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10805044 No.10805044 [Reply] [Original]

Is iy good /lit/ ?

>> No.10805174

Its badass. For me anyway.
Im sure you'll hear otherwise.
Try it and see.

>> No.10805179

Kvothe is an unbearable faggot

>> No.10805222

It reads like a Harry Potter fanfic desu. It's awful.

>> No.10805232

That is true enough sir.

>> No.10805430

yea its a polished fantasy book for our generation. it's not going to better you or teach you any insights - the author has nothing to say. the book is pretty abusive in how it appeals to the worst of our generation's character. it's a good book to be absorbed in unearned dopamine for a bit

there's a whole production being made by the hamilton faggot, which should tell you everythere there is to say about the book

>> No.10805467

Top notch pulp, but nothing more. Imagine Sanderson, except he writes like he's 12 instead of 8 and decided plot isn't so important after all.

>> No.10805468

First 200 pages - decent setup for a fantasy book, mildly interesting world built

The actual story - hoooly shiiiit it's fucking garbooo

My friend was so into it that I didn't have the heart to tell him

>> No.10805519

It's considerate of you to write so poorly so we know we can safely disregard your opinion. It's when people like you cloak themselves in intelligent sounding sentences that the lines get blurred.

>> No.10805522


name of the wind fans are unhinged (also name of the wind haters are unhinged as well, possibly worse). i saw a guy on facebook said "even without releasing a third book, name of the wind is the fantasy book of our generation"

like no, first off, name of the wind is like Lost right now. each of the two books is an incomplete story. this isn't like harry potter where each book can stand by itself. the books have no message other than "weird things happen to amazing temporarily-distressed people", so they can't stand on their own. they also don't complete themselves. they lack the foresight to know that this entire book series is likely to wind up as a disappointment. you can't even talk to them about it, all obsessed name of the wind fans have no perspective

>> No.10805546

Is the cringey self-insert nerd superiority fantasy I've led to believe it is?

>> No.10805675
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>> No.10805713

It's not good at all. I have it but never made it past 20 pages. If childish rubbish such as this can get published, then I fail to see how most posters on this board aren't published.

>> No.10805729

Because publishing is about making money, and people like books that make them feel smart.

>> No.10805765

the main character is literally a cuckold so I could not relate. What the fuck happened to men?

>> No.10805769

literally a fair synopsis of the entire second book

>> No.10805770

It's everything wrong with contemporary literature at least from a cultural standpoint. It's infused with leftist politics that it's nauseating. Gypsies aren't noble and prostitutes aren't human and no amount of pretending otherwise will change that.

>> No.10805778

main character is basically a superhero and for those reasons, I'm out

>> No.10805803
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i said it before and i'll say it again
it's not as good as the fans say it is, and it's not as bad as the contrarians say it is
if you have any remote interest in fantasy/gothic/adventure, you will enjoy it while you are reading it, probably enjoy it a lot
after you finish reading it, you will probably feel embarassed that you liked it so much and you will slowly realize it's not so great, and in some ways it's downright bad
yes it's true that it is basically a fat dweeb's alter-ego diary about being a total badass super hot ladies man who is also a sword fighter and magical and humble and smart and plays music well and does every god damn thing that every male who ever lived dreamed of doing
all this being said, i anticipate book 3 and i will be one of the first nerds to put a hold on it at the library

>> No.10805848


but the main character has a "knack"
dont you know
that explains how badass he is
dont you know
the main character is an ~unreliable narrator~
that explains how badass he is

i know this because of a super intelligent re-read of the book
have you read the re-read?
it explains how meta the book is
it is ~so~ meta

>> No.10805861

i see you have been reading the stuff they say on /r/kingkillerchronicle Lol

>> No.10805908


i got on the name of the wind train almost the moment this book got popular, at the release of the 2nd book. they've been saying this shit across all forums about the book for years now. everywhere the same comments

>> No.10805926

I haven't been able enjoy fantasy books anymore after reading the Silmarilion, Children of Húrin, the Hobbit and LOTR.
Dude set the bar too high for me.

