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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 107 KB, 749x1000, Father_John_Misty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10804367 No.10804367 [Reply] [Original]

Is he /ourguy/? Is he /lit/? Don't tell me you don't listen to music, anon... nobody's that one dimensional, right?

>> No.10804478

I love you honeybear is a masterpiece

>> No.10804503


>> No.10804514


>> No.10804515

>commercial music
Go to read your John Green, bro,

>> No.10804516

I'm glad he's dead

>> No.10804591

I like him, but he seems like a bit of an egocentric poser desu

>> No.10804597

>all commercial music is bad

I mean how do you even fucking define commercial music, is any music that makes money bad. Fucking remedial contrarians.

>> No.10804736

>Oh, their religions are the best
They worship themselves yet they're totally obsessed
With risen zombies, celestial virgins, magic tricks, these unbelievable outfits
And they get terribly upset
When you question their sacred texts
Written by woman-hating epileptics

damn... really makes you think

>> No.10804758
File: 36 KB, 320x408, je8e2aAcFKX_tVMQ2G2Td6hVilksMdjegfRgvqDAtb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean how do you even fucking define commercial music

Nice soygument

>> No.10804777

>Pure Comedy
You get that it is ironic, right? He's only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.10804789

t. brooklyn

>> No.10804790


>> No.10804799

>implying there's something bad about living in the intellectual capital of the world

>> No.10804802


I love freak folk but Misty is fucking garbage, can't listen to him for five minutes. Glorified elevator music

>> No.10804807

>the intellectual capital of the world


>> No.10804819

He's fine but Radiohead makes the most /lit/ music out there.

>> No.10804833

Honestly what was the deal with pseud musicians and Infinite Jest last year? Pure Comedy, Everything Now and American Dream were clearly inspired by it.

>> No.10804849

This thread creeps me out because I posted >>10802245
I wonder if OP read my post. I wonder if his brain only picked it up subconsciously.

>> No.10804862

Back to /mu you goddamn pleb.

>> No.10804900

Yeah. Radiohead are amazing. It's a pity they aren't more popular. After releasing great album after great album they deserve to be at least a little more well known. Alas people love pop music and great great music will never have the popularity of Justin Bieiber or Taylor Swift.

>> No.10804939

radiohead plays stadiums, they've got a big following

>> No.10804942

Shh, you might convince him to stop being a fan

>> No.10804943

just stop posting anytime

>> No.10804951

My old philosophy prof was roommates with this guy at some Christian college. He liked to credit himself with educating j tillman on existentialism. What a guy. I miss him

>> No.10804961

Who the fuck is J Tillman?

>> No.10804969

im not insecure about my music taste

>> No.10804981

Real Love Baby is good. The rest is just too pretentious. Just listen to Fleet Foxes

>> No.10804985

it's actually just alright you fucking pleb

>> No.10804991
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Until you find another artist who can namedrop Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sarte in the same verse, yes he is /ourguy/

>> No.10804997

They are fantastic pop musicians, maybe the best in the game, but their literary references and influences seem really accessible and at times even obvious. It's stuff like Chomsky, Orwell, PKD, Burroughs...

>> No.10805003

a lot of my favourite artists are pretty much pseuds but i don't care

>> No.10805009

the goethe references on In Rainbows are pretty comfy

>> No.10805018
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>It's over J. Tillman

>I have the high ground!

>> No.10805027

helplessness blues is goat

>> No.10805039
File: 410 KB, 750x1024, 109885482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name dropping Sartre


>> No.10805042

Fleet Foxes are the only good nu-Folk.
NMH can suck my cock

>> No.10805047

I guess my thinking might be colored by Kid A "is thom going to kill himself?" era Radiohead because I think that's when they made their best music and those are their records that I replay the most. The slightly adolescent angsty Radiohead

>> No.10805053
File: 88 KB, 500x500, 02-og[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A challenger appears

>> No.10805058

Literally who?

