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File: 117 KB, 500x500, 1283012261703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1081902 No.1081902 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/ how do you feel about the building of a mosque at ground zero? i realize that /lit/ is about books but id rather ask here than on /b/ or something.

>> No.1081905

a) It's not at ground zero. It's several blocks away. I did a poo in a toilet several blocks away from Buckingham palace, that doesn't mean I did a shit in the Queen's house
b) It's a community centre with a mosque in it: swimming pools, basketball court...available to everyone
c) freedom of speech. If it's private property they can do what they want, they could put up a '9/11 was great' sign if they owned the place.
d) freedom of religion. Most Islamic people are pretty sane, they can't be blamed for the actions of a minority

>> No.1081913

It's their property and none of my business.

>> No.1081914

American Imperialism and not religion was motivation for attack etc etc.

Why don't you post this on /new/?

>> No.1081916

i agree with that. all the people that are saying it isnt right are just being ignorant in thinking that muslims were even the cause of 9-11 and that a mosque is insulting the people that died

>> No.1081917

i just felt like going to /lit/ because i come on here normally anyways

>> No.1081922

fbucking sand niggers, trying to turn this country of ours into europe, yeah that's right look how fucked up europe is not thanks to their pussy shitting around and not getting things done. we need to protect this constitutions of ours and not let them distort our values and our religion then take over the plave like the virus they are,

>> No.1081925

Feels good man

>> No.1081927


>Why don't you post this on /new/?

Because he'd probably get about seven "lol sand niggers sharia etcetc".


Yeah, like that.

>> No.1081932

I honestly and truly do not give a shit.

>> No.1081935


>> No.1081959

hey did you guys hear about those trapped miners lol

any other current events that are interesting 2 share

>> No.1081970

- Muslim community centre, not Mosque
- Two blocks away from ground zero
- Not every religious follower's a fanatic.
Saging because this isn't /sci/.

>> No.1081975

meh. people protesting against it are retards.

>> No.1081985

a) It's not at ground zero, but it is in the damage zone. The building they purchased was damaged by falling airplane debris on 9/11, and they have declined offers to move a few blocks away out of the damage zone.
b) Fair enough, nothing to say here
c) If the U.S. government can take the state of Arizona to task for creating a law calling for it to deal with the federal responsibility of immigration (*wink* we think it's racist *wink*), that would be no different from employing eminent domain to forcibly relocate the mosque. Just saying it wouldn't be an unprecedented move for the government to interfere in perfectly legally conducted affairs just because it doesn't like them.
d) Of course they have the right to worship whatever or whoever they want, but defending religion on the basis that its followers are "good" is idiotic. Judge the text - it calls for Sharia law to dominate the world and it calls for those who don't adhere to Sharia law to be put to death. It permits Muslims to lie to non-Muslims if it advances their religion. It has prohibitions about art and music. It's generally a vile piece of shit, like pretty much every religious holy text.

>> No.1081987


I heard them singing their national anthem. So sad ;_;

>> No.1081997


>c) If the U.S. government can take the state of Arizona to task for creating a law calling for it to deal with the federal responsibility of immigration (*wink* we think it's racist *wink*), that would be no different from employing eminent domain to forcibly relocate the mosque. Just saying it wouldn't be an unprecedented move for the government to interfere in perfectly legally conducted affairs just because it doesn't like them.

Immigration is a federal issue. The government has every right to stop a state from stepping out of line and enforcing things its got no right to enforce. Arizona knew what it was doing was an act of defiance, that's why they did it. Did you forget all that "we're doing it because the federal government isn't" rhetoric?

>d) Of course they have the right to worship whatever or whoever they want, but defending religion on the basis that its followers are "good" is idiotic. Judge the text - it calls for Sharia law to dominate the world and it calls for those who don't adhere to Sharia law to be put to death. It permits Muslims to lie to non-Muslims if it advances their religion. It has prohibitions about art and music. It's generally a vile piece of shit, like pretty much every religious holy text.

And the Bible says eating shrimp is an abomination, but no one is burning down Red Lobsters.

You speak like someone who's been told everything bad about Islam, and has never researched it yourself. For one, you're way out of line when it comes to Al-Taqiyya.

>> No.1081999

We should fuckin' nuke that mosque once it's done. Glass the whole of Manhattan to show 'em we mean business!

>> No.1082010

What's the point of following a religious text if you're just going to pick the parts that work in our 21st century world? Fuck that, religion is stupid.

>> No.1082017


>What's the point of following a religious text if you're just going to pick the parts that work in our 21st century world?

I dunno. I guess they just want to hold on to it.

>> No.1082019


>And the Bible says eating shrimp is an abomination, but no one is burning down Red Lobsters.

