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/lit/ - Literature

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10819055 No.10819055 [Reply] [Original]

>he takes 3 minutes per page

>> No.10819077

>life as an attractive person

>> No.10819088

I was very cute in my teens and had tons of women attention yet was bullied all the time by guys for looking too feminine and had plots against me from my friends because they were too jealous.

>> No.10819095

I'm an attractive person. Honestly it's not what you would expect its way better

>> No.10819097


But it's Heidegger

>> No.10819112
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>he values reading speed above reading comprehension, or is too stupid to realize that he does

>> No.10819135

Same but replace women with older men

>> No.10819148
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>this girl exists

>> No.10819156

>he wasn't born attractive

Lol, literally the easiest thing to do and you messed up

>> No.10819159

It's really disgusting. After my baby face turned into a "square jaw" and "sculpted chin" people started to be nice to me. If you're short and balding I can't imagine anyone liking you at all.

>> No.10819172

>he doesn't let his mind wander while carefully considering each new idea

>> No.10819174

op was saying that if it takes you more than three minutes to comprehend a page you're retarded and should be sent to fat camp even if you're not fat because you have a fat man's brain

>> No.10819193

no bully
I need to reread sentences constantly

>> No.10819195

haha this made me laugh

>> No.10819216

>tfw non-white and ugly
I come to /lit/ to escape these fucking feels, shut the fuck up.

>> No.10819249

I don't blame them. It's much easier to like a person when their quality is apparent. It's only a matter of the path of least resistance, and people aren't biologically inclined to spend energy on others who has nothing to offer genetically.

>> No.10819308

>It's much easier to like a person when their quality is apparent
Yeah, I'm definitely guilty of this myself. Pretty girls are my favorite company even if they're good for nothing else. How can we think of ourselves as more than self-serving and superficial or is that only necessary once you're a parent?

>> No.10819330
File: 2.93 MB, 900x506, Jessica Biel - Rules of Attraction 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually read at a rate of 6-15 pages an hour

I read moby-dick at a rate of 6-12 pages an hour
I read blood meridian 8-11 pages
I read rutherfords quixote 15 pages
I read a tale of two cities 6-10 pages
I read questions that matter 4-5 pages
I read heart of darkness 6-15 pages
I read lotr 15-18 pages
I read art of fiction 6 pages
I read botns 10-15 pages
I read lattimores iliad 8-12 pages
I read the confidence man 6-12 pages

english is my first language, I've been reading most of my life and I'm 21 years young
in the past year I've read for 6-10 hours a day

>> No.10819349
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I don't waste my time counting because I don't have to. I just don't give a shit. I read for my own pleasure and purpose now.

>> No.10819410


>hfw you try to justify the fact that you're a brainlet

>> No.10819414
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>> No.10819436

>>>10819330 (You)
>justify the fact that you're a brainlet
quite the opposite actually

>> No.10819472

ITT people who think they're doing it right by not reading at this pace

>> No.10819696

It's not about the speed but the technique

>> No.10819721

depends on the size of the pages and the subject, fuck op

WPM is all that matters. And it varies by subject

>> No.10819785
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>had plots against me from my friends because they were too jealous.

wew lad


Fast readers almost always have better comprehension

>> No.10819844

>all these posters are extra salty because op is making it seem like a cute girl is laughing at them

>> No.10819889

>vain sociopaths discuss how evil they are in private from the safety of anonymous image board
>would not want these things being broadcast to their associates

>> No.10819928

Is this the girl who was interviewed saying there were multiple shooters at Stoneman Douglas HS?

>> No.10819930

These threads will be the death of /lit/

>> No.10819943

>>vain sociopaths
Everyone is like this, we're just being honest. Go to any party and observe who is attracted to who and for what reasons.

>> No.10819980

>Pretty girls are my favorite company even if they're good for nothing else.
violates the categorical imperative

>> No.10819986

>go to a party
why can't I just go somewhere else, where there are little or no people? what about people with small networks based on ties of trust and love? if the thing you speak of only shows up in large crowds of intoxicated status seekers perhaps its not universal but emergent? have you tried refuting your own ethical views?
vain sociopathic veiled pedophilia stemming from highschool socio-sexual dynamics is the crux of all 4chan posting and Social Media posting. the libido of the virgin and the 16 year old whore dominate all human discourse online had by under 35's and this can never be disputed

>> No.10819993

No this is the livestream of Trump meeting Kim Jong Un

>> No.10820139

Does it though?

