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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 312x475, Finnegans_Wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10790894 No.10790894 [Reply] [Original]

what am i in for?

>> No.10790898

Finnegans Wake

>> No.10790900

giving up

>> No.10790933

English dismay at the butchering of their language

>> No.10790945

>riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle
and Environs.
holy shit i'm fucking stoked
that's even better than the bit about Buck Mulligan being stately and plump

>> No.10791204

Every onomatopoeia you can imagine

>> No.10791212

*Finegan's getting up from sleepy-time

>> No.10791275

Proof that Edmund Spenser was right

>> No.10791280

A lot of dick jokes. Finnegans Wank would have been a more appropriate title

>> No.10791362


>> No.10791410

finnegan's arse full of farts

>> No.10791452

i laughed

>> No.10791582

Will I still be able to enjoy this without getting any of the references?

>> No.10791899

Cheap alliterations and assonances which go off the border of casual language because they got to sound well and Joyce sucks hard at choosing the proper words so he has to contrive them(his pulpy poems stand as evidence for that). Not the work of a linguistical genius, however much would /lit/ want to lie to itself. shittons of onomatopaeae, most obscure references and foreign words meant to boost Joyce's reputation as a genius. In reality, Joyce is a tryhard and a pseud. Just read it mechanically, without retaining anything though I would suggest you not to do it in the first place. It surely does sound well but you're better off reading a poem instead of that pretentious drivel

>> No.10792206

yes please

>> No.10792240

t. Gave up at the first thunderword

>> No.10792262

>resorting to a cheap no-brainer insult because you can't refute anything I said
Joycefags need to be gassed

>> No.10792272

t. gave up at riverrun

>> No.10792325

What does the title mean anyway?

>> No.10792326
File: 306 KB, 593x540, 1516386136736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder than that, brainwashed pseuds.

>> No.10792365

Finna woke

>> No.10792515

The problem is that you really just don't get it. You don't seem to understand why he wrote it or what it's about. Literally 2deep4u

>> No.10792519

a bunch of obscuratanist bullshit. be prepared to need a companion volume and wikipedia, then putting it all in a trash can where it belongs.

>> No.10792569

I've read 30 pages. The concept is great (I read the wiki and an article by Burgess that explains it) but the puns aren't even proper puns most of the time, just similar words mashed together for dreamlike ambiguity. There are good bits ("yung and easily freudened") but they are few and far between.
I keep coming back to it but I'm always disappointed. The wordplay is way too esoteric.

>> No.10792580

>Lolmao dyde its Joyce your obsly 2stupid2comprehend THEPUEERGINIIUS
Why do I even bother with you. The only reason Joyceweebs read this garbage is to boast about their such superior ""intellect"".
Just keep ignoring what I said about it and launch pointless adhoms. This is how much you're worth honestly.
The deepest things James Joyce has ever written were the dick jokes. It's too quirky to be any deep.

>> No.10793587


>> No.10793605

Actually, no its people who read it who don't understand its purpose, since it was basically just capturing a frenzied schzophrenic mnd in the midst of one of its worst episodes.

>> No.10794257

>doesn't get it
I guess it's just not for you kiddo

>> No.10794324

“The demand that I make of my reader is that he should devote his whole life to reading my works.” - James Joyce


>> No.10794337

Pretentious garbage desu

>> No.10794360

>they call me a brainlet
>i lash out at them for not engaging with what i said and assuming shit about me
>they call me a brainlet, once again
are you legitimately bots?

>> No.10794376

About the Irish, you mean?

>> No.10795136

It has multiple meanings but it's a direct reference to an Irish folk song about Finnegan, a man who built the magazine wall. But he tumbled down in a fall from the magazine wall. He died from his fall. Then they held a wake for Finnegan. But at his wake, Finnegan wakes and exclaims "Did you all think me dead?".

>> No.10795637

It was intended to be read aloud in an Irish accent. Not that you actually have to do that, but that might be helpful to bare (bear?) in mind.

>> No.10795676

You also need to have decent understanding of Vico/Viconian ages/Viconian cycles and Bruno of Nola to even delve below the surface.

>> No.10795697
File: 254 KB, 1269x1390, FW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10795702

It's bear.

>> No.10796039

Does that imply that you read the whole novel?

>> No.10796417

the odyssey

>> No.10796593

i thought that was ulysses