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/lit/ - Literature

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10784102 No.10784102 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to this place?

I've been browsing for years, but in the past two months or so the quality has dropped significantly

>> No.10784122

I just started posting here a few months ago so it's probably my fault...

>> No.10784184

4chins in general has been in decline for several years now, but I think we're really reaching climactic levels of garbage. It'll all be over soon.

>> No.10784185

This place was felt really different after early 2017

>> No.10784233


we've grown too big and basically have no differentiation from the rest of the internet anymore. Twitter, reddit, political clickbait, facebook, it's all the fucking same and there's more newfags than old fags by an order of magnitude thanks to political cancer dating all the way back to scientology and hitting peak garbage with /pol/ becoming the new /b/. Now it's all just a stew of normalfags who think aligning themselves with mainstream culture is revolutionary and countercultural because they're doing it on 4chan

>> No.10784254

YouTube """intellectuals""" and their cancerous fans

>> No.10784315

Weed induced schizophrenic meme brainlets brought down by existential dread who listened to a few Alan watts and Jordan Peterson seminars that never picked up a book in their life.

>> No.10784323

I just miss the occasional meaningful engagement with a knowledgeable anon. A touch of humanity and some actual substance behind the posts.

It seems that people, whether newfags or not, adapt a monotonous dialect of memes in order to feel part of a community – the memes were always there of course, but they've taken over for the worse.

Here you have an anonymous platform swarming with broken men, with the ability to express themselfes without the restriction of any cultural norms – instead, they seek uniformity by dumb pictures and what they consider witty greentext responses. Maybe they don't have anything to offer and can only function as a streamlined mesh in a clockwork.

I don't know

>> No.10784328

people have been saying this about 4chan since 2005

>> No.10784331

I think it's been about the same for a few years now.

>> No.10784333
File: 26 KB, 960x186, intelligible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this completely. The internet is too large and 4chins is too well known not to share in the crapflood going on bc social media got everyone online. Itll just bring another wave of atomization with ppl going to smaller groups and leaving them when they get too shitty

>> No.10784382 [DELETED] 

we should migrate to 8ch tbhdesusempai

>> No.10784386


It's going to get worse with Pewdiepie's reading group. I don't mind literature or philosophy becoming more popular so long as it isn't for a bad reason and he's that reason.

>> No.10784392
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This meme is garbage. Wait until summer and then blame it on that influx, or keep posting about your inability to engage and raise the discourse to your suitable standards. You're just looking to link yourself with better people so you can think of yourself as one of them, yet you can't even find a creative way to draw those people to your thread.

I seriously hate this meme, except that it always follows with a sincere attempt by some new idiot who attempts to be clever or engage people and then you all tease them into silence.
You're pathetic, you're boring, you're wasting good air and the peace of the world with your presence.

Get the fuck out of my sunlight!

>> No.10784414

I was a regular a few years back and occasionally drop in from time to time.

The day-to-day content is mostly the same. Somewhat depressingly, the same topics and authors/public figures incite the same reactions as a few years ago.

If you've noticed a drop in quality, I'd attribute it to less users who are actually studying literature and/or philosophy.

>> No.10784451
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>> No.10784470

I've been coming to /lit/ since the beginning, and I still like it. It's fun to meme and shitpost with people who actually read literature and philosophy, the contrast of high art and pop art is amusing.

>> No.10784476

i'd say in the past year

>> No.10784484

we have this thread every week

>> No.10784493

I blame the /pol/ boogeyman for fucking up my board.

>> No.10784518

>with people who actually read literature and philosophy
What a newfag. The beginning of the YEAR probably

>> No.10784537

>Pewdiepie's reading group
Is that really happening? Thought it was just a meme

>> No.10784543

I honestly don't know. Maybe I'm getting too old, or maybe the quality really is dropping. I don't know. I don't even remember what I do on this site, or the threads I read. Might have been that two months ago the quality was shit? I don't know. I've definitely noticed more /pol/ garbage though - maybe that's it?

>> No.10784545

I come here on and off. Last time people kept shitposting about Žižek and now they keep shitposting Crime & Punishment and some closet nazis poured it which is normal for this generation of 4chan users I guess.

>> No.10784547

Hopefully one day you'll have achievements to be proud of, friends with whom you have an emotional and intellectual connection, and a rich full life, then you'll no longer feel the urge to come on here.

>> No.10784565

I like to think of this site as a true representation of humanity. No matter how garbage it seems, we will still keep going. None of us feel like this place is bad enough to just leave, similar to how life can be shit but isn’t THAT shit, and we’ll forever keep the site active

>> No.10784573

hi I'm new her from Reddit. pls. give spicy memes :)))) lololol xd

>> No.10784577

I've seen some good race discussion threads being fucked up by polfags. Nietzche is impossible to discuss here.

>> No.10784578

>good race discussion threads
what on earth do you mean by this. 'polfags' are the only ones who even admit that race exists

>> No.10784594

he doesn't know what he means, he just knows that it has to be someone else's fault

>> No.10784596
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>> No.10784599

That’s sums up everyone ever

>> No.10784601

What does exist?

>> No.10784602

Meta on /qa/ only.
All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/

>> No.10784606

I might be confusing this board with another, my bad.
pointing out the obvious shit =/= blaming others for problems

>> No.10784612

this. probably.