Anything and everything in the Old Testament that contradicts Jesus, is null.


>> No.1082020 [DELETED] 


>"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.

Exodus 21:7

15:32 And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. (15:32-36)
"They found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day ... and the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones."
The Israelites find a man picking up sticks on the sabbath. God commands them to kill him by throwing rocks at him.
God's 19th Killing
Is it necessary to keep the Sabbath?
How should Sabbath-breakers be punished?
To kill or not to kill.

>And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day.
>And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation.
> And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him.
>And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp.

Numbers 15:32-35

>> No.1082027


>"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.

Exodus 21:7

>And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day.
>And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation.
> And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him.
>And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp.

Numbers 15:32-35

>> No.1082032
File: 335 KB, 640x480, are you fuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can build a church by ground zero, you can build a mosque

stuff it America

>> No.1082034


Then why keep it in there?

That's just confusing.

>> No.1082039


Because... the publishers are ZIONIST SLEEPER AGENTS?

I dunno.

>> No.1082047

I don't see why anyone cares.

Baaaaw, poor Christians and Manhattanites have "feelings" about it. Guess that means we should throw out the first amendment and any other freedoms we have to do what we want with our property.

>> No.1082051

So we can know the history of the Bible I guess.

>> No.1082060

What makes the whole thing more darkly comical is that the guy funding it is the second largest shareholder of Newcorps (which owns Fox).

>> No.1082064

Defending Islam by criticizing Christianity isn't an argument.

>> No.1082070

It's not a mosque.

And it's not at Ground Zero.

All you dumb Americunts dun got trolled.

>> No.1082075

republicans are the best sheep in the world. this non-issue just supports the argument that they're dumbest pieces of shit on this side of the atlantic

>> No.1082087


Seriously. This is just the southern strategy with a new twist.

>> No.1082090

The terrorists obviously want us to hate Muslims, otherwise they would not blow ppl up in the name of Islam. Therefore, if we oppose this mosque, the terrorists win.

>> No.1082102
File: 20 KB, 359x322, artist_Idunno7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally unrelated, but any of you /lit/erates catch the news about the terror-related arrests in 'ol Canada? It's insanely bad planning strategically. If an attacke were to be executed in canada, the War on Terror movement would only strengthen.



>> No.1082115

>'ol Canada
Canada isn't that old. In fact, it's probably among some of the newest countries on Earth.

>> No.1082121
File: 12 KB, 270x250, artist_me2flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic /lit/ response. I never specified the time span when I said "old", did I?

>> No.1082122

They actually want us to be terrified into following Muslim or be killed if we refuse too.

Of course, making us angry and violent toward them would give them Jihad and stuff and they can't get enough of their delicious Jihad.

>> No.1082133


It's older than the united states.

>> No.1082136

I suppose he might have meant the older part of Canada, like when we say Old Montreal or Old Quebec.

>> No.1082146


"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:17-19

>not the smallest letter will by any means disappear from the Law

>> No.1082150

The Qu'ran is a dumb book. Horrible syntax and grammar, and it resembles of a pre-rendition of "Mein Kampf".

This is my /lit/elated opinion to the mosque at ground zero.

>> No.1082158

It's not at ground zero and it's not even technically a mosque.

America, this is why the rest of the world thinks you're retarded.

>> No.1082290

Aw you silly theists and your pointless arguments.

>> No.1082304


It's poetic in Arabic.

>> No.1082309

have you ever read it in Arabian?

>> No.1082321

It's a dumb idea as a "reconciliatory gesture" but they have absolutely every right to do it.

And have a look at factcheck.org before you swallow the snake oil character assassination bullshit that's being farted around in the right-wing echo chamber. Pretty much all of it is snake oil/bullshit.

>> No.1082323


I see you've been reading some Charlie Brooker, anon

>> No.1082341

No it's not moran. Didn't separate from the british empire until 20th century.

>> No.1082358

Keith Olbermann made the same points too. Then surprise surprise Glenn Beck tried to debunk him through personal attacks and very selective editing of his piece.

>> No.1082369

well, muslims traditionally build mosques on "conquered territory" so i think it sends the wrong messages

>> No.1082373


Muslims build mosques on conquered territory, therefore everywhere they build a mosque is conquered territory.

Think about that statement, and realize why you're dumb.

>> No.1082430

When was the last time "the Muslims" conquered anything? What planet are you even living on? Who are these "Muslims" you're talking about? It's even more ambiguous than the "Jews" all the tin-foilers are going on and on about...

I disagree, I think it quite possibly one of the best ways to promote mutual understanding between the American Muslim community and the people of Manhattan. To let everybody see what the other side is truly like when everybody is forced to be on their best behaviour because the public eye is on them.