>why can't I just go somewhere else
You could, but these features are most explicit when you add a little alcohol and the purpose of the situation is to find the people you're most attracted to.

> what about people with small networks based on ties of trust and love?
Like a family? Parents pay closest attention to the children they like the most. The criteria for this is dependent on particularities of a given parent and child, but it's ultimately a matter of attraction based on subconscious signaling.

>if the thing you speak of only shows up in large crowds of intoxicated status seekers perhaps its not universal but emergent?
It's latent in all other situations, it's just most visible at a party.

>have you tried refuting your own ethical views?

>> No.10820152

She looks like a pretty average 13 year old dude

>> No.10820168

Well of course it takes me longer. If a book is easy to read it's not worth reading.

>> No.10820181
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>> No.10820201 [DELETED] 
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>16 year old whore
god l wish that were me

>> No.10820209

>You could, but these features are most explicit when you add a little alcohol and the purpose of the situation is to find the people you're most attracted to.
yes but if the people I'm with don't drink or have high conscientiousness and low libidinous behavioral patterns this is probably not the case anymore. You're also conflating attracted to, with fucking with good with worthwhile.
>Like a family? Parents pay closest attention to the children they like the most. The criteria for this is dependent on particularities of a given parent and child, but it's ultimately a matter of attraction based on subconscious signaling.
Like friends, lovers, associates, neighbors, children, siblings, parents. Why does anyone associate with anyone besides attraction? There are certainly ties based on interest, based on trust, based on innate appreciation, intelligence, utility, fear, even just duty.
>It's latent in all other situations, it's just most visible at a party.
I don't necessarily think this is true. You could argue that love is latent in all other situations and is more visible at the birth of a child, another particular instance of a somewhat rare phenomena. I don't think that's very honest, but its the same logic you're using. What exactly is it that you're arguing?

From what I saw: attractive people are treated better (which may or may not be true in all cases, I don't think an attractive person in prison has a better time than a plain one, especially if the attractive one is very gracile but beautiful), they are better people (this seems pretty flimsy to me, you'd need to define better and also argue how looks mean quality beyond fertility and robust health, if that's all you mean by better then how do we talk about character, intelligence, physical strenght, will, wit etc are they not subject to qualitative judgements?), so all interactions are based on attractiveness and its sensible to only treat the attractive with respect and to denigrate, ignore and destroy the unattractive (my own interpolation, hence sociopathy was diagnosed).
hmm I don't think so because I'm saying things you haven't said and that don't seem to have come up in your arguments

>> No.10820215
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Yeah I'm sticking by that statement, there's tons of young girls who look exactly like her. Early developed girls tend to look more alike
Reminds me of young Jodie Foster

>> No.10820220

I had a friend like this and I was jealous of him but never plotted against him. He married some cunt that didn't let him have friends.

>> No.10820222
File: 73 KB, 476x484, descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vain sociopathic veiled pedophilia stemming from highschool socio-sexual dynamics is the crux of all 4chan posting and Social Media posting. the libido of the virgin and the 16 year old whore dominate all human discourse online had by under 35's and this can never be disputed

>> No.10820227

almost vomited watching

>> No.10820256

I don't even understand why this video makes me so angry.

>> No.10820294

god l wish l was her t bh

>> No.10820295

lost the trips to an ugly retard who got annihilated by pseuds and geniuses alike
probably the same reason you would if someone walked through a pen full of puppies and dumped acid on all of them

>> No.10820320

>probably the same reason you would if someone walked through a pen full of puppies and dumped acid on all of them

This, an attractive women turning herself into a ruined whore. Not a pleasant sight

>> No.10820330 [DELETED] 
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>ruined whore.
god I wish that were me

>> No.10820331

Its interesting too, I don't feel the same disgust when I see a handsome man taking a beautiful women to bed, and if I sense some intimacy and maybe even love underneath I feel good about the whole thing. My envy subsides and I feel a sense of world-love, appreciation that this kind of thing can exist. Something biological, a substrate of decency seems to be present

>> No.10820334

Kill yourself

>> No.10820341

Because there's just no point in life to be living without any consideration of how you're treating yourself and how that affects how people see you and fit you into how they find you meaningful in their world.
It becomes just a fucking Chimp pack doing Chimp shit and I have no love for that

>> No.10820353

Nice bumhole tbqh

>> No.10821323

>vain sociopathic veiled pedophilia stemming from highschool socio-sexual dynamics...
Mm, going to disagree anon. I wouldn't call myself vain or sociopathic, or a pedophile by any measure. I post on 4chan, daft as it is, to either shitpost because it's funny to derail threads or to learn or give whatever knowledge I might have relevant to a subject/topic.

