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/lit/ - Literature

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10781061 No.10781061 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/? Have you put enough black lesbians in your book yet?

>> No.10781070

I want to put lezzo scenes in my book but I'm gonna have to write in gay scenes to balance it out

>> No.10781076

God is this what most of booktube is like? I've only seen Cliff because of memes and this makes him look like Harold Bloom

>> No.10781077

Just lift them from your diary desu

>> No.10781078
File: 209 KB, 731x733, postmoderntapir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make them identify as males

>> No.10781081

that chick has a dick right?

>> No.10781091

Has a boyfriend, so PROOOOOOOObably not.

>> No.10781097
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Nah. Read a review that ragged on an author for having a sexy mentor bit character as part of the hero's ability to bone chicks.

>> No.10781106

why would that matter

>> No.10781115

She is insufferable.

I enjoy literature written by people from different backgrounds, but what she's talking about is something entirely different.

>> No.10781126

Her last point about how having six gays in your cast is natural because people hang with their own kind totally destroys the entire point of the video. It hurts to watch, it really does.

>> No.10781128

This is the description she wrote about her self-published book:

Eve is an outcast. A chimera.

After years of abuse, Evelyn Kingston is ready for a fresh start in a new city. The esteemed Billington University seems like the perfect place to reinvent herself—to live the life of an ordinary human.

But things at Billington aren’t as they seem. In a school filled with the leaders of tomorrow, Eve finds that passing off as a human is much harder than she had anticipated. Even worse, Billington is harboring a secret of its own: Interlopers have infiltrated the university, and their sinister plans are targeted at chimeras—like Eve.

Instantly, Eve’s new life takes a drastic turn. In a time filled with chaos, is the world focusing on the wrong enemy? And when the situation at Billington shifts from hostile to dangerous, will Eve remain in the shadows, or rise up and fight?

>> No.10781133

She seems to not realize that tokenism doesn't go away when you have more than one character with a specific marginalized identity. You just wind up with the three token black guys instead of the one token black guy. Gotta make sure it passes the sensitivity reader's checklist!

>> No.10781134

that has a better chance of selling than the sadsack lonely dude crap u guys write

>> No.10781143
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>abused female protagonist
>superpower-training high school
>harry potter-tier infiltration plot
>fucking ends with "will Eve remain in the shadows, or rise up and fight?"

>> No.10781183

>will Eve remain in the shadows, or rise up and fight?
I always descriptions that end like this. Christian.

>> No.10781214

Always hated*

>> No.10781223

>still using human characters

>> No.10781244

please stop it friendo

>> No.10781278

Has anyone of you actually been to gone so far as to read any her of books?

>> No.10781284

What, to go want to look more shit? No. The description is the want to not go be more good.

>> No.10781312

Hey! Alright man, thank you very much for thinking up and typing out a reply like that, thank you.

It's just hard to keep up with what's going on, new memes and books and so forth, what with the cancer and all. Takes up most of my day now. I only get say, maybe a few hours awake every day only at a time when everyone else is asleep, or rather hours I'd rather not keep them up to. Mom has never looked so bad as she does, I swear I've told her not to do that a thousand times. I digress. Thanks for your reply man.

>> No.10781474

This is why women will never be as great as men.

>> No.10781516 [DELETED] 

The only niggers I'll read are men: Malcolm X, MLK Jr, Douglass, Du Bois, Baldwin, Wright. Maybe Morrison is good, but I haven't read her.

>> No.10781533

>as he continued to fondle the silk, intricate shape of her
The reviewer is right. That book is garbage.

>> No.10781644

1) I'm not writing a book and don't intend to.
2) Why would anyone here actually invest time in liberal identity politics? When you write, you want to write a book that will last the sands of time.

In my opinion, one should always make their book as alienating as possible to root out the posers and pseuds that have nested within' the circles of literature like lice due to commercialisation.

>> No.10781665


inshallah brother

>> No.10782544
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I had to stop watching at the part where she "addresses her 'whiteness'". I'm horrified of going to college or posting on the non-anonymous internet because I'm afraid of having to deal with these kinds of people. Am I paranoid for thinking that they would blacklist me or report me to the authorities if I don't agree with them?

