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/lit/ - Literature

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10797966 No.10797966 [Reply] [Original]

>4 threads about the bible on first page
>God is brought up in random threads that have nothing to do with religion

When did this board become /christfag/ general?

>> No.10797976
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Memerson probably causes this

>> No.10797977

the /pol/ threads also seem to have increased in number. I remember that most of the users were in their late teens and early twenties according to some strawpoll.. really makes me think...

>> No.10798003
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>> No.10798015

It would be ok if they were about any interesting aspect of the Bible, but it literally never is
Plebs man

>> No.10798107

There's always been a lot of discussion about Christianity. The Saints are part of the /lit/ curriculum after the Romans. But /pol/ and their Peterson-posting have definitely increased the number of pure religion threads.

>> No.10798110

All I ever want to talk about is the crazy shenanigans from Genesis and Exodus, and all /pol/ and /lit/ ever want to argue about is the divinity of christ and what a fag Luther was/was not

>> No.10798172

8/christian/ went to shit. They need to make a /christian/ on 4chan to contain it

>> No.10798323

Love Jesus Father Son Compassion Love Jesus, anon.

>> No.10798327

this was a catholic board from day 1

no, peterson is a meme atheist

>> No.10798576

Jesus Love Love Love Faith Humility Forgiveness

>> No.10798579

Catholics are well-read.

>> No.10798608

I watched a recent debate. Peterson actually defended morality stemming from a biological/evolutionary framework, then when pressed admitted there always remains some unexpected transcendental residue that is far from trivial when analyzing morality. I cant tell whether he is a theist pretending not to be a theist in order not to get blacklisted or an atheist leaving a transcendetal option open to appeal to theists, but I wish he would take a stronger stand on his position. When God comes up as a question he is shy/lukewarm to commit either way.

>> No.10798615

along with the nazi invasion a bunch of christcucks flooded in, basically 4chan is the last place conservative deadenders can hide from history

>> No.10798616

Hey now there are 5 bible threads on the first page
and look, we're talking about God again

>> No.10798633

>The modern Classical-Christian educational movement began when Douglas Wilson published "The Lost Tools of Learning". In it he expanded on a paper written by Dorothy Sayers by the same title.[6] She lamented that the “great defect of our education" was that schools taught information, but did not teach students how to think. Wilson described an educational model based on the child's developmental capabilities and natural inclinations.

>From birth, the child learns language and about itself.
>From about age 2 to age 4, the child develops social skills and gains mobility and dexterity
>The Grammar stage begins around age 5. In this stage, the child is in a "parrot" stage of repeating what they are told. This phase sees them enjoying simple songs over and over, so songs, rhymes and memory aid teach the basics of reading, writing, numbers and math, and observational science. Many schools begin Latin language training in 3rd grade. Some schools will also teach a Christian Catechism while students are in this phase, as foundation for intensive study of the texts and structures of the Bible.
>The Logic stage begins in 6th grade. At this age, students naturally develop an argumentative behavior, and are equipped with tools of logic and how to formulate a defense for an idea. This provides the foundation for Sayers' 'teaching them to think' model.
>The Rhetoric phase happens during high school, blending the prior learning with specialized knowledge, generally in a college preparatory curriculum. [7]

>> No.10798642

>le current year
you'll have fun the next 20 years

>> No.10798657

how new are you?

>> No.10798663

his audience is largely consisted of fedoras

>> No.10798670

they'll move on to the next shinny thing when they realize he's just selling conservatism from 10 years ago which brought us here

>> No.10798690


>> No.10798695


>> No.10798700
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>> No.10798707


People think being a Christian is edgy and counterculture.

>> No.10798715
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>le clueless boomer mentality

>> No.10798731

>TFW you're unironically becoming nostalgic for the days when 4chan was full of edgy atheists and flying spaghetti monster shitposts

>> No.10798733

you always have reddit

>> No.10798737


If I were a clueless boomer I'd be a Christian.

>> No.10798961
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>peterson is a meme atheist

>> No.10799039

Yea, peterson is SUCH A CHICKEN for not wanting to debate a basement dweller with even less subs than I have whose biggest achievement is having published a book about /pol/. What a coward.

>> No.10799047

well, he said he would debate the left but that they won't debate him, i understand why he won't do it though, old marxists are under too many memes to be able to establish any kind of meaningful conversation, and they are better dirty fighters than the liberal left because they are actually used at being opposed so they had to learn a few tricks

>> No.10799079

I think this is probably correct >>10797977

Fucking /pol/ christfaggots. Ruining /mu/ too

>> No.10799082

that too

>> No.10799139

why would they post on /mu/
/mu/ already loves jesus chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist

>> No.10799147

meant for >>10799079

>> No.10799171

WE are CATHOLIC, how many times do I have to tell you? Goodness, where did we go wrong with raising you?

>> No.10799185
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No, we are Marists, which are Catholics who are brave enough to admit the divinity of our mother.

>> No.10799190

w-workshops are a good thing

>> No.10799191

the real christian keyboard would really have keys labelled "atheist", "dawkins" and "general shrieking" and a special shortcut key labelled "post picture of fat man wearing hat when arguments inevitably lost"

>> No.10799198

yeah, reddit really did a number on the ability to take atheism seriously