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/lit/ - Literature

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10794420 No.10794420 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, what's its use?

>> No.10794443


>> No.10794447

It's was the chief vehicle for passing down knowledge, fables, and histories before the written word. It's an oral tradition that connects back to ancient man and illuminates the dormant inheritance of our ancestors still within us. Modern poetry just happens to suck a big one, but I expect a reemergence of some good stuff in the next 20 or 30 years.

>> No.10794456

t. incel

>> No.10794459


>> No.10794460

Allows me to breathe my soul into other peoples lives.

Who is there
Who is there
At the little door
Is it a mouse
Is it a mouse
Arrived unannounced
Who is there
Who would care
This is mine, this lonely house.

>> No.10794462
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>the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.10794484

Poetry is the true distinguisher between literary talent and natural genius.

>> No.10794500

Just leave this board. Quickly.

>> No.10794503

Poetry is a fascinating art and one entirely archaic to us today. In short, we don't know how to read poetry. Its reduction to the musical lyric in pop culture is evidence of this. It is so unlike any form of entertainment or media consumption we are accustomed to we do not know how to navigate it. This shouldn't be surprising or hard to grasp, it's a method of meditation and an exercise of the imagination to which we are untrained.

I learned to read poetry to some degree during my studies at undergrad, just enough to have a few peak experiences that allowed me to 'understand' the poetic form, but I have not been a reader of poetry since and so I find the form largely impenetrable once again.

Between the relativists and the anti-intellectuals we have reduced poetry and its practice to something less than a skill. Modern man has no use for poetry, OP is right. But because of this Modern man is the least capable of judging it on its own merits -- he cannot even see them.

Poetry is a multi-thousand year institution. Imagine someone born in 1990 thinks their experiences with mass media are enough to discredit the form.

>> No.10794509

I'd rather read a book about interesting characters then try to make meaning of shit prose..

>> No.10794514

>we don't know how to read poetry
speak for yourself pleb

>> No.10794524

you have to be a woman to understand poetry.

>> No.10794534

Maybe in the next life, then.

>> No.10794536

Anon, sing this to some heavily distoted/reverbed guitar chords

If you do it well enough, It'll be fucking great

Poetry is the greatest form of literature btw

>> No.10794547

poetry for most of its history was a hyper-masculine pursuit

>> No.10794549

I remember reading an interview with Javier Marías and they asked him if poetry was dead in this century, and he said, maybe, but it'll survive in the form of songs for now. So, there's that.

>> No.10794554

You don't know how to read rhetoric.

>> No.10794558

Because intelligence was a masculine trait. Now it's supposedly unisex.

>> No.10794565
File: 80 KB, 500x468, apu-apustaja-5870771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poethry is dead
>most popular music form is niggers making the jazz version of poetrhy

>> No.10794571

Man. She was like me in lineaments—her eyes,
Her hair, her features, all, to the very tone
Even of her voice, they said were like to mine;
But soften’d all, and temper’d into beauty;
She had the same lone thoughts and wanderings,
The quest of hidden knowledge, and a mind
To comprehend the universe; nor these
Alone, but with them gentler powers than mine,
Pity, and smiles, and tears—which I had not;
And tenderness—but that I had for her;
Humility—and that I never had.
Her faults were mine—her virtues were her own—
I loved her, and destroy’d her!
Witch. With thy hand?
Man. Not with my hand, but heart—which broke her heart;
It gazed on mine, and wither’d. I have shed
Blood, but not hers—and yet her blood was shed—
I saw, and could not stanch it.


>> No.10794583

You must be American, anon. Rock music is where it's at.

>> No.10794598

poetry is literature for geniuses.

>> No.10794603

>it doesn't take more skill to improvise rap than thinking rock lyrics
>inb4 all rap is about nigger behaviour

>> No.10794623

Stop whining and go listen to your niggers, then. Fucking hell.

>> No.10794628


>being this butthurt about the most important form of poetrhy that is still relevant

google "shakespeare rap"

>> No.10794642
File: 296 KB, 1024x681, 1509226707704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only speak English I don't blame you for not liking poetry. It's a common, ugly language, not suited for loftier purposes. The range of sounds used is so limited, the language itself is extremely simple and blunt, poetry in English just isn't poetry at all.

>> No.10794651

My prose is not shit, It is short, a bit.
A midget of word.
But it all fits, all done in wit.

>> No.10794653

>Rock music is where it's at.

Rock, rap, metal, pop, ambient, edm, idm, breakcore, speedcore, noise - it's all genre fiction compared to classical music.

>> No.10794654

I'm too smart and my mental faculties too well-defined to understand poetry.
>let me arrange words in a deliberately confusing way, and jump from one obscurity to another, while describing a very specific, idiosyncratic emotion or thought of mine, which allows infinite interpretations for the reader as they see fit, therefore i am a genius poet
Kys retard. Poetry is for women and emotional fanatics.

>> No.10794657

I don't like it, I prefer Ye. But to each his own.