>> No.10782568

I dont need to put black lesbians in my book because there arent any anywhere close to me.
I enjoy writing about white people, because I identify as white, even though i'm definetly not white.

>> No.10782572

>my acne
>that's literally what fiction is all about, so, that's that

3 strikes, bye bye

>> No.10782574

>When you write, you want to write a book that will last the sands of time

But anon, no book can stand the sands of time if its mysoginistic, racist, trans- or homophobic! Didnt you see the thread about how the odyssey has aged poorly?

>> No.10782576

A reminder that this is the personification of the future of the publishing industry. Have fun getting your work published ;)

>> No.10782581
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Her work
>Eve is an outcast. A chimera.

After years of abuse and rejection, 19-year-old Evelyn Kingston is ready for a fresh start in a new city, where no one knows her name. The esteemed Billington University in Southern California seems like the perfect place to reinvent herself—to live the life of an ordinary human.

But things at Billington aren’t as they seem. In a school filled with prodigies, socialites, and the leaders of tomorrow, Eve finds that the complex social hierarchy makes passing as a human much harder than she had anticipated. Even worse, Billington is harboring a secret of its own: Interlopers have infiltrated the university, and their sinister plans are targeted at chimeras—like Eve.

Instantly, Eve’s new life takes a drastic turn. In a time filled with chaos, is the world focusing on the wrong enemy? And when the situation at Billington shifts from hostile to dangerous, will Eve remain in the shadows, or rise up and fight?

>> No.10782584

I wish i knew what black lesbians were like.

>> No.10782587

>Describe every persons hair colour, eye colour and skin colour at the very least

>> No.10782596

That entire sensitivity/diversity/pc discourse makes me so tried that I can't even respond accurately. It's like when I had a fight with my mother as a child and she was more patient and just waited it out and kept talking and talking.

>> No.10782605
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But I include plenty of different European ethnicities in my books?

Thank god for self-publishing.

>> No.10782618
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>> No.10782626
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>Diversity is not including white people
Fucking 56% American Scumbags.
I am so glad I share nothing in common with American "whites".

>> No.10782636

>describe skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, hair texture, body type at a minimum

>> No.10782642

that reminded me of that autistic fantasy book, The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters, where the author obsessively describes the physical metrics of all the characters

>> No.10782654

Dont shit on Ulillillia, aka Nick Smith. He literally has autism and his book is a work of art which gives us more insight into the inner workings of the mind than that book about the dog in the night by some fake retard.

>> No.10782673

>my personal sensitivity reader
Closed the video right there.
Pig disgusting mestizo opinions.

>> No.10782720
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please no more. someone link a video staring a girl they actually like. I need to suppress my misogynistic urges.

>> No.10782727

>tfw gay gypsy
you guys have to read me now or ELSE!!!

>> No.10783087

I got to like the most liberal liberal arts school in the us and have never had to deal with an altercation like this

>> No.10783111

I have a great rule that prevents me from reading the worst:

No books by women or Non-Asian minorities unless they were written more than half a century ago.

>> No.10783126

This is who your experimental novel that you worked on for a number of years will go through at Melville House

>> No.10783370

>describes diversity as anything non-white, cis, and male.

Not saying you have to include (((white cis-males))) in your novel, but diversity is not the same as "anything but wcm."

>> No.10783447

>That's literally what writing fiction is all about
>The real world is filled with a wide variety of people... you have to include a mix
>People want representation... they've been dealing with it, forever
>What if diversity is not historically accurate to my story? Are you sure...? ...They're wrong. ...Didn't do any legitimate research about racial groups...
>People like to hang out with people they have things in common with... It's completely believable to have six gay people in your book
>Why do you only want to write straight white people? ...They just create multi-dimensional characters. The fact that your mind goes exclusively towards... is probably a sign that you need to work on your creativity.

