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/lit/ - Literature

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10787990 No.10787990 [Reply] [Original]

>reading fiction

>> No.10788001
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>he's too dumb for fiction

i'm so sorry.

>> No.10788012

More like you're too dumb for non-fiction.

Remember, non-fiction includes mathematical propositions, pleb. And I'm not talking textbooks either.

>> No.10788029

By reading fiction you fill your small brain with someone else ideas and opinions. When reading fiction, you make your own based on what you read.

>> No.10788038
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>muh math is all that matters

this is absolute non-sense. when reading writing by almost anyone you're filling your mind with someone elses ideas. truly original thought is exceedingly rare.

>inb4 not for me im genius xd


>> No.10788048

>this is absolute non-sense. when reading writing by almost anyone you're filling your mind with someone elses ideas. truly original thought is exceedingly rare.
Not with ideas, but with state of nature, how things work or how events happened

>> No.10788057
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those are conceptual constructs and models for reality AKA fucking ideas. non-fiction only autists make me ill.

>> No.10788084

>read two hundred novels and it's pretty much all stuff that you've figured out through everyday experience and dealings with people
>read one poem and reality and language fractures for you and you are left in a state of aesthetic bliss and wonder
>read one serious history book and learn more about the world in ten pages than in a library of novels
>read one serious math book and feel shame and bewilderment at the intellect and abstract creativity it must've took to derive the contained theorems
>read philosophy and realize it's ten times longer than it needs to be

>> No.10788090

y/a doesn't count friendo.

>> No.10788094

I know

>> No.10788107

name the 200 you read.

>> No.10788110

reading is stupid because you're either thinking another man's thoughts (gay) or a woman's (effeminate and pathetic)

non-brainlets discover everything independently

>> No.10788117

I hope you don't say this in real life, people will think you're highly autistic

>> No.10788131
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>> No.10788151

Are you like 16 anon? Reading thirty books a year for seven years will get you to 200

>> No.10788154

nice self-portrait, friend

>> No.10788168
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>suggesting mathematical propositions are a definitory feature of non-fiction
wildest stemlarp ever, this is just so entrenched in "le maths vs lit", "facts v feels", "realistic v humanistic", whatever you want to adapt it-dichotomy it just can't be real

>> No.10788226
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This thread again

>> No.10788257


>> No.10788280

not the most CROMULENT dictionary you could choose, heh?

>> No.10788291


>> No.10788308

last time i searched on merriam-webster they didn't have it. oh well

>> No.10788372

And they explain why. It's a word from the fucking Simpsons. May God have mercy on your soul if you're reading authors who actually use that word.

>> No.10788403

It's a shit dictionary desou. I haven't checked your link btw
And yea, god forbid that you should enrich your language by reading authors who use less popular words. PTOO!
I still don't get what was your problem with "definitory" in the first place though