You can belong to an empire and still be a separate country... Although I don't actually know anything about the history of Canada.

>> No.1082435

I don't think any religious structure of any kind should ever be built anywhere in the world.
Therefore, I oppose the mosque at ground zero.


>> No.1082444

even if they are entitled to, It's a bad fucking idea. Some retarded American patriot will try and blow it up, calling it now, you'll see.

>> No.1082452

>anon just quoted himself
...the fuck?

>> No.1082466

Islam is unamerican you bleeding heart pieces of shit. If it was some white religion you fags would protest it and call it "fascist" or some shit.

>> No.1082470


Well it doesn't help that so many revived European religions are full of fascists.

>> No.1082506


I think that we should put a mosqynagogurch there, a truly neo-platonic religious structure, with a Starbucks and a pool and a place for people to raise their gardens and plant their children.

>> No.1082556

We need to hail barbelo and reject the impure demiurge creator god amen.

>> No.1082559


And islam isn't facist and barbaric? Nigger please.

>> No.1082586

Separation of church and state says what?

>> No.1082606


It's the best thing to ever happen to the Western World. I'm an atheist and I'm the guy you replied to.

>> No.1082624

your completely right. in fact while were at it how about FUCK AMERICA? blind fuckwits who let their freedom get raped increasingly by that corrupt and greedy corporation they call a government

>> No.1082654 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 450x373, 1282253426937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disrespectful. Oh yeah, and keep the old testament scriptures out of this when you "debate".

Pic related, mfw I see your posts.

>> No.1082661


>It's disrespectful.


>> No.1082686

He means that it offends him, so he thinks it is disrespectful to him and other like him.

>> No.1082692

Just watch this and learn something. It is all explained.

>> No.1082696
File: 48 KB, 500x412, tumblr_l7py0hxcyx1qblt18o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disrespectful.

(To retards.)

>> No.1082704
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to the current discussion, but to my understanding Jesus never did away with old testament law.

>> No.1082725

Holy shit that is one big mess o' crazy. Time travelling Jesus made sermons to set modern historians straight!

>> No.1082731

C'mon, seriously guys? If there are any Americans offended by this bullshit they are the stupidest mouth-breathing knuckle draggers ever. If anything this could serve as a means of reconciling the community. A church or a mosque built is part of the foundation of religious freedom, which is exactly what the terrorists who took down the tower wanted to end. You want to fight the terrorists hickmerica? Build a fucking mosque right smack dab in the center of ground zero.

>> No.1082768


Islam is offensive by itself and I don't want any of that shit near me.

>> No.1082772


All those muslim fundies who protest and want sharia law forced upon our superior western civilization don't belong to a terrorist group. In fact, it's the young muslim students who are quickly turning to fundamentalism in the western world and that shit is increasing.

>> No.1082776


>reconciling the community

That's not what it's about nor what it should be about. People should remain skeptical of religious belief per se just as with all institutions. "Community cohesion" is a myth and trying to force a situation into shape will always fuck things up.

Having said that, it's up to them where they build their centre. They are not breaking the law, and it's none of anyone's business what gets built there.

As anon said earlier if a church can built there then people should stop being childish and stop bitching about a mosque. Islam wasn't the problem, religion is the problem.

>> No.1082777

Mosque is several blocks away GET IT OUT

>> No.1082779

I think its incredibly disrespectful and its more of a victory sign than a religious symbol.I'm against it being built, and if it does indeed get built, I fully expect a mob to burn it to the ground.

>> No.1082780

Come on u gaiz, muslims are peaceful. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

>> No.1082782

1. It's not at Ground Zero.
2. It's not a Mosque.
3. OP is a glorious, (right)winged homosexual.

>> No.1082783

Excluding people builds extremism a lot more than integrating them. It's hard to rebel against the Great Satan when you're playing his videogames.

>> No.1082793

ITT: Apologist bleeding hearts.

>> No.1082796

Islam is a religion based on brainwashing and fanaticism and the government should take every effort to suppress it.It's remained virtually unchanged since its inception whereas christianity today radically different to how it was in the middle ages.

>> No.1082800


ITT: Islamophobic, racist Teabaggers.

I would wager that the people foaming at the mouth about MOSKES @ GROUND ZERO in this thread also have bumper stickers with Obama's face underlined by NOPE, or 'Obama Bin Laden' with a photoshop of Obama's face on Bin Laden.

>> No.1082803

ITT:optimistic bleeding heart hipster college students that have virtually no idea how the world works, try to criticize those that know better.

you voted for obama right?

>> No.1082805


How am I racist if islam is a religion with followers of all races you dense piece of shit?

>> No.1082807

ITP somebody that doesn't realize the current form of fundamentalist Islam has only been around for about 60 years.