>> No.10783513

>Am I paranoid for thinking that they would blacklist me or report me to the authorities if I don't agree with them?
In the humanities you'll run into trouble if you want to get a job at the university at some later point, and you'll run into these kinds of people over and over again in the management boards of magazines, newspapers, radio stations, and anywhere you might want to work, but realistically the only way to change that is to have as many people say what they think and live according to their beliefs without worrying too much about personal consequences. Alternatively you can always become a STEM-fag, but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.10783520

tumblrfag pls go

>> No.10783531

>I'm a serious author!
>Here's a picture from my glamour shot
>entire premise of the video is that archetypes exist

>> No.10783551

>People like to hang out with people they have things in common with

This reminds me of the time i got hurt in school. A girl I liked asked me if i knew any other asians. No, of course not, as far as I knew, I was the only asian around. I was confused because it suddenly felt like I had an obligation to be friends with people of the same skin color, and failing to do that would mean being whole other level of outsider. She just looked at me wierdly, saying that she actually knew a group of close-knit friends that was entirely asian.
Come to think of it, my mom also knew a bunch of asians. How do they do it? Do they have a sixth sense? Why do all asians attract each other and form packs like rats and why am I the one being left out?

Im just goint to keep pretending im white.

>> No.10783555

Just because some tard says she doesn't like the book doesn't change the fact that it's going to outlive her miserable existence.

>> No.10783559

>know how your story ends before you begin
>write what you know
No wonder she self-publishes
>write what you find interesting, not what you enjoy writing
This is in direct contrast to what she said in the first video though...

>> No.10783563

Except she self-publishes

>> No.10783582

Dw, it just means those people don't have any characteristics other than their country of origin which might dictate who they spend their time with. Anyone who actually has something they're interested in is going to make friends with people who share those interests, rather than spending time with people they don't really have anything in common with for superficial reasons.

>> No.10783601

Here's Honey Badger Brigade.

>> No.10783620

>Gay people are 2% of the population in the US
>Black people are 13% of the population in the US
>Wahhh muh tokens
Not to mention you're also selling to a far whiter rest of the West

>> No.10783626

Why would women or blacks want me to write about them? I'm neither and have no confidence to write about them. Write your own shit

>> No.10783656

>50 shades of progressive liberalism

it's not diversity if all you change is the texture pack

>> No.10783716

Didn't really find anything so egregious in the video. Some people asked how to write diverse characters, she told them her opinion.

>> No.10783723
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>answer is "remain in the shadows"


>> No.10783740


Yes you are paranoid. Of course when about diversity you have to realize you're a white person talking about the experiences of other races and be careful. You, along with the other millions of white people who rant about social justice on the internet, are taking it as a personal attack when its not because you don't read and SJ ideas. The only people I've ever seen who attack white people are ChapoTrapHouse, and that's because they ARE white males, they're basically alt-righters who use the left to inflict their toxic masculinity on everyone else.

>> No.10783767 [DELETED] 

I'm sick and tired of the screeching victim classes and those shrill, evil 'marginalized voices' of theirs. faggots and non whites have no identity beyond their endless thirst for victimhood.

>> No.10783776

You have a rude awakening coming to you if you think nobody is antiwhite my friend.

>> No.10783781

Fucking this, minorities usually only write about how they are minorities. So good for them I guess, write about whatever you want to. I know that when I write I don't want diversity on my mind at all, books are about great ideas not shoehorning in social justice through representation. When a Japanese author writes a book and all the characters are Japanese who cares? It makes no difference, I only care about if the book has literary merit or not. Diversity shouldn't be about POCs and LGBT people like this video is suggesting, true diversity with literary merit is diversity in temperament and characters life experience/perspectives. A book with a fully white heterosexual cast of characters yet they all have nuanced inner lives and perspectives, is a great diverse book to me.

>> No.10783785
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>> No.10783787

thank God I'm not american

>> No.10783789

>I need a minority character so I can self insert myself

wew buddy

>> No.10783815

Yeah exactly. If you’re white and straight, depending on where you live there’s a good chance you’ll end up with mostly white and straight friends, and people write about what they know.

>> No.10783828

I Doubt those LGBTpocwocs even have inner lives tbhh. These people exist in an eternal present, a hell like panopticon of constant surveillance and social media call outs, totally disconnected from the history of literature and even the history of their own 'authentic' culture, their lives an endless riff on Harry Potter and 'intersectional' managementspeak

>> No.10783835

depressingly accurate take

>> No.10783862


Of course there are people who advocate violence towards whites, but they're not some big group and social justice doesn't support them. I even addressed one of them in my post.


I'm British.

