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/lit/ - Literature

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10785374 No.10785374 [Reply] [Original]

>His best work was a post on 4chan

>> No.10785399

'While he never fully finished a work himself, he was an active participant on an online Mongolian Fly-Fishing forum's literature board

>> No.10785424

>occasionally enter a sudden manic frenzy, write a series of posts that are articulate, well-reasoned and even have decent prose with a laser focus, almost stumbling over my own fingers trying to type fast enough to keep up with my thoughts
>its 4am and a slow thread and I get no recognition
>two days later see "why is this place so shit now where are the effortposts wahhh"

>> No.10785428

whenever I write actually good posts I don't submit them, I just copy them into a word document, so as to maintain the low quality of the board

>> No.10785435

That's why when you have an idea for a good post or a good thread you've got to time it for maximum exposure. I always get ideas for threads, on /lit/ and other places, and I try to figure out when they'll be seen by the most people based on global and national time zones and work schedules.

>> No.10785480


>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra is often considered an early predecessor of the "anonymous literature" movement of the 2070s
>even though the concept of death of the author had been theorized about since the 1960s, The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra was the first literary work to bring literature full circle to the era of Beowulf when authorship was neither discernible nor relevant
>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra also functioned as the last nail in the coffin of the dying postmodern movement, which emphasized bloated novels whose main goals were to prove the genius of the author rather than tell a story

>> No.10786545

Quite pathetic. You're better off having a meaningful conversation with your colleagues or your friends.

>> No.10786559

>he has colleagues and friends
You must be lost, you're looking for /r/books my friend.

>> No.10786569

>he hasn't published his 4chan posts yet

>> No.10786600

>pour your heart and soul into a beautifully succinct post that just barely comes in under the word limit
>spend 30+ minutes on it ensuring that every word is precise and proper so no misunderstanding occur
>the post showcases the inner workings of your soul, laying bear the most fragile and pure parts of who you are as a person and how you feel about your existence
>think twice before hitting submit because it's so honest it hurts
>wait 9 1/2 hours
>1 (You) by a condescending fuckwit who didn't even understand what you wrote and maybe another (You) by someone offering a "solution" such as "just lift, shower and go outside brah"
>thread archived

>post shitty fake green text about outlandish scenario that took less than a minute to type up
>50 (You)s in 5 minutes
>"hearty kek," "this is why I come to this site," "haha good job anon," "kek, underrated post"

>> No.10786608

hearty kek, this is why I come to this site

nice numbers

>> No.10786645
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Checked, keked and rekt

>> No.10786655


>> No.10786673

Underated post right here

>> No.10786681

haha good job anon,

>> No.10786683
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>> No.10786697
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top kek

>> No.10786699

>and maybe another (You) by someone offering a "solution" such as "just lift, shower and go outside brah"

if you "lay bare the most fragile and pure parts of who you are" i.e. complain about your problems on 4chan ur kinda asking for it

>> No.10786833

>just lift, shower and go outside brah
but it is unironically like the only universal solution
i would add various objective visual improvement stuff to lifting though, like fixing your teeth, skin, wearing a more official/sophisticated/fitting/whatever clothing, wear what people around you perceive as HIGH CLASS.

you really just make a full circle where you then come to this.

>> No.10786950

you motherfucker. i do the opposite. write long thoughtful shit in notepad, post, then close notepad hours later. :|

i'm a retard

>> No.10787023

kek, underrated post

>> No.10787488
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link it fag

>> No.10787499
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For the win

>> No.10787506

So this is the power of dubs

>> No.10787514

Unironically, yes. My best intellectual achievement, destroying people in arguments to the point they throw death threats, while staying ice cool, has occurred on 4chan.

>> No.10787581
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to save

>> No.10787591
File: 1.78 MB, 1271x719, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I come to this site.

>> No.10787610

heh.. pretty well memed my dude

>> No.10787613
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*>the best works are now posts on 4chan

>> No.10787621


>> No.10788879

how long does it take you to write a post on 4chan?

>> No.10788915

how many are samefagged and how many are just pretending it's underrated for the sake of his post?

>> No.10788921

all me

>> No.10788993

FUCK (You)

>> No.10789094

My post received a thousand upboats on reddit. Checkmate, loser.

>> No.10789117

Ive posted things worth money on this board multiple times both as throwaway short stories and essays i could publish in academic journals and high brow mags and you stupid FUCKING NIGGERS don’t appreciate any of it

>> No.10789127

Kek good post man, also nice doubles my friend

>> No.10789334

show shooped screen

>> No.10789432

>32 posters
>37 replies
Come on now newfags. Subtract the people replying to others and you'll see that most of those (if not all) are different users.

>> No.10789575

>using the word "newfag"
newfag spotted

>> No.10789580


>> No.10790144
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>> No.10790335
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TFW when you're a low life cunt who post here
also RIP:Billy who tha fuck you were mate..., rest in peace nigger.Here's a song for you man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtktswl3rNQ

>> No.10790365

You just want attention ,listen to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01RFsGkMw6I

fukin die nigger cunt