>> No.1082809


Please be troll...

>> No.1082812


That's only true for the muslim terrorism we know today. It's not like 70 years ago muslim countries weren't ass backwards shitholes living by barbaric middle age laws.

>> No.1082813


Nor that Christianity had 600 more years in which to calm the fuck down.

>> No.1082814


You're a fag OP.

Take that shit to new where it belongs.

Captcha: datain intellectual

>> No.1082815

jihad(religious obligation to exterminate or convert all non muslims) has been a fundamental aspect of islam since it first came out...

>> No.1082818


Well yeah but we're in the 21st century where that bullshit has no place. At least not in the superior western culture. Deal with it apologist faggot.

>> No.1082819


>> No.1082820


>implying all non-European countries weren't

>> No.1082821

ITT: Butthurt sand niggers.

>> No.1082822

I give approximately 0.004 fuck.

>> No.1082825

That's no excuse at all, we live in a modern times, not the dark ages(which muslims still think it is).

>> No.1082826

GTFO, 1940 was the middle of a golden age of peace and prosperity in Europe.

>> No.1082828



And this is the best troll in the whole tread.

>> No.1082829


>70 years ago
>Europe was a theocracy with medieval laws and little to no technology


>> No.1082831

explain how this is a troll when he's 100% correct? you sound like a butthurt muslim

>> No.1082833


>Anyone who has a different opinion to mine is a fucking troll OLOLOLOL

>> No.1082837


Stay classy, TP.

>voted for obama

lolno. I stayed home.
I love how right-wingers throw that around when you call them on their bullshit.

>> No.1082840

I'm a non-Jew living in Israel, I've had a friend get injured in one of several buses that exploded in my home town, and I've had missiles fired at my house during the "Second Lebanon War." I have Jewish friends as well as non Jewish friends who are Israeli. I have Arab friends (albeit not as close) that identify themselves as Palestinians. Please, tell me more about this real world I don't seem to know about. Is the world of shadow governments and tinfoil?

I honestly think an Islamic community center in NYC will be beneficial to mutual understanding between your differing communities. On that other side of the equation, for the most part, there are people that want to lead a respectable normal life. I should think especially so if they chose to immigrate to the United States from whatever religious country they come from.

>> No.1082842

...look guys, i don't like religion etc, but you can't stop actual existing muslims who are real people with their own right to do stuff from building a community center

>> No.1082844

and yet here you are defending islam, which proves my assessment of you correct.

>> No.1082847

>And to those who say that any location in lower Manhattan is too close for a Muslim structure, let me remind you that right now, in the shadow of what would be the former World Trade Center, there’s a Halal Meat Hot Truck with a multi-denominational line that wraps around my building every day at lunch time. And I’m positive that’s owned by a Muslim. And I’ve even suffered at his hands. (Spoiler alert: avoid the goat rhoti). Should he move a few more blocks away too? Of course, not. That would just be silly, right? Is it different? Why? Because mosques are religious and the 911 terrorists perverted Islam into something violent and hateful? Guess what? Those knights did the same thing to Christianity for the 300 years of the Crusades, and no one’s saying that churches shouldn’t be built anywhere in … Europe.


>> No.1082848


You miss understand my point. The reform in Christianity coincided with advance in western philosophy and then the Enlightenment era, which dragged it's backwards ass into the modern era.

Islam has had no philosophical movements by which to reform itself. Believe me, I despise most of what Islam stands for, but it pisses me off when people's sole argument against it makes reference to other religions. There's plenty of other arguments for why it is vile, and most of them overlap with other religions.

>> No.1082851

They don't even let non-ethnic jews live in israel so that invalidates your opinion, considering you're a jew.Jews hate European and European culture even more than they hate arabs.

>> No.1082853


>superior western culture
>Deal with it apologist faggot.

That's why I called troll

>> No.1082854


I'm not even american you faggot. I'm actually more of a lefty than a right-wing conservative but I try not to be a complete spineless liberal douche. Also I have friends of many races but no wait I'm RACIST BECAUSE I CRITISICE ISLAM EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NO RELIGIOUS BIAS (NON RELIGIOUS) AND I MADE NO REFERENCE TO THE RACE OF THE FOLLOWERS AS A NEGATIVE ASPECT OF THE RELIGION.

>> No.1082856


>This proves something completely unrelated

Right-wing logic is hilarious to behold. Are we running out of Faux News bulletpoints to spout?

>> No.1082863


Well it's a fact that the west is superior. How silly of you to deny this. Europe and North America (Japan and Australia too) are the world's capitals of medical and scientific progress, secularism and basic freedoms and human rights. Deal with it.