>> No.10805099

Pure comedy is better

>> No.10805105
File: 55 KB, 900x506, your_old_droog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milo does that but both seem like desperate, shallow attempts to be /ourguy/
The ones to really pay attention to make their songs about manipulating language in clever ways, not saying hey guys I hate tv and read schopenhauer once, like MF DOOM, Fleet Foxes, M. Ward, or pic related

>> No.10805109

There's even a porn star who quotes Sartre while she gets fucked. Nothing special about it.

>> No.10805114

brooklyn is where trustfund babies meet to roleplay as intellectuals and bohemians.
an intellectual capital needs to encourage free thought and challenge those participating within it. modern brooklyn is a status mecca and nothing more

>> No.10805151
File: 10 KB, 480x360, angryjeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you faggot

>> No.10805202

Suck my cock Jeff

>> No.10805248


Numale faggots
Your work is guaranteed dogshit too

>> No.10805330

As sarcasm anon implied, Radiohead are immensely overrated. In fact I can't think of a more overrated band except maybe Pink Floyd

>> No.10805350
File: 10 KB, 300x186, 1435982543472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it back you son of a bitch.

>> No.10805357

Also correct

>> No.10805374

I think that Watsky is the DFW of music.

>> No.10805459

these artists are pseuds. contemporary musicians making references to make their audiences feel witty and inclusive. you guys make me sick even seeing some of this brought up

this shit is what shallow blue-hairs wank themselves over while rubbing one out to daddys money

>> No.10805469


a jewish beat poet is the david foster wallace of music

>> No.10805482

Tell me, anons, what's good music? And how do the artists make money without being "commercial"?

>> No.10805483

They're a good band but about as lit as the books subreddit.

>> No.10805503


>> No.10805508

They don't
Musicians or artists in general who have artistic integrity very often die in poverty
The only time they make money is if their chosen genre or work just so happens to be compatible with the current style being pushed or popularised
All bands that make significant money, or have done since the 60's are shit
Np exceptions

>> No.10805527
File: 29 KB, 700x401, low-quality-bait-700x401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10805572

charlotte sartre is an exciting woman

>> No.10805683


i think music is a whore's art field.

too fast, too obsessed with hit making and looking cool/intelligent. there's some gems out there. i really like brand new for example. no particular track. i think each of their albums has captured the male spirit at different stages in it's coming-into-age and when you look at the whole discography it tells you something that took a long time to tell. i don't think it is possible within a single song, or a single album, to say anything worthwhile which is where i think musical artists fail

>> No.10805704
File: 1.79 MB, 320x193, 1505253802779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brand new

>> No.10805731


it's not a belletristic obscure choice that fulfills typical lit vanity but it's a realistic one

>> No.10805742

I'm not making fun of you for liking Brand New because they're popular, I'm making fun of you for liking Brand New because they suck.

>> No.10805784


no one cares that you think brand new sucks. they're a friggen emo band, this is shit you read in facebook comments sections. i'm saying their music adds up to a whole greater than the parts and that the whole says something which is actually extremely rare. they're the only band that i've seen outside of classical music that has somehow opted to try to say something versus try to achieve critical popularity

this is my problem with music. it generally never says anything. even artsy introspective bands are just cleverly re-marketing the same shit with a few more cleverly chosen words to make it seem distinguished. brand new revels in how low brow it is and tries to say something, they're a musical oddity whether that makes you cringe or not

>> No.10805839

Did you stop listening to music in high school or something? There are tons of musicians making legitimate art. Just because you're ignorant of them doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.10805887


i listen to lots of music. i see most of it more akin to nancy drew, animorphs, etc. books that exist as products of mass consumption and aren't intended by design to change anything other than to fulfill a pre-existing demand. i don't believe most music today would exist just like those books. some if it disguises itself cleverly as artsy in very vain ways, like for example artists that reference david foster wallace as mentioned above. they're just trying to make a reference so they can market their public preception as high brow entertainment to a pre-existing niche. i don't see that song and dance as art

outside of classical and even modern classical (to a much less extent), i have only ever seen brand new that doesn't appear to be a product of consumption and instead is just troubled rapist's tri-yearly growing woes

>> No.10805911

Aesop Rock and MF DOOM are the most /lit/ musicians.