>> No.10794661

Its late and I'm going to bed soon, but I just thought it me might be nice to give you the (you) that I know you want. Goodnight.

>> No.10794664

Also, it doesn't have lyrics. We're talking music with lyrics, not music in general. The fucking state of /lit/, I swear.

>> No.10794669


rap doesn't need to be about niggers, is just poethry being improvised.

>> No.10794670

I see quite well through your cheap sophomoric rhetorical tricks, pleb. Don't assume.
>muuuh decline :'''((((
Do fuck off.

>> No.10794678

Your prose it is indeed quite shit,
Worse than being raped by Pinochet
But allow me to say, pal, you can improve
And there's nothing on /lit/ you have to prove

>> No.10794681
File: 68 KB, 499x474, 35454453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh antiquity idol worship
Can you even wipe your ass without Cicero's guidance?

>> No.10794687

>muh decline
Didn't say that at all. I acknowledge and understand why poetry has become a cultural anachronism. I am merely arguing those who cast it aside have not been brought up with the training to appreciate it. It has become to the masses a strange impenetrable artifact of a different world.

>> No.10794705


>> No.10794709

poetry is not literature. with music and painting, they are the highest arts. the rest is a failed attempt to reach their level.

>> No.10794710

>Also, it doesn't have lyrics. We're talking music with lyrics, not music in general. The fucking state of /lit/, I swear.

Classical music doesn't have lyrics? Are you dumb? Ever heard of, idk, Opera? Choral music? Lieder? And yes, it does have original lyrics as well as adaptations.

>> No.10794717

C'mon... kek.

>> No.10794727

so poetry is art and literature isn't? or the other way around? I don't get it.

>> No.10794735

>I was only pretending!

Yes, because we need retards to be pretending to be even more retarded on /lit/

leave faggot

>> No.10794738


>> No.10794747

music can't be art

>> No.10794758

I meant c'mon in the sense of "is this faggot seriously considering that shit?". You don't even like the lyrics on opera or choral music, be honest, what's your favorite opera lyric?

>> No.10794807

you can pat yourself on the back because I will no longer indulge a vulgar child like you in conversation

>> No.10794822

I like criticism, i just wrote that. (Is it middle school tier?)

Mr clock please, Why dont you talk
Why is there no tick Inside your tock
Your sound is hollow of fitting knock
Mr clock please, time moves still in lieu
Always we share a momment of you
We wait for the time to begin anew
Mr clock please, you set our pace
With the tick of your bellowing grace
Commander of time, we watch your face
Please Mr Clock
Dont tick
That final

>> No.10794842

replace "clock" with "cock" and I might read it

>> No.10794862

Mr cock please, Why dont you talk
Why is there no tick Inside your tock
Your sound is hollow of fitting knock
Mr cock please, time moves still in lieu
Always we share a momment of you
We wait for the time to begin anew
Mr cock please, you set our pace
With the tick of your bellowing grace
Commander of time, we watch your face
Please Mr Cock
Dont tick
That final

>> No.10794875

I like it


>> No.10794880

You may like this one then
Oh addiction
up in the sky
Why must you tell me
What to do
In between
My own thigh

>> No.10794927

You don't know! kek it's alright pal. No need to act like you're an opera connoisseur.

>> No.10794946

Religion fanatism (addiction) in the form of a God in the sky, dictates people what to do with their genitalia. Nice.

>> No.10794958

Anon, Please I respect thy taste.
I as of the same artful race.
Please, judge some of my poetry?
Ive not of but dreadul grace.
Here me please, but put my ego to knee.


>> No.10794971

are you:

>> No.10794993

rapey rape yes i rape
the ladies let me
rape and rape
you may ask yourself
does that make it rape?
and the answer is yes
because i force my celibacy
upon women vying for my seed
and so I rape them
by forcibly denying them my sex
then giving it to them when they want not
my peen injected into their vagene
I rape in the morning
I rape in the evening
I rape myself
I rape rapers
I break into prison
rape rape rape
you say its an ugly word
I claim its beautiful
keep an eye on your gurl
cuz ima get at that ass

>> No.10795000

triples nigger
god i'm awful
I said to the void
while streaming the oscars
in a displaced loneliness

>> No.10795002

Yes!! Thank you

Not many people get my poetry, I think my colors may be destitute without the proper perspectives.

Do you like this one?

Here stoic, in thought that broke.
I ponder, what is this beauty, if we can't grasp it, and molest it bound to our paper?

I wonder, how do I know If I've seen it, when others can never see where I try to shine, where it was but shown?

My mind, is but of sodomy, it is a mine, like a frontal lobotomy, a place the all but vacancies bellong.

What are you? Who are you? Where are you? Who knows you?
I, muse, my God?

Oh could be it be? This Three is this your only Key? What are you trying to tell me? Where doest thou toll?

Have you touched me so, do others also feel a glow? Ears that hear, please I know of one that is old.

To the ones that know for which for what was told. Listen a know, I have more of spring time that comes from cold.