>> No.10805958


guys like me are like drug addicts sifting thru piles of trash, just trying to find anything that resembles a line. cashing out after finishing LOTR is like leaving a party after they finish the first keg. don't you wanna hang around the party and help us polish off the empties first? maybe hit the ash tray up

>> No.10805967

fantastic analogy

>> No.10806168

how mad are you right now, Rothfuss? at least he writes more than 20 words a day, unlike you.

>> No.10806174

Those are all shit.

>> No.10806176


rothfuss finished the third book ages ago. he hadn't released it because when he does he knows we will realize the emperor has no clothes and the series sucks

better get the TV show and film out of the way first

>> No.10806205

Probably the same deal with GRRM honestly.

>> No.10806225

Whether or not you will like the book hinges mostly on what you think of Kvothe.

Kvothe is a Gary Stu to the nth degree. He is also prone to bouts of collosal idiocy. This is all told by a first person unreliable narrator.

If you relate to Kvothe and his coming-of-age trials then you will like the book.

If you find him to be an insufferable brat then you will hate the book.

It's that simple. All the "analysis" here is redundant. This is what makes or breaks the book for 95% of people.

>> No.10806400


>> No.10807466

I liked it a lot, but yeah, it's bad in many apects.
The problem with the book is Kvothe being able to do anything so perfectly that you won't see him fail; if he does, he fixes everything like it never happened.
And the trilogy isn't even finished, too much time to wait for a book.

>> No.10808942
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>> No.10808956

No. This is the only answer you need. Sage.

>> No.10808974

I mean, it's definitely better than Joyce's incoherent trite, but it's still a poorly written novel by YA standards.

>> No.10809085

>could not relate to a cuckold

>> No.10809165

Entertaining but poorly written.

>> No.10809174

it's alright but the series will never be finished and the second book has a massive drop off in quality and it's a straight power fantasy through and through

>> No.10809200

Goddamn that part was so boring to read. The entire second novel feels like he wrote a bunch of separate stories and tried to glue them all together, and the Chandrian hint being a last minute addition.
Fair assessment desu. It's also not well written. I read NotW in my language then Wise Man's Fear in English and was shocked to see how shit the writing had become. Then I read NotW in English again and found out that Rothfuss really isn't that good. At least it's fun when he gets it right.

>> No.10809274

You aren't allowed to call someone else a faggot if you refer to people on the internet as "sir"

>> No.10809314

As far as I know it's full of crime and the protagonist is a Reddit fedora power fantasy.

>> No.10809343

Better than the book of the new sun, that's for sure.

>> No.10809352
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>In high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all his friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl. He also role-played and wrote terrible stories about elves. He was pretty much a geek.

>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, the blade, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women. He also began writing a satirical advice column which he continues to this day: The College Survivial Guide. Through all of this he continued to work on his novel.

He is even more Reddit Incarnate than Ernest Cline.

>> No.10809359

The last quarter of the second book was absolutely god awful

>> No.10809361
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>the blade

>> No.10809372



>> No.10809383
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>bweheheheheheh roofthus is bettar than joyce cuz the werds no make a snece!!!! heeeheuehheheh
this is the world we live in now

>> No.10809395

It's a step above Hairy Potter.

>> No.10809411
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well, despite the general detestable nature of it, at least he admits to being a kissless virgin

>> No.10809448

Just gotta throw in that quick tidbit to ensure everyone knows he's totally not a virgin now, I swear!

>> No.10809463

>the blade

>> No.10810153

>kvothe poisons and massacres like 8 people who'd given him shelter because they were keeping two girls as sex slaves
>someone back at their village points out that murdering them all was probably a bit disproportionate
>kvothe breaks his arm
>the narrator steps forward in the form of a wise old lady and tells kvothe that he absolutely did the right thing
I forgave a lot of transparent shit in this book until this.

>> No.10810183
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>the blade

>> No.10810256

Does jail and trials and law not exist in this world?

>> No.10811031

I never used that word, I simply agreed.