>> No.10784625

Wrong. I’ve only listened to half of a jbp lecture

>> No.10784661

/pol/ destroys discourse and is the bane of interesting discussion you can whine and meme all you want you fucking faggots are the dumbest most unthinking niggers ever to post on this site a homogenized sea of propagandist swine
shut the fuck up

>> No.10784668

stop drinking the rocket fuel caffeine, joe rogan. your posting levels are off the charts. put down the phone.

>> No.10784676

>/pol/ destroys discourse and is the bane of interesting discussion
I've had many interesting discussions with /pol/, your problem is that you can't have an interesting discussion with them and yet keep responding to them like the masturbating intellectual nowhere you are.

>> No.10784679

you seem flustered

>> No.10784682

>I've had many interesting discussions with /pol/
are you retarded lad?

>> No.10784689

Sucking repubcock is not having an interesting discussion, anon.

>> No.10784695

I remember coming here and see unironic marxists. Now they arent anymore. I like currrent /lit/ better.

>> No.10784696

The Neo-cons are like upwards of 50% Jewish

>> No.10784700

Name one discussion with /pol/ that doesn't end in "whites are genetically superior, this explains all differences" or/and "the jews have subverted western society, this explains all of our problems".

>> No.10784702

>are you retarded lad?
no just interesting :^)
>let's make assumptions and default to a copypasta argument
are you on the internets so people don't yawn in your face?

>> No.10784705

>le jew meme
Christ go back to your containment board.
Do you act smug on the internet for fun or to compensate?

>> No.10784706

>Name one discussion with /pol/ that doesn't end in "whites are genetically superior, this explains all differences"
The Irish are not white, and Flann O'Brien shitposters versus /pol/ is hilarious
>"the jews have subverted western society, this explains all of our problems".
Do you literally not read books?

>> No.10784710

I didn,t say i believed in Jew memes I said pol do not like Republicans. It would be like saying Marxists like HIllary and the Dems

>> No.10784713

no i'm interesting enough i can afford to be smug IRL too. try it sometime

>> No.10784716

Where the hell do I go for substantive literary conversation?

>> No.10784719

>Flann O'Brien shitposters
don't summon them, there are gullible monolinguals in this thread

>> No.10784722

One man's interesting is another man's weird ;^)
Join a book club, or find an online forum that isn't 4chan or reddit.

>> No.10784729

>The Irish are not white, and Flann O'Brien shitposters versus /pol/ is hilarious
Aha... Hope you're okay.
>Do you literally not read books?
>dude, you don't take my psuedo-psychology theories seriously?

>> No.10784732

I do read but I mostly only come here for the "write what's on your mind" threads to complain about my life because I'm too mature for /r9k/.

>> No.10784742

>One man's interesting is another man's weird ;^)
maybe if you didn't want to be a normie, you could have better less boring conversations?
>never read a classic
IKR it's like people won't call you a pseud for not reading DH Lawrence letters to Russell now, what's up with that? Maybe you can talk to above, anon, I'm sure he has a copypasta response to your copypasta response which won't involve virgins or gypsies in a Romantic sense, just a normie sense with poor literacy. You know you like that better. Go make out with him :3

>> No.10784749

How exactly is that relevant to jews you mouth breather

>> No.10784753
File: 370 KB, 2047x1065, really makes you think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 months... 2 months.... hmmm

>> No.10784755

>How exactly is that relevant to jews you mouth breather
You'd have to read a book to find out, I'm sure you don't have to concern yourself with it.

>> No.10784763
File: 191 KB, 1589x1600, 1516611407675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of complaining,can you explain clearly in what way the old 4chan was better than today's ?

>> No.10784766

more traps more cats.

>> No.10784772
File: 66 KB, 437x437, 1517787555328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People posted cute pictures of cats and talked liek thiz and there were no politics

>> No.10784781

-less averse to OC
-overall better OC culture
-fewer unashamed newfags

>> No.10784785

It has been raided by /pol/, /leftypol/ and /r/badphilosophy.

>> No.10784801

Accurate account desu
/sp/ was truly amazing back in those days. I still blame mods for how the site is now. One of the main reasons 4chan was always better was because of a lack of moderation in many aspects. Crossposting was never really tolerated but totally off-topic threads that were part of board culture were still allowed, possibly because these always came about in off-hours? Deep sea threads on /sp/ probably being the best answer. Then the crackdown happened and now the policing here is as prevalent as it is on r/eddit. Yet for some reason, maybe they don't want to upset the income that it provides, they refuse to moderate out /pol/ nonsense where it doesn't belong. Back to >>>/b/ was so common for so long and always dealt with, but now that it's back to >>>/pol/ the mods just don't seem to care.

>> No.10784802

Pretty much this. Political extremism on both sides (and the center, somehow) coupled with retards that think they're deep because they took a CC semester on metaphysics and own an unopened edition of Critique of Pure Reason have absolutely trashed discourse.

>> No.10784807

>adding those last two as if they are anything of note

>> No.10784815

This isn't 1920s Paris. The only place where you can find a wide variety of people with a deep interest in literature is online. I wish, WISH, that I could go to my local bar, sit down with some author friends and talk about literature, but it won't happen ever again. Our types have to be content with never meeting face to face.

