cases!

>> No.10825541

Thank you for proving my point :)

>> No.10825583

not him but when the OP is a picture of Chomsky and mentions left-wing anarchism, what else would be the topic of discussion? lol

>> No.10825597

Obama is a hilarious anti-socialist and I would argue is an even more dyed in the cloth neoliberal than Bill Clinton. The dude setup a healthcare system where you had to buy insurance from a corporation or you would get fined. Dude has a boner for the free market.

>> No.10825601

this is like the literal definition of fascism i.e. corporations and government merge

>> No.10825603

I think retarded Americans just think gibs = socialism and don't actually understand what the word "socialism" means.