>> No.10783868

>but they're not some big group and social justice doesn't support them.
again m8, rude awakenings await

>I'm British.
Ah nevermind I see you're just going to deny reality. I hear Rotherham has good schools

>> No.10783871


OK, you're clearly a paranoid anti-rational alt-righter.

>> No.10783876

yeah I mean imagine being upset that Muslims raped thousands of white children while the police covered for them and refused to act on the victims calls for help.

Absolute irrational alt-right paranoia

>> No.10783905

>I'm British
I'm beginning to understand why you think the way you do

>> No.10783918


Jimmy Saville raped 100's of women and the government defended him and the police ignored abusers. What ytou're outraged at is the fact they were muslims, you ignore all the white people. The prison population of people convicted of pedophilia stands at 6%, which almost perfectly matches the Asian population, let alone the mulsim population which is lower.

Now I am disgusted at the police's dismissive attitude toward young women because they were working class and their framing of them as willing prostitutes rather than rape victims. So I guess you'll join me in supporting social change that allows more women to speak out against rape, such as #metoo?


A better way would be to do some research and read about opinions you disagree with.

>> No.10783927

You realize the equivalence you've drawn though right? Jimmy Saville was part of a very powerful group of people who could bend the law and get away with it.

Merely being Muslim in your country affords this same protection

>> No.10783929

I'm glad I'm American desu. Just wish I was in a position to leave.

>> No.10783941

Social Justice is about empathy, politeness, the golden rule and being a decent human being. As a heterosexual white dude, you are used to being the default, and thus it is hard for you to understand the experience of being marginalized, calls for basic decency and recognition of other's humanity (which is basically what social justice is) make you feel because you grew up in a white supremacist, queerphobic and patriarchal culture. You should try listening to the experiences of Queers and People of Color, their wisdom will help you become a better person

>> No.10783944

so you're admitting that you don't know what you're talking about. cool

>> No.10783950

I honestly can't tell if this is satire, I am leaning towards yes

>> No.10783952


No it doesn't. The situation involved working class children who were often runaways or addicted to drugs. The police don't listen to these girls and its not only in Rotheram, but all over the country. Being muslim doesn't grant you any protection, as I've just said, there are lots of muslims in prison for sex offenses. The local council being afraid to tackle them because racists would use it as an excuse to condemn all muslims was one problem (which I suppose they were right about, though racist don't need an excuse to to do that) and the police ignoring girls because they were part of a class of society no-one cares about.

The thing is, you use it like a "got you!" thing that the council covered it up, like I agree with that. Of course I fucking don't and no-one does.


Weak response.

>> No.10783956

>As a heterosexual white dude,
white man*

>> No.10783962

Behold this gaylord.

>> No.10783963

>Jenna Moreci is a new adult author, vlogger extraordinaire, nerd-incognito, & alleged cyborg. She specializes in writing adorable, romantic goodness punctuated by moments of extreme violence and bloodshed. Her sanity is questionable. Some of Jenna’s other talents include prolific cursing, spilling/dropping things, accidentally making people cry, and drawing

>> No.10783965

>The local council being afraid to tackle them because racists would use it as an excuse to condemn all muslims was one problem (which I suppose they were right about, though racist don't need an excuse to to do that)
How can you think this is in any way a sane thing for your police force to be doing? How do you know this isn't occurring elsewhere? How can you be this fucking blind about what is happening, that you think it's normal that rape of children isn't reported and convicted but 'islamophobic tweets' are?

It's just beyond me unless it's a coping mechanism because the reality would scare you shitless

>> No.10783970



>> No.10783983

While I will concede the accuracy of the information you provide, that does not mean that I am in any way obliged to add those elements that have been marginalized into my own writing.

>> No.10783992


It isn't a sane thing, but it wasn't the police, it was the local council. The police were just ignoring them because they considered them prostitutes and drug addicts. They aren't the only police force that does that. Classism and hatred towards the working class is deeply rooted institutionally in Britain. That local council isn't in power anymore. But again, you're only outraged because they're muslims, if this was white people you wouldn't bat an eyelid.

>How do you know this isn't occurring elsewhere?

I don't. How do I know the government isn't covering up all their pedophillia activities? How do I know the government isn't covering up pedophile rings middle class white people are part of? How do you know your government is doing it? That's what happens when you have a dictatorship of two parties who scratch each others backs held up by the FPTP system.