>> No.10784822

>interesting discussions with /pol/
This is literally not possible.

>> No.10784823
File: 8 KB, 205x246, tiredwoj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my belief in this becomes weaker with every passing night

>> No.10784827

That's because you're from /pol/

>> No.10784840

>online forum that isn't 4chan or reddit.
For quality discussion that is fairly rapid this doesn't exist.

>> No.10784842

No identity politics bullshit, people entered a thread about X and would discuss X, not about politics. There was less drama about women, when people talked about being a virgin it was a countdown to wizardry. Last but not least, crossposting, posting shit straight out of imgur/funnyjunk/9gag/facebook and normalfaggotry is normalized. No one cares about lurking anymore, instead newfags arrive and think posting low effort, blatant offtopic shit is classic 4chan (that's when they're not killing OC).

>> No.10784850

>implying all those things are equally bad
/pol/ is the only real problem.

>> No.10784851

I'm 2009 and I post "low effort, blatant offtopic shit" occasionally because it never fails to gives me a laff. You're right about everything else though.

>> No.10784852

Reddit then, some parts of /lit/ will have to do

>> No.10784853

i truly wonder where you two come from

>> No.10784856
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1519733145162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews were portrayed negatively in my favourite books, thus jews evil and bad! Grug hate!

>> No.10784858

+more traps
+more cats
+more OC
+less reddit
+less newfags in general
+zero politics
+less offtopic nonsense
+no one cared about SJW culture
+no one cared about normie culture


>> No.10784859

I came in early 2016 but rarely posted. Even between then and now the quality seems to have gone down

>> No.10784861

You see this new form of reddit moderation very clearly on the big boards; /tv/ is a very good example. Board culture threads get constantly deleted (sometimes even stuff that is straight up on-topic, but is not to the tastes of whatever autistic janitor is watching) but porn spam and other obvious off-topic bait threads will reach into 200+ replies.
There's a 'reylo general -yes, a general dedicated to two characters from star wars - that's been going on /tv/, that's literally babysat by a mod or janitor. If you post in the thread telling them to fuck off, there's a good chance you'll get banned. It's absolutely insane.

>> No.10784872

except they only post lowbrow garbage
People in r/books only read dumb sffg shit so they can call themselves "readers" because they think it's a badge of honor that they actually pick up a book, same goes for r/writing. only r/literature is salvageable but it's too slow

>> No.10784873

You can tell the board is shit because every reply to anything political is 'huh go back to pol' rather than 'fuck off faggot'.

>> No.10784876

/pol/ is the new /b/, dumb newfag.

>> No.10784882

And /lit/ isn't the same Ayn Rand, Nietzche and Peterson threads every day?

>> No.10784887

Muhh /pol/ wwwaaahhhh. You are part of the problem

>> No.10784888

Everything everyone else has said really. Death of OC culture is a major issue although I feel there are still some memes that embody the spirit of classic 4chan. Bogdanoffs are a recent example.

>> No.10784894

You're a retard. Telling people to go back to /b/ was around way before /pol/ even existed.

The other day we tried to have a
>What are modern day /lit/ cities like 1920s Paris?
thread. It got deleted after 10 minutes but at that same time a blatant /pol/ thread about identity politics with ZERO discussion about /lit/ topics AT ALL at over 200 posts.

Fuck off newfag

If you think people complaining about /pol/ don't have a legitimate concern you're a moron.

>> No.10784896

the problem is that Leftists are accustomed to shitting out their unexamined polticial views at all times, but hyper sensitive to any right wing ideas so they think there is some pol invasion when really it is just a minority of rightism in a sea of complacent leftism

>> No.10784908

here's a pretty hilarious thread much like this one from all the way back in 2012
Come and see these older people and their primitive ways. Analyze what they considered the biggest threats to their security. Compare this to how the board actually ended up six years later. Write a one page rescript on the problems that faced the community at that time and compared with the historical record as you know it. Due March 5th at the end of class time. (Note: other sources may be used, but make sure to add a citation in the footnote)


>> No.10784912

It happens to all of us, a board you love seems to always be great, and then one day, it's crap. It's not the board, it's you.

>> No.10784915

I'm unironically convinced that my baits got so great that they changed the board for the worse.

>> No.10784924
File: 101 KB, 218x158, 1f2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the Tower of Babel was about keeping 4chan away from the rest of the internet

>> No.10784928

I remember those days. Before /pol/ destroyed everything good about 4chan. I miss our /mu/ rivals.

>> No.10784932

No they really aren't, no matter how many people whine about /pol/ it will never reach the fucking deluge of clickbait reposts and low effort bait they flood every single board with.

>> No.10784946

it's interesting to note that about half of the people use what would now be referred to as "reddit spacing"

>> No.10784951

4chan is on decline

>> No.10784966

Exhibit A: /pol/ shitposter feigning intellectual prowess.

>> No.10784972

There aren't even that many /pol/tards and most people don't even bother replying to them.

>> No.10784978

Why don't you better go to /pol/ if you don't mind them?

>> No.10784984

Ive been here for years and its been a growing problem. Where do YOU go for book discussion?

>> No.10784988

I feel you anon, not sure why so much of /lit/ has a stick up their dick

>> No.10784991

Its fine and dandy if you don't reply to blatant bait but since this site is flooded with retards obvious bait threads get tons of replies.