>> No.1082864


>I'm not even american you faggot. I'm actually more of a lefty....even more bullshit than the last post

Who's going to believe this, seriously? You lie like a four-year-old.

>> No.1082865


We need to inflict OUR philosophical revolution on them, and the best way to do that is by keeping them close, not by ghettoizing them. L 2 Social Engineering.

>> No.1082866

Comparing the crusades that took place 700-900 years ago to the modern era, what a failure of a writer.He deserves to be fired.
The islamic religion does not allow for dissenting opinion therefore no philosophical movements will take place.Its imperative that we remove the threat of islam from america by force if necessary and confine it to the middle east.We need to treat it like the plague and quarantine it.

>> No.1082867

So much trolling..

>> No.1082869

>we live in a modern times, not the dark ages(which muslims still think it is).

That's ridiculous. Muslims were WAY cooler back then.


If they thought it was still the Dark Ages, they'd be too busy inventing flying cars and curing cancer and developing a unifying theory of physics to bother with terrorism.

>> No.1082870

Temple is a temple. All religions equal. If one can build other can too. One block is not more special than any other. Build away.

>> No.1082872

>Implying that there have been no schisms or philosophical variance in Islam.

You are not smart enough for this board. Go back to /new/.

>> No.1082882
File: 66 KB, 732x646, 1256856181292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western culture IS superior in every possible way.Medicine, science, quality of life, technology, I can go on and on.
see pic

>> No.1082885


I guess I'm better off trying to reason with my cats than with you. Go back to Pakistan. Don't forget to take a raincoat.

>> No.1082890

>>1082865We need to inflict OUR philosophical revolution on them...

>>1082866 The islamic religion does not allow for dissenting opinion...

Both seemed to have read my post an invented a position for me to hold. Why are you telling me this? I know already.

>> No.1082893


Hey retard you do know that there's more than 2 political views, right?

>> No.1082896


Calling your regurgitated Faux News talking points 'reason' is an insult to the word, sir.

>go back to

Opinion invalidated.

>> No.1082899


the republican party would be awesome and ballsy if it didn't consist of conservative ultra-religious douchebags.

>> No.1082903

are you referring to the one and only islamic split, shia and sunni? they are hardly different and the radical violent one is far more popular.

>> No.1082905


Again, I'm not american so I don't even have Fox news where I live. Also, it's not a formal debate so I can joke about you going back to some shitty muslim nation that's stuck on the bronze age.

>> No.1082909
File: 121 KB, 240x249, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1082912
File: 70 KB, 500x500, typical tripfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1082913


>they are hardly different
>the radical violent one

>> No.1082914

That's simply not true... I don't even know where you get these ideas from, but I assure you I am a non-ethnic Jew and I live here, as do plenty of my friends who do not have a single Jew in their family.

I am amazed that you still try to teach me about my own life and the place where I live.. You estimate of how much you actually know about the things you discuss is inflated and you're wrong. Try trolling harder.

>> No.1082915

I'm an agnostic(see:not religious in the slightest bit) and I hold more republican-esque views than liberal ones.So fail more kid.

>> No.1082922

Arcuaid you are amazing. Its nice to have a comrade around. ITT: fun discussion filled with racists.

>> No.1082923
File: 6 KB, 420x336, taketheredpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't you have muslim children to murder in Gaza in the name of your jewish overlords?

Also pic related to all muslims and apologist bleeding hearts.

>> No.1082925

sorry, meant to say non ethnic-Jew, as in, I am not a Jew by ethnicity or religion. Also, you're implying Jews are an ethnicity, which is a somewhat dubious notion, but it's a mistake that people make even here all the time, so I'll allow it.

>> No.1082926

Their views are barely different except one uses mass murder and fear to convert or kill its opponent, the other doesn't.
And yet you live in israel, have jew friends, in essence you're a gentile-turned jew.Your opinion means nothing.

>> No.1082927


No wait, I'm on your side. But just look at the fucktards that have been representing the republican party in the last few years. It's sad.

>> No.1082928


>republican vs liberal

Why do people insist on using these words that have been completely bastardized by Americans. The modern meaning of the word liberal is a social status, it doesn't mean you're a socialist or a Democrat or anything. Jesus.

>> No.1082932

Dear >>1082923 with the pill,

I posted all three of these posts:

Now, if you want to have an actual discussion about my PERSONAL viewpoint on these matters, I am game (this invitation is open to everyone here, naturally). However, If you want to keep shouting slogans at me, then I am not the poster boy/punching bag you're looking for.

>> No.1082934
File: 125 KB, 460x321, typicalmuslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1082935

Ummm...its 'our' world.

>> No.1082936


You are a traitor and member of the jew alliance. take him away!