Although, if learning correlates to my libido or desire to stick willy in underage whore, why are we letting teachers and students be co-ed?

>> No.10821327

she beats jodie out of the water, no question. sorry you don't see it

>> No.10821337

You remind me of a roommate I had who was convinced humanity runs exclusively on a dominance hierarchy and sexual attraction.

No such thing as friendship or loyalty, or growth for the sake of growth, no children and parents just caring about one another, no pursuit of happiness, no collaboration for the sake of a larger or greater ideal. Seems like a fucked up belief system stemming from too much Darwinist philosophy mixed with the realization that humans are animals. And a bit too much of Freud's sexual hypotheses.

>> No.10821339

She just looks very similar to young Jodie Foster. Your assumption that this indicates that early developed girls look alike is false. That is leftist logic

>> No.10821467

> Seems like a fucked up belief system stemming from too much Darwinist philosophy mixed with the realization that humans are animals.
Pretty accurate

>And a bit too much of Freud's sexual hypotheses.
Not too much

>No such thing as friendship or loyalty, or growth for the sake of growth, no children and parents just caring about one another, no pursuit of happiness, no collaboration for the sake of a larger or greater ideal.
These things exist for sure, but mostly as narratives which color the straightforward, transactional processes of reality. We're on autopilot most of the time, the big gears that move our lives are unconscious, humans are animals.

That's okay though, the real part part of the world is stark, but we live in our heads which filter the barren reality with memories, and emotion, and meaning.

>yes but if the people I'm with don't drink
Then you don't drink, your friends will still sort themselves based on genetically determined dispositions.

>You're also conflating attracted to, with fucking with good with worthwhile.
Attraction is the ability to holds someone's attention and is necessary for all human interaction.

>There are certainly ties based on interest, based on trust, based on innate appreciation, intelligence, utility, fear, even just duty.
All sublimated from some baser desire. Experiencing these emotions is rich and lively, but it's all just light on a screen.

>What exactly is it that you're arguing?
Subconscious signaling dominants our communication and determines the big parts our lives according to information encoded on our genomes.

>attractive people are treated better
This is self-evidently true

>they are better people
They're higher quality in some respects, but not entirely better.

>its sensible to only treat the attractive with respect and to denigrate, ignore and destroy the unattractive
We do this automatically, the sensible thing is to tune your behavior according to this new-found information so as to be more capable of attaining your ambitions.

>I'm saying things you haven't said
You can all always point to a spot on a number line in between two numbers.

>> No.10821481


>> No.10821507
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>ADHD and verbal IQ at just 104
>interested mostly in old works of philosophy

>> No.10821541

what is this

>> No.10821562


>> No.10821577

i don't know many people. But one friend of mine is short and balding, yet he has a beautiful wife and kid. he makes money and is overall in a good mood. this beauty thing is overrated. there are way more qualities which makes a person attractive. for example: style and intelligence and wit.

>> No.10821584

>Fast readers almost always have better comprehension

citation? proof? study? anything?

>> No.10821681

>one friend of mine
Yes, the one-off is adequate in buttressing wide claims about humanity. Obviously being clever is part of the socio-sexual ritual of human interaction, but you're getting hung up on the lyrics while I'm talking about the instruments themselves. All of your high brow interactions simply amount to greater complexity in the same base signals: fuck me, kill me, ignore me, bully, fear, driven by libido, fueled by sex appeal. Human behavior is just not impressive any way you cut it, that is without the particular signals which inform a given perception. You take for granted as real, things which we're all just imagining.