>> No.10785033

It's almost like when making a change from two different complete thoughts having extra space makes it easier to read and differentiate those points or something.

Sadly only /lit/. The only people I know who even read, at all, in real life only read sff or STEM related books. That's what I get for listening to my girlfriend and family and getting a finance degree instead of a humanities degree like I wanted.

>> No.10785046

>he listens to his girlfriend

>> No.10785069

To be fair, I was in a really bad place mentally and financially at the time.

>> No.10785073

To be fair you could get a humanities degree if you really wanted to.

>> No.10785077

damn its almost like the people who came up with the idea of reddit spacing were the redditors

>> No.10785081

Yes, but when you're not thinking straight it's easy for outside influence to sway you.

>> No.10785086

I'm not a leftist and I agree with the people here, /pol/ is a cancer and a shit board.

>> No.10785090

I think that explains the discord craze 100%

>> No.10785092

Followers of any political view are complacent when they're in a space made up entirely of people who agree with them. You a right-winger don't go on liberal news sites and present your ideas because you know you'll be drowned out by stock insults - it's exactly the same for /pol/. No one has the patience to argue with dozens of people typing the same meme insults, so they fuck off and the site circlejerks over 'destroying' the interloper with their logic.

>> No.10785094

And who's stopping you now?

>> No.10785097

Me because I'm in my 30s and have bills to pay. I can't spend my entire day in the classroom.

>> No.10785104

you are definitely leftist. there is no ambiguity in politics, you are leftist or Nazi, you don't get to pick your own special position

>> No.10785109

Yeah, no, fuck off.

>> No.10785110

But Nazis are leftists

>> No.10785111

you either defer to minorities or you don't, there is no middle ground

>> No.10785112

Dubs of tragedy. Start more book discussion threads anon, get motivated to go back to school.

>> No.10785113

If you really wanted to you would.

>> No.10785123
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>I've had many interesting discussions with /pol/
Define interesting

>> No.10785127

this x2000000000

>> No.10785128

4chan's decline is a direct consequence of the decline of the white race. Americans now are more genetically diluted than they were back in the earlier days of the board.

>> No.10785182


>> No.10785189

>instead, they seek uniformity
the unfulfilled young men on this site want to feel a sense of community more than anything, they really aren't as interested in expression as you think. Memes have such an importance on this site because its the only way to be, and remain, included in an anonymous forum, so its no surprise that anons don't want to feel like individuals seeking acceptance and would rather enjoy the feeling of fitting that they don't experience IRL.

>> No.10785194

I'd need enough scholarship money to pay for all my classes, supplies, rent, gasoline, food, books, childcare. Believe it or not, that's not going to happen. The only way it will happen is if my wife gets a crazy good promotion and agrees to live on one income.

>> No.10785202

No anon nazis are socialist thus they are leftist ;^)

>> No.10785209

>if you like an author you agree with his politics
kek these brainlets are the ones who get crushed by vending machines

>> No.10785212

>I don't even remember what I do on this site, or the threads I read
this. most time spent on the internet is generally a blur.

>> No.10785218

Literature is a dead medium being kept on life support by edgy pseuds and aspies who think they'll become famous by writing a shitty novel. If you want to actually have discussions with people then develop an interest in a different medium. There is nothing left to talk about here.

>> No.10785222

politics are a meme, it is just tribes of people, and Leftists and Nazis are in opposing tribes

but yes absolutely hilarious anon

>> No.10785225

>define interesting
having more pull than the second set of instructions in that pic. sorry, anon, tldr. maybe put a cat in the corner

>> No.10785235

perennial complaint since 3 months after inception
fuck off

>> No.10785241
File: 286 KB, 1280x853, 1470766166773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What many people in threads like this one misunderstand is that 's not /lit/ or /pol/ or 4chan that is becoming more politicized, it's society as a whole. Things have changed a lot since 2004, people in The Current Year™ ain't gonna discuss the stuff the way they used to in those days.

>> No.10785247

>since 2004
shut up.

>> No.10785255

This statement would hold water if politics was a regular subject on /lit/ prior to the /pol/

>> No.10785256

Yes, but the major problem is still /pol/. As Olly said you can become friend of antifa if you stop being a fascist but you can't become a friend of a fascist if they don't stop being fascist.

>> No.10785265

>. As Olly said you can become friend of antifa if you stop being a fascist but you can't become a friend of a fascist if they don't stop being fascist.
the fact that you think this sentence makes sense is comedy gold

>> No.10785277

why don't you redirect your mod brownnosing to your moms house faggo

>> No.10785289

How many normies were on /lit/ in 2004? How many people, in general, were on 4chan in 2004 and how many of those people were political at all? In fact, how many people were on the internet in 2004 compared to today? What we see today on the internet is what happens when every bumfuck in a civilized nation has constant access to the internet and constant feedback from the internet. It's called growing pains.

>> No.10785310

you newfigs don't even know when this board was created. and ayn rand being banned used be the only rule on /lit/. now fanfiction being banned is the only rule. you're both part of the worst part of the cancer that led to those rule creations.

>> No.10785317

He's talking about this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgwS_FMZ3nQ.. It's actually pretty great even if you don't agree with him.

