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10795799 No.10795799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I realize Peterson's biblical lectures are not psychological interpretations of the bible, but biblical interpretations of Jungian psychology

>> No.10795809
File: 8 KB, 259x194, warface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw you realize Jung was just Freud's drudge, and that Freud stole his tripartite theory of the mind from Plato's tripartite theory of the soul.
also MFW i realised Plato got his ideas from Jews, anyway.

>> No.10795811

>mfw I realize Peterson's biblical lectures are not psychological interpretations of the bible, but an excuse to talk about Jungian psychology

>> No.10795905

>Freud stole his tripartite theory of the mind from Plato's tripartite theory of the soul
...and this invalidates it how?

If you arrogant fucking morons ever decided to think about things first instead of jumping straight to contrarianism for the sake of putting other people down to inflate your own already-massive ego, you might actually conceive of a valid thought

It's not "stealing", it's "developing". Freud took the next step. Then Jung saw shit like this and realized human spirituality is a metaphor for our own psychology which we exert subconsciously. Jordan Peterson is the next in a line of people developing a thorough understanding of human psychology

You're not smart. Stop pretending you are. If you were, you'd be writing things people actually read and agree with instead of shitposting contrarian bullshit on 4chan.

>> No.10795921

>things people actually read and agree
Tends to be complete bullshit

>> No.10795924

Joke: I watch JBP because I have no father figure and need self help advice from a stranger on the internet
Woke: I watch JBP videos because I'm interested in jungian psychology and enjoy commentary on religion and philosophy from a psychological perspective.

>> No.10795926
File: 392 KB, 719x1112, jordan_b__peterson_by_orr_malus-dbekhz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize Peterson's entire post-clinical-psychology career is not a career, but an excuse to talk about Jungian psychology and to paraphrase Man's Search for Meaning

>> No.10795949

>mfw I watch Peterson expecting interpretations of biblical stories and instead get more speculation than an episode of Ancient Aliens

>> No.10795955

sure, as is the case with idiots like Carl Marx, but intelligent people can be mislead. Carl Marx was a smart guy, I'm sure. That's how he created a propaganda piece full of pseudo-logic and shit philosophy, but other intelligent men can actually tell you, in great detail, why the logic is flawed.

You, however, are just another average day moron with an overinflated ego attempting to convince yourself of your own intelligence by "discrediting" the words of people who are much, much smarter than you. And you do so without even a real argument. Just "it's wrong because its not a completely original idea", which, if anything, only confirms the idea as potentially something good because other very intelligent people agree with it

You're not adding anything to the conversation. You're literally a cancer to valuable discussion.

You 4chan pseudo-intellectuals are about as insightful as facebook lawyers are clever.

>> No.10795963

eh, hes not paraphrasing, he's building on it

>> No.10795971

What the actual fuck

>> No.10795978

>2 in the pink
>1 in the stink
what would jung think of this??

>> No.10795980

I'm actually really smart, like a lot of people have told me 'you're the smartest person I've ever met'

>> No.10795982

hahaha hows high school, kiddo?

>> No.10795992
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x2560, 5FC85555-D0C3-443F-9817-8E76EFD70E61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the average Peterson fan in the wild, lol

>> No.10795993

Has anyone ever told you that?

>> No.10796006

yes, because that's what people say to intelligent high schoolers when you're in high school to make you feel good about yourself. Trust me, on the off-chance that did happen, it's because people are trying to make you feel good about yourself, or because they dont care enough about what you're talking about to actually comment.

Well-informed definitely does not mean intelligent. Showing original thought and discipline are signs of intelligence.

That's okay, though. You'll have rude awakening when you go off to college. At least, if you actually get in to a decent one.

>> No.10796009

It was mostly people in university telling me this, there is no need to be upset

>> No.10796011

>to intelligent high schoolers
Let me correct myself. **outspoken, which definitely does not equate to intellect either.

>> No.10796016

> 2 12 rules of life
> dirty room
Do they negate each other?

