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10800943 No.10800943 [Reply] [Original]

give me ONE good reason why you don't have a bookstand

>> No.10800948

I have hands

>> No.10800950



>> No.10800961


>> No.10800965

I don’t read books

>> No.10801037

I'm not a stenographer.

>> No.10801042

I don't know where to buy one.

>> No.10801045

I'm poor.

>> No.10801047

don't have one, I would love a book stand

>> No.10801048

I'm not gay

>> No.10801051

I'm a heterosexual male.

>> No.10801062
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It blocks a portion of the page.
Flipping pages looks uncomfortable. It could leave fold marks if you let go of those things.

>> No.10801064
File: 36 KB, 460x397, shocked pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold up, OP.

This the Story of Civilization: Life of Greece?

>> No.10801065

I'm gay not a faggot

>> No.10801070
File: 59 KB, 350x233, wheel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not owning a reading wheel

>> No.10801071

I recline when I read, or lie down.
Sitting up, or worse: forward, with a "straight" back, is bad for your back.

>> No.10801156
File: 56 KB, 621x702, vO7lRZ7.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sitting straight is bad for your back

>> No.10801252


>> No.10801269

I have one

>> No.10801415

It's the first philosophers: the presocratics and sophists

>> No.10801443

Once you finish with the Greeks, you'll understand.

>> No.10801589

I just made one out of cardboard and nails yesterday.
But it's just for me to copy stuff.

>> No.10801597
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>a reading wheel

>> No.10801848
File: 26 KB, 385x382, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do own one. I also own a document holder for typing. You can get both for like $10 each on Aliexpress.

>> No.10801851

It genuinely seems like more work than just holding it unless the book weigh a fucking ton, in which case it probably wont fit in most bookstands anyway.

>> No.10801899

im poor and torrent all my literature and read it on my shitty laptop screen. thank god for f.lux

>> No.10801932

Why would you need both your hands free while reading?

>> No.10802006

I have one too, but I use it rarely.

>> No.10802007

Uh yeah.. who needs to keep one hand free while reading a book.. what a stupid concept.. not me that's for sure.. glad we could clear the air

>> No.10802038

I asked about two hands.

>> No.10802288

not him, but I read while I'm cooking sometimes.
still don't need a stand, though.

>> No.10802303

I can't be assed to order one.

>> No.10802307

>willingly weakening and carelessly creasing your books

>> No.10802332

I wanted to get one to hold programming books, but I couldn't drive at the time so I just bent a coathanger
Turns out that it's a really shitty solution, so I bent it further and put some paper on it to soften the light from my lamp
I then compensated for no longer being able to effectively learn programming from books by going to college

>> No.10802362

I don't read
Checkmate OP

>> No.10802381
File: 32 KB, 327x323, 1516854547518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading wheel

THIS is why I browse /lit/

Underrated post.

>> No.10802401

I use a Kindle.

>> No.10802552

I dont read.

>> No.10802613

this made me laugh my ass of anon, thanks

>> No.10802644

"Straight" is meant in the sense of forcing your posture to be unnaturally rigid and straight.

>> No.10802736
File: 508 KB, 800x1080, wheelsboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading wheel

>> No.10803131
File: 65 KB, 500x680, Book+Wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell it's real

>> No.10803202

>chopping away at a wheelieskellie
>another comes behind you with a 20 hit combo and hollows your ass

>> No.10803242

Only reason I can see this being useful is like deskwork where you are taking notes or writing along with the work.

Other than that:
>not comfy
>holders get in the way of the text
>pain in the ass to swith between pages
>I have hands

>> No.10803253

Better than my Mendeley, desu.

>> No.10803273

Me neither. Halp

>> No.10803290

but those are pedestrian

>> No.10803341
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>reading wheel
You guys are silly sometimes.

>> No.10803359
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*spins my reading wheel*


>> No.10803371

>not a lectern
wuw ur so smart

>> No.10803377
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>> No.10803423

damm it guys, now I need one of these

>> No.10803434

I hate those fuckers

>> No.10803445
File: 120 KB, 564x834, 8e5d634f8326cbbb4b2b7de8160be17b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I roll.

>> No.10803516

He's actually right though

>> No.10803552

Anon is right though you faggot

>> No.10803643
File: 18 KB, 513x377, taschen-bookstand-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a taschen one - pic related
i use it to support muh big arty books

>> No.10803688

>not foldable
that's just bad form

>> No.10803696

Ah a true patrician

>> No.10803804

>>not foldable
it's foldable, dum dum

>> No.10803820

>it's foldable, dum dum
? it's bent plexiglass tho? I'm not seeing any hinges,

>> No.10803859

are you saying the book's not foldable? LOL

>> No.10803863

the stand you monkey

>> No.10803876

calm down bro

>> No.10803896

I do actually have one, but I don't use it for fiction, that would be silly. It's perfect for textbooks when you wanna take extensive notes.

>> No.10804292

posting in historical thread

>> No.10804319
File: 101 KB, 503x324, 2018-03-06_2159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it's two pieces of interlocking perspex
when it's dismantled it's flat-ish
truthfully it's not a great bookstand. when i put a heavy book on it, it bends a bit worryingly.

>> No.10804395

it looks like crap, honestly.
There should be wooden or metal stands that fold completely flat without having to be dismantled, kind of like the way lawn chairs fold up.
you deserve better, bro.

>> No.10804415

>not using prism glasses that reflect your vision downward, so that you can read a book flat on your desk without bending over it, or lie flat on your back to read the book you're holding up on your sternum.

>> No.10804435

Breaks the spine.

>> No.10804440
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I appreciate the KOTOR meme

>> No.10804471
File: 40 KB, 447x599, ManlyTears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beautiful.

>> No.10804472

>he doesn't masturbate with both hands

>> No.10804735
File: 89 KB, 640x640, 1pc-Lazy-Leisure-Decorative-Bookends-Book-Marks-Creative-Bookmark-For-Books-Stand-Reading-Book-Holder-atril.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couple of these crappy things. They're not very nice, but they are cheap and portable.

>the virgin spinning top
>the chad wheel

>> No.10804766
File: 51 KB, 500x455, 510-RrEiRyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i just remembered that i also have pic related, which is wooden and does fold flat.
it's pretty sturdy but i don't like it very much because the central bit where the book's spine rests isn't quite flat, which makes me reluctant to put my nice big arty books on it

recently i visited a museum and noticed they were displaying historical books on rests which were basically two triangular wedges cut from dense foam and covered in velvety material. i might have a go at making some from an old sofa cushion or something

>> No.10804792

I used to, not this gay tho
now i use a monitor lmao

>> No.10804838


>> No.10805203
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, 61KJQp5DbEL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related graphick.

>> No.10805244

what the bich reading in her babylons?

>> No.10806593

im not a faggot

>> No.10806681


i read in bed

>> No.10806856

in the skreencap plox

>> No.10806905

>the book's spine rests isn't quite flat,
>dense foam
There's your answer. Cut a strip of dense foam and put it in the center.

>> No.10807117

>web browsers before tabs were introduced

>web browsers after tabs were introduced

>> No.10807159

>having to move both arms to change the page every time
that's probably why desu. i'd actually use one if it was simplified