>> No.10785331

>you can become friend of anti-leftists if you stop being a leftist but you can't become a friend of a leftist if they don't stop being leftist

>> No.10785342

>M-m-muh Newfags
LOL you sound like a fucking Boomer.

>> No.10785344

Everyone go to www.poetry.community instead

>> No.10785345

It's not the same thing and you know it. Fascist will be against you if you aren't a fascist. Antifa will only be against you if you are a fascist.

>> No.10785350

Leftists will be against you if you're not a Leftist as well.
I can't believe you are this biased my man

>> No.10785352

Are you happy with what you do now? Have you applied for scholarships or grants?

>> No.10785354

People started actually getting serious about reading literature. It's no longer about how many pages you can read, or the amount of genre fiction you read, it's about the content between the covers.

>> No.10785360

Based on a very broad and arbitrary definition of 'fascist', of course

>> No.10785364

Only because staying neutral to fascism shows your allegiance to it.

>> No.10785366

and my point has been proven. 'staying neutral to Leftism shows your allegiance to it'. See how this works

>> No.10785375

you would know what boomers post like because you came from /pol/

>> No.10785380

then why do the few fascists I know chill with me just fine but the few antifa people I know are constantly attacking me for not bending to their every criticism and disagreement

>> No.10785382

itt: booty-blasted self-styled flaneurs acting all indignant because "identhify polificks" and "/pol/" have desecrated their precious mental space and besmirched their pristine artistic souls with profane ideas about politics and ideology. so boring
btw board culture always suck. back in the days the only "memey" thing I liked was deep&edgy going around upsetting people and doing his schtick
the best threads are far between and it's usually when you have someone with a deep knowledge of subject going off on a tangent. become that kind of person if you want to be of use to anyone

>> No.10785384

he will accuse you of being a fascist in 3,2,1...

>> No.10785407

Not really sure why you linked me in that post friend. Clearly I wasn't implying that /lit/ was here in 2004 and the guy who was talking about 2004 (retarded as he may be) was clearly speaking about 4chan in general. So kindly suck a dick.

>> No.10785414

I don't qualify for 99% of them. The 1% I do isn't enough to cover those costs I outlined.

>> No.10785441

Nothing's been proven, you just inverted anon's logical point so it doesn't make sense anymore.

>> No.10785449

>it's only logical when it attacks the people I don't like
Anon do you think it is more likely that we see a Fascist revolution or a Communist revolution? Surely both are pretty unlikely, but both possible, given the history of Western countries in the past century.

So why does this view of the dangers of political extremism and the need to distance oneself from Fascism at all costs not apply to Leftism?

>> No.10785455

answer your own retarded questions m8

>> No.10785459

just don't post if you have nothing to say, this isn't school where you don't have to defend your views because the opposition is banned from speaking.

>> No.10785468

I really dislike the way in which he gesticulates and why do rich leftists always are so eager to talk in name of the poor?

>> No.10785484

>posters who say newfig are boomers

>> No.10785487

>we can't both be retards
are you brand new?

>> No.10785490

Fuck off. Olly knows much more about philosophy than anybody here.

>> No.10785495

Except I said nothing retarded, still not sure where you're coming from, pal.

>> No.10785496

>this vlogger panders to my beliefs so I suck his dick on anonymous forums
just kill yourself

>> No.10785502

Did you actually watch the video?

>> No.10785520

Fascists are chill ass dudes tbqh. Anarchoanything or nazis are fucking fags though.

>> No.10785521

/pol/ was the single worst thing that happened to 4chan. moot thought he was just making another containment board, but ended up creating a place that took the "deliberately offensive" shtick and magnified it, and drew a lot of garbage outside traffic in the process.

/pol/ has led to the rest of the site stagnating. they can derail any thread and make barely on-topic threads all over the place. worst of all, they killed our memes. we've literally just had pepe and wojack reruns since /pol/ took over, at the top longer than any meme of the ten years i've been here. it's over.

>> No.10785531

/pol/ is great nerd. Now you're finally understanding the damage unchecked immigration does to a recipient culture

>> No.10785539


>> No.10785547

then your work is done

>> No.10785617

nice job literally embodying everything i described in my post

>> No.10785631

This is a really good response.
Is there anyone who supports the standard neolib immigration narrative who will argue against this?

>> No.10785641

It's a bad analogy, samefriend.

>> No.10785651

Saw the whole thing and it was pretty informative, although I think his arguments got a bit shaky at the end when he started talking about "white genocide" being a baseless conspiracy. I'm not American, nor white, and I'm most certainly not a fascist, and while I can see how white centered philosophies are dangerous, pretending that the real possibility of whites becoming a minority in their own countries is a non-issue is a big mistake from his part.

>> No.10785658

t. samefag
And no, it's not a great response. 100% of /pol/tards are cancer while only 1% of immigrant are a problem.

>> No.10785670

Disagree. The problem with /pol/ is that mods don't treat it like a containment board. See /mlp/ after its creation, lots of spamming ponyshit everywhere. After a while it died down and now no one even remembers that kid's cartoon exists.