>> No.10805966

cheetos fritos and doritos

>> No.10805987

how does referencing well known authors in your song make you a good artist? thats like me painting a few equations by einstein and maybe eulers equation in my painting and going around telling everyone on IC that my painting is the best

>> No.10806058

>beat poet
OH, so that's what that means

>> No.10806083

No it's like Tool using the Fibonacci sequence

>> No.10806115

>Rob Zombie
He sings like he's trying to shit and his movies are garbage.

>> No.10806240
File: 1.14 MB, 2757x2560, top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last chart before migrating to /lit/


>> No.10806246

>Pure Cuckoldry

>> No.10806251

>Jackson C. Frank
Mah nigga

>> No.10806261

Father john misty. The guy in op's pic

>> No.10806371


>> No.10806395

>they're the only band outside of classical music who try to say anything
You need to listen to more music if you actually think this. I mean I like Brand New as well but it's absolutely ridiculous to think some emo band are the only ones who have something enlightening to say about the human experience.

>> No.10806421

Commercial music isn't just music that makes money, it's music that's made to make money.

>> No.10806433

Love to see Dadawah and Lucio Battisti so high

>> No.10806502

HAHAHAHAHAHAH fucking cringe

>> No.10806516

David Foster Wallace on his favourite books:

OK. Historically the stuff that’s sort of rung my cherries: Socrates’ funeral oration, the poetry of John Donne, the poetry of Richard Crashaw, every once in a while Shakespeare, although not all that often, Keats’ shorter stuff, Schopenhauer, Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy and Discourse on Method, Kant’s Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysic, although the translations are all terrible, William James’ Varieties of Religious Experience, Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Hemingway—particularly the ital stuff in In Our Time, where you just go oomph!, Flannery O’Connor, Cormac McCarthy, Don DeLillo, A.S. Byatt, Cynthia Ozick—the stories, especially one called “Levitations,” about 25 percent of the time Pynchon. Donald Barthelme, especially a story called “The Balloon,” which is the first story I ever read that made me want to be a writer, Tobias Wolff, Raymond Carver’s best stuff — the really famous stuff. Steinbeck when he’s not beating his drum, 35 percent of Stephen Crane, Moby-Dick, The Great Gatsby.

And, my God, there’s poetry. Probably Phillip Larkin more than anyone else, Louise Glück, Auden.

>> No.10806911

>David Foster Wallace
>posts Klaus Kinski

>> No.10807250

Ok bud.

>> No.10808027


>> No.10808046
File: 87 KB, 553x290, Rameau (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/ threads on /lit/ are always the most painful reminder of the absolute state of this board

you should kill yourself

>> No.10808067


Opinion acknowledged

>> No.10808783

dated trash. listen to something from the last 20 years (aka better music)

>> No.10808907

>Post-Irony perfected
try Alex Cameron's Forced Witness its not as good but its more of this rare form of expression

>> No.10808913

>muh obscurity
good music is good music regardless of the intent

>> No.10808931

Wtf I hate Mozart now

>> No.10808950
File: 70 KB, 600x628, d739969af2ce2803576629ceb2f5fcc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he wear the shirt?

>> No.10809312


>> No.10809688

Pop and genre music are the equivalent of YA and genre fiction. FACT.

>> No.10810293
File: 93 KB, 675x1200, DRxMnDKWAAAgof3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indie folk singer songwriter Ryley Walker. Regularly receives 6s from Pitchfork, how's that for an endorsement

>> No.10810312

I only listen to lofi stoner house music.

>> No.10811011
File: 135 KB, 807x807, violent-femmes-55c6208dba638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10811658

Every failed musician tells themselves this

>> No.10811730

"Only sick music makes money today."
- Nietzsche

>> No.10811750

same lad, honestly its garbage music but the best kind of garbage