>that you think it's normal that rape of children isn't reported and convicted but 'islamophobic tweets' are?

I don't think its normal, because its not normal. You're taking as fact this happens all the time. But you don't really give a shit about women or children, you're just bothered about it because you can use it as racist propaganda.

>> No.10783999

Thank god I'm not an Angloid!

>> No.10784006

I didn't say I gave a shit about women or children and this isn't some sort of 'gotcha' on your part.

Please imagine the following scenario: thousands of poor Muslim children are being raped by white men, the police are not convicting them, and the government is arresting Muslims who protest against whites online.

Does that situation trigger any alarm bells in your mind?

>> No.10784023

No one wants to read about privileged people who have no problems, that is why no one will read your writings about being a sad white dude. PoCs, Women and Queers are out there fighting for their lives and basic rights and negotiating what it means to be a real, empathetic human being, which is something more valuable and precious that all those dead old white dudes combined (which couldn't have been very wise, as they all had some pretty regressive and gross opinions on women, queers and non western cultures)

>> No.10784026

It's almost like people like writing about their own culture. Should we start railing on Asians, Africans, Middle Easterns, Aborigines, and so on to start writing about whites? WTF THE LEGEND OF HEKE HAS NO BLACKS OR NATIVE AMERICANS ITS PROBLEMATIC

>> No.10784058

Trips speak the truth, I shall follow this rule from now on sir.
Thank you kindly,

>> No.10784117

It reads like every amateur woman fiction out there.

>My protagonist is an oppressed special snowflake who can't manage the real world but somehow gets tangled up in deep shit and saves the world despite being a clumsy introvert with no agency and in the end everybody loves her and her clumsiness.

Her lover is probably a sassy bitch who is the initiator and driver of the romance; the main heroine devotes half of the book to "oh gawd what am I feeling" and "she loves me, she love not" idiocy; and somewhere in there they'll have a BDSM scene.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's written in first person in that apathetic and dry stream of consciousness style of the Twilight and 50 Shades fiction.

>> No.10784147
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and yet you still respond

>> No.10784155
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Thank you for your responses.

I apologize, I did not mean to imply that I stopped watching specifically because she talked about her skin color; I admit that it was part of the reason. I find the things these people talk about, and the language they use to do so, deeply unsettling. I'm too far removed from their mindset; I cannot relate to them and they scare me when they talk like that.

g8 b8 m8 8/8

>> No.10784157

>no one will read your writing about being a sad white dude.
the majority of western canon would say otherwise

>> No.10784182

>I find the things these people talk about, and the language they use to do so, deeply unsettling.

Congratulations, now you have experienced 1/1000ndth of the discomfort PoC and other marginalized folks have to deal with through every moment of their waking lives.

>> No.10784190

>have to deal with through every moment of their waking lives.
sounds like mental illness tbqh

>> No.10784203

good lol

>> No.10784210

>basic human concepts are unsettling to poc

Makes sense

>> No.10784222
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couldn't make it past 1 minute

>> No.10784279


Yeah that's but that's not happening. It was a ring of Muslims, about 30 or so people were implicated. No scandal like that has been discovered since. You have no evidence that its ongoing or happening everywhere else. You're just assuming it is.

>> No.10784285


Social justice is deeply uncomfortable. But at the end of the day, no-one is trying to destroy or attack white people in the social justice community.

>> No.10784294

I can't imagine a worse combination of voice and opinion.

>> No.10784358

You're welcome, Anon.

>> No.10784360

imo the social justice community is not trying to destroy or attack white people, they go far beyond that, SJ is the postmodern enemy, its goal is the destruction of the logos itself. This means War. Heil JBP! Heil Hitler! Heil Manson! Read SIEGE, faggot.


>> No.10784546

How am I supposed to stop feeling bothered by it? I can't tell when people are just being too sensitive or when the issues raised are legitimate concerns. My brain just lumps it all together and I'm scared to disagree with anyone because I'm afraid they'll think I'm a Nazi.

>> No.10784552

you're not supposed to think at all, you're suppsed to shut up and feel bad and defer to minorities in all cases.

