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/lit/ - Literature

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10801896 No.10801896 [Reply] [Original]

How come most revolutionary contemporary thinkers are OUTSIDE of academia?

Aren't colleges supposed to nest our intellectual elite?

>> No.10801902
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academics have no skin in the game

>> No.10801909

>thinks revolution should be nested in academia
Literally kys cuck famalam

>> No.10801915

based talebposter

>> No.10801925
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>> No.10801943

>Aren't colleges supposed to nest our intellectual elite?

Colleges - just like mainstream media - are part of the state apparatus engaged in manufacturing consent. They are in charge of crushing divergent thinking and inspiring self-censorship to their students.

>> No.10802008

There is nothing revolutionary about academia, it's a business that needs to perpetuate its own institutions and create acceptable divergences of opinion. The whole job of academia is to take great thinkers and neuter them until they can be sufficiently fitted into the narrative of the prevailing philosophy.

>> No.10802042

Moldbug is like 120 years late.

>> No.10802043


It's obvious that conformity is at the heart of academia. If you'll notice, and not many people seem to, the entire education system, almost the world over, is designed backwards essentially. Approaching the situation logically, what does a singular human need in order to thrive in the current world? The answer is quite simple, they need some kind of desirable skill. And it stands to reason that this ought to be the first priority of any educational institution. But do education systems start out with the intention of giving you that desirable skill? No, you must go deep into the system before you gain access to that. So why is this? It's because the ultimate goal of education systems is not to empower people by simply giving them what they need in order to be successful. The goal is to give people this only after specific modes of thought have been engendered in them.

>> No.10802077
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helmstedt 1589
never forget

>> No.10802115

A guy with a jawline like that is incapable of producing revolutionary work

>> No.10802134

i forgot radical intellectuals are all square jawed he men

>> No.10802137

NrX is extremely radical, Nick Land and Moldbug are both completely “off the reservation”. Even the New Right in Europe doesn’t go as far as techno feudalism

>> No.10802139

A square jaw is actually a unisex feature indicating well developed dental arches.
A long lover third and a big flat chin is what is masculine.
I hope you learned something today.

>> No.10802145

You don't get out of the box by placing yourself in it

>> No.10802146

not lover

>> No.10802147

Lol. This is where /pol/ becomes retarded and I see how people had a problem with the muh science of naziism. “People who agree with me will all look German, right?”

>> No.10802150

Square jaw means high testosterone individuals

>> No.10802153

does moldbug actually say anything of value?

>> No.10802158

The right equivalent is archeofuturism.

>> No.10802171

all best philosophers were scrawny manlets, Kant was like 4'2"

>> No.10802173
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what about NiceRx?

>> No.10802560

Academia has become the refuge of bureaucratic ladder climbers. Some radicalism is fashionable, but too much hinders career prospects.

>> No.10802568

If by revolutionary you mean most popular. Obviously some sperg with a YouTube is better known than an ACTUAL academic and intellectual.

>> No.10802588

Not really. It's a work from a manchild and reveals more Modlbug's anxiety at reality, where he prefers the certainty of eternal sole licking rather than face the uncertainty of freedom.

>> No.10802593

>welp I'm lined up against the wall with my hands tied behind my back, my political project has gone up in flames, all institutions have turned their back on me and all of society has been subverted and turned against me and my ideas. but at least my arguments were epistemologically sound, take that you pseuds!

>> No.10802625
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Read SIEGE by JamesMason

>> No.10802629

is neorec just libertarians rebranding in a meme-er way?

>> No.10802654

Yes and no

>> No.10802683


Is this the most reddit thing ever to blight /lit/?

>he le deadlifts he is le cool guy xD
>lel have some le skin in le game lelele xD
>heh, you almost got me there, but if I call you le intellectual lyet le idiot I win XDDDD

Imagine how much better /lit/ would be if all content from the north american continent was banned. No Memerson, no Le-leb, no John Green, no Sam Harris, heavy reduction in americancer identity politics, no Steven King, no Rupi Kaur, no DFW, no Ernest Cline.

The only thing of value that would be lost would be Melville, literally the singular thing of worth relevant to this board that the entire continent has produced, but threads about him always descend to homoeroticism and complaints about whaling trivia anyway.

>> No.10802779

>Freedom exists

>> No.10802781

taleb is african

>> No.10802788

>imagine if this wasn't an american page
plenty of non-english pages on the internet

>> No.10802790

You'd prefer to lick the soles of the managerial gynocracy instead

>> No.10802851

>Aren't colleges supposed to nest our intellectual elite?
In a society which uses education to organize itself, the intellectual elite are the social elite. Do you think it's a coincidence that the the current and previous four presidents and every member of the supreme court have Ivy League educations?

>> No.10802868

Ivy League= Reptoid indoctrination centres

>> No.10802884

Let's not get conspiratorial, but they are grooming centers for our social elite. America can't really be considered a democracy while those institutions, among other thingfs, continue to operate they way they do.

>> No.10802891

Academics have historically been cowards that let others start the revolution for them while they jerked themselves off to the grandness of their ideas. One also has to keep in mind that academics are dependent on government patronage, and are thus less inclined to say radical things than somebody earning a living off the donations of autists on the internet.

>> No.10803015

I see that you're a man of taste, anon

>> No.10803045

Brainlet with mediocre SAT scores detected

>> No.10803077

to avoid peer-reviews of their "work" and general scrutiny?

>> No.10803125

fucking LOL

>> No.10803182

Doesn't make what I said any less true.

>> No.10803211

all academia does is reproduce the exploitative ideologies of the bourgeoisie. No true revolution will be formed in the university, only reformulations of power over the worker.

>> No.10803216


>> No.10803233

*blocks your path*

>> No.10803266

>be affluent and educated
>realize how stupid the bulk of the population is
>use this to your advantage

>> No.10803275

t. ussr

>> No.10803284

>The most influential thinkers come from outside academia
Other than Marx, literally who else?

>> No.10803380

This has more to do with the current elites being useless. Classical music, real scientific advancements, and intellectual thinking all died out after world war 2. Our current elites are just trash with more money. Until they stop behaving like peasants, academicia will be a wasteland.

>> No.10803424
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>Classical music, real scientific advancements, and intellectual thinking all died out after world war 2

>> No.10803462

Who enjoys listening to serial music? Rocket propulsion, computers came out of ww2 and have only been fine tuned. Name one intellectual post ww2 on par with kant or even Hegel.

>> No.10803472
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>Aren't colleges supposed to nest our intellectual elite?

>> No.10803483

>Who enjoys listening to serial music
browse /mu/ classical threads for half a second
>Rocket propulsion, computers came out of ww2 and have only been fine tuned
absolutely abhorrent understanding
>Name one intellectual post ww2 on par with kant or even Hegel.
>inb4 hurr whatever you post I'm just gonna say "hurr not an intellectual" until you give up

>> No.10803498

Peterson is Canadian.

>> No.10803509

so is rupi kuar; canada is part of the north american continent

>> No.10803556

t. neetposter

>> No.10803969


>> No.10803974

>foreigner writes a book
>fucking america!

>> No.10804114

>>Name one intellectual post ww2 on par with kant or even Hegel.
I hope you're not being serious

>> No.10804174

He's Arab

>> No.10804212

if you are saying he is pre-ww2, I would say the majority of his work, and clearly the most important ones, were published post ww2.
if you are saying he isn't an intellectual, or one that rivals kant, I would say you haven't read any of his work or clearly understood different academic interpretations of his writings.

>> No.10804404


t. collegecuck

>> No.10804541

women can have square jaws too dumb dumb.

>> No.10804622

yes, and?