>> No.1082939
File: 22 KB, 400x287, 1281478741500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1082940
File: 78 KB, 500x811, puredeetits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"your world" as in "western world" not the whole planet. Derp.

Also I don't get it. Can anyone tell me why bacon and women are evil to muslims? They're fucking nuts that's why.

Pic related. She's not wearing her ghost/ninja costume.

>> No.1082942

ITT: Dumb americans who think the only possible political points of view are liberal and conservative.

>> No.1082946
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>> No.1082947


Half the internet is dumb Americans

captcha: theologians magroke

>> No.1082948
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>> No.1082953

In America that's pretty much the sad truth. Our electoral system fucks 3rd parties and both wings have an interest in keeping it that way. Not gonna change in the near future unless the Tea Party splits off.

>> No.1082963 [DELETED] 
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>mfw neo-marxists use "muslim community center" instead of Islamic brainwashing facility.

>> No.1082964
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>> No.1082969


please tell me what a social-economic doctrine has to with a supposed bias towards islam

>> No.1082973
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>> No.1082976

Duuuh, because Islam is a fundamentally Marxist religion. It's mutually beneficial.


>> No.1082978


Let me just say right off the bat that I'm not American. My political views don't actually fit in any political party's ideology. I hate how spineless the "liberals" can be and how fucking obtuse the "conservatives" sometimes are. I usually vote for the most serious candidate who actually seems that he's going to get shit done. For me I usually go for democratic socialist parties (just because it has "socialist" in it's ideology doesn't mean it has anything to do with communism) but they could be more liberal in some aspects and more harsh in others. Maybe I should start my own party.

>> No.1082982
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>> No.1082977 [DELETED] 
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>mfw people fail to make to make the connection that all places of worship are sites of pernicious indoctrination.

>> No.1082986


omg one's wearing a non-black veil.

Stone it.{/spoiler]

>> No.1082989


Blast! Those droids escaped with the Nazi Work Star plans! FIND THEM AT ONCE.

>> No.1082993


and yes there will be chicks and beer.

>> No.1083009
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But wait, victory is not certain yet.
Will the Jewdroids be able to get the plans to Rabbi Kenobi in time?
Will the Space Nazies manage to capture the Jewpod?
Why didn't he CHARGIN" HIS LAZORS and fire at the JEWPOD?
Did the Officer-Admiral not know about Jewdriods and their cloaking Yamachas?

So many questions left unanswered!!

>> No.1083020


Mosques ARE religious community centers.


The top two floors overlook the site of ground zero, which is the entire point of the structure. Its backers refused to build it anywhere else.
It's all about mayor Bloomberg's business interests in Dubai, really.

>> No.1083025


ok what we did here was as hilarious as it was spontaneous.

>> No.1083026


>> No.1083038
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Mosques do not typically feature swimming pools and basketball courts, although it would probably be awesome if they did.

The whole "overlooking it" argument is like that one bully that insists you not look at him and then gets angry when you do... What are you trying to say, that Muslims aren't allowed to look at Americans now?

Also, you're taking it the wrong way, I think a religious center that overlooks at the destructive influence that extreme religious zealousness (politics of the bombing aside) has is a very good thing to help people keep a perspective on things. Kind of like they keep concentration camps around in Poland in Germany, not as a reminder of their triumph, but as a reminder of the dangers of fascism.

>> No.1083046

Agreed, I am pleased.

>> No.1083052

>The top two floors overlook the site of ground zero

It'll overlook the patio and bottom two stories of WTC 2 whenever they build that thing. Stop making holy relics of things.

>> No.1083065

There was a worship center near the WTC before it was built. It is still there. Its just in the basement of a new building because IT WAS DESTROYED IN THE ATTACKS.

The major problem with any of this shit is People. Jesus said, "Treat others as you want to be treated." Mohammed said, "Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind."

But what we get from it is the justification to fuck with people who don't believe in the same God by name, but is the same in Beliefs, Actions, and Rules.

I believe that 95% of followers of every religion (Including Atheism) who worships with enthusiasm is going to their version of hell. 'Cept for this guy building the Religious Center. Read up on him and what you will find is guy who really just wants to help people and happens to be Muslim.

>> No.1083068

I'm not the one building a holy relic here.


Get it?

>> No.1083071

>every religion (Including Atheism)

>> No.1083081


lol that's how it's done

>> No.1083103
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I heard you buy porn within walking distance of Ground Zero, where my wife's uncle's cousin's co-worker died from coronary disease. This is disgusting.

>> No.1083131
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>> No.1083134

Ban public religion >.>

>> No.1083145

>ITT: People are angry and seek retribution against those who do not properly emotionally resonate with what they see as the only correct way of thinking.

>> No.1083154

And..... NAILED IT!