>> No.10821683

Faster reader=smarter person
Smarter person=better comprehension

>> No.10821702

Do you see just how reductive you have to be to arrive at your pessimistic conclusions? You reduce every part of the human experience in the most vulgar and basic way possible in order to condemn it. Perhaps it is you who should reconsider your thinking on life.

>> No.10821712 [DELETED] 
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>having little chiclet teeth

>> No.10821751

>be me
>Attracftive male
>Always had lots of attention from women and men
>too dysfunctional to form normal relationships, both friendly and romantic
>Most of my sex has been through dating apps and alcohol
>30, NEET, complete failure

>> No.10821762

I'm attractive and fit, but I've been on meds that put 10kg on me and made me chubby and rounded my face

>Men respect you less
>Women don't look at you
>Women don't smile at you
>People generally even do less smalltalk (when bumping in to people, in the store, etc..)

Men might value you as less and this can result in disrespectful behaviour, but women are truly, to their core, shallow creatures. They will not only not flirt or smile, they will genuinely be less polite at the most basic, platonic level. they might even raise an eyebrow if you talk, for no fucking reason, even when the situation doesn't call for any negative reaction. Whereas men are more likely to only bring up their lower respect for you when it calls for it.

>> No.10821794

>he jadeposts outside of /heem/'s hallowed halls

>> No.10821824

How complicated is your life, really? You do pretty much the same shit every day which is only 15 hours long and everyone else does more or less the same thing as you. There's the particular complexities of experience playing out from the first person pov, but all of your external behavior is pathetically basic for every second of your existence.

>pessimistic conclusions
What, that we're simple in our behavior? How is that pessimistic? From a bird's eye view all animals look incredibly pathetic and vulnerable, it's how the U.S. has been able to conquest unsuspecting people at a whim. If you see other people as individuals, confused in their own retarded way, then it's easier to get what you want out of every situation.

>You reduce every part of the human experience
No, I'm talking about things outside of human experience. Of course the movie of your life is entertaining and can't be explained, but the hardware it runs can and it's not very impressive.

>most vulgar and basic way possible in order to condemn it
You will think this the first time you have to change a diaper and then you will realize that you need to look at things as they actually are to be practical in your actions.

>Perhaps it is you who should reconsider your thinking on life.
No, I've thought this through far past anything you've touched. If someone posted a really hard takedown of what I've said then I might have a hard think, but that wouldn't be from you.

My experience exactly, though particular disposition varies widely by person.

>They will not only not flirt or smile, they will genuinely be less polite at the most basic, platonic level. they might even raise an eyebrow if you talk, for no fucking reason, even when the situation doesn't call for any negative reaction.
Yeah, this is just determined by emotional responses and unconscious brain activity. It's despicable behavior that is wrong, but let's face it, we're all just looking to be comfortable and anyone who disrupts our sacred state of tranquility is a threat and should be put down with the force of embarrassment. Every human interaction can be explained in simple terms of game theory and signal exchanges.

I also think you're underestimating a man's ability to signal a woman into interest. Girls will like your face more if you move arrange your eyebrows and lips in a more tasteful manner. A smirk and an arching brow display confidence which gets the bitches wet.

>> No.10821838


Clearly you confuse women attention with being their girlfriend.

>> No.10821948

2/10 got me to reply

>> No.10822161
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, iktf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me bro???
you're not a failure fren

>> No.10822183

>Me on the right.

>> No.10822195


Sometimes I spend 10-20 minutes on a pay thinking about the word structure, syllables, sentence structure, underlying psychological motivations, author's style, defining words I don't understand, and appreciating the typeface.

I'm serious, but I don't do this often...

>> No.10822196

I would kill a hundred men to see her smile

>> No.10822203



>> No.10822292


jesus christ thank GOD I'm not a virgin

>> No.10822342
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>he doesn't read 1000 pages an hour

How do you hope to get through the canon in your lifetime?

>> No.10822350
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>she uses smug greentext to make people insecure, and doesn't specify which direction they should go (taking longer or less long)

>> No.10822357
File: 1.95 MB, 380x285, 1495233100791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u the name of the wind protag???
pls respon

>> No.10822633

jealous much?
that clip makes me go fuck ya

>> No.10822654

I do this, too.
I read Journey to the End of the Night over the span of several months, simply because there was so much going on that it felt wasteful to move forward just to advance the plot.
The more you bring to a book, the more you get out of it.

