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10788951 No.10788951 [Reply] [Original]

How did you overcome the fear of death?

>> No.10788961

Learning that life is scarier

>> No.10789001

Deny it by convincing myself that there is some form of return

>> No.10789011

OP here but I want people's thoughts.

I realized I was just scared of being forgotten and forgetting myself.

>> No.10789018

>(You) are not your body, hence we say "our bodies" and not "me"
>ergo your body us just an extension of (You)
>death is when your body stops functioning
>but since (You) are not your body, death will not be the end

>> No.10789020


I didn't. I just became really terrified of all the possibilities I could conceive of for my continued existence.

>> No.10789024

what comes later then asshole?

>> No.10789060

Me fear of death vanished after taking 3 tabs of acid and the true purpose and structure of the universe was revealed to me

>> No.10789073

t. Epictetus

>> No.10789076

"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."

>> No.10789082
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Only NPCs die, sorry.

>> No.10789085

I had a three visions of the end of the world, we'll all go together so there's nothing to fear.

>> No.10789089

i dont think you do. life wouldnt be around if it wasnt for that primal fear of death

>> No.10789095

You wouldn't mind if I kill you in your sleep?

>> No.10789181
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>> No.10789309

If you were a cute girl I'd let you do anything to me

>> No.10789502

Think about it daily

>> No.10789510

By working that involved me going into situations where I was quite often literally one step away from serious pain or death.

Works pretty well.

>> No.10789513

Live for something greater than yourself.

>> No.10789537

By working towards immortality through influence

>> No.10789589

By loving life

>> No.10789600
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You would not perceive it as I was doing it, know ahead that it was going to happen, know that it was a cute girl doing it, nor be able to appreciate it being done once it was done.
Doesn't sound like something someone who makes a no-subject argument could appreciate.

>> No.10789637

are there actually people that fear death? lmao@athiests

>> No.10789671

I haven't completely done so, yet.

However, the one sure way to overcome the fear of death that people report (as in, they claim to no longer have it at all whatsoever once having done so) is to induce an out of body experience.

>> No.10789696

I haven't and probably never will. But what helped me was this aphorism by Wittgenstein where he says that you never actually experience death, so as long as you live in the present, you're "immortal".
Being religious wouldn't help me, I guess, but I could never bring myself to be really convinced that there's a god, so I don't know. I think, though, that the possibility of hell would make me even more afraid of death.

>> No.10789702

I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of what I'll leave behind me

>> No.10789705

Aren't you afraid you might go to hell? According to every religion I know, that what comes along with browsing 4chan is enough to get you into hell for eternity.

>> No.10789727

what religion explicitly condemns shitposting

>> No.10789742

By welcoming it and longing for it. Embrace it's cold finality and embrace the ultimate the last great human experience you will get to partake in, for one who does not die can not be human..

>> No.10789744

Shitposting usually consists of lying, slandering and insulting, all of which every major religion condemns. It also inevitably goes along with looking at sexually deviant porn (even if you only frequent blue boards). Nobody knows for sure how strictly their God judges but for everyone on here there's at least the not so unlikely possibility that they will go to hell for eternity, and this alone is a very good reason to be deeply afraid of death.

>> No.10789746

>According to every religion I know
so you dont even know the 5 main ones?

>> No.10789751

this reminds me when jews don't watch tv on the sabbath because they're not allowed to light fires

>> No.10789753

I meant the Abrahamic religions. Presumed the guy I responded to was an edgy catholic as are most religious people on here.

>> No.10789763

I mean if you're shitposting on 4chan you're enjoining in your own debasement and the debasement of others simply for your enjoyment. Not to mention you're subjecting yourself to all the lewd and heretical shit that gets posted here on the reg.

>> No.10789802

I've always had some sort of view like this. I mean the universe has been around for 13 billion years yet everything came to exist when you were born, I mean the universe began when you perceived it, and since there was no perception of nothing at any time you can never actually die.
I probably sound crazy and I'm struggling to get the words to describe this idea.

>> No.10789812

I just wrote something fantastic, won't share that here.

Montaigne never died, why else live if you don't aim for the same.

>> No.10789826

you take this site too seriously, i think i'll be forgiven for saying a bunch of harmless nonsense about no one in particular

>> No.10789844

You think. But you can't be sure, can you? That's a good enough reason to be afraid of death.

>> No.10789907

maybe for you, pussy

>> No.10789967

not a very christian post lad. I don't like Christian larpers who don't take their religion seriously.

>> No.10789995

is it christian to fearmonger and incentivize living in a state of panic over whether you'll go to hell for minor misdeeds?

not a christian, btw, just think you're a fag

>> No.10790002

But he will die.