I do like how this thread turned out in the end, just complete breakdown of everything.

>> No.1083158

Every anti-Park51 (aka the WTC mosque) argument breaks down under close scrutiny; therefore, saying that you want Park51 being built is the equivalent of saying, "I believe that all people are entitled to their Constitutional rights (e.g. freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, equal protection under the law, etc) as well as their property rights."

Of course, life isn't that easy. I think that the compromise porposed by Howard Dean makes a lot of sense. Dean basically argued that people with real concerns about Park 51 (like the families of 9/11 victims, and NOT the Fox News crowd) should meet with the founders of Park51 in order to have an open dialogue.


>> No.1083164

>implying it's at ground zero
>implying it's a mosque
>implying it's not just another wedge issue meant to distract the clueless masses
>implying being muslim is a crime
>implying we don't have freedom of religion
>implying islam and al qaeda are the same thing
>implying raging islamophobia
>implying jew media
>implying trolled

>> No.1083167

Also, resident YouTube atheist ZJemptv does a good job of countering the the anti-Park51 arguments, before he trashes all religious charities.

>> No.1083180

>like the families of 9/11 victims

And they have the right to dictate the actions of the muslim community because??

>> No.1083187


Dean is disgusting. There should be no compromise.

As an ultra-lib, I once respected Dean. No more.

>> No.1083193


Because Dean is a raging liberal who doesnt believe in property rights

>> No.1083194

No, they don't have that right, and I'm not saying that they should. But Howard Dean makes the point that not only is Park51 meant to be an Islamic community and cultural center, it's also meant to be a place of interfaith outreach. You have already ruined this part of your mission if you build the center without having an open dialogue with people who have very real (if illegitimate) concerns about it.

>> No.1083197


because they are butthurt

>> No.1083199

You obviously have not seen the video because Dean never makes any anti-property right arguments. Please watch the video.

>> No.1083212


I think they have every right to build it and hold open and civil discussions with those who are willing to do so, openly and civilly of course. The people protesting against building it are the ones hurting their own cause/making themselves look bad/hypocritical. If you really say you just want to talk about it, let them build this place which is meant to reach out to the outside community. Talk about your differences like adults. Try to pretend like you want to understand each other. It is not their place to decide what can and can't be built there. If you're for open discussions you should have no problem with building a place meant to serve as an outreach to the non-muslim community.

>> No.1083216


>> No.1083217

what the fuck is there to discuss? most of the retards protesting this have heavily prejudiced and uninformed views about muslims. discussion would just be undue recognition for their prejudices.

>> No.1083218


I assume Dean is talking about townhall style public meets, in which case I wouldn't bother trying. They nearly always invite NIMBY disasters. If I was running the place, and people wanted to discuss things with me, they'd be free to in my office where you can't fit more than six people at a time. Everyone else can read the material posted out in the street.

>> No.1083220


Part of the reason everyone is so ignorant is because they choose to be brainwashed by the media instead of talking to each other. They don't want to see us unite :(

>> No.1083227

Agreed. I would avoid a townhall style debate. When the zoning board took questions and comments from the general public, some really angry and irrational people came out.

I would have more of an academic type forum, where different people would make their case for and against Park51 (e.g. the founder, people of different faiths, representatives of 9/11 families, some of whom are for it, some against it, etc.). Each person would get an ten to fifteen minutes to make their case, then they could have a moderated debate, and then they would open it up to questions from the audence. I think that would be a good format.

>> No.1083231

Exactly. That's the exact point Dean made as well. He drew a sharp line between people willing to discuss the issue opening and with respect and the Fox News crowd who have acted in bad faith from the beginning.

>> No.1083244

Where's another Saladin when you need one?

He was a total bro.

>> No.1083248

If it is true that the mosque near Ground Zero is to promote tolerance; It was suggested that a gay nightclub be opened next door to the mosque. Two names suggested are; "The Turban Cowboy", and "You Mecca Me Hot". On the other side they should open a butcher shop that specializes in pork! And across the street a store that sells and displays bikinis or ladies lingerie on manikins...or live models.

>> No.1083262

That part of Manhattan is already pretty trashy. There are strip joints and sex shops dotting the area.

>> No.1083275

Oh, and speaking of strip joints, the WSJ interviewed a stripper who lost friends at 9/11 and she gave the thumbs up to the mosque being built. So yeah, anti-mosque peeps, who's the dumb whore now?


>> No.1083281
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I would assume the woman who isn't intelligent enough to have a real job, would be the dumb whore.