>> No.10822902

oh god, it's the "everyone on /fit/ is insanely attractive but we're still single because autism :(' meme

>> No.10822909

this girl is not attractive

>> No.10823020

dude looks like joseph gordon levitt and channing tatum had a son who has liver failure

>> No.10823556


Because its crass, smug and unrealistic.

>> No.10823977

Is this fucking /r9k/ ?
Fuck off

>> No.10824021

Obviously, they're still her baby teeth

>> No.10824207

>Go to any party and observe
this your measure of all human interaction?
>Pretty girls are my favorite company
you honestly are just shallow. most people are that way but stop pretending this is universal, you just fall prey to the same weakness as the lowest of human beings.

Also, answer me honestly: are you a teenager?

>> No.10824251

>No such thing as friendship or loyalty, or growth for the sake of growth, no children and parents just caring about one another, no pursuit of happiness, no collaboration for the sake of a larger or greater ideal. Seems like a fucked up belief system stemming from too much Darwinist philosophy mixed with the realization that humans are animals. And a bit too much of Freud's sexual hypotheses.

And yet, not even wrong

>> No.10824257

resentment of those more beautiful and fortunate than you

>> No.10824266
File: 96 KB, 634x701, 1520218064586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project more

>> No.10824269

>Project more
no thanks you already proved my point by posting the fucking unabomber

>> No.10824272

Oh is that who that is?

>> No.10824279

Something that bothers me about that kind of egoist position is that its pretty much unfalsifiable. If a person dies to save a friend then its argued that it wasn't selflessness because it was actually, subconsciously, done as a way of improving the family name and improving chances of reproduction for other members (I have actually heard this argued before). If someone gives money to a homeless stranger then it wasn't done out of kindness but it was actually done to improve the giver's feeling of superiority and be more confident in their societal position (heard this before as well). The whole view is basically dogshit but it breeds smugness because its so reductionist that you can never really convince people otherwise.

>> No.10824280

i hope you're not insulting uncle ted

>> No.10824288

I don't think you're understanding the theory. The theory is that our empathy evolved because it was usually going to help our genes(either in us or in close family members).

That doesn't mean that our actions are calculating, we really do feel empathy, it's just that it can be a 'misfire' in terms of evolutionary fitness

>> No.10824294

That isn't the theory outlined in the original comment.

>> No.10824679

>this your measure of all human interaction?
Yeah, human behavior it's not complicated and it's all readily scalable due to how much we all have in common.

>> No.10825202

Trust me, you don't want to know.

>> No.10825216

despicable gadfly buzzing around shit caked assholes looking for kernals of left over nutrition
yes this is a pedophile thread from /tv/ crossboarders i realized this halfway through because im a dumb monkey
gene theory is bankrupt, not everything centers around sexual selection
no you’re a dumb ape who thinks that schizo ape college can teach you why it is we are what we are, you don’t understand what friendship constitutes or love and the idea that its all just fucking is bankrupt. we know from evo bio this is not the case. there is more there is a desire to build a pleasurable environment and to secure the young and other people’s young as well even people with slightly lower fitness than you. there would be no reason for autarchs to be charitable if this wasn’t the case, but clearly it is. the abstract selection machine doesn’t real. calling anything organic a “misfire” doesn’t make sense when you stop taking objects of thought as background mechanics that exist like the innerworkings of a clocktower

>> No.10825241

it's about gene replication, a gene that ultimately makes more copies of itself will tend to spread through the gene pool.

Everything you're talking about can be explained by that, this stuff is decades old now

>> No.10825278


>> No.10825285


>> No.10825304

This. You can smell the MGTOW from here.

>> No.10825308

I wanna throttle you

i know what gene theory is, i read evo bio and behavioral genomics studies for fun nigger. this is not a comprehensive model of human behavior and “i want to fuck that” does not explain all human behavior because there are men and women who can keep their genitals in their pants who have the opportunity to cheat and don’t do it. why? because of social ties, because of shame, because of love which is biogically existent, it has a substrate as neural and hormonal responses. people have mutual interests, there is more happening than just apes picking mates. im sorry social media, specifically dating apps and economics have poured into science and tried to obfuscate this. this is why well born women fall for paupers, why men refuse to cheat, why people stick with abusive partners who they could easily replace

>> No.10825332

If you read it then why do you not get that gene replication is not synonymous with sexual desire? Any body attribute or behavior that increases the likelihood that that gene will be reproduced will be selected.