>> No.10790017

I'm not afraid of death in the slightest. It is clear I am too stupid in this universe so I have a death wish instead.

>> No.10790100

It is unchristian to be unkind towards others, act however you want but then don't claim to be an adherent of Christianity if you aren't even gonna make the effort to better yourself as a person bitchboi.

>> No.10790105

how can you have an opinion on that you have never experienced

>> No.10790141

I severely doubt you'd feel like that if you were to die in five minutes

>> No.10790169

i didn't claim i was, in fact, if you read the post to which you're replying with great care and attention, you will discover that i claimed the exact opposite

>> No.10790187
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I once met a monk, a very wise man, and asked him this same question. He lived a completely ascetic lifestyle. Hardly ate. No comfort. No amusement. He lived in complete celibacy. He had given everything up for the pursuit of God.
>"How did you overcome the fear of death?"
He looked me in the eyes and he said, "My friend, every morning when I wake the first thing I do is die."

>> No.10790219
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so long as it was poots or a similar beauty that killed me painlessly I'd be quite at peace

>> No.10790226

Does this mean that the first thing he does every morning is jack off?

>> No.10790235

Honest answer here, I just forget about it. And this thread hasn't struck me at all at reminding me. Fear of death is something that shows up to me from time to time and when it does, there is nothing to be said that helps me and when it dissapears, it's hard to bring it back, thankfully. Some may say this is the ignorant's approach, but I feel that both ways are ignorant, we are ignorant of death and so it is natural that we react to it in a childish way, either frightened or with some cheap phony rational explanation that serves as a consolation and a trigger for you to forget about it.

>> No.10790264 [DELETED] 

that tryhard attempt at wit

>> No.10790267

Why so resentful?

>> No.10790276

apathy mostly

>> No.10790287 [DELETED] 

ask that other guy, the one jacking off

>> No.10790311

This, death loses a lot of its mystique when you face it every goddamn day. In a way, we all do, every single time we drive to work, every single time we even live, but it's more apparent when you're working around dangerous shit.

>> No.10790650

In Christianity this isn't how salvation works. Jesus Christ bore all sins past, present, and future. If you have faith in him you are saved. There is no other qualification (besides maybe baptism, which is a contested topic in regards to its absolute requirement for salvation). In short, if you TRULY believe in Christ, have faith in him, have a relationship with him then you cannot be unsaved regardless of mistakes or misdeeds.

At least that's what modern Calvinists believe...

>> No.10790704

fear of death is the primary driver for all human achievement

>> No.10790709


>> No.10790823

And also the reason we listen to government.

>> No.10791357

Become immortal

>> No.10791367

I never feared death until it came the time for me to love another.

>> No.10791381
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Religion, mate.

If christianity didn't do it for you, explore other systems until you find what you want

>> No.10791386
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>Death, the most frightening of bad things, is nothing to us; since when we exist death is not yet present, and when death is present, then we do not exist

>> No.10791398

I was never afraid of death as an atheist, in fact part of me couldn't wait to die. Now I fear death constantly.

>> No.10791411

It's the most calming thing. Stepping around an animal that's trying to hurt me, and can do so using only 1% of its strength, has given me an absolutely knew outlook on life.

There's absolutely nothing better.

It reminds me of a friend. He got the shit beaten out of him. Properly fucked up. A while after he got out of hospital I asked him about it. All he said about it was that it made him realise that he 'wasn't made out of glass'

He ended up being a top bloke after it. From wanker to staunch in one beating.

>> No.10791417

Also, seeing someone have their face ripped away from their skull, walking back towards us and a helicopter, trying to smoke without lips. It's amazing what people can do when they harden the fuck up.

>> No.10791418

Anyone who uses the internet is basically worshiping a babylonian basilisk

>> No.10791431

no, that's baptists. Calvinists believe righteous people are evidenced by their fruits. Not to say they are saved by works but they do works by have the nature of the elect.

>> No.10791470

This is unironically one of the wokest things I have ever read. Then again I am a turbopleb.

>> No.10791705

My best friend dying of an aneurysm did this for me. Not that I went from a pussy to some emotional wall, but I am more or less numb to death at this point. Think about something sudden like an aneurysm or a heart attack - you are completely alive and then you are not. Your body becomes nothing in a second. Its absurdity has become humorous to me, which I sincerely mean in the least edgy way possible.