>> No.1083287

The people who are funding this are building this thing not to worship in their way, but to THUMB THEIR NOSE at America. Anywhere in New York or America you can build a mosque or community centre, why here, so close to Ground Zero? The right to practice any religion without censure is in the Constitution...building or not building this thing isn't gonna change that. Liberals are so quick on the trigger accusing people of racism, intolerance, etc., etc. that THEY CAN'T FUCKING SEE WHAT REALITY IS. You think the mayor of Hiroshima would allow a U.S cultural center to be built two blocks from their Ground Zero? Does that make them intolerant or racist? Jesus Christ liberals would cede New York to Al Qaeda just to make it appear they are "tolerant".

>> No.1083299




>> No.1083308


The property was probably cheap, what the unsightly hole in the ground so close by.

>> No.1083311


The japanese are raging nationlists and outspoken racists. I'd like to think america is bette rthan that. the constitution applies to everyone whether you agree with them or not.

>> No.1083314
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>> No.1083318

No, YOU can't see reality for what it is. This whole narrative of Park51 being a "victory mosque" was started by FOX NEWS. It it totally and wholly a product of their storytelling. The NY Times first covered the story, and nobody gave a shit. Laura Ingram interviewed Daisy Khan, the wife of the founder of Park51, and she explained what Park51 was supposed to be. LAURA INGRAM EVEN GAVE DAISY KHAN HER BLESSINGS TO BEGIN THE PROJECT! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7WbTv_gsx4).). Then suddenly out of the blue, Fox News decides to do a hatchet job on Park51 for ratings. This is disgusting, cynical demagoguery.

>> No.1083334
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I don't think so. I'd rather listen to the dumb whore at the strip joint than this dumb whore any day of the week.

>> No.1083764

there are even Muslim scholars who have pointed out that building the mosque there a provocation.

and no one is saying it should be illegal, just that its an ass move, it would be like building an orthodox church near a mass grave in Serbia

>> No.1083781

So has anyone pointed out yet that while the MSM "debates" this retarded "issue," and the merits of building this community center, that the House recently failed to pass a bill that would provide health care services to the emergency response teams (otherwise known as the actual heroes of 9/11, the people that gave their livelihoods without second thought to save complete strangers) for completely partisan reasons?

No, because that doesn't fit the we hate Muslims narrative that seems to be growing. Instead lets argue about distractions and things that largely don't matter while the people that were and continue to be affected by this tragedy are ignored by our politicians and talking heads. This country is fucking sickening sometimes. Some stupid mosque (that isn't actually a mosque) will be discussed ad infinitum but we can't do a single thing to make sure that the common NYC firefighter or ambo. driver is cared for.

Barely any mention of the bill, and the fact that it was short by nearly FORTY VOTES, but I can go to any website and voice my opinion to the poll being conducted on whether I believe they should build the "Ground Zero Mosque." Just disgusting and ignorant as only America can proudly display.

>> No.1083785
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>> No.1083786

I agree with you, that the story is more important, where I disagree, is your implication that its some conspiricy by the media and politicians to cover up whats important.

the mosque story runs because it sells.

>> No.1083808


I don't think it's a conspiracy necessarily. Well, except as you said, a ploy to get more viewers -> more advertisers -> more dollars. I do however believe that if the house vote was dispersed among common society like this ridiculous debate, in a soon approaching election season nonetheless, it would be quite a blight on the congressmen/women that opposed extending health care benefits for 9/11 responders.

So yes, I think that the media and their buddies in Congress would much rather have people screaming at each other about a community center in muted jingoistic language than screaming at politicians for once again fucking over the little guy. They get their ass covered while the narrative follows the omgz-muslims will destroy suburbia, hide yo kids white Christian people, direction instead of holding them to the responsibilities of their job. The media gets more sensationalism to churn up more fear and lead more people to turn to them for advice.

And that goes for both parties and their respective media outlets. I could care less about partisan bickering, that vote is plain wrong in my mind. Any politician that claims to be fighting the community center to honor the victims of 9/11 while turning around and denying these benefits is disingenuous at best and, more likely, outright despicable.

I hate my country sometimes, I really do.

>> No.1083824

it seems so strange to me that many who attack traditional Christianity (which as the least has a checkered record) are unwilling to look at the less pleasant aspects of Islam, the fact that most Muslims are not terrorists, does not change the fact that there are strong threads in Islam which run counter to western liberalism, not the least of which is the perception that America has somehow reaped what it sowed.

while you could say the same of some evangelicals they have been integrated into American society in such a way that makes them considerably less volatile.

the fact remains that it is intellectually difficult to embrace American ideals and still old to a traditional interpretation of the Koran

>> No.1083865


That's a matter for Muslims to come to grips with.

>> No.1083874
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>not the least of which is the perception that America has somehow reaped what it sowed.

You don't have to be a Muslim to understand that. You're right though that Western liberalism is responsible for a lot of terrible foreign policies down the ages.