>> No.10796017

At what university? Chico? Some shitty CC? lol

>> No.10796019

Joke: I watch JBP because I have no father figure and need self help advice from a stranger on the internet
Broke: I watch JBP because I like his boomer conservative political commentary and when he destroys SJWs
Woke: I watch JBP videos because I'm interested in jungian psychology and enjoy commentary on religion and philosophy from a psychological perspective
Bespoke: I watch JBP because he sounds like kermit the frog and it's comfy

>> No.10796028

You refined my thoughts and made them much better. As the poster of the original I wholeheartedly endorse this post.

>> No.10796031

McGill and UofT

>> No.10796043
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i play peterson lectures to help me fall asleep sometimes

>> No.10796069

I mean, i have no reason to believe anything you've said thus far, but its also not hard to be the most intelligent person in a society stupid enough to elect justin trudeau as their leader and accept speech limitation laws.

Also not a great point for your side that your only response to all the problems with your post is "oh yeah?? well people have told me im the smartest person they know!!"

>> No.10796078

also pretty telling that you feel the need to defend your intelligence to an anonymous internet stranger

Go do something that matters if you want to prove how smart you are(nt)

>> No.10796087

blown away that some of you actually put Peterson in the same rank as literary and philosophical giants

>> No.10796120

Lets go bigboy, could you tell me about the study doc mailloux used to call black people generally inferior at the mental level (of course) ?

>> No.10796121

>he hasn't been drawn as Christ Pantocrator
I can't find it but I know Vinny from Vinesauce has been drawn that way as well

>> No.10796123
File: 21 KB, 260x310, trumpsquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW when you think philosophy has developed at all since Socrates
It's all just dickin' around on the golden rule, which Jesus didn't invent, and is pretty obvious if you think about it.

>> No.10796129

Bespoke got me, have a you.

>> No.10796132

reminder: Peterson has not created a single idea, he is the definition of a parasite

>> No.10796140
File: 127 KB, 576x768, 1520216361402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society stupid enough to elect justin trudeau as their leader

>> No.10796142

What did you created?
T. Intellectual

>> No.10796185

Not a trump fan, but he's infinitely better than Trudeau

>> No.10796192

>...and this invalidates it how?
Are you actually implying Freud's ideas were even remotely valid? There are literally complete bullshit. Cannot be proven or disproven.

>> No.10796248

Are they consider a theory ?

>> No.10796335

>Jordan Peterson is the next in a line of people developing a thorough understanding of human psychology


>> No.10796346

I will hazard the opinion that those who read alchemical literature
under the guidance of Jung are knowing something more falsely than they are if they study
alchemy on its own terms. (This is a reflection upon what I perceive as a lack of logic in
Jung. But I am quite conscious that I have expressed a prejudice--or, in other words, I know
that I may be mistaken. And I do not deny that Jung's work may have other important values-for
instance, the enrichment and stimulation of the imagination. The theories of Gall
and Lavater seem not even to have that virtue-but compare G. Tytler, 1982.)

>> No.10796352


>> No.10796356

its almost as if the people that use this board arent intelligent

>> No.10796425


>> No.10796812

>2 copies

>> No.10796817

good meme

>> No.10796984

How you actually read Jung then you fucking plebs? What Peterson is advocating is vastly different than what Jung 'advocated'.

>> No.10796987
File: 8 KB, 225x225, geh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic is perfect

>> No.10797319
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1508689540742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jordan Peterson is the next in a line of people developing a thorough understanding of human psychology

>> No.10797334


>> No.10797832

Jordan Peterson strikes me as the sort of person to have his wife enact out an SS guard while he pretends to be a Jew forcibly entering Auschwitz.

>> No.10797847


Just when I thought peterson posting was over..

>> No.10798330

dumb phoneposter

>> No.10798429

How can you actually think this?

>> No.10798452

because Justin is a massive faggot

>> No.10799095

Trudeau is probably the least accomplished and under qualified PM/President/whatever in the whole world.

>> No.10799105


>> No.10799123

people only seem to remember freud only for his wrongful claims.Look at clinical reports,freudian psychopatology is virtually everywhere in therapy.

>> No.10799496
File: 2.19 MB, 2964x1896, intelliblimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this
*thinks it*

>> No.10799936


> plato gets his ideas from the juden
