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/lit/ - Literature

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1081377 No.1081377 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of The Dark Tower series? Is it interesting and/or worth reading?

>> No.1081380

>Fantasy/Horror/Sci fi


>> No.1081381


>> No.1081384

Then what does /lit/ read, if anything

>> No.1081385


Mostly wikipedia articles on classic literature.

>> No.1081386
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>> No.1081387

goes downhill starting with the second book.roland starts traveling with 2 annoying pieces of shit and they ruin the whole series(the nigger and the junkie).the ending is anticlimactic too.

its a series that had potential but blew it.

>> No.1081389


>> No.1081390
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>> No.1081392

I liked the series, but that is because I never expect King to write a think piece.

>> No.1081394
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>> No.1081406

What's with this guy and his links lately

>> No.1081423

First two books are the best.

Eddie is the greatest character King has ever created.

Dues Ex Machinaing the main bad guy with a self insert via erasing him with a magic pen is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read, and made me put down the book (and series, as this is the end of book 6 and theres still book 7, for that matter) for good.

Gunslinger is an amazing book though, and Drawing of the Three is even better.

>> No.1081435

It loops at the end and the story totally fucking collapses in the last two books. Fuck that enormous piece of shit.

>> No.1081450

You know, spoiler tags work here on /lit/. Maybe you should use them next time you want to detail the ending (even an anticlimactic failure such as it was) of a book/series, inconsiderate jackass.

>> No.1081452

>as this is the end of book 6 and theres still book 7
Actually that happens at the end of book 7, bro. I don't know what you're thinking.

>> No.1081468

I'm so glad I gave up on this series near the beginning of book 4, when King's interest in the main story thread started to lapse.

>> No.1081658

I just finished the series half an hour ago.

The first 4 books were the best, but I still liked the last 3. Didn't really care much for Susannah, but Eddie was a pretty cool guy.

I didn't want to read the last chapter. King warned the reader not the read it. I did anyway (who wouldn't?) and my mind was blown. I actually liked the ending.

>> No.1081662

I did too.

And it doesn't actually loop- it's different the second time around.

>> No.1081667

no wai

im gonna check nao

will be very cross if its the same

>> No.1081669

The ending was great. It was pretty much the only way the series could go, but people still bitched about it.

Plenty of people say the first 2 books were the best, but I thought the series was great overall. Even the latter books had great weird-ass places and characters like Blaine the Train, or the man who wore a clock around his neck.

>> No.1081773


>The man who wore a clock round his neck.

Flava Flav?

>> No.1081846

I stopped reading halfway through Wizard and Glass. Can someone spoil it for me and tell me how Susan Delgado died?

>> No.1081891

After The Wastelands I had to drop the series. Too much repetition and explanation of the simplest things. King really thinks of his readers as absolute idiots if he must repeat Jake's problem so many times. I got it the first freaking time, he's alive but feels like he died. No need to remind us of that 1000 times especially when we already know why.
When it comes to Stephen King, don't read like the writing is important and every word matters. Just breeze through it. The Drawing of the Three is much better that way or else you'll realize you wasted nearly 100 pages about a guy sitting on an airplane. Anywhere from 50 to 100 pages just for that.

>> No.1081980

She was burned like a witch

>> No.1082006

Book 1 - Pretty Good
Book 2 - Awesome
Book 3 - Pretty Good
Book 4 - Fucking terrible
Book 5 - meh.

I stopped reading after that

>> No.1082171

Book 1 - Great!
Book 2 - Fantastic!
Book 3 - Fantastic!
Book 4 - Not sure if want...
Book 5 - Do not want
Book 6 - What is this i dont even
Book 7 - Not sure if want...

That's my take on the series, at least.

>> No.1082307

The first 4 are meh.

The last 3 are AWESOME!

>> No.1082327

The first is one of my favorite books. However, there are two versions of it (second one came out in 2003). The second reads like typical mystical stephen king bull-shittery, while the first reads more like a bleak spaghetti western. Personally, I think the first version is the best, but thats just me.