>> No.10811036
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>the blade

>> No.10811222
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>the blade

>> No.10811247


>Now Pat teaches half-time at his old school as an assistant-sub-lecturer. He is underpaid but generally left alone to do as he sees fit with his classes. He is advisor for the college feminists, the fencing club, and, oddly enough, a sorority. He still roll-plays occasionally, but now he does it in an extremely sophisticated, debonair way.

>> No.10811268
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The guy is a real piece of shit


>> No.10811281
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>the blade

>> No.10811320

Id say exactly the same thing, but you said it better.

>> No.10811334
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christ this is actually painful to read. Please tell me he didn't put this in the back of a book

>> No.10811408

>1 hour
Any highlights?

>> No.10811425
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>the blade

>> No.10811437


2,000+ pages of text and the ostensible primary antagonists haven't been even vaguely hinted at more than a dozen times, let alone actually appeared physically more than twice. There's no way the third book will be worth anything.

Also, I've got some pasta from one of these threads that made me laugh, I'll see if I can find it.

>> No.10811441

there's no way i'm opening that shit but doens't he call everyone a bunch of fucking geeks or something, because people are asking him when he's gonna release the new book?

>> No.10811458



No they fucking aren't, and the magic system is shit. And FYI, I've been into fantasy for as long as I can remember; it's why I despise this book. Any fucking generic RPG has a better magic system than this piece of trash.

On-topic, I HATE this book OP. And let me explain to you, that when I use the word hate, I mean it, I mean absolute unbridled hatred, and furthermore, I can't think of a single other thing in this world I hate. I can think of things I dislike, certainly, things I would subjectively classify as weak or inferior, but this book is just fucking S H I T in EVERY - CONCEIVABLE - WAY.

I should mention that I read this book because at the time, and I'm not sure if this is still the case, but fucking Steve Erikson had a quote on the cover, something along the lines of, "This is the dark version of Harry Potter we're all been waiting for." Now I don't like fucking Harry Potter either, but whatever, it was in /lit/'s god-tier fantasy list alongside TC and PoN so I figured what the hell.



Okay, I'm sorry /lit/, I literally can't help myself. This is the worst 'thing' I have ever experienced, and I've seen some REALLY SHITTY MOVIES and played some REALLY SHITTY GAMES, OKAY? NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE TO THIS. NOTHING IN THE WORLD IS AS BAD AS THIS BOOK, I GUARANTEE YOU.

Having said this, you must read this book. I am sincere in this OP, it's so bad that it must be read learned from. I understand, it will be hard: the characters are shitty, there is no plot, the prose is boring as fuck, and the world-building is babby's first fantasy - but it must be done.
This isn't just another shitty fantasy book. When I put this book down I knew that this was garbage of monumental significance, trash that went beyond all other trash in history; reading this is your walkabout, an anabasis, an event, a test of manliness. By reading this book you will learn to appreciate all other books, even the shitty ones, because at least they're works of love, even if they're the products of piss-poor authors; this is the work of Satan. There's a reason both of these motherfuckers have red hair, this book is the ANTI-literature the ANTI-art, the ANTI-quality, the ANTI-LIFE - OKAY?

Keep in mind, these feelings have lasted for years; I read this when it came out. It's truly the worst a human has ever created.

>> No.10811484
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>> No.10811615

>The actual story
Pines after Denna. Fails to realize she's a whore for rich dudes. MC is basically a cuck.

>> No.10811630

Try Titus Groan

>> No.10811719

Something about this book kinda disturbs me. It seems to be the power fantasy of the nu-male; Kvothes cucked relationship with Denna is how I'd imagine a beta-orbiter idealises his relationship.
I read this when I was 14 and enjoyed it quite alot, kinda worried about the fact that I might of internalized parts of the author's reddit.

>> No.10811838
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Beautiful. I wish I learned how to post like this in school

>> No.10811900

Ehh I liked it, I'll probably read the next one when? it comes out. but i also tend to read just about anything that is fantasy, except for those shit Robin Hobb books, I refuse to read a series where the author gave every character a fucking stupid name and thought it was good. Fitz is a name for a cat or some small animal not a person fuck those shitty names.