>> No.10795004

the last line sounds very nigga-like.

>> No.10795012


And I
Was Am I?

>> No.10795027
File: 179 KB, 585x767, 0b8lkxAmQv3yQHQWRM_tgzlHPZQ7wytoLUSl-XlGGpE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

solid get my compatriot

>> No.10795031

faggot shit dude, poetry is dead only a slect few can do it in modern day, you are not one of these

>> No.10795044

What I like about that particular one is that it conveys much information in such a small space.

>> No.10795045
File: 499 KB, 500x365, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least im trying knickle stick.
Oh frogs and crickets trickle
At the sick in the night.
I just write for the fun
I think its fun.

I just want to share my fun for poetry.

I want to share my God Forsaken. LOVE.

>> No.10795047

you misspelled *belong you stupid nigger

sorry i don't mean to be rude i have tourettes and assburgers

>my mind is butt sodomy, it is a mime, like full-frontal lobototmy, a place all the but vacant nigger

really liked this line

>> No.10795056

Ok so how do you read poetry?

>> No.10795060




that is my advice

>> No.10795062

with a finger up his ass

>> No.10795074

one line at a time, unless its an ee cummings joint, in which case while masturbating looking yourself in the eyes in the bathroom mirror breathing out the verses with each meaty stroke of the wand, kissing your reflection with the raw passion of a lifer in prison deprived decades of sex with women lost in the arms of a deadbeat prozzie named Susanne but called phantasy

>> No.10795079
File: 463 KB, 500x750, f52d91c218b2047b06e749517d6b3fbe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol demon spells kiss my face!
Silly spice. :) no reality.

>> No.10795090

that was fucking horrible

>> No.10795094

what are you even saying

>> No.10795099

your mom liked it when i whispered it into her ear while entering her from behind

>> No.10795107

Idk Im bored

Like I said its all fun :)

>> No.10795113

This is the place of where all meet
Into my slumber I fall into the wheat
Of the place come fathers holy bread
Into neverwhen she met me as I beau
Here I shall give count and take to feet
The wonder trembles of when we meet
In anticipation it calms and mellows
Curiosities peak in mysterious time glory
For a fellow with knightly deeds flourish
To his knees will wobble of lorish stunder
Without any words loud enough to speak
He r
Beatuies defined, Godly and divine
Her will, his law, together wrote in time
Now out of the momment, out of relign
They depart back onto their own line
Out from slumber, out to never when
No more dreamscape land, of love stoke
Arising into light, into their own they woke
Into the place of disease and jobless dead
Still they spoke, of time of golden thread
Out into spreading desolation, further reaching destination
Leaving each dream, into the realm of truth
It is the beseech of the freedom of life
The place where nature and nurture are strife

>> No.10795124

wtf I wrote this like 3 months ago, why are you posting my poem? its not even very good

>> No.10795132

Hey there, look up into me
I know you wana listen to me speak
Come and step into our sea
Come down under where
Its hard to breathe
Hey there, look at me
I hear you soul sister, and Im lettin ya speak
Come and dance and step to this beat
Come down under where it starts to steep
Hey there, look at me I feel this rythm and this beat
Come and be hypnotised deep with me
Come down under where we speak of hear
Where our feet are in harmony

>> No.10795141

You didnt write this shit head

Changing colors of the spring time Spren
You have brought the chill to its very end
We wait for the rain for our brothers bread
With the fallen waters drop to earthen bed
You bring us heat out of cold winter den
To green given leaves for our prancing friend
In their museful ways of melodic blend
We watch the dance of Spring foot Spren

>> No.10795148



Lower caste detected.

>> No.10795157
File: 307 KB, 1300x2000, 1519016815821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid entities of movement

>> No.10795182
File: 106 KB, 554x525, Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 7.25.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is weird. Why the fuck are you pretending to have written my poetry? The board is anonymous bro. You literally have nothing to gain.

>> No.10795204

Huh. Weird. Seriously, thought I wrote that. It must of been in the wrong folder. Any ways, I still like it.

>> No.10795227

To hint at larger things that prose or philosophy can not express.

>> No.10795550

dude i was just kidding

>> No.10795558

really good

>> No.10795580

Does that mean you like it at least

>> No.10795603

Woah man, good poetry! I'm actually a neditor for my uni's literary magazine, give me your best poem and if I like it, hell I might publish it.

>> No.10795605

Here I beat
My beef meat
Here i strike
My stick

>> No.10795635

Oh sin
What to do
What to do
I dont want to fall
In love with you

>> No.10795758

oh i didnt read it

>> No.10795904


>> No.10795948

just read it. initial reactions: it feels slightly misshapen, and i don't think it has the emotional punch you're going for. Not terrible, but could definitely be whittled down

>> No.10795956


>> No.10796631

Yep. What's even the point of that? It doesn't express anything interesting or vital about time or its nature, and who cares about an actual, literal clock winding down. And what's up with the punctuation? Including commas but not indicating sentence endings because you assume line breaks are supposed to take care of that for you?