>> No.10792143

Three incidents changed my perspective towards death.
1) I watched a cutter ( a person who cuts themselves) attempt suicide in front of my eyes, and witnessed the doubt she had. Her hands were trembling, as she belittled her life to series of cuts. Not even the correct cut on the wrist, the attention seeking one. That incident led me to think about what end really meant.
2) I remembered Miyamoto Mushashi's statement," The way of the warrior is the resolute acceptance of death". That changed my perspective towards death.
3)I read a book titled,' Tibetan book of living and dying'. It is an extremely enlightening book desu.

>> No.10792200

everyone is afraid of death. everyone in this thread is shitposting, you think telling yourself some intelligent lines will suppress that huge evolutionary instinct to survive?

We are all afraid of death when it materialises into a real possibility.
The fear of death is due to the impossibility of possibilities. People get more and more miserable as they age as their possible options decrease - death is the ultimate impossibility of possibility.

I'm not scared of dying out of fear it will be painful/etc.
I'm scared that "I" shall no longer exist - i will be as if i never existed and unfortunately my little egocentric mind places itself at the centre of the universe - so when my mind ceases to exist the universe ceases to exist for me to - that is terrifiying.

>> No.10792281

>witnessed the doubt she had. Her hands were trembling,
hot desu
I wish I was her

>> No.10792318


This but unironically

>> No.10792347

>I realized I was just scared of being forgotten and forgetting myself.
Get children. They will give you the unique ability to happily go into the light because you fullfilled your biological and psychological need to give on your blood and epigenetics.

You are afraid to die, because you have yet do accomplish your destiny.

>> No.10792348

Boo hoo

>> No.10792730

By telling myself that I'm better than the others, like I always do.

>> No.10792767


This. You won't know that you're dead because you won't exist so what is there to worry about? One moment everything will just stop.

>> No.10792785


There's a difference between a rush of chemicals in the brain when faced with imminent death and living your entire life crippled by fear of ceasing to exist.

>> No.10792789


im not super worried about my own death. its more seeing everyone around me age and die that fucks me up.

>> No.10792790

Living life well, and the potential for failure is actually way scarier.

>> No.10792791



>Runs away before people hate me for posting Alan Watts

>> No.10792802

>How did you overcome the fear of death?
By achieving quantum immortality of course

>> No.10792807


Realizing I was actually afraid of wasting my life and changing my attitude towards it accordingly.

>> No.10792879
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>> No.10792914
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As a practical matter you get into a daily practice of imagining various scenarios of violent death including particularly painful suicide. Pic related.

>> No.10793184
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Lived a good life full of experiences and happy moments, and helped some people make their lives better. When death comes I won't be scared of missing out on opportunities or not committing things I never got around to doing, just miss the ones that already happened, and know my friends will continue to pass on the helping spirit.
Idk, not like I'm ready to die yet, or rest to it suits on my efforts, but if death happens it happens. Everyone's knows they're loved and I know I have it back. The memories will live on.

Funny part is, I'm not even one of those tumblr style hippie faggots trying to spread love and joy into every corner of my day. I'm your typical slightly racist /b/tard who's slightly jaded toward society and government and loves making inappropriate jokes.

>> No.10793201

I don't know how the book of 5 rings isn't required reading for everyone. Fucking catcher in the rye..

>> No.10793332
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I don't think I was ever afraid of death, I always saw it as that you didn't exist = you can't feel or think. I was afraid and still are to some degree of an eventual hell though.

>> No.10793365

Consider that fearing death is tautological hysteria inversely proportional to rational enquiry.

>> No.10793397

absolutely true. i wonder how childless people can cope. it is genuinely thought provoking

>> No.10793403

The only reason to be scared of Death is Hell. Once you get over that Protestant shit you're gucci.

>> No.10793452


>> No.10793558


>> No.10793707

>wanted to hero
>struggled to find courage
>finally hang myself
>wake up with a belt on my neck under a broken pipe
>realize I could do it anytime
>realize that means I’ll always have suicide as an option as long as I’m not incapacitated
>realize that means I have nothing to be afraid of
>except being incapacitated
>realize I can’t lose too much, I can always hero if I fuck up or can’t take life anymore
>have no fear

Death is my friend

>> No.10793827

I want to be rewarded in the after life.
I want to my effort, earnest, kindness, forwardness in living life to get rewarded somehow. I want the angel after death to hug me and tell me " you've done well living this far "

What I feel about death is not fear but more like pure rage, like " are you just going to suddenly come and make everything I have done meaningless? "

>> No.10793843

what gets me is not only my death, but the thought that everything will die, that even if somehow things were like absolutely great for 100000 years, it would still end and shit

there is no "oh but people will remember you for what you did etc etc", because that ends too, posterity on earth is the worst afterlife

>> No.10794515

I had one. It helps, but I still fear it sometimes. Ironically, drugs and meditation are overrated.