>> No.10785672

>only 1% of immigrant are a problem.
imagine actually thinking this. You should go visit their countries since they're apparently such wonderful people, maybe even just move there permanently

>> No.10785676

>implicitly agreeing that 100% of /pol/tards are cancer

>> No.10785692

everybody on every board on every chan is always saying it's currently or recently in decline

you are a bunch of nostalgists who have become bitter towards the board which had such an allure in your days of newfaggotry

>> No.10785705

Ahhh, girardfag. Please come back.

>> No.10785707

Yeah, it really is a problem with moderation. Mods on all boards are way too slow to delete off-topic /pol/ content. Jap Moot needs to crack the whip.

>> No.10785708

But 4chan with heavy moderation will become reddit.

>> No.10785709

meta in /qa/ fucker

and what happened is the rules were allowed to slip. quality posting was forsaken for absolute shit, and mods let it happen. now except for the rare supernova of intelligent posts in a niche specialty thread we're just another brainless site like reddit.

>> No.10785712

me too

>> No.10785714

All jokes aside, you say that as it would be such a bad thing, and we still have the anonymity anyway.

>> No.10785718
File: 60 KB, 575x225, Screenshot_20180302-182655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pol boogeyman

>> No.10785722

>mods let it happen
yeah, I wonder why

>> No.10785732

>i can't possibly be retarded it was the other guy
how long before you're telling me you were only pretending to be retarded? i have a class to get to

>> No.10785737

that's quite the tale. You have a rich imagination. simply exquisite.

>> No.10785750

reading this just makes me want to read a full historical account of this place. I wish some brave Anon would step in and realize it.

>> No.10785767

I didn't read that post until I saw yours, but it was great, it reads like Thucydides

>> No.10785779

that's more what /pol/ thinks happened. /lit/ was more likely to be raided by [s4s] for a long time. /pol/ used come here and get upset we'd read the books they recommended and had notes on the third act for them. nobody bothered to call the mods, because mods read as much as /pol/. about the closest we got to calling the mods was pretending butterbug was a janitor and bullying her (male) for it.

the people who want mods to come here probably touched some of /lit/'s hidden but still heavily weaponized autism and wish the person who read forster would stop trying to simultaneously ass fuck them and get them to commit treason, or else they're so easily trolled they respond to shitposts about /pol/ with precious babbytears. /lit/ used be more about the precious babbytears of innocence destroyed but then most of the people who think what we did to katie was low missed that period which would abhor them- both for being more vicious to them than /pol/ can manage with its mangled attention span, and because old /lit/ used insist on the better read anon winning.

most anons aren't even aware they've stopped talking about books and started talking about moderation when they're crying they're precious babbytears without anyone there to scoop them up and make them swallow them while licking their face. in a just world, three jesuits would beat them with early latin readers for the six years they missed to becoming a man, but sadly, there's no justice in this world.

>> No.10785821

Just go to fucking reddit or somewhere else its not hard.

>> No.10786634
File: 43 KB, 365x243, 1279685990121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, it's still the same shit. Pic related is the oldest picture I have saved from /lit/. File system says it's from 2007 but that might be wrong. 2 months after it's creation, until 2010, I used to browse this place daily. Then I stopped caring and came back to check on things from time to time.

For the most part, it's still the same place sans annoying tripfags.
>There's a sticky (that almost every fucking newfag in need of some spoonfeeding ignores, yay!)
>No actual discussion or literary criticism occurs (except in some philosophy threads)
>Recs usually lack any basis
>Most threads are still about the same entry level books (this makes sense)
>/mu/ doesn't care about us anymore
>literally no sharethreads
>Fantasy and SF now have a general (thank God)
>Similar levels of /r9k/ cancer
>Tourists stupidly asking for recommendations
>"E-readers are for plebs"
>Almost the same charts are distributed
>Almost no memes (Nora farts, Stirner, Greek fandom, [Murakami] is no man in my country)
>Substantially less Pynchon and DFW

Just take it or leave it. Nobody will care in 2 years.

>> No.10786671
File: 160 KB, 400x400, itaotsdfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>/mu/ doesn't care about us anymore
it hurts

>> No.10786709

Yeah, the le pol bogeyman is a bit overstated. /lit/ is really no better.

>> No.10786713

Damn that girl on the left is some sexy bitch. Gotta love intellectual girls.

>> No.10786736

Maybe one of you internet experts can help me out.

I started posting on 4chan in 2007, I remember this because it was the year I started university. I do not use the internet much other than 4chan -- just email, YouTube, Wikipedia and porn.

If the quality has indeed declined (I find this idea rooted in nostalgia more than anything) can you recommend some other forums where I could have quality discussion without autistically totalitarian moderation?

I browse /lit/, /mu/, /tv/, /r9k/ and recently /his/, so I'm looking for somewhere to talk about the arts, literature, philosophy, and general topics.

>> No.10786863

How is /leftypol/ less problem. I'm /rightypol/ and I admit my posts are issue, but I don't want lefty to take over and I try to balance. They're both equally toxic.

>> No.10786913

this is the /lit I know and love

>> No.10786919

Imagine 12 yos browsing /lit/

>> No.10786920

Unironically the election.

>> No.10786923

That's perhaps the worst part. There's not really anywhere else to go outside of small irc channels with 10 or so regulars. The other chans are extremely shitty and actual echo chambers.

>> No.10786988

What about those vbulletin style forums with actual user names?