>> No.10811905

no that's not what happend. Kvothe broke that kids arm for calling them sluts hahaha

>> No.10811906
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>the blade
ooph. Man I remember reading that a long ass time ago. Back in 2011 that phrase was not nearly as stigmatized but now here we are.

Oh man that was pretty painful to watch.

As for the actual book i definitely enjoyed them far more as a teenager. Particularly the first book, which i have always thought was quite good. Scenes involving Denna in the first book didn't have this air of weird sexual tension. It was more innocent. The scene where Denna is high as fuck on denner and asks Kvothe to hold her stuck out to me in particular for a multitude of reasons. Mostly being a 14 year old kid.
Magic system is cool. Kvothe and cast of characters are pretty neat. I wish Ambrose was a bit deeper than mustache twirling pompous nobleman. Chandrian are cool. Religious background is neat.
Really it's a great book for a teenager but falls off significantly as you age. I find myself in my rereads skipping certain chapters. In particular any chapter involving denna in the second book.

>> No.10811913

Pretty much any encounter with Denna became a skip for me, but I remember I used to really like the chapter where he followed her and she saved that girl and told her she was a stupid little girl.

>> No.10811941

Even the fanciest horse is still a horse. Sooner or later you're going to get ridden.
yeah that scene is probably my favorite denna scene in WMF. Probably not coincidental that it involves zero interaction between the two. And no male third party either.

>> No.10811949

er, uh, wh-
what did she mean by this?

>> No.10811981

The thing that annoys me about the books is that the author seems like an insufferable cunt and he can't even finish his own fucking trilogy. The third book should be the fucking easiest.

>> No.10811991

I read somewhere that the books are supposedly one big fucking prologue for the actual story.

>> No.10812007

>Film can't do anything that couldn't be done better by literature (not you but a common sentiment on this board)
Pick one /lit/izens

>> No.10812012

I thought the second book was a bit of a let down t b h. The first third of the book is a continuation of a plot we already know is going to fucking end and how it's going to end since the back cover of the first book. And it reads like harry potter at hogwarts with sword a sorcery. And then he fucks off into the wilderness and becomes a samurai and you're left wondering, where the hell is the plot development? Isn't this the story about him hunting the chandrian? What the fuck happened with the chandrian? We practically learn nothing new about them and we only get that one scene where they appear. He also seems less like the genius he was portrayed in the first book and more like an asshole who keeps getting lucky (no suprise roughfuss based the character on himself). The sex scenes are good when you're a teenager but reading it when you're older you have to wonder if this guy has ever jerked off to anything but the most bland vanilla erotic porn. I bit of a let down with the prose too, lots of dialogue and filler chapters that you have to refrain from skipping through less you miss all the easter eggs the guy has laid out throughout the plot. And now we have to wait 7+ years (seven fucking years and counting!) for the third book which maaaay be a bit disappointing if he doesn't completely blow everyone away with the ending. Btw rummor is he gave the third book two out of five stars on goodsreads and we all know writers have an overinflated ego so that's probably a 0.5 at best. My guess is, it ends with him just dying there for some reason or other while Blast goes "Resi no! You
where supposed to be the chosen one!", in his little tavern and all the redditors tear out their neckbeard hair in dissapointment and fustration and move on to the next fantasy jerk off or just wait for remaining GRRM books that are never going to come around.

>> No.10812041
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>Kingkiller Chronicle
the very definition of gay-ass millenial semen-slurping soyboy horse shit bullshit
it's somehow already even worse than LOST and it doesn't even have an ending yet
apparently recently he's been talking about the whole thing being just one small part of all the god-damned bullshit he's gonna write about this pole-pulling world his characters inhabit, so it's looking like this cancerous epidemic is never going to end until the fantasy entire fantasy genre is maimed, butchered, eviscerated, mutilated, garroted, disemboweled, and in short killed completely
hopefully this guy gets tired of all the nerds shitting on him and just gives up, 'cause he's far too young to die quite yet

>> No.10813302

>Isn't this the story about him hunting the chandrian

The only reason I kept reading. The books are one big tease that never produces. What a waste of what could have been an epic badass antagonist.