If men and women have an instinct not to cheat that means that cheating would have had negative consequnces in the environment where we evolved to have that instinct

>> No.10825823

>I don't even understand why this video makes me so angry.
You wouldn't care if she was ugly or old. The point is she is extremely youthful and beautiful and that little dance suggests something of innocence - - and is about be defiled.

>> No.10825829
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it was the opposite for me,i was very physically very masculine since i was young,well defined facial features,tall and a wide frame.I got no attention from girls whatsoever,the cuter looking guys were having the most succes.Things changed when i went to med school,all the women i would meet would act like tbey were trying to marry me

>> No.10825834

is it frankie edgars daughter?

>> No.10825840


>> No.10825853


>> No.10825863

>lost the trips to an ugly retard who got annihilated by pseuds and geniuses alike
Are you retarded?

>> No.10825866

You mean to write?

>> No.10825868

>all human behavior
It does. You're conflating human behavior with narrative internal to your mind. Wear a Go Pro for 10 days and watch yourself experience the same basic emotions at various levels according to your continuous subjection across changing environments, reacting with memorized motor neural responses in attempts to signal your significance, the same automatic response you project onto a willful entity of positive selfhood, dry-humping projected constructions of your most meaningful memories, so basically you're fucking yourself but only if you think about it.

>> No.10825870
File: 7 KB, 235x222, why god, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fetus
>get born from vagene as attractive female
>grow up being favorite of everyone
>get everything want
>get everything no want and more
>everyone love
>in school, no work, get all A's
>be adult
>go to interview at Corporate Rich Man Company Inc.
>pretend to want to think about smiling at boss
>no feel like working more
>get marry
>lay down in bed while read magazine and let rich husband do sex once per month
>live lifestyle of rich and famous
>grow old with many attractive children loved by all even though you mean nasty attitude bitch who do nothing but read Cosmo by pool all day
GOD i wish that were me

>> No.10825881

Those are extremely fortunate people and you're bummed out you didn't win the mega millions. Just be glad you know of them, loser.

>> No.10825893


>> No.10825934

Sounds boring. It's like being an eternal child that never gets to accomplish anything worthwhile.

>> No.10826082

>answer me honestly: are you a teenager?
my question was artfully dodged. hmmmm really makes me think.

>> No.10826091

this dialectic is powerful, it will seal the fate of the race in the coming decades

>> No.10826102
File: 27 KB, 472x461, 48224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't read on stims

>> No.10826918


>> No.10827161

what race buddy? everything ever created by humans owes its existence to this dialectic.
you're concerned about your race? guess what - your "race" doesn't give a flying fuck about you.

>> No.10827196

>schizo ape college
i was wrong. you're not jealous of others.
you're just a wound-up brainlet who's been feeding on his own turds of knowledge for a little too long.

>> No.10827208

...you do realize that's .27 pages per second? That comes out to one full page of reading every four seconds. I would have problems comprehending what I read if I did that speed.


>> No.10827306

I think it's partly because Bloom would memorize most of what he read. So when he reread a book he was basically giving himself a reminder of what was on the page.

That's if he's not a lying sack of shit

>> No.10827644

god, i could just look at her all day

>> No.10827828

>one friend of mine is short and balding, yet he has a beautiful wife and kid
>this beauty thing is overrated
>I brought him up because he has a beautiful wife and kid

>> No.10827903

Bloom can do it so why can't you?

>> No.10827915

He is a jew, therefore superior.

>> No.10827924

Not an excuse

Learn German, fag

>> No.10827987

>point out basic fact that people treat attractive people better generally
Chill dude

>> No.10828124

Are you retarded?

>> No.10829093

So what if I'm a young person, asshole? You think just because you were stupid before you were an adult means we all are. Since I'm more capable of using the world wide wide for fulfilling orders of knowledge having used it most of my life, it would make since that I know something you don't. Having grown up in old man time where they taught the kids about creation and mystery and how some questions just can't be answered, you're too fucking stupid and think there is only one way to do everything. Eat shit and die.

He's right, you're the retard.

