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/lit/ - Literature

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10782866 No.10782866 [Reply] [Original]

>is 17+
>hasn't read Crime and Punishment
I seriously wonder how people end up not having read this book past 17, considering the majority of /lit/ is 20+ and there are threads about it every day. I think it's even a mandatory reading in third year high school in any part of the world.

>> No.10782889

read bros k and the idiot and underground and house of the dead and dream of a ridiculous man before i got round to Crime and Punishment and I must say it was the weakest of his works; the epilogue was quite unnecessary, and should have been omitted posthaste.

>> No.10782899
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BASTE blogposter

>> No.10782911

I dont even think we had a single book longer than 350 pages in my hs.

>american education

>> No.10782916

But I read brothers karamazov
Dosto isnt that great of a novelist desu

>> No.10782925

You didn't have Crime and Punishment?
Nor Iliad and Divine Comedy?

>> No.10783098

The Scarlet Letter?
Any of Dostoyevsky's books?

>> No.10783385

>Dosto isnt that great of a novelist desu
Who is then?

>> No.10783411

t. Mindless turd

>> No.10783413

I went through high school without reading a single book. I just read the summary on the Internet and got away with it. I'm not even reading books now. I just shitpost here

>> No.10783426

why would you study the iliad in english rather than classics

>> No.10783451

Burger here, in AP English senior year we had to read Moby Dick and write a fat essay on it. My HS English classes were pretty good in retrospect, we read Homer, Shakespeare, Rand, Huxley, and Orwell too.

>> No.10783482

If it helps, I've read Notes From Underground in my senior year

>> No.10783488

Nice to see /lit/ doesn't deviate from the rest of 4chans mindless jerk-off. A 17 year old would not grasp the themes of Crime and Punishment and trying to downplay Dostoyevskys talent makes you look like a massive retard.

>> No.10783490
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>> No.10783511

Because of artistic, historical etc. merits, not just linguistic merit?

>> No.10783516

>I think it's even a mandatory reading in third year high school in any part of the world.
you'd be wrong. all we read in highschool was the awful books my literature teacher liked and YA novels like Searching for Alaska.
Occasionally we would read spanish literature classics I guess, like the Quijote, Cortázar, Márquez and such, but I'm pretty sure nobody liked them (me included, I had no interest in literature at the time)

>> No.10783525

Please read at least Crime and Punishment and then give an opinion.

>> No.10783529

Can you explain how educated you got in the states? I'm a britbong and most people here think US education standards are borderline retarded (it's probably just the media pushing it though).

>> No.10783536

People who read Dostoevsky rarely make the same mistake twice.

>> No.10783650

>US education standards are borderline retarded
Honestly this is probably generally true. The school I went to was in a nice wealthy and majority white area. It was also 2001-2005 and I was in mostly honors and AP classes. I felt the teachers did the best they could teaching 20+ students at a time. I've heard that the new common core standards they introduced in 2009 are shitty and have diminished the quality of American education, but I'm not really educated on that meme. The biggest criticisms I've heard of modern American education is that the teachers are lazy/underpaid/uneducated, they try to even the playing field and not let smart kids excel or dumbasses get held back, they forcibly teach from an intersectional perspective, they train kids how to take tests and not actually learn/think critically, ect.

>> No.10783660

I had a second grade teacher who pronounced my name "Josup"
she didn't even know that ph was an "f" sound.

>> No.10783678


>> No.10783681

US education is fine if you remove the glaring anomaly that fucks up every other US stat

>> No.10783683

Most of us just used sparknotes and cliffnotes.

T. Catholic school education for 14 years

>> No.10783692

We just read the odyssey not illiad for some strange reason. Every teacher had diffrent books though.

>> No.10783695

opinion discarded

>> No.10783733

What anamoly is that?

>> No.10783742

If you don't already know this isn't the place to discuss it

>> No.10783747

Inner city and rural retard schools

>> No.10783749

>is 17+
>hasn't read Flaubert
Explain urselves

>> No.10783750
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its this

>> No.10783751

Who the fuck assigns the Divine Comedy as a required reading to high schoolers? You might as well assign Ulysses.

>> No.10783756

>it's probably just the media pushing it though

stereotypes exist for a reason

>> No.10783762

I'm guessing it's got something to do with minor teas.
But let's not discuss it.

>> No.10783792

It is in my country. Second year high school (age 16).
I doubt that anyone actually reads it though, probably not even the top-tier students. The teachers just accept that fact most of the time and want some short summary and analysis and essay etc.
Crime and Punishment on the other hand it's rather adequate.

This actually gives me an idea that we should start a thread for assigned mandatory reading in middle/high school and uni for countries all around the world.

>> No.10783967

There are only a few wrong opinions but this is one of them, you don't like reading

>> No.10783969


I didn't attend high school because I got expelled in the first semester of freshman year.

>> No.10784080

right but there is literally a lesson dedicated to reading classical books

>> No.10784223

Because not everyone starts literature at 17?

>> No.10784369


There's one course in Finnish in which you have to read 1 or 2 classics. The list includes most of the books in this thread, like c&p, iliad, lolita. There's also some more modern ones, like of Mice and Men

>> No.10784374

i started this and it was just an overload of Russian autism and I couldn't do it. I like TBK a lot though

>> No.10784523


From rural shit hole in VA, and can confirm this

>> No.10784551

Its illegal to own it in my book

>> No.10784644

I think that’s a great idea. I’m from Latin America and we focused on Spanish and Latin American classics, but my advanced english class was mostly feminist essays and short stories.

>> No.10784743

Let me guess. You're 17 years old, and you just finished crime and punishment earlier this week for school.

>> No.10784884

scarlet letter isn't close to 350 pages

>> No.10784936

What translations should I read for crime and p, the brothers k and others?

>> No.10785105

What high school requires Lolita? The fuck? You might as well assign Naked Lunch

>> No.10785137

The base courses are the same everywhere in Finland, and they have the same textbook. I said you have to read 1 classic out of a list, and Lolita is on that list. IIRC my teacher talked about it specifically, but I don't remember what she said

>> No.10785174
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yeah its rotated