>> No.10786994
File: 32 KB, 480x454, 57054228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i've been saying this to myself since 2011

>> No.10787000

the fucking worst. they are the past, not the future. you need a huuuge userbase for them to even begin to compare to 4chan, and all the quality users hang out on specific ones for each type of community. /tg/ would be the giant in the playground forums. /o/ is spread out all over the fucking internet according to body style or powerplant. /k/ would have a few mostly dead forums that resolved most of their shitposting in the early 2000s when the fudds got the internet. /fit/ is bodybuilding dot com. you get the picture.

4chan is the tits. if you spoiled millennial bitches want quality replies, start making quality posts or fuck off.

>> No.10787008

There's a lot of good answers here, but no one seems to have accounted for the fact that a big core of users who were serious readers that weren't altrightists moved to an IRC channel months ago. The channel is now more vibrant in terms of lit discussion/banter than the board.

>> No.10787011
File: 28 KB, 987x862, 1437842304103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 2009 and I post "low effort, blatant offtopic shit" occasionally because it never fails to gives me a laff

Why don't you take your normalfaggotry bullshit back to your facebook ?

>> No.10787012

You mean the discord?

>> No.10787015

Did this really happen? Care to wxplain and give details??

>> No.10787020 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, PUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They moved to a channel on Rizon that's not explicitly about lit but there's a lot of /lit/ people in there who are interested in philosophy, theory, etc. too.

You can fire up an IRC client or use a web client: https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23buddy&server=irc.rizon.net

>> No.10787024
File: 315 KB, 1080x1440, 2CA1FF94-FB43-45CA-B2B0-7E3FE9AB58AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this really happen? Care to wxplain and give details??

>> No.10787025


The only time /pol/ was good was during the 2012 elections.

After /v/eddit invaded in 2013 or so, everything went to shit, and it's historically demonstrated since all the recent drama and culture wars that happened on 4chan, were started within /pol/

>> No.10787035
File: 22 KB, 323x450, 1481910503588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10787043
File: 154 KB, 800x420, ye36ax4v6g901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boo hoo the young kids are ruining your internet shit posting, this is what happens.

>> No.10787066

People actually believe this

>> No.10788567

accurate, /pol/tards shitpost everywhere somebody says something they disagree with, it's really bad on /out/

>> No.10788653

Why imagine it

>> No.10788684
File: 74 KB, 491x491, polpots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10789219

It's shit, we have to migrate somewhere else.

>> No.10789221

It's a sign of the times though, however retarded it may be. It's a response to whatever you want to call the modern problems: atomization, individualism, materialism, demographic overhaul, and whatever else.

>> No.10789228

All the people now realising the damages of mass immigration. Hahaha, it writes itself

>> No.10789246

Displacement from literature and "culture" has instilled within the average person a fearful reverence or xenophobic disgust in books. However, the political climate rewards the ego of the "educated" man, and people have begun to pursue what they think to be philosophy. This is mostly in the form of podcasts, audiobooks, and youtube intellectuals, but some see reading as a mark of status and have begun to infest literary forums with their half-baked understanding of literature, philosophy, books, and reading. It isn't just on /lit/, but our proximity to both /pol/ and r*ddit make it extremely evident here.

Reading is seen as a luxury, or something that innately amasses knowledge.Books that aren't politically charged diatribes or self-help manuals aren't read anymore. There is no literary culture anymore as books exist to make money or push ideas. People come to literary forums with the mistaken belief that these make up literature in whole, aside from a few classic relics (usually high school holdovers) that only further bolster individual righteousness when read, because again, the "well read" man is the "knowledgeable" man is the "correct" man.

It's poison.

>> No.10789276

>because again, the "well read" man is the "knowledgeable" man is the "correct" man.
this but unironically

>> No.10789307
File: 17 KB, 509x411, IMG_3716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug mane. Was this site ever good or am I just constantly seeing it though a thick veneer of nostalgic melancholy?

>> No.10789308

/lit/ is being brought down by newfags who claim the board is being ruined by /pol/ and want things back the way they were 2 months ago when they went on for one day and didn't see anything political to fuel their communist hivemind fantasy

>> No.10789325

if you go back into the archive there were less /pol/ threads in 2014 and the board was indeed predominantly apolitical and cath marxist which changed when the """""oldfags"""" left 4chan to be adults and shitpost on twitter

>> No.10789340

The real problem is that, unlike Moot, Hiro is a businessman. 4chan is packaged and sold as a product now.

Come to 4chan, you can say nigger!
Come to 4chan, fight with people you disagree with!
Come to 4chan, post as many threads about niche topics as you like!
Come to 4chan, shitpost!

Actual board culture, aspects of the site that would confuse outsiders, and moderation that targets and eliminates the worst parts of the site have all evaporated because these are the things that turn people away. People come here to gawk and scream and act in ways that they wouldn't be allowed to on facebook or reddit or anywhere that has their name on it.

The only consolation is that continued exposure normalizes this behavior and people end up outing themselves by joining "Kekistani Forces" on facebook or retweeting white supremacy trash on twitter and outing themselves as imbeciles.

>> No.10789345

yeah, it's the sign of someone who hasn't been around for a while and has nothing to really point to besides some vague dissatisfaction with the place.