It is a stick to hit you with, idk how you fail to see this

>> No.10784554

you guys are cool

>> No.10784570 [DELETED] 

is this a metaphor for black lesbian sex?

>> No.10784590 [DELETED] 

what a time to be alive

>> No.10784597

No, because it would make literally no sense. Diversity is fine, forced diversity is not.
>implying anyone on /lit/ has a book they're writing

>> No.10784621

>I don't write diversity because it doesn't exist in my town!!!
Ffs every time.

>> No.10784636

>Creative writers don't have diversity quotes
>Why are you so uncreative? You only write straight white people
Holy shit this fucking video makes me mad.

>> No.10784645


>memerson spam

You, instead of learning post-modernism through a second hand source, why don't you read about post-modernism from first hand sources?


Well SJWs are far more tolerant than the alt-right. I mean, they want to deport, shame or kill people who disagree with them. No-one will call you a nazi unless you actually are. The reason alt-righters say SJWs call everyone nazis is because they dog whistle and then go crying to Liberals that we're unfairly portraying them, when its literally in the nazi rulebook (read carl Schmidt) to hijack free speech to spread neo-nazi propaganda.

>> No.10784674
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Healing from toxic whiteness and deconstructing all of the multiple systems of oppression we have internalised from living in this society can be a long and arduous process. You are gonna feel uncomfortable, it's not marginalized people's job to make you feel comfortable, is for you to start thinking of them as human beings and in the process redicovering your own humanity. Read feminism is for everybody by bell hooks


Also watch: "How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion": Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools


>> No.10784683

So if sjws win they are actually tolerant of white people and wouldnt target me and if the altright wins im white so that wouldnt matter either. Man white privelege is real

>> No.10784712

>is for you to start thinking of them as human beings and in the process redicovering your own humanity.
So you're saying that unless I consider minorities to be sub-human I don't need to bother with feminism? That's good to know.

btw, I hope you're aware that compassion isn't an exclusively positive trait. I'm not fucking up my sense of judgement just so that I don't accidentally act in a way that is cold to anyone. Being able to discriminate without feeling bad protects you and others from malicious intent.

>> No.10784735


No because no sjw group aside from the extremests would want that. If the alt-right wins, of course they would target you. Nazism relies on constant enemies to fight and the working class would soon find themselves the whipping boys of the upper class. Nazism is inherently unstable. Its essentially just an orgy of violence. Don't forget they don't only target other ethnicities, they target LGBT+ people, disabled people, anyone they deem "weak", often for arbitrary reasons (see the soyboy myth), communists, people who listen to jazz, literally anyone who does anything they don't like. Nazism isn't "pro-white people", its killing everyone you don't like and forcing white people into slavery.

>> No.10784745


How do you have the capacity to watch any vlog ever? Seriously, the average person isn't charismatic enough to hold your attention for 10 minutes, and instead can only spout ancient rotting tropes.

How did you find this OP? She isn't even especially attractive

>> No.10784752

If you're talking about Hitler, that wasn't real National Socialism, real NS is peaceful and harmonious and has never been implemented

>> No.10784765

Hmmmmmmm sounds familiar

>> No.10784776

>No because no National Socialist group aside from the extremests would want that. If the alt-left wins, of course they would target you. SJWism relies on constant enemies to fight and the working class would soon find themselves the whipping boys of the (((upper class))). SJWism is inherently unstable. Its essentially just an orgy of neurotic shut in anxiety furries, Cluster B personality disorders, Google and blue haired women. Don't forget they don't only target other ethnicities, they target straight people, cisgender people, anyone they deem "strong", often for arbitrary reasons (see the white privilege myth),, people who fail to listen to their alloted Beyonce YAS KWEEN SLAY indoctrination, literally anyone who does anything they don't like. Nazism isn't "anti-white people", its killing everyone you don't like and forcing white people into slavery.

>> No.10784813
File: 431 KB, 638x321, Funko Pops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a fight? Sleepy diversity ghost or Funko pop collector?

>> No.10784867


>false equivalence and outright lies

>> No.10784898


Because I am not an american, and, as such, american cancer is a fringe element of my culture, not its essence.

>> No.10784919

>muh evropan christian bloc

>> No.10784931
File: 82 KB, 400x400, GamerGate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday, I'll Take You to Disneyland...