>> No.10829109

You tell them. Oldshit oldfags trying to gloss up the world because they have nothing else going for them but their nostalgia

>> No.10829340

Dumb samefag get the fuck out
>imb4 l-look at my phone screencap I-Im not him

>> No.10829385
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k bro

>> No.10829451
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I'm sorry it's hard to pro-nun-ciate the words

>> No.10829595

>Everyone is like this, we're just being honest.
nope. Just cause you act shitty doesn't mean everyone else does.

>> No.10829613

My man
Although for me its addy and shittons caffiiene, white is too espensive

>> No.10829619
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Hes right, you know?

>> No.10829634

>. It's like being an eternal child that never gets to accomplish anything worthwhile.

And this is supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.10829642

I had to take a break from reading for about a year due to work and grad school. I switched to Audiobooks but had to stick to genre stuff since that works better in audio format generally. Started reading again recently and I'm reading faster than I was before. I used to take about an hour to read 50 pages of a novel, and now I'm reading 50 in about 45 minutes. And I'm reading fucking Proust right now, which is more dense than your average shit.

Is this normal? I figured I'd be reading slower since I'm rusty.

>> No.10830199

And it doesn't last long enough, ADHD meds are better for reading

>> No.10830205

Shut up, fucking idiot

>> No.10830216

>A smirk and an arching brow display confidence which gets the bitches wet
This. Changing my resting face and microexpressions changed how people view me

>> No.10830266

I don't understand why she always looks so smug and self assured though it's frustrating to look at her face

>> No.10830288

childhood is falling in love with jade
you become a man when you realize the girl behind her is the real mvp

>> No.10830294

And clothes, posture, scent, body fat, and hair. This plus the memories they/you project onto such objects determines the range of potential emotions you are capable of evoking in them. Beauty is a threshold of emotion elicited through social proof + sensation of the presence of a healthy body. Being an object of desire is very advantageous socially and if one is so incapable of invoking desire so as to be isolated, the unhealthy object disappears into the forest for death. Depriving termination to such cancerous formations

We're all pretty much the same. Whatever you consider to be "reality" is actually a narrow illusion humans share in their minds through communication. This aspect of human life is the processing of complex information constructed through neural networks designed for the survivability of substrative molecules as well as emergent phenomena such as memes, geometric patterns, musicality, etc.

Another aspect of humanity is our behavior. This mostly consists of simple rote tasks memorized and repeated habitually through impulses of emotional response informed through memorization and performance pressure. Due to limitations in our physiology and environment there are countably few signals of communication constituted as behavior. Micro-expressions interacting with subconscious reactions determine the automatic behavior of human interaction.

>> No.10830323

Since you seem to know a lot about this topic are there any books you would recommend? Also how old are you anon just out of curiosity

>> No.10830331

I'm 22, which part did you want to know more about?

>> No.10830336
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>> No.10830343

Your reductivist view of human behaviour. How we can be broken down and analysed like animals on the discovery channel. Its fascinated me for a long time and you've described it quite well.

>> No.10830886

>I know something you don't
and that "something" is the framework of all human interaction which you call "simple"? damn what a prodigy you must be. or a retard, I think I'd go for that conclusion instead.

>> No.10830893


>> No.10830897

>reads Heart of darkness at 15 pages per hour. Bullshit. I read it at 5 pages MAX

>> No.10830979

>How we can be broken down and analysed like animals on the discovery channel.
The idea that we're very different from other animals is anthropocentrism run wild.

The emergent, chaotic phenomena that come through the interaction of basic systems is the complexity of real life, but those particularities aren't relevant when looking at the big picture.

>> No.10831065

>The idea that we're very different from other animals

But this is indisputably the case. Language does quite literally change everything
We can argue the extent to which this radical difference changes things but do not be silly and act as if analytic self reflection and culture is not a major game changer
fucking retard

>> No.10831069

Many animals communicate with one another.