>> No.10789350

/pol/ did ruin everything though. You can not go on any board on here without finding a /pol/fag pushing their ideology onto others. Even the more niche hobbiest boards are filled with /pol/fags making retarded off topic threads or shoving their politics down your throat. 4chan as a whole was largely apolitical back in the day and each board had its own distinct culture. 95% of the boards on here are now just diluted versions of their former selfs mixed in with some /pol/ lite.

>> No.10789364

It's correct, but only when your definition of correct isn't defined by the political climate of the past ten years and involves introspection, morality, empathy, and knowledge of history.

>> No.10789376

just sage and move on, politics are way more intense today than they ever were in Obongo era. No one was trying to octos Mitt Romney to victory. The fact is that today compared to 2010-2014 there are way more people who want to talk about politics.

>> No.10790309


This, and it's just as pathetic each year.

>> No.10790425
File: 503 KB, 1280x1385, le gamergate boogeyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this lefty SJW revisionism
>hurrr da gg and le evil DRUMPFT are why I'm not a winner!

Funny, old /b/, /int/, /sp/ and /v/ had thriving board cultures that evaporated as soon as moderation became more stringent.

>> No.10790429

Same here

>> No.10790434

>someone actually spent hours of their life making that comic

>> No.10790439

dude last summer was constant peterson and nazi spam non-stop, sure /lit/ isn't as good as like 5 years ago or w/e but it's a lot better than 6 months ago that's for sure

>> No.10790445

I don’t come here anymore. It’s a lost cause.

>> No.10790449

this. whatever happened to fucking with pol instead of crying to mom about them? pol wishes that we don't have fond memories of moot taking off their captcha and the entire site raping their little playpen to death for days. that's not even oldfag shit, i think. maybe i haven;t been outside for a while. the point is, pol can be raided and raped to death and the only thing that is stopping us from making it entirely about feeding cirno fishe is the moderation and captcha shit that these pissy pussies want more of. fuck that. you think pol's fucking with you, fuck them to death or you deserve to get raped.

>> No.10790459


i just checked out /b/ like an hour ago when someone brought it up, it's really the same shit as always, just now after /pol/ replaced it as the dominant board the "edgy" stuff in /b/ just fails to arouse any sense of naughtiness, when /b/ first came out there weren't mexican cartels putting out decapitation videos yet, nevermind isis, now that we've seen a million heads getting cut off it just doesnt shock like it used to, now that trannies are mainstream and elected to public office, seeing a chick with a dick fails to incite any sense of confusion, u either like traps or u don't, and like with shit like instragram where whores post softporn asspics every fucking day all day the little selfie porn threads are not arousing at all, it's not that /b/ changed it's just the whole world is ten years older now

>> No.10790467

you want >>>/trash/ m8

>> No.10790519


Nope, /b/ is just a hollow husk populated by bots that do nothing but spam the same camgirl porn dumps, all the interesting parts were turned into other boards. I'm surprised people still go there.


t. salty SJW

>> No.10790548

I'd be down to just riddicule the quality of their memes and posts, can't really engage them with anything political.
Straight up raids just aren't possible for the reasons you mentioned. The best that can happen is making everyone feel like a worthless sack of retard for submitting a post.
I'd also like everyone who sees this to remember to call out cancer memes on the spot.
This goes well beyond/pol/ anon needs to be taken down a peg. Just let them know how stupid they are while not paying any attention to their pathetic little posts and ignore them.
>Greentext and brainlet
Up yours shitstain.

>> No.10790577

So nothing has changed?

>> No.10790641

>I'd be down to just riddicule the quality of their memes and posts, can't really engage them with anything political.
you sound like you think you're feeding ducks but they're actually trolls. make a picture of that.
>Straight up raids just aren't possible for the reasons you mentioned.
if you spent more time making pictures of ducks you'd know that's not true.
>The best that can happen is making everyone feel like a worthless sack of retard for submitting a

Top yourself. You're the reason everyone you meet on the internet is awful for ten pages.

>> No.10790690

The past two months?

I've been on here for almost a decade, this entire site hasn't been funny or interesting or...fucking anything for about two years!

I come on here like once a week hoping there's some good threads, never is.

>> No.10790881

People will always remember the good posts and over time forget about all of the shit that they had to wade through to find those good posts.

Also growing up but still being surrounded by 19 year olds opinions doesn't exactly help

>> No.10791413

THIS is what I am talking about

>> No.10791437

since you bumped the thread and you're both using caplocks i assume this is a good thing? is more ducks the answer to /lit/'s problem or what is going on here? bumping in kind

>> No.10791444

> 2 years
Oh my sweet summer child.
Look at your soft tushie, as smooth as baby's behind
Look not yonder for greener pastures
Look only to this green and tender lad, who looks into the abyss with wide and bright eyes

>> No.10791449

>trips of death
christ man, he's only two, no need to expose him to the dark magic of your supreme wizardry, you'll fuck him up for life. good numbers for it tho

>> No.10791502

If you avoid talking to people who greentext it doesn't seem all that bad. Don't respond to people who doublespace individual sentences either. Just ignore them completely because nothing they say has any value.

>> No.10791793

The whole internet died in 2010, after Facebook started to be exploited for satanic reasons. And then instagram.
Forums above all are dead, vidya are dead, youtube is dead, chats are dead, piracy is dead, blogs are dead.
What do you expect?