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/lit/ - Literature

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10823023 No.10823023 [Reply] [Original]

Or do you write because it's kewl? Why do you write?

>> No.10823101

>Why do you write?
because i have this story playing in my head and it's been there for as long as i can remember and i need to get it out for my own sake

>> No.10823125

Im working on my first book
Doing it because it's fun and productive, at the moment my dream is to have at least one person enjoy reading it

>> No.10823130

I write because it was the most agreeable way to not have to be a normie wageslave

>> No.10823141
File: 190 KB, 699x1080, 0B57F425-E511-4A5B-918A-4490486D0981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always daydreamed adventures and later in life would write down details of different worlds I’ve made.
Most of my stuff is on a USB or a cloud save because I had piss poor handwriting

>> No.10823165

Do you own a house?

>> No.10823171

so when i die people will know how much i hated them and how repulsive they really are

>> No.10823186

No I rent a flat

>> No.10823241

I've been doing it for so long I don't know why I started.

>> No.10823271

>Why do you write?

Because for a very long time I've spent my time creating an elabourate universe in my head, and from time to time, I come across things that trigger a feeling or image in my mind that I find so enthralling I have to try to describe it, and writing is the only way I know.

>> No.10823302

There is a short story by Ivan Bunin but it's too much trouble to find so I'll quote it from memory:
>guy gets dumped by a gf
>guy goes to the closest tavern to drink vodka and water down his sorrow
>guy orders some salmon bits for snacks
>waiter brings him his salmon, fresh and rosy
>guy looks closely to the salmon bit and finds it looking shockingly resembling his gf's skin hue (probably he meant to say her cunt)
>guy suddenly has an insight that if he can't possess her in real life, he can still preserve her in material things which remind him of her (sorry it's really hard to explain)
>guy rushes home to write a short story in order to immortalize his ex-gf forever in his ouvre
So, literature is some kind of a struggle against life.

>> No.10823333
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Because the feeling of producing something that didn't exist before is rewarding.

>> No.10823354
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Dude you are going to be a normie wageslave eventually. Deep down you know this. You are using literature as a distraction so you don't have to confront your own mediocrity.

>> No.10823359

Fuck, this hits close to home, as I was just dumped a little while ago.

>> No.10823366

some writers were normie wageslaves while they write, like pic related.

>> No.10823373

Why were you dumped?

>> No.10823383

Jelousy, mainly. Also, she didn't feel the same after all.

>> No.10823392

I feel that I have a strong sense of aesthetics. Not that I can easily create something beautiful, but that I always know when something looks/reads/sounds lovely. And I enjoy my little creations.

>> No.10823561

céline, is that you?

>> No.10823598

You were jealous and got dumped for that? Doesnt seem enough. What did you do.

>> No.10823614

I already make money writing though

>> No.10823683
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I underwent a period of intense productivity some years ago. I wrote two manuscripts and several collections of short stories which were rejected by every magazine and agent I could possibly find. Hundreds of thousands of words that no one will ever read, and thankfully so, because frankly every one of those words was a wasted effort.

The intervening years have found me in a deep depression, working various retail jobs and convalescing in the wake of a devastating breakup. I fall in love too easily with people who don't realize I exist. I save money for a future I can't imagine. These days I'm writing for more personal reasons, both because I have no faith in my ability to sell what I write, and because commercial success seems to result in a creative death of sorts - at least from what I've observed. Authors, filmmakers, artists and musicians all seem caught in a creatively bankrupt cycle of trying to recreate their earlier success.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to come up with reasons to try anymore. Everything results in the same realization: our reach exceeds our grasp, fulfillment is an invention of the collective human imagination. Partly I want to give up as a means of defying myself, but who besides me would appreciate that act of defiance? I think I'm losing my mind.

>> No.10823725

It helps clear my mind, and enables me to put my thoughts into words.

>> No.10823741


>> No.10823744

I used to, but I feel lately I struggle to have love enough for other people to hold on to that wish to reach them

>> No.10823763
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Been writing ever since I was little. I went into school already learned and read.
Never been sporty, never likes musical instruments, never likes arts, but I liked to read and write, that's all.
First officially recognized book was in 7th grade.
First officially published book was in highschool, 12th grade.
Haven't done anything since (or so they think). I've been working on a fantasy duology for the last 2 years straight. If all goes well, I'll publish the first book in the summer and another year later, even though they'll already be finished as I've been writing at my leisure.

>> No.10823808

English isn't my first language, but I think almost as you, anon.

Writing has given me a purpose to fight. But I know of the struggles, like you said, and it's uncertain if I'll be able to make it. However, If I don't want "to be a writer", I don't know what I'll do with my life.

>> No.10823835

There will always be a handful of us in the world - people who are bound by a mutual feeling of disillusionment, being out of step with the rest of the world, unable to make their peace with the status quo.

I've more or less resigned myself to the fact that wherever I go, whatever my circumstances, I'll never be at ease.

>> No.10824264

bcs i thought that i have an original voice, so i think im worthy a decent place in ones bookshelf

and it's kinda my reaction towards the literary culture in my country in which nothing good is ever being produced,

i mean we have classics, but all of the classics were kinda medieval manuscripts of writing that is now dated like 500 hundred years old.

and our film industry sucks hard it's an abominable.

>> No.10824370

Yeah, jelousy, I acted like a control-freak, plus she still loved her ex .and was friends with some of the other people she'd dated, which wasn't okay in my eyes. Nothing I could do. In a way, we kinda dumped each other.

>> No.10824954

Because writing it down is the only way to make the imaginary world inside my head go away

>> No.10825005

cuz im a dirty Jew

>> No.10825045

>plus she still loved her ex .and was friends with some of the other people she'd dated
That's not okay at all. You might as well be describing the relationship that messed me up the most, and I'm here to tell you that one day you'll realize that nothing a girl like that does can make up for the lack of loyalty.

>> No.10825067

hi me at age 14 have you checked your live journal today?

>> No.10826500

Thanks for the motivational perspective, homie.

>> No.10826594

I saw a demon appear in my bedroom that called itself Literature, I threw my comforter at it and tried to get the fear to stop. The comforter freaked my roommate out when he walked in lol
De facto yes

>> No.10826614

I feel as though there are things that have been forgotten that need to be brought back into light.

>> No.10826667



>> No.10826718

I don't like politics.

>> No.10826810

Get out, reddit.

>> No.10826819

high quality bait

>> No.10826834

Writing is a form of therapy for me.

>> No.10826866

Because I want to be a great writer.

>> No.10826927

Same here
I don't want to be famous, just remembered a little more

>> No.10827127

theres two people inside me. one of them is the chump talking right now. the other one is this marvelous beast who can only express through art. the chump decided photography and painting and music still didnt the full cut, so allowed the beast to express itself through literature. when the beast is happy, the chump is less tortured.

>> No.10827293

you are a completely ridiculous person, a parody of an artist that isn't even self aware