>> No.10831080

Yeah but they don't communicate with themselves. Language is formulation, its not merely communication it restructures the very way we think and is by its very nature open to creative transformation, rearrangement and new solutions.
You should read Chomsky's work on linguistics, you vastly underestimate exactly what language is

>> No.10831344

but some of the words are really difficult and i just have to google them real quick

>> No.10832101
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Bump desu

>> No.10832148

Yeah I've noticed that too when I gained 10kg briefly last year. I used to be pretty egalitarian but now I don't respect any women are all

>> No.10832748

fucking kek

>> No.10833593

that plaid shirted old guy reminds me of my boss. Seems like a nice fellow. Also, I notice the lack of diversity in the webm.... is this a trump ralley?

>> No.10833648

>in a public area
>open book and pretend to read
>successfully stroke my pseud ego
>Some fucker comes up to me and starts talking about the book
I just described the vast majority of /lit/

>> No.10834355

>first pump
>this is jade!
>next female champ right here

>> No.10834866

So, is anyone going to say who is she?

>> No.10835640


>> No.10835670

Not sure what her full name is but if you search Jade on /sp/ you'll find a billion threads

>> No.10835769

Everyone does this, it's just that those with higher IQ do it faster and better than brainlets.

>> No.10836635

Yeah because you remember everything you've ever read, right

>> No.10836662

>thread is full of pedos and weebs
eww, mods please delete this

>> No.10836802

Do you not feel like you miss out on the subtleties when reading say, a novel? Or poems for that matter?

>> No.10836891

Start with Lolita

>> No.10836934

post pic i wanna see how good looking you need to be to get this life ezmode treatment

>> No.10836941
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>he reads the page linearly

>> No.10837023

>reading poetry

poetry has to be the biggest waste of time. poetic elements are fine. shakespeare, homer, etc. still have a narrative in their works but poems are just dumb, and an easy way for brainlets to feel awe

>> No.10837063

The fuck are you on about? Shakespeare and Homer are both poets, who wrote epics, which are poems. Besides, you know wouldn't know how to read let alone interpret a W.H. Auden, Yeats or Bob Dylan poem if you read one.

>> No.10837209
File: 250 KB, 2520x1412, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have pictures from uni on my phone
i used to look a lot like this

>> No.10837233

At least post the gif

>> No.10837320

See >>10820181

>> No.10837352

what the fuck that gif was from frankie edgar the whole time

>> No.10837589

>notice this thread a few days ago and ignore it
>see it still hasn’t gone away throughout the weekend
>finally open it and read this shit
Never change lit

>> No.10838066

Unironically vegan, but that looks like good meat.

>> No.10838206

>But this is indisputably the case. Language does quite literally change everything
lmao, no it doesn't, it just adds a few more rules to the basic games which govern all of earths biological machines. All of the chaotic and complex information which colors your life is doing so within the narrow parameters of your physiology and environment which is readily observable and as simple as that of other animals. Your behavior and emotions regulate the body into stasis which is the exact same in every other emotion-bearing animal on earth. All of your unpredictable parts are within ready-made channels which are thousands of years olds and common among non-humans.

I don't think so, I just don't buy into the hype

>> No.10838347

damn this is really sad for me for some reason seeing her all drunk like that. oh well guess itd be her choice

>> No.10838436

I encourage you all to see the film it's from. Based on a Bret Easton Ellis novel, not sure how you guys feel about him as an author but it is one hell of a movie.

>> No.10838851
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Literally me, fuck.

>> No.10839754

I take 90 seconds a page to read Republic. Is that bad?

>> No.10839837

Bret rules, I wish his pod would resume I miss his autistic rants

>> No.10840687

clearly you don't know the meaning of the word friends.

>> No.10840696
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>> No.10840798

Faster readers simply understand quicker; they register the basic meaning of the words quicker, and the implications/context of these words quicker as well. If someone told you they read 1 page per hour, would you take them as an incredible genius or at least a very thorough reader, finding meanings you could never intimate? Likely they just have some reading disability, and will read the same passage over & over w/o advancing on their findings from one word to the next. Does it take you significant (i.e. more than a moment) time to understand basic prose? Can you follow poetry from one stanza to the next, not necessarily "satisfied" with your having discerned the meaning but at least understanding it well enough to both follow the 'plot' & appreciate the splendour &c. of it? An incredible intellect can read difficult books quickly while understanding what they read, giving them time to daydream, having valuable recollection days or weeks later; while a person of narrow cognitive affairs can spend hours rereading to little profit.

>> No.10840813

>he blitzes through and retains nothing

>> No.10841384

Fucking moron.