>> No.10785013

>Being able to discriminate without feeling bad protects you and others from malicious intent.

It wasn't enough to protect Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin from malicious intent, and it is doing nothing to protect Trans/NB people who are still getting murdered by bigots

>> No.10785048

I really don't know if the SJW poster is for real or trolling.
Anyways, for any Social Justice advocate, trying to be a "decent" human being that feels empathy towards others predicates on the idea that the power structure existing between humans needs to be leveled because somehow it's ethical (which is extremely simplistic considering the purpose it had), but in order to do that I need to find said individuals to be beneath me on the power institutions, and I should look at myself as if I hold some structural power that I can somehow control. If that's the case, I would be feeling pity for said person so no matter how I try to rationalize it I'm either subconsciously or consciously thinking I'm superior by birth.
It's weird, no matter what I do I would be feeling above, and minorities would be inferior, so an attack to myself (or rather, what I am) would only breed self-hatred.

Anyways, those structural differences, while having power associated to them, are in no way unethical or immoral, they serve an animal/biological purpose of reproduction and organizing society, it's inevitable to follow them subconsciously and I don't see why we should actively try to hack our biology (is it even possible). I find it quite telling that one would think of oneself as inferior or having feelings of unworthiness because of aspects that are far outside of our range of action, even worse is demanding others to not make us feel inferior, in the end it's all an acting I suppose, it's all a joke that we play because we are "oh so humanitarian" and "oh so civilized".

This is coming from a third world southamerican who is most likely poorer, browner and shorter than the average /lit/ poster.

>> No.10785070

>LGBTQAI spectrum
oh ffs

>> No.10785072

you have internalised eurocentric standards, thus effectively identifying with your oppressor. You should try reading more PoC authors in an effort to decolonize your mind and lean to love yourself and your culture for what they are.

>> No.10785103

>Being able to discriminate without feeling bad protects you and others from malicious intent.

People have done that to you since you were born desu

>> No.10785114

I love how spics love to virtue signal how enlightened they are compared to everyone else

>> No.10785254

>It is a stick to hit you with
Sometimes, but I'm not so cynical as to believe that this is always the case. I think many people do genuinely want to see positive change.

>No-one will call you a nazi unless you actually are.
I hope this will prove true. It seems like if you say anything that might be perceived as conservative-leaning, you will be automatically associated with the alt-right.

>toxic whiteness
This, along with terms like "toxic masculinity" make be feel that my very being is under attack. Why would anyone use terms like this unless their intent was to alienate me?
That woman in the video strikes me as self loathing. She's accomplished so much and yet she seems to believe she can't be recognized for it without explicitly stating that it would not have been possible without her privilege.
I may read it later, but I will take it with a grain of salt, as I don't think any one person can really define feminism in a way that will satisfy everyone, not since the sex wars.

>> No.10785267

Looks like /lit/ has a new waifu.

>> No.10785420

if so, case in point sjw-kun

>> No.10785431

If only we had statistics about liberal views in academia.. owait

>> No.10785474

I know you're just lampshading feminism-anon, but
>decolonize your mind
>by blindly abandoning your standards based on the vague notion that they are something external which is oppressing you and surrendering yourself to my worldview, which will give you true liberty and allow you to love your culture in a way that you can rightfully identify with as a free individual
no john, you are the cultural imperialism

>> No.10785689

>Jenna anticipates white people being butthurt
>white people are butthurt

How does it feel to be unincluded, nerds?

>> No.10785713

It's kind of shitty if you think about it. White authors wouldn't need to force diversity characters in their works if there was more diversity among published authors. It's not like there's a lack of black or latino writers, it's just that they are not published.

Almost, almost like it's publishing houses the ones that are at fault for publishing the same shit over and over, and not authors for sticking to what they know.

>> No.10785766

the reason asians aren't begging for scraps like some lowly fucking rats is because they have enough drive to write their own fucking books and publish their own fucking shit.
this isn't some hollywood production where you need wheelbarrows of jew gold, it's easy to publish. there are billions of brown people out there, get together and create your own art. stop begging for validation from whitey. stop begging white people to think about you and write your fiction for you and write your history for you

>> No.10786376

Booktube is so cucked. Kinda makes me want to start my own book review channel.