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/lit/ - Literature

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10788398 No.10788398 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Plato on the subway
>Parmenides, struggling to understand
>black guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an intellectual ?"
>"Not really."
>"That's why you read Plato"
>he smiles and leaves a few stations later
>come home and try thinking of comebacks in the shower

>> No.10788404

>it's this thread again

>> No.10788411
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The ultimate state of /lit/.

>> No.10788416

>that's why you read Plato
>so you think you're smarter than Plato?
>I uhhh uhhhh
Why did people think this was clever anyways?

>> No.10788433

>Losing an argument to a black person
T b h, the last time I argue with a negro he tried to claim that black people didn't have any rights under the US Constitution because of a flaw in the Dredd Scott case, then cited George Zimmerman (who was Hispanic, Pacific Islander, and a quarter black) being acquitted of any murder charges as being proof that black people have no rights in the US.

I really , really, try not to argue with them, for every 1 Cleetus there is like 10 Tyrones

>> No.10788564

Is he reading both The Purpose Driven Life and The Bible?

>> No.10788634 [DELETED] 

I live in Europe and don’t interact with negro’s that often. But I do interact with third world muslims which is basically the same thing, mostly uneducated and idiotic people. It’s basically impossiple to debate them because they either start getting aggressive or start swearing in their mother tongue. I don’t understand why people even try.

>> No.10788641


>> No.10788642

I live in Europe and don’t interact with negro’s that often. But I do interact with third world muslims which is basically the same thing, mostly uneducated and idiotic people. It’s basically impossible to debate them because they either start getting aggressive or start swearing in their mother tongue. I don’t understand why people even try.

>> No.10788644

>so you think you're smarter than Plato?
not even a controversial claim

>> No.10788643

>struggling to understand Plato
Subtle bait op

>> No.10788672
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OP is an unoriginal faggot

>> No.10788677

>so you think you're smarter than Plato?
>chuckles condescendingly

a yes/no answer is a losing move for him in this case, as I have proven above

>> No.10788681

get a load of this newfag

>> No.10788758

>So you think if you lived in that era of Plato's, with the same access to information and amount of intellectual infrastructure, you would be smart enough to think of exactly what he thoughy back then?
>I uhhhhhh
Any idiot can claim that they're smarter than Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The reason why people read the Greeks is to read about the foundations of philosophy, of course since this was centuries ago our knowledge has improved greatly beyond the thought of that era. Anyone who thinks they could come up with the Platonic Theory of Forms from scratch is kidding themselves

>> No.10788855

Nice, been waiting to read this. Gj, anon. Maybe there’s some hope in /lit/ after all. Ah who am i kidding

>> No.10789349

>I live in Europe and don’t interact with negro’s that often
What country?

>> No.10790678

Popped your bubble you little pseud. Now I love black people.

>> No.10791029

I can't even understand the pre-socratics, someone please explain Heraclitus to a brainlet retard.

>> No.10791166

This, i also love black dick.

>> No.10791207

It's a reference to Socrates saying that "The only thing I know is that I know nothing". It was a compliment.

>> No.10791257

it's like this board is full of ppl with superiority complex's or something

>> No.10791260

teh pre socr4tics were basically early scientists til plato came along and was all like muh christianity

>> No.10792526

>tfw there's no subway in my country

>> No.10792530

Belgium, countryside, not Brussels, that place, and im not joking, is seriously Africa2.0

>> No.10793282

>"That's why you read Plato."
and which point you respond with:
>Did you know Plato was black?

>> No.10793314

Nonwhites are simply inferior to us as white men of virtue

>> No.10793339

Ayy same, wanna meet up?

>> No.10793357

He was complementing anon in fostering his intellect, Christ, you guys couldn't take a complement to save your lives.

>> No.10794119

Living in Molenbeek, went to school near Matonge
Can definitely confirm

>> No.10794154

It was meant warmly, anon. As in, I see you want to learn and so you read Plato.

>> No.10794163

The foundations of shitty philosophy.
Nobody would come up with forms because it is total nonsense to everybody but STEMspergs.

>> No.10794606
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Holy shit... you dont realise how had I feel for you. Fucking Molenbeek <_>