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File: 374 KB, 557x780, Faulkner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10809865 No.10809865 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get one of these going? I lost all my files and can't find any in the archives.

Just ordered Plato's complete works, requesting a Plato chart.

>> No.10809887

>Absalom Absalom!
It's his best work desu

>> No.10809905

Living in his hometown now for college and still haven't read anything by him

>> No.10809916
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>> No.10809934
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If you're an undergrad, you're either going to hate him or pretend to love him. It takes some time and attention to realize why Faulkner is good. Otherwise you're gonna end up like pic related. I'd start with the collected stories, the first three sections.

>> No.10809942
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>> No.10810140
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>> No.10811126

Absalom is his best novel m8

>> No.10811166

I am angry now.

>> No.10811202


>women LARPing as intellectuals

Top kek.

>> No.10811283
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I am inept with anything but text, so heregoes:
>Slaughterhouse 5
>Cat’s Cradle
>Look At the Birdie
>Breakfast of Champions
>Hocus Pocus
>Player Piano

>> No.10811345

File everything of Vonnegut's under "Avoid". Larry Niven knew what was cool, making him burn in hell eternally was sweet.

>> No.10811360

Light in August is fire bars
Still gotta read Sanctuary
Otherwise I can't speak on this chart, but Sound and the Fury is also fire bars

>> No.10812635

>Absalom, Absalom!
Who made this shitty image?

>> No.10812645

I haven't read all the novels by Calvino, but here's my take on what I've read:
If on a winter's night a traveler
Invisible Cities
The Baron in the Trees
The Cloven Viscount
The Nonexistent Knight
Mr. Palomar
The Castle of Crossed Destinies

I plan on reading "The Path to the Nest of Spiders" this year.

>> No.10812670

>Kurt "they made soap and lamp out of the JUICE" Vonnegurt
lmao no thanks anon

>> No.10812975

>Still gotta read Sanctuary

You really don't

>> No.10813028

This meme works humorously with some authors

e.g. Cervantes

Donn Quixote



>> No.10813071

For McCarthy I'd say

>Blood Meridian
>The Crossing
>The Road

>All the Pretty Horses
>Cities of the Plain
>Outer Dark
>Child of God
>No Country for Old Men

>The Orchard Keeper

this is a good list, I'd say include Cosmicomics under optional as well

agreed. Maybe put Sirens of Titan under read? Or optional.

>> No.10813079

...unsure about that... AA and Light in August are some of his best works, in my opinion, both of them combined at least as good as The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying -- in fact, I'd pick those two over TSATF or AILD, they're probably my 2 favorite novels by him. I mean, it makes sense if you're just reading to be seen as well-read, because AILD and TSATF are his most well-known works, I guess. But if you're actually reading for pleasure and are the type to like modernist texts/Faulkner in particular, I wouldn't skip those two.

>> No.10813099

>Requesting a plato chart

found this archived post
>Start with the Apology; it's the key to the rest of the dialogues, and almost all of them make some reference to some aspect of the Apology. Keep in mind that it's a work of philosophy, and not a historic account, and you'll be good to go. After that, it's really up to you, since there a couple of ways to order those dialogues: 1) By *seeming* difficulty: Apology, Euthyphro, Crito, the Symposium, Phaedo, Republic, Parmenides. This is helpful if you're really just looking to dip into Plato to see what's there. 2) "Developmental" order: (roughly the same order as above). This might be an indication of what order the dialogues were written, though there's really no good way to say whether Plato's thought really actually develops according to the three basic periods some scholars say his basic approaches would fit within; Republic and Phaedo both have different accounts of the soul but are both "Middle" period dialogues; no dialogue contains exactly the same views concerning the Forms, regardless of period; Socrates almost always uses question-and-answer modes at some point or another, regardless of whether one is to take him as Plato's strict mouthpiece. 3) "Dramatic" dating: Parmenides, Republic, Symposium, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo. This approach would be the most rewarding for a philosophy student who's already read these dialogues before, and wants to see how Plato wants to present Socrates as a whole to us. Very hard to read in this order, but one gets to see relations that would otherwise be missed. Some other dialogues that might go well with those would be: Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman (all of which relate to Parmenides and the four dialogues that take place around Socrates' trial and execution).

Gorgias and Phaedrus: Both deal with rhetoric, but the Gorgias is connected to the Republic by the concern with Justice, and the Phaedrus to the Symposium by the concern with Love. Cratylus: Relates to the Euthyphro and the dialogues at the end of Socrates' life in general. It's about language, and it's one of Plato's funniest dialogues. Maybe Timaeus as well, which alludes to the Republic. Other than that, the rest are great from a certain philosophic perspective, but maybe not so essential to someone who'd just like familiarity.

>> No.10813145

How about Hemingway?

>A Farewell To Arms
>For Whom The Bell Tolls
>The Old Man And The Sea
>Short stories: Hills Like White Elephants; The Snows Of Kilimanjaro; A Clean Well-Lighted Place; The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macromber

>Death in the Afternoon
>The Sun Also Rises
>A Moveable Feast
>The Nick Adams Stories

>Everything else

>> No.10813185

I'd put Slapstick in 'read'.

>> No.10813224

Sun Also Rises is his best tho

>> No.10813252

>SaR optional
>aFtA and fWtBT read
You fucked up

>> No.10813269

Are Faulkner's stories really that good? I loved tS&tF and AILD. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.10813272


>Pale Fire
>Invitation to a Beheading

>The Gift
>The later stories

>Bend Sinister

Everything else goes in optional, but I actually think almost everything he wrote is worth reading.

>> No.10813275

Palomar is GOAT you faggot. So is non-existent knight.

>> No.10813279

Hmmm... not sure what's going on with this strange Sun Also Rises love. Bunch of self-pitying time-wasters wander around and then nothing happens and then nothing happens some more. Wasn't EH supposed to be trying to show how the "lost generation" were actually splendid people? If anything, he proved the opposite.

>> No.10813287

Pleb high schooler taste
His best is FwtBT

>> No.10813292

I read TSATF a while back, best thing ever, so now I'm on AbsolomAbsolomAbsolomAbsolom and it seems pretty good.
(Not nearly as "difficult" as I was led to believe; not so far at any rate.)

>> No.10813298


the fuck u on about

>> No.10813308

But but what about the collected stories

>> No.10813327

I read Go Down Moses and it was OK but no more than that. Wouldn't say it was required.

>> No.10813331
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>I nostri antennati trilogy

>> No.10813339

Cervantes wrote more than just Don Quijote, anon.

>> No.10813349

>Avoid: Mosquitoes

Well that's just generally good advice. Can't focus on what you're reading with those little shits buzzing about.

>> No.10813721

Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but compared to "If on a winter's night a traveler" and "Invisible Cities", it's optional.

I love the structure, but it's really underwhelming, save for a few chapters.

"Cosmicomics" is a short story collection, but it can go under optional, I guess. I need to read his other short stuff to be able to make a short story tier list. I'm planning on reading Marcovaldo soon, but as of now I'm not interested in any of his other short story collections.

"The Sun Also Rises" is definitely a must-read, and "For Whom The Bell Tolls" should be in optional. I'd also put "In Our Time" as a must-read. It doesn't have the short stories you listed, but I think it's an amazing work.

>> No.10813747

>The Crying of Lot 49
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Mason & Dixon
>Against the Day
>Inherent Vice
>Bleeding Edge


David Foster Wallace

>> No.10813752


I know Faulkner claimed to have written it just for money, but I think Sanctuary is a great work.


>> No.10814024

His short stories display his talent a lot better than the books, which are subtle.

>> No.10814053


It's a meme and he's said himself he rewrote the entire thing after writing it as a cash grab.

Also McCarthy's No Country for Old Men ripped off Sanctuary.

>> No.10814089

I love when people assume other people who like something they don't are pretending.

>> No.10814091

Absalom, Absalom is also a must and you ought to avoid a Fable and pylon

>> No.10814114

So where does Persiles land?

>> No.10814165

>Heller dunking on Joyce

>> No.10814272
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Banks is cozy

>> No.10814955

ugly covers though

>> No.10815044

not all can be must read

>> No.10815064

>absalom and LIA optional

confirmed pleb

also what about sanctuary

>> No.10815077

theres skepticism that faulkner termed sanctuary as a potboiler but actually it wasnt really

sanctuary is an underrated masterpiece IMO

>> No.10815084

Joyce Kino

>finnegans wake

>everything else

>> No.10815086




>> No.10815117

what a meme

>> No.10815128

Aw man I thought someone was actually gonna stick up for Mosquitoes. I have a soft spot for that book.

>> No.10815137

Good as gold is so shit though

>> No.10815142

McCarthy ripping off Faulkner?! Damn, anon. My head just popped off my shoulders and spun around in the air out of surprise.

>> No.10815149

You're in good company. Borges admired it.

>> No.10815247


I thought it had some really funny lines. e.g.

Gold was struck again how many gorgeous tall women fell in love with shorter men like himself who were rapacious, egotistical and scheming. She couldn't be expected to know he was rapacious and scheming but she had to suspect he was shorter.

But I agree it's not a patch on C22 or SH. Maybe I was too generous with the "OPTIONAL" ones.

>> No.10815288

>avoid Soldiers Pay

I actually quite like Soldiers Pay. It’s his first novel, and it’s clear he hasn’t hit his stride yet, but it’s a solid novel with some great prose, interesting characters, and compelling themes. I would list it as optional.

>> No.10815401

>tfw never have read more than 4 books from an author

>> No.10815561
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>Love Poems


>Epistulae ex Ponto

>> No.10816264

It's really not a far stretch anon, it's like the Infinte Jest reviews that lambast it for having paragraphs that are too long and writing that is too "obtuse" thereby missing the whole point of the book.

>> No.10816289
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>> No.10816299


>The Savage Detectives
>Distant Star
>By Night in Chile
>Collected short stories

>The Skating Rink
>Nazi Literature in the Americas
>Monsieur Pain
>A Little Lumpen Novelita
>The Third Reich

>The Woes of the True Policeman
>The Spirit of Science Fiction
>Cowboy Graves

Haven't read his poems nor his non-fiction.

>> No.10816316

Art of Love should be Read.

>> No.10816320



All his stories


Poetry and essays


Early racist pamphlets.

>> No.10816328

why ole miss friend

>> No.10816331

Switch The Road with Child of God and it's fine.

>> No.10816360
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>> No.10817155


>> No.10817164
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Totally; it’s a real shame. The 80’s/90’s covers are GOAT though.

>> No.10817167

Meant for

>> No.10817478

------- ROBERT BROWNING ------

>"The Year's at the Spring" from Pippa Passes
>My Last Duchess
>The Lost Leader
>Fra Lippo Lippi
>Andrea Del Sarto

>Porphyria's Lover
>Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister
>The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church
>Home Thoughts from Abroad
>Meeting at Night
>A Toccata of Galuppi's
>Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
>The Patriot
>Bishop Blougram’s Apology
>Caliban upon Setebos
>Rabbi Ben Ezra

Everything else.
>The Ring And The Book
(Sorry Ezra!)

>> No.10817708

Need one for Agatha Roastie pls

>> No.10817884

>In the Penal Colony
>Country Doctor
>every other short story

>> No.10818114

Add The Hunger Artist to "Read"

>> No.10818161

----- TED HUGHES -----

>Hawk in the Rain

>Tales from Ovid
>Birthday Letters
>Moortown Diary
>The Iron Man

>Everything else

>> No.10818783

I thought the Skating Rink was wonderful, and Nazi Literature was fun, but I haven read the other stuff so you might be right. Can you explain why you didnt like the AVOID? I know those were his scrapped ones but I eventually want to get to them.

>> No.10818804

Should I start the Culture series in order?

>> No.10818806

Useful, I just bought the Norton Critical.

>> No.10819162

>The Picture of Dorian Grey
>Ballad of Reading Goal
>Teleny, or The Reverse Medal
>The Importance of Being Earnest

>Lady Windermire's Fan
>The Little Prince and Other Stories
>An Ideal Husband

>De Profundis

>> No.10819577

I absolutely despise AILD. I lament the time I spent on it, and spend more time than I'd like to remembering it.
How was the book redeemable in any way?

>> No.10820206

I've read all of his work (unfortunately). If you're looking at getting into him, I'd add Mother Night to Read and move Look at the Birdie down to optional. Galapagos could be optional, but everything else can and should be Avoid.
Why? It's his worst book by a mile, and that's saying something. Genuinely curious, as I've never heard of anyone, even Vonnegut, not talking shit about Slapstick. What about it spoke to you?

Ada is not Avoid.

Read up on Existentialism a bit, then read it again. Or fall for a bitch, have her not notice or care, then read it again. A lot of people relate to TSAR for a reason

I'm loving everything this guy is saying.

They are.

I'll do a couple shitty authors, since no one else will want to touch these with a 10 ft. pole.


>The Subterraneans (actually decent)
>On the Road (shit, but influential)
>The Dharma Bums (interesting)

>Big Sur (sad old alcoholic stuff)

>LITERALLY every other published word the man wrote


>The Shining
>The Stand
>The Dark Tower Series

>The Dead Zone
>The Green Mile
>Hearts in Atlantis

>Everything else

H. Murakami

>Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
>Norwegian Wood
>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
>Kafka on the Shore

>Hear the Wind Sing
>Pinball, 1973
>Colorless Tsukuru and His Years of Pilgrimage

>Pretty much everything else, esp. IQ84

Now pardon me while I go rinse out my eyes with bleach.

>> No.10820244

Against a Dark Background is his best one.

>> No.10820247

No, start with Player of Games.

>> No.10820248

Castle was good but Palomar was so dull that at times I found myself wondering if Calvino wasn't just trolling me

>> No.10820255

Can someone make an Umberto Eco list?

>> No.10820459

Stephen King:

Read: First third of The Stand
Optional: Second third of The Stand
Avoid: Last third of The Stand

>> No.10820531

Put On the Quai at Smyrna, Big Two-Hearted River, and The Sun Also Rises into Read.

Put For Whom The bell Tolls and Farewell to Arms into optional.

>> No.10820768

I’ve read and enjoyed 2/3 of the read and 1/2 of the optional ...

But I juuuust bought Mosquitos like an hour ago. Why avoid?

>> No.10820771

No love for Misery? I haven’t read much King, but It was my favorite of the bunch.

>> No.10821787
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>> No.10821793

i love you anon

it's really great and the reputation it has breaks my heart

>> No.10821807
File: 21 KB, 220x293, 220px-SCrane2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Dark Brown Dog
>The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky
>The Open Boat
>The Blue Hotel
>The Red Badge of Courage
>Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

>War is Kind and Other Lines
>The Black Riders and Other Lines
>The Third Violet

>Anything else

>> No.10822131
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Jorge Luis Borges

>The Aleph

>A Universal History of Iniquity
>The Book of Sand / Shakespeare's Memory
>Brodie's Report
>Selected Poems
(though I've always been iffy of poetry in translation)

AVOID (unless you've read everything else)
>Selected Non-Fictions

Natsume Soseki

>I Am A Cat




Haruki Murakami

>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
>Kafka on the Shore
>After the Quake
>The Elephant Vanishes

(I liked it, but I read it when I was 16 and unfamiliar with Murakami, who really wears on you)
>Norwegian Wood
>Blind Hollow, Sleeping Woman
>Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

>Hear the Wind Sing / Pinball, 1973
>Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki
>After Dark
>Sputnik Sweetheart

>> No.10822369

I loved Misery, but that was almost 20 years ago, so I wouldn't vouch for it anymore. I guess add that one and Gerald's Game under OPTIONAL.

>> No.10822383
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Can someone do one for Shakespeare please?

>> No.10822426

'twould be like the best anime characters - top-heavy.

>> No.10822465


OK, here's my cursory thoughts:

>The Tempest
>Measure for Measure
>Much Ado About Nothing
>A Midsummer Night's Dream
>The Merchant of Venice
>As You Like It
>The Taming of the Shrew
>Twelfth Night
>The Winter's Tale
>Titus Andronicus
>Romeo and Juliet
>Timon of Athens
>Julius Caesar
>King Lear
>Antony and Cleopatra
>Richard II
>Henry IV, Part 1
>Henry IV, Part 2
>Henry V
>Richard III

>The Sonnets

>Two Gentlemen of Verona
>The Merry Wives of Windsor
>The Comedy of Errors
>Love's Labour's Lost
>All's Well That Ends Well
>Pericles, Prince of Tyre
>The Two Noble Kinsmen
>Troilus and Cressida

>The Rape of Lucrece
>Venus and Adonis

>Henry VIII
>Edward III
>King John
>Henry VI, Part 1
>Henry VI, Part 2
>Henry VI, Part 3

>A Lover's Complaint
>The Phoenix and the Turtle

>> No.10822566

Thanks a lot. Jesus Christ I was hoping for like 3 or 4 required to get off easy. How much analysis should I read for each work?

>> No.10822570

>avoid Henry VIII

>> No.10822602


OK, we need another tier, "DEFINITELY READ THIS"

In order of important, if your time is very limited, I would say:

>King Lear
>Henry IV part 1
>Twelfth Night
>Anthony & Cleopatra
>A Midsummer Night's Dream

That's six which cover tragedy, history, comedy, "early" and "late" style.
They also get you his 2 best male characters (Hamlet, Falstaff) and his best female (Cleopatra).

Sadly this leaves out Othello & Macbeth. Sigh. Whatya gonna do?

>> No.10822648

>into the trash

pseud detected

>> No.10822657

I liked Black House by King, I wasn't into the refrencing to whatever the pre-sequel was, but I liked how the story played out

>> No.10822777

>and at the risk of sounding immodest, I am bright

>> No.10822857

Thanks a lot, I'll throw in Macbeth and Othello

>> No.10823067

"Something Happened" is probably the best not classical novel I've ever read.

>> No.10823111

Ibis I can understand, but why avoid Tristia and Ex Ponto?

>> No.10823132

Samuel Beckett

>Waiting for Godot
>Happy Days
>Krapp's Last Tape
>All That Fall
>How It Is

>The rest of his shorter plays
>Mercier et Camier
>Three Dialogues
>a couple of his poems (e.g. Cascando)

>most of his poetry
>A Dream of Fair to Meddling Women
>most of his short prose fiction

>> No.10823226

Wrong but almost there

Los detectives salvajes
Los sinsabores del verdadero policia
Estrella Distante
La literatura nazi en los Americas

La universidad desconocida
Entre parentesis
Sepulcros de vaqueros
Nocturno de Chile (Could have been written by an entirely different writer)
Monsieur Pan

El tercer reich
La pista de hielo
Una novelita lumpen
El espiritu de la ciencia ficcion

All the above are ordered by quality/importance and also adhere to a suggested reading order

Not him but Woes is essential and is some of his most delightful writing. The most delicious fat from 2666. Can't recommend it enough.

Science fiction is for completionists only.

Sepulcros de vaqueros I believe hasn't even been translated into English so not sure why he ranks it so low if he hasn't even read it yet. Despite being 'unfinished' it reads very completely and is a hybrid of Estrella distante and maybe Sinsabores for its fractiousness.

>> No.10823237

Going to supplement yours with mine if any other minds are interested. Eschewing the format I'll just rank from most enjoyable to least:

12th Night
King Lear
Julius Caesar
Merchant of Venice
Measure for Measure
The Tempest
Henry VI, Part Three
Romeo and Juliet
Henry IV Part Two
Richard III
Richard II
Henry IV Part One
Merry Wives of Windsor
Henry V
Titus Andronicus
The Comedy of Errors
A Winter’s Tale
Henry VI, Part One
Henry VI, Part Two
Love’s Labour Lost
Antony and Cleopatra
As You Like It

Not a complete list but it's a lot

>> No.10823282

Kerouac, King, and Murakami

> Everything

>> No.10823313

Dante Alighieri
>Divine Comedy
>La Vita Nuova
>the rest desu

>> No.10823410


How about:

Stephenie Meyer

>Her will to see if you're in it, making it worth while killing her


>her books

>> No.10824019

I agree >>10818114

>> No.10824095

>Henry IV Part 1
My nigga.

>> No.10824097

>Avoiding the most beautiful essay on homosexual love and desire.
Why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.10824568

Do you have any for Jung?

>> No.10824664

>The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky
Absolutely GOAT short story

>> No.10825751

Why avoid Botchan?
Anyway, thank you

Quick rundown on this guy

Are his sonnets good? Give a sampler please.

>> No.10826061

Ada is the ultimate pseud filter. If you like it, you're a pseud.

>> No.10826062

Timon of Athens really doesn't belong in read. It's not underrated, honestly it's pretty shit.

>> No.10826097

Nikos Kazantzakis:

>Christ Recrucified
>Zorba the Greek
>Freedom or Death
>Last Temptation of Christ
>The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel

>St Francis
>Rock Garden
>Report to Greco

Avoid: (these aren't necessarily bad but unless you're a massive fan don't bother)
>Serpent and Lily
>Toda Raba
>Alexander the Great
>everything else

>> No.10826130

>report to el greco

>freedom or death

U wot m8is?

>> No.10826131



>> No.10826168

Yeah, can't argue with this. I shoulda put Timon in Optional.

>> No.10826208

>Quick Rundown on this guy

Stephen Crane was born in 1871 in New Jersey and died tragically of tuberculosis in a Black Forest sanatorium in Germany at the age of 28. It's guessed he was made vulnerable to such a sickness after barely surviving a swim to shore after his ship the SS Commodore sank off the shore of Cuba. This would inspire one of his most striking short stories "The Open Boat."

Overall his writing is regarded as highly innovative within the Realist tradition, his being highly evocative of the Naturalistic and Impressionistic art movements (though he didn't think himself joined to any real movement per se). His writings often portray the world as fully uncaring towards Man's fate.

Admittedly he's probably only REALLY important to read if you're an American or interested in American themes, but he's damn good at what he does: writing beautiful, intense portraits of American characters struggling against fate.

>> No.10826266

but Use of Weapons was my favourite Banks novel.

>> No.10826270

I read them in the published order (which is not chronological btw) and it was fine that way.

>> No.10826289


>The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes
>The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes
>The Hound Of The Baskervilles
>The Lost World

>The Return Of Sherlock Holmes
>The Case-Book Of Sherlock Holmes
>His Last Bow
>A Study In Scarlet
>The Sign Of The Four
>The Valley Of Fear
>The White Company
>Micah Clarke

>Everything else, especially if it includes fairies

>> No.10826478


>> No.10826572

>>The Aleph
Redundant, ignore Labyrinths as it is a compilation from the other two

>> No.10826734

You could make the case for Greco, I'll concede that. But, while I enjoy Fratricides, it just doesn't compare to the others. And the guy was Cretan, for fuck's sake, so F/D is massively important in understanding him. Captain Michalis has to be one of the most important characters Kazantzakis ever wrote, considering how much the guy was based off his father.

>> No.10826747

can anybody do Thomas Mann?

>> No.10826898

Literally on there

>> No.10827378

J.G. Ballard:

>Empire of the Sun
>The Atrocity Exhibition
>Short stories: The Dead Time, The Terminal Beach, The Dead Astronaut, The Subliminal Man, Low-Flying Aircraft

>Concrete Island
>The Kindness of Women
>The Crystal World
>The Drowned World
>Other short stories (recommend are: The Voices of Time, The Day of Forever, The Greatest Television Show on Earth, The Concentration City, The Intensive Care Unit)
>The Unlimited Dream Company
>Running Wild
>Cocaine Nights

>Kingdom Come
>Rushing to Paradise
>The Day of Creation
>Hello America
>Millennium People

>> No.10827400

Yukio Mishima:

>Runaway Horses
>The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
>Confessions of a Mask
>The Sound of Waves

>The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea
>Forbidden Colours
>Spring Snow
>After the Banquet
>Sun and Steel

>The Temple of Dawn
>The Decay of the Angel
>Thirst for Love

>> No.10827413

Robert Heinlein
>starship troopers
>Moon is a harsh mistress
>stranger in a strange land

I really don't read multiple of one author, unless I really like the author's writing.

>> No.10827415

Thanks. I'm so hyped for 2666, after reading TSD two years ago and it being one of my all time favs.

>> No.10827878

>Castle was good
Why do you think this?

>> No.10828347

Because homosexuals are incapable of love, only desire.

>> No.10828451

OK let's do a proper one for RAH.

---------- Robert Heinlein ----------

>Starship Troopers
>The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
>Time Enough For Love
>Stranger In A Strange Land

>The Door Into Summer
>Tunnel In The Sky
>Farnham's Freehold

>Everything else

>> No.10828479

>A Study in Scarlet

Well fuck you too.

>> No.10828501

>Homosexuals are only capable of desire
What are you doing here, Erich Fromm